package com.jivesoftware.os.amza.client.test; import com.jivesoftware.os.amza.api.PartitionClient; import com.jivesoftware.os.amza.api.partition.Consistency; import com.jivesoftware.os.amza.api.ring.RingMember; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.jivesoftware.os.amza.api.take.Highwaters; import com.jivesoftware.os.amza.api.take.TakeResult; import com.jivesoftware.os.amza.api.wal.WALHighwater; import com.jivesoftware.os.amza.api.wal.WALHighwater.RingMemberHighwater; import com.jivesoftware.os.amza.api.wal.WALKey; import com.jivesoftware.os.amza.api.wal.WALValue; import; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentNavigableMap; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentSkipListMap; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong; /** * Allows you to write tests without standing up an amza cluster. */ public class InMemoryPartitionClient implements PartitionClient { private final RingMember ringMember; private final ConcurrentSkipListMap<Long, Tx> transactions; private final ConcurrentSkipListMap<byte[], WALValue> index; private final OrderIdProvider orderIdProvider; private final AtomicLong txProvider = new AtomicLong(); public InMemoryPartitionClient(RingMember ringMember, ConcurrentSkipListMap<Long, Tx> transactions, ConcurrentSkipListMap<byte[], WALValue> index, OrderIdProvider orderIdProvider) { this.ringMember = ringMember; this.transactions = transactions; this.index = index; this.orderIdProvider = orderIdProvider; } @Override public void commit(Consistency consistency, byte[] prefix, ClientUpdates updates, long additionalSolverAfterNMillis, long abandonSolutionAfterNMillis, Optional<List<String>> solutionLog) throws Exception { updates.updates((key, value, valueTimestamp, valueTombstoned) -> { long version = orderIdProvider.nextId(); if (valueTimestamp == -1) { valueTimestamp = version; } WALValue update = new WALValue(RowType.primary, value, valueTimestamp, valueTombstoned, version); index.compute(WALKey.compose(null, key), (key1, existing) -> { if (existing != null && (existing.getTimestampId() > update.getTimestampId() || (existing.getTimestampId() == update.getTimestampId() && existing.getVersion() > update.getVersion()))) { return existing; } else { long txId = txProvider.incrementAndGet(); transactions.put(txId, new Tx(txId, prefix, key, update.getValue(), update.getTimestampId(), update.getTombstoned())); return update; } }); return true; }); } @Override public boolean get(Consistency consistency, byte[] prefix, UnprefixedWALKeys keys, KeyValueTimestampStream valuesStream, long additionalSolverAfterNMillis, long abandonLeaderSolutionAfterNMillis, long abandonSolutionAfterNMillis, Optional<List<String>> solutionLog) throws Exception { return keys.consume(key -> { WALValue walValue = index.get(WALKey.compose(prefix, key)); if (walValue != null && walValue.getTimestampId() != -1 && !walValue.getTombstoned()) { return, key, walValue.getValue(), walValue.getTimestampId(), walValue.getVersion()); } else { return, key, null, -1, -1); } }); } @Override public boolean getOffset(Consistency consistency, byte[] prefix, OffsetUnprefixedWALKeys keys, KeyValueTimestampStream valuesStream, long additionalSolverAfterNMillis, long abandonLeaderSolutionAfterNMillis, long abandonSolutionAfterNMillis, Optional<List<String>> solutionLog) throws Exception { return keys.consume((key, offset, length) -> { WALValue walValue = index.get(WALKey.compose(prefix, key)); if (walValue != null && walValue.getTimestampId() != -1 && !walValue.getTombstoned()) { byte[] value = walValue.getValue(); if (offset == 0 && length >= value.length) { // do nothing } else if (offset >= value.length) { value = null; } else { int available = Math.min(length, value.length - offset); byte[] sub = new byte[available]; System.arraycopy(value, offset, sub, 0, available); value = sub; } return, key, value, walValue.getTimestampId(), walValue.getVersion()); } else { return, key, null, -1, -1); } }); } @Override public boolean getRaw(Consistency consistency, byte[] prefix, UnprefixedWALKeys keys, KeyValueStream valuesStream, long additionalSolverAfterNMillis, long abandonLeaderSolutionAfterNMillis, long abandonSolutionAfterNMillis, Optional<List<String>> solutionLog) throws Exception { return keys.consume(key -> { WALValue walValue = index.get(WALKey.compose(prefix, key)); if (walValue != null) { return, key, walValue.getValue(), walValue.getTimestampId(), walValue.getTombstoned(), walValue.getVersion()); } else { return, key, null, -1, false, -1); } }); } @Override public boolean scan(Consistency consistency, boolean compressed, PrefixedKeyRanges ranges, KeyValueTimestampStream scan, long additionalSolverAfterNMillis, long abandonLeaderSolutionAfterNMillis, long abandonSolutionAfterNMillis, Optional<List<String>> solutionLog) throws Exception { return scanInternal(consistency, compressed, ranges, null, scan, true, additionalSolverAfterNMillis, abandonLeaderSolutionAfterNMillis, abandonSolutionAfterNMillis, solutionLog); } @Override public boolean scanFiltered(Consistency consistency, boolean compressed, PrefixedKeyRanges ranges, KeyValueFilter filter, KeyValueTimestampStream scan, long additionalSolverAfterNMillis, long abandonLeaderSolutionAfterNMillis, long abandonSolutionAfterNMillis, Optional<List<String>> solutionLog) throws Exception { return scanInternal(consistency, compressed, ranges, filter, scan, true, additionalSolverAfterNMillis, abandonLeaderSolutionAfterNMillis, abandonSolutionAfterNMillis, solutionLog); } @Override public boolean scanKeys(Consistency consistency, boolean compressed, PrefixedKeyRanges ranges, KeyValueTimestampStream scan, long additionalSolverAfterNMillis, long abandonLeaderSolutionAfterNMillis, long abandonSolutionAfterNMillis, Optional<List<String>> solutionLog) throws Exception { return scanInternal(consistency, compressed, ranges, null, scan, false, additionalSolverAfterNMillis, abandonLeaderSolutionAfterNMillis, abandonSolutionAfterNMillis, solutionLog); } private boolean scanInternal(Consistency consistency, boolean compressed, PrefixedKeyRanges ranges, KeyValueFilter filter, KeyValueTimestampStream scan, boolean hydrateValues, long additionalSolverAfterNMillis, long abandonLeaderSolutionAfterNMillis, long abandonSolutionAfterNMillis, Optional<List<String>> solutionLog) throws Exception { KeyValueStream filterStream = filter == null ? null : (prefix, key, value, valueTimestamp, valueTombstoned, valueVersion) -> { // valueTombstoned will be false return, key, value, valueTimestamp, valueVersion); }; return ranges.consume((fromPrefix, fromKey, toPrefix, toKey) -> { Set<Map.Entry<byte[], WALValue>> entries; if (fromKey == null && toKey == null) { entries = index.entrySet(); } else if (fromKey == null) { entries = index.headMap(WALKey.compose(toPrefix, toKey), false).entrySet(); } else if (toKey == null) { entries = index.tailMap(WALKey.compose(fromPrefix, fromKey), true).entrySet(); } else { entries = index.subMap(WALKey.compose(fromPrefix, fromKey), true, WALKey.compose(toPrefix, toKey), false).entrySet(); } for (Map.Entry<byte[], WALValue> entry : entries) { byte[] rawKey = entry.getKey(); byte[] prefix = WALKey.rawKeyPrefix(rawKey); byte[] key = WALKey.rawKeyKey(rawKey); WALValue value = entry.getValue(); if (value.getTimestampId() != -1 && !value.getTombstoned()) { byte[] v = hydrateValues ? value.getValue() : null; if (filter != null) { if (!filter.filter(prefix, key, v, value.getTimestampId(), false, value.getVersion(), filterStream)) { return false; } } else if (!, key, v, value.getTimestampId(), value.getVersion())) { return false; } } } return true; }); } @Override public TakeResult takeFromTransactionId(List<RingMember> membersInOrder, Map<RingMember, Long> memberTxIds, int limit, Highwaters highwaters, TxKeyValueStream stream, long additionalSolverAfterNMillis, long abandonSolutionAfterNMillis, Optional<List<String>> solutionLog) throws Exception { Long fromTxId = memberTxIds != null ? memberTxIds.getOrDefault(ringMember, 0L) : 0L; ConcurrentNavigableMap<Long, Tx> take = transactions.tailMap(fromTxId, false); long lastTxId = -1; boolean tookToEnd = true; for (Tx tx : take.values()) { TxResult result =, tx.prefix, tx.key, tx.value, tx.valueTimestamp, tx.valueTombstoned, 0L); if (result.isAccepted()) { lastTxId = tx.txId; } if (!result.wantsMore()) { tookToEnd = false; break; } } return new TakeResult(ringMember, lastTxId, tookToEnd ? new WALHighwater(Collections.singletonList(new RingMemberHighwater(ringMember, transactions.lastKey()))) : null); } @Override public TakeResult takePrefixFromTransactionId(List<RingMember> membersInOrder, byte[] prefix, Map<RingMember, Long> memberTxIds, int limit, Highwaters highwaters, TxKeyValueStream stream, long additionalSolverAfterNMillis, long abandonSolutionAfterNMillis, Optional<List<String>> solutionLog) throws Exception { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not yet"); } @Override public long getApproximateCount(Consistency consistency, long additionalSolverAfterNMillis, long abandonLeaderSolutionAfterNMillis, long abandonSolutionAfterNMillis, Optional<List<String>> solutionLog) throws Exception { return index.size(); } public static class Tx { public final long txId; public final byte[] prefix; public final byte[] key; public final byte[] value; public final long valueTimestamp; public final boolean valueTombstoned; public Tx(long txId, byte[] prefix, byte[] key, byte[] value, long valueTimestamp, boolean valueTombstoned) { this.txId = txId; this.prefix = prefix; this.key = key; this.value = value; this.valueTimestamp = valueTimestamp; this.valueTombstoned = valueTombstoned; } } }