package com.jivesoftware.os.amza.client.http; import; import; import; import; import; import com.jivesoftware.os.amza.api.partition.Consistency; import com.jivesoftware.os.amza.api.partition.PartitionName; import com.jivesoftware.os.amza.api.ring.RingMember; import com.jivesoftware.os.amza.api.ring.RingMemberAndHost; import com.jivesoftware.os.amza.client.http.exceptions.LeaderElectionInProgressException; import com.jivesoftware.os.amza.client.http.exceptions.NoLongerTheLeaderException; import com.jivesoftware.os.amza.client.http.exceptions.NotSolveableException; import com.jivesoftware.os.mlogger.core.MetricLogger; import com.jivesoftware.os.mlogger.core.MetricLoggerFactory; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.CompletionService; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.Executor; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorCompletionService; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Future; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference; /** * @author jonathan.colt */ public class AmzaClientCallRouter<C, E extends Throwable> implements RouteInvalidator { private static final MetricLogger LOG = MetricLoggerFactory.getLogger(); private final ExecutorService callerThreads; private final PartitionHostsProvider partitionHostsProvider; private final RingHostClientProvider<C, E> clientProvider; private final Cache<PartitionName, Ring> partitionRoutingCache; public AmzaClientCallRouter(ExecutorService callerThreads, PartitionHostsProvider partitionHostsProvider, RingHostClientProvider<C, E> clientProvider) { this.callerThreads = callerThreads; this.partitionHostsProvider = partitionHostsProvider; this.clientProvider = clientProvider; this.partitionRoutingCache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder() .maximumSize(50_000) //TODO config .expireAfterWrite(5, TimeUnit.MINUTES) //TODO config .build(); } public <R, A extends Abortable> R write(List<String> solutionLog, PartitionName partitionName, Consistency consistency, String family, PartitionCall<C, A, E> partitionCall, Merger<R, A> merger, long awaitLeaderElectionForNMillis, long additionalSolverAfterNMillis, long abandonSolutionAfterNMillis) throws Exception { Ring ring = ring(partitionName, consistency, Optional.empty(), awaitLeaderElectionForNMillis); if (consistency.requiresLeader()) { try { RingMemberAndHost leader = ring.leader(); if (solutionLog != null) { solutionLog.add("Writing to " + leader); } return solve(solutionLog, partitionName, family, partitionCall, 1, false, merger, additionalSolverAfterNMillis, abandonSolutionAfterNMillis, leader.ringMember, leader); } catch (LeaderElectionInProgressException | NoLongerTheLeaderException | ExecutionException e) {"reattempts>write>" + e.getClass().getSimpleName() + ">" +; partitionRoutingCache.invalidate(partitionName); ring = ring(partitionName, consistency, (e instanceof ExecutionException) ? Optional.empty() : Optional.of(ring.leader()), awaitLeaderElectionForNMillis); RingMemberAndHost leader = ring.leader(); if (solutionLog != null) { solutionLog.add("Leader may have changed. Reattempting WRITE against " + leader); } return solve(solutionLog, partitionName, family, partitionCall, 1, false, merger, additionalSolverAfterNMillis, abandonSolutionAfterNMillis, leader.ringMember, leader); } } else if (consistency == Consistency.quorum || consistency == Consistency.write_all_read_one || consistency == Consistency.write_one_read_all || consistency == Consistency.none) { return solve(solutionLog, partitionName, family, partitionCall, 1, false, merger, additionalSolverAfterNMillis, abandonSolutionAfterNMillis, null, ring.randomizeRing()); } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Unsupported write consistency:" +; } } @Override public void invalidateRouting(PartitionName partitionName) { partitionRoutingCache.invalidate(partitionName); } public <R, A extends Abortable> R read(List<String> solutionLog, PartitionName partitionName, Consistency consistency, String family, PartitionCall<C, A, E> call, Merger<R, A> merger, long awaitLeaderElectionForNMillis, long additionalSolverAfterNMillis, long abandonLeaderSolutionAfterNMillis, long abandonSolutionAfterNMillis) throws Exception { Ring ring = ring(partitionName, consistency, Optional.empty(), awaitLeaderElectionForNMillis); if (consistency.requiresLeader()) { Future<A> future = null; boolean closeable = false; AtomicReference<Abortable> abortableRef = new AtomicReference<>(); RingMemberAndHost leader = ring.leader(); AtomicBoolean complete = new AtomicBoolean(false); try { A answer = null; try { RingMemberAndHost initialLeader = leader; if (solutionLog != null) { solutionLog.add("Reading from " + initialLeader); } future = callerThreads.submit(() -> { A clientAnswer =, initialLeader.ringMember, initialLeader, family, call); abortableRef.set(clientAnswer); if (complete.get()) { clientAnswer.abort(); throw new InterruptedException("Aborted future"); } return clientAnswer; }); answer = future.get(abandonLeaderSolutionAfterNMillis, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); closeable = true; } catch (LeaderElectionInProgressException | NoLongerTheLeaderException | ExecutionException e) {"reattempts>read>" + e.getClass().getSimpleName() + ">" +; partitionRoutingCache.invalidate(partitionName); ring = ring(partitionName, consistency, (e instanceof ExecutionException) ? Optional.empty() : Optional.of(ring.leader()), awaitLeaderElectionForNMillis); leader = ring.leader(); RingMemberAndHost nextLeader = leader; if (solutionLog != null) { solutionLog.add("Leader may have changed. Reattempting READ against " + leader); } if (future != null) { future.cancel(true); } Abortable abortable = abortableRef.getAndSet(null); if (abortable != null) { try { abortable.close(); } catch (Throwable t) { LOG.warn("Failed to close: {}: {}", t.getClass().getSimpleName(), t.getMessage()); } } future = callerThreads.submit(() -> { A clientAnswer =, nextLeader.ringMember, nextLeader, family, call); abortableRef.set(clientAnswer); if (complete.get()) { clientAnswer.abort(); throw new InterruptedException("Aborted future"); } return clientAnswer; }); answer = future.get(abandonLeaderSolutionAfterNMillis, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); closeable = true; } return merger.merge(Collections.singletonList(new RingMemberAndHostAnswer<>(leader, answer))); } catch (TimeoutException x) { if (consistency == Consistency.leader) { LOG.error("Timed out reading from leader {} for {}", new Object[] { leader, partitionName }, x); throw x; } else {"timeout>read>" +; LOG.warn("Timed out reading from leader {} for {}, will retry at quorum", leader, partitionName); } } catch (IllegalArgumentException x) { LOG.error("Illegal argument, there is likely a problem with the request to leader {} for {}", new Object[] { leader, partitionName }, x); throw x; } catch (Exception x) { partitionRoutingCache.invalidate(partitionName); if (consistency == Consistency.leader) { LOG.error("Failed to read from leader {} for {}", new Object[] { leader, partitionName }, x); throw x; } else {"failover>read>" +; LOG.warn("Failed to read from leader {} for {}, will retry at quorum", new Object[] { leader, partitionName }, x); } } finally { if (future != null) { future.cancel(true); } complete.set(true); Abortable abortable = abortableRef.get(); if (abortable != null) { try { if (closeable) { abortable.close(); } else { abortable.abort(); } } catch (Throwable t) { LOG.warn("Failed to close: {}: {}", t.getClass().getSimpleName(), t.getMessage()); } } } if (consistency == Consistency.leader_plus_one) { RingMemberAndHost[] leaderlessRing = ring.leaderlessRing(); if (solutionLog != null) { solutionLog.add("Failing over READ to all " + leaderlessRing.length + " members."); } return solve(solutionLog, partitionName, family, call, leaderlessRing.length, false, merger, additionalSolverAfterNMillis, abandonSolutionAfterNMillis, null, leaderlessRing); } else if (consistency == Consistency.leader_quorum) { RingMemberAndHost[] leaderlessRing = ring.leaderlessRing(); int neighborQuorum = 1 + consistency.repairQuorum(leaderlessRing.length); if (solutionLog != null) { solutionLog.add("Failing over READ to " + neighborQuorum + " out of" + leaderlessRing.length + " members."); } return solve(solutionLog, partitionName, family, call, neighborQuorum, true, merger, additionalSolverAfterNMillis, abandonSolutionAfterNMillis, null, leaderlessRing); } else if (consistency == Consistency.leader_all) { RingMemberAndHost[] leaderlessRing = ring.leaderlessRing(); if (solutionLog != null) { solutionLog.add("Failing over READ to 1 out of" + leaderlessRing.length + " members."); } return solve(solutionLog, partitionName, family, call, 1, true, merger, additionalSolverAfterNMillis, abandonSolutionAfterNMillis, null, leaderlessRing); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Unsupported leader read consistency:" + consistency); } } else if (consistency == Consistency.quorum) { RingMemberAndHost[] randomizeRing = ring.randomizeRing(); int neighborQuorum = consistency.quorum(randomizeRing.length - 1); return solve(solutionLog, partitionName, family, call, 1 + neighborQuorum, true, merger, additionalSolverAfterNMillis, abandonSolutionAfterNMillis, null, randomizeRing); } else if (consistency == Consistency.write_one_read_all) { RingMemberAndHost[] actualRing = ring.actualRing(); return solve(solutionLog, partitionName, family, call, actualRing.length, false, merger, additionalSolverAfterNMillis, abandonSolutionAfterNMillis, null, actualRing); } else if (consistency == Consistency.write_all_read_one) { RingMemberAndHost[] randomizeRing = ring.randomizeRing(); return solve(solutionLog, partitionName, family, call, 1, true, merger, additionalSolverAfterNMillis, abandonSolutionAfterNMillis, null, randomizeRing); } else if (consistency == Consistency.none) { RingMemberAndHost[] randomizeRing = ring.randomizeRing(); return solve(solutionLog, partitionName, family, call, 1, true, merger, additionalSolverAfterNMillis, abandonSolutionAfterNMillis, null, randomizeRing); } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Unsupported read consistency:" +; } } public <R, A extends Abortable> R take(List<String> solutionLog, PartitionName partitionName, List<RingMember> membersInOrder, String family, PartitionCall<C, A, E> call, Merger<R, A> merger, long awaitLeaderElectionForNMillis, long additionalSolverAfterNMillis, long abandonSolutionAfterNMillis) throws Exception { Ring ring = ring(partitionName, Consistency.none, Optional.empty(), awaitLeaderElectionForNMillis); RingMemberAndHost[] orderedRing = ring.orderedRing(membersInOrder); return solve(solutionLog, partitionName, family, call, 1, true, merger, additionalSolverAfterNMillis, abandonSolutionAfterNMillis, null, orderedRing); } private Ring ring(PartitionName partitionName, Consistency consistency, Optional<RingMemberAndHost> useHost, long waitForLeaderElection) throws Exception { Ring ring = partitionRoutingCache.getIfPresent(partitionName); if (ring == null || consistency.requiresLeader() && ring.leader() == null) { ring = partitionHostsProvider.getPartitionHosts(partitionName, useHost, consistency.requiresLeader() ? waitForLeaderElection : 0); if (consistency.requiresLeader()) { if (ring.leader() == null) { throw new LeaderElectionInProgressException("It took too long for a leader to be elected."); } } partitionRoutingCache.put(partitionName, ring); } return ring; } private <R, A extends Abortable> R solve(List<String> solutionLog, PartitionName partitionName, String family, PartitionCall<C, A, E> partitionCall, int mandatory, boolean addNewSolverOnTimeout, Merger<R, A> merger, long addAdditionalSolverAfterNMillis, long abandonSolutionAfterNMillis, RingMember leader, RingMemberAndHost... ringMemberAndHosts) throws Exception { long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); List<Abortable> abortables = Collections.synchronizedList(Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(mandatory)); List<Abortable> closeables = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(mandatory); AtomicBoolean complete = new AtomicBoolean(false); boolean closeable = false; try { if (solutionLog != null) { solutionLog.add("Solving..."); solutionLog.add("family:" + family); solutionLog.add("partitionName:" + partitionName); solutionLog.add("mandatory:" + mandatory); solutionLog.add("addNewSolverOnTimeout:" + addNewSolverOnTimeout); solutionLog.add("addAdditionalSolverAfterNMillis:" + addAdditionalSolverAfterNMillis); solutionLog.add("abandonSolutionAfterNMillis:" + abandonSolutionAfterNMillis); } Iterable<Callable<RingMemberAndHostAnswer<A>>> callOrder = Iterables.transform( Iterables.filter(Arrays.asList(ringMemberAndHosts), Predicates.notNull()), (ringMemberAndHost) -> { if (solutionLog != null) { solutionLog.add("Adding solver " + ringMemberAndHost); } return () -> { A answer =, leader, ringMemberAndHost, family, partitionCall); abortables.add(answer); if (complete.get()) { answer.abort(); throw new InterruptedException("Aborted future"); } return new RingMemberAndHostAnswer<>(ringMemberAndHost, answer); }; }); List<RingMemberAndHostAnswer<A>> solutions = solve(solutionLog, callerThreads, callOrder.iterator(), mandatory, addNewSolverOnTimeout, addAdditionalSolverAfterNMillis, abandonSolutionAfterNMillis); for (RingMemberAndHostAnswer<A> solution : solutions) { closeables.add(solution.getAnswer()); abortables.remove(solution.getAnswer()); } R result = merger.merge(solutions); if (solutionLog != null) { solutionLog.add("Solved. " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) + "millis"); } closeable = true; return result; } catch (NotSolveableException nse) {"notSolveable"); partitionRoutingCache.invalidate(partitionName); if (solutionLog != null) { solutionLog.add("Not solvable. " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) + "millis"); } throw nse; } catch (Throwable t) { if (solutionLog != null) { solutionLog.add("Failed to solve." + t + " " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) + "millis"); } throw t; } finally { complete.set(true); for (Abortable abortable : abortables) { try { abortable.abort(); } catch (Throwable t) { LOG.warn("Failed to abort {} using leader {} hosts {} for {}", new Object[] { abortable, leader, Arrays.toString(ringMemberAndHosts), partitionName }, t); } } for (Abortable abortable : closeables) { try { if (closeable) { abortable.close(); } else { abortable.abort(); } } catch (Throwable t) { LOG.warn("Failed to close {} using leader {} hosts {} for {} closeable:{}", new Object[] { abortable, leader, Arrays.toString(ringMemberAndHosts), partitionName, closeable }, t); } } } } private <A extends Abortable> List<RingMemberAndHostAnswer<A>> solve(List<String> solutionLog, Executor executor, Iterator<Callable<RingMemberAndHostAnswer<A>>> solvers, int mandatory, boolean addNewSolverOnTimeout, long addAdditionalSolverAfterNMillis, long abandonSolutionAfterNMillis) throws InterruptedException { List<Future<RingMemberAndHostAnswer<A>>> futures = new ArrayList<>(); List<RingMemberAndHostAnswer<A>> answers = new ArrayList<>(); try { CompletionService<RingMemberAndHostAnswer<A>> completionService = new ExecutorCompletionService<>(executor); int pending = 0; for (int i = 0; i < mandatory; i++) { if (solvers.hasNext()) { pending++; futures.add(completionService.submit(; } else { if (solutionLog != null) { solutionLog.add("Not enough solveable available. desire:" + mandatory); } throw new NotSolveableException("Not enough solveable available. desire:" + mandatory); } } long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); while (answers.size() < mandatory && (solvers.hasNext() || pending > 0)) { long elapsed = System.currentTimeMillis() - start; long remaining = abandonSolutionAfterNMillis - elapsed; if (remaining <= 0) { if (solutionLog != null) { solutionLog.add("Abandoned solution because it took more than " + abandonSolutionAfterNMillis + "millis."); } throw new RuntimeException("Abandoned solution because it took more than " + abandonSolutionAfterNMillis + "millis."); } Future<RingMemberAndHostAnswer<A>> future = completionService.poll(Math.min(remaining, addAdditionalSolverAfterNMillis), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); if (future == null) { if (addNewSolverOnTimeout) { if (solvers.hasNext()) { pending++; Callable<RingMemberAndHostAnswer<A>> next =; futures.add(completionService.submit(next)); } } } else { try { RingMemberAndHostAnswer<A> r = future.get(); if (r != null) { if (solutionLog != null) { solutionLog.add("Solving with " + r.getRingMemberAndHost()); } answers.add(r); } } catch (ExecutionException ignore) { if (solutionLog != null) { solutionLog.add("Solver failed: " + ignore.getCause()); } LOG.debug("Failed to solve", ignore.getCause()); if (solvers.hasNext()) { pending++; futures.add(completionService.submit(; } } finally { pending--; } } } if (answers.size() != mandatory) { throw new NotSolveableException("Not currently solveable. desire:" + mandatory + " achieved:" + answers.size()); } } finally { for (Future<RingMemberAndHostAnswer<A>> future : futures) { future.cancel(true); } } return answers; } }