package com.jivesoftware.os.amza.client.http; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Set; import org.testng.Assert; import org.testng.annotations.Test; /** * @author jonathan.colt */ public class QuorumScanNGTest { @Test public void testSomeMethod() throws Exception { List<byte[]> outputPrefixes = new ArrayList<>(); List<byte[]> outputKeys = new ArrayList<>(); List<byte[]> outputValues = new ArrayList<>(); List<Long> outputTimestamps = new ArrayList<>(); List<Boolean> outputTombstones = new ArrayList<>(); List<Long> outputVersions = new ArrayList<>(); int numStreams = 10; KeyValueStream capture = (prefix, key, value, timestamp, tombstoned, version) -> { outputPrefixes.add(prefix); outputKeys.add(key); outputValues.add(value); outputTimestamps.add(timestamp); outputTombstones.add(tombstoned); outputVersions.add(version); System.out.println("\tOUTPUT -> prefix:" + null + " key:" + Arrays.toString(key) + " value:" + Arrays.toString(value) + " timestamp:" + timestamp + " tombstoned:" + tombstoned + " version:" + version); return true; }; QuorumScan quorumScannable = new QuorumScan(numStreams); Random r = new Random(); Set<Byte> expectedKeys = new HashSet<>(); Map<Byte, ValueTimestampVersion> expectedTimestamp = new HashMap<>(); int[] v = new int[numStreams]; for (int i = 0; i < v.length; i++) { v[i] = i * 128; } int done = 0; byte[] lastKey = new byte[numStreams]; while (done < numStreams) { for (int i = 0; i < lastKey.length; i++) { if (!quorumScannable.used(i)) { continue; } int advance = (byte) (1 + r.nextInt(32)); if (advance + lastKey[i] < 127) { lastKey[i] += advance; expectedKeys.add(lastKey[i]); byte[] key = new byte[] { lastKey[i] }; byte[] value = new byte[] { (byte) r.nextInt(127) }; long timestamp = r.nextInt(numStreams); boolean tombstoned = r.nextBoolean(); long version = v[i]; System.out.println("INPUT -> index:" + i + " prefix:" + null + " key:" + Arrays.toString(key) + " value:" + Arrays.toString(value) + " timestamp:" + timestamp + " tombstoned:" + tombstoned + " version:" + version); quorumScannable.fill(i, null, key, value, timestamp, tombstoned, version); expectedTimestamp.compute(lastKey[i], (k, vv) -> { if (vv == null) { return new ValueTimestampVersion(value, timestamp, tombstoned, version); } else { int c =, vv.timestamp); if (c == 0) { c =, vv.version); if (c == 0) { throw new RuntimeException("Test bug"); } else if (c < 0) { return vv; } } else if (c < 0) { return vv; } return new ValueTimestampVersion(value, timestamp, tombstoned, version); } }); v[i]++; } else { if (lastKey[i] != 127) { lastKey[i] = 127; done++; } } } int wi = quorumScannable.findWinningIndex(); if (wi != -1) { if (!, capture)) { throw new IllegalStateException("Shouldn't be false."); } } } int wi; while ((wi = quorumScannable.findWinningIndex()) > -1) { if (!, capture)) { throw new IllegalStateException("Shouldn't be false."); } } for (int j = 0; j < outputKeys.size(); j++) { System.out.println("OUTPUT -> prefix:" + Arrays.toString(outputPrefixes.get(j)) + " key:" + Arrays.toString(outputKeys.get(j)) + " value:" + Arrays.toString(outputValues.get(j)) + " timestamp:" + outputTimestamps.get(j) + " version:" + outputVersions.get(j)); } int i = 0; ValueTimestampVersion expected = expectedTimestamp.get(outputKeys.get(i)[0]); Assert.assertEquals(outputValues.get(i), expected.value); Assert.assertEquals((long) outputTimestamps.get(i), expected.timestamp); Assert.assertEquals((boolean) outputTombstones.get(i), expected.tombstoned); Assert.assertEquals((long) outputVersions.get(i), expected.version); Assert.assertTrue(expectedKeys.remove(outputKeys.get(i)[0])); i++; for (; i < outputKeys.size(); i++) { expected = expectedTimestamp.get(outputKeys.get(i)[0]); Assert.assertEquals(outputValues.get(i), expected.value); Assert.assertEquals((long) outputTimestamps.get(i), expected.timestamp); Assert.assertEquals((boolean) outputTombstones.get(i), expected.tombstoned); Assert.assertEquals((long) outputVersions.get(i), expected.version); Assert.assertTrue(expectedKeys.remove(outputKeys.get(i)[0]), "expectedKeys lacks key:" + outputKeys.get(i)[0]); Assert.assertTrue(UnsignedBytes.lexicographicalComparator().compare(outputKeys.get(i - 1), outputKeys.get(i)) < 0, "key ordering failed"); } Assert.assertTrue(expectedKeys.isEmpty()); } private static class ValueTimestampVersion { public final byte[] value; public final long timestamp; public final boolean tombstoned; public final long version; public ValueTimestampVersion(byte[] value, long timestamp, boolean tombstoned, long version) { this.value = value; this.timestamp = timestamp; this.tombstoned = tombstoned; this.version = version; } } }