package com.jivesoftware.os.amza.service; import; import; import; import com.jivesoftware.os.amza.api.FailedToAchieveQuorumException; import com.jivesoftware.os.amza.api.partition.PartitionProperties; import com.jivesoftware.os.amza.api.partition.VersionedPartitionName; import com.jivesoftware.os.amza.api.ring.RingMember; import; import com.jivesoftware.os.mlogger.core.MetricLogger; import com.jivesoftware.os.mlogger.core.MetricLoggerFactory; import; import com.jivesoftware.os.routing.bird.shared.BoundedExecutor; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.Future; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; /** * */ public class TakeFullySystemReady implements AmzaSystemReady { private static final MetricLogger LOG = MetricLoggerFactory.getLogger(); private final SystemRingSizeProvider systemRingSizeProvider; private final PartitionCreator partitionCreator; private final SickPartitions sickPartitions; private final AtomicBoolean tookFully = new AtomicBoolean(); private final AtomicBoolean ready = new AtomicBoolean(); private final Map<VersionedPartitionName, Set<RingMember>> systemTookFully = Maps.newConcurrentMap(); private final List<Callable<Void>> onReadyCallbacks = Collections.synchronizedList(Lists.newArrayList()); public TakeFullySystemReady(SystemRingSizeProvider systemRingSizeProvider, PartitionCreator partitionCreator, SickPartitions sickPartitions, SickThreads sickThreads) { this.systemRingSizeProvider = systemRingSizeProvider; this.partitionCreator = partitionCreator; this.sickPartitions = sickPartitions; for (VersionedPartitionName versionedPartitionName : partitionCreator.getSystemPartitions()) { PartitionProperties properties = partitionCreator.getProperties(versionedPartitionName.getPartitionName()); if (properties.replicated) { sickPartitions.sick(versionedPartitionName, new Throwable("System partition has not yet taken fully from a quorum")); systemTookFully.put(versionedPartitionName, Collections.newSetFromMap(Maps.newConcurrentMap())); } } ExecutorService readyExecutor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor(new ThreadFactoryBuilder().setNameFormat("ready-%d").build()); readyExecutor.submit(() -> { try { while (!tookFully.get()) { Thread.sleep(100L); } ready(); readyExecutor.shutdown(); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Encountered a problem while awaiting system ready, service will be parked"); sickThreads.sick(e); } }); } public boolean isReady() { return ready.get() & tookFully.get(); } public void tookFully(VersionedPartitionName versionedPartitionName, RingMember ringMember) throws Exception { if (ready.get() || !versionedPartitionName.getPartitionName().isSystemPartition()) { return; } Set<RingMember> ringMembers = systemTookFully.get(versionedPartitionName); if (ringMembers != null) { ringMembers.add(ringMember); checkReady(); } } public void checkReady() throws Exception { int systemRingSize = systemRingSizeProvider.get(); if (systemRingSize == -1) { LOG.error("System ready check could not determine system ring size, this will likely prevent system ready"); return; } else if (systemRingSize == 0) {"System ready check has not determined system ring size yet"); return; } int quorum = systemRingSize / 2; boolean ready = true; for (Entry<VersionedPartitionName, Set<RingMember>> entry : systemTookFully.entrySet()) { VersionedPartitionName versionedPartitionName = entry.getKey(); Set<RingMember> ringMembers = entry.getValue(); if (ringMembers.size() < quorum || ringMembers.size() > systemRingSize) { ready = false; sickPartitions.sick(versionedPartitionName, new Throwable("System partition has not yet taken fully from a quorum: " + ringMembers.size() + " / " + quorum)); } } if (ready) { tookFully.set(true); } } private void ready() { synchronized (ready) { if (ready.compareAndSet(false, true)) {"System is ready!"); ready.set(true); ready.notifyAll(); for (VersionedPartitionName versionedPartitionName : partitionCreator.getSystemPartitions()) { sickPartitions.recovered(versionedPartitionName); } systemTookFully.clear(); ExecutorService onReadyExecutor = BoundedExecutor.newBoundedExecutor(1024, "on-ready-callback"); try { List<Future<?>> futures = Lists.newArrayList(); for (Callable<Void> callback : onReadyCallbacks) { futures.add(onReadyExecutor.submit(callback)); } for (Future<?> future : futures) { future.get(); } onReadyCallbacks.clear(); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Failed onReady callback", e); ready.set(false); } finally { onReadyExecutor.shutdownNow(); } } } } @Override public void await(long timeoutInMillis) throws Exception { if (ready.get()) { return; } checkReady(); if (timeoutInMillis == 0) { throw new FailedToAchieveQuorumException("System has not reached ready state"); } long end = System.currentTimeMillis() + timeoutInMillis; synchronized (ready) { while (!ready.get()) { long timeToWait = end - System.currentTimeMillis(); if (timeToWait > 0) { ready.wait(timeToWait); } else { throw new FailedToAchieveQuorumException("Timed out waiting for system to reach ready state"); } } } } public void onReady(Callable<Void> callable) throws Exception { synchronized (ready) { if (ready.get()) {; } else { onReadyCallbacks.add(callable); } } } public interface SystemRingSizeProvider { int get(); } }