package com.jivesoftware.os.amza.service; import com.jivesoftware.os.amza.api.partition.PartitionProperties; import com.jivesoftware.os.amza.api.partition.VersionedPartitionName; import com.jivesoftware.os.amza.api.wal.PrimaryRowMarshaller; import com.jivesoftware.os.amza.api.wal.WALIndex; import com.jivesoftware.os.amza.api.wal.WALIndexProvider; import com.jivesoftware.os.amza.service.stats.AmzaStats; import; import; import; import; import; import com.jivesoftware.os.mlogger.core.MetricLogger; import com.jivesoftware.os.mlogger.core.MetricLoggerFactory; import; import; import java.util.Random; import; /** * @author jonathan.colt */ public class IndexedWALStorageProvider { private static final MetricLogger LOG = MetricLoggerFactory.getLogger(); private final Random rand = new Random(); private final AmzaStats amzaStats; private final File[] workingDirectories; private final int numberOfStripes; private final WALIndexProviderRegistry indexProviderRegistry; private final PrimaryRowMarshaller primaryRowMarshaller; private final BinaryHighwaterRowMarshaller highwaterRowMarshaller; private final TimestampedOrderIdProvider orderIdProvider; private final SickPartitions sickPartitions; private final int tombstoneCompactionFactor; private final long rebalanceIfImbalanceGreaterThanInBytes; public IndexedWALStorageProvider(AmzaStats amzaStats, File[] workingDirectories, int numberOfStripes, WALIndexProviderRegistry indexProviderRegistry, PrimaryRowMarshaller primaryRowMarshaller, BinaryHighwaterRowMarshaller highwaterRowMarshaller, TimestampedOrderIdProvider orderIdProvider, SickPartitions sickPartitions, int tombstoneCompactionFactor, long rebalanceIfImbalanceGreaterThanInBytes) throws IOException { this.amzaStats = amzaStats; this.workingDirectories = workingDirectories; this.numberOfStripes = numberOfStripes; this.indexProviderRegistry = indexProviderRegistry; this.primaryRowMarshaller = primaryRowMarshaller; this.highwaterRowMarshaller = highwaterRowMarshaller; this.orderIdProvider = orderIdProvider; this.sickPartitions = sickPartitions; this.tombstoneCompactionFactor = tombstoneCompactionFactor; this.rebalanceIfImbalanceGreaterThanInBytes = rebalanceIfImbalanceGreaterThanInBytes; for (File workingDirectory : workingDirectories) { if (workingDirectory.exists()) { for (File file : FileUtils.listFiles(workingDirectory, new String[] { "kvt" }, true)) { File dest = convert(workingDirectory, file); if (dest != null) { if (!dest.getParentFile().mkdirs() && !dest.getParentFile().exists()) { throw new IOException("Failed to mkdirs for " + dest); } if (!file.renameTo(dest)) { throw new IOException("Failed to rename " + file + " to " + dest); }"We repaired WAL from {} to {}", file, dest); } } } } } private static File convert(File workingDirectory, File file) { String workingPath = workingDirectory.getAbsolutePath(); String filename = file.getName(); String partition = filename.substring(0, filename.indexOf('.')); try { long partitionVersion = Long.parseLong(partition); // 12345 String trailingPath = file.getAbsolutePath().substring(workingPath.length() + 1); // 0/v15/backup/12345 int firstSlash = trailingPath.indexOf('/'); // 1 int currentModulo = Integer.parseInt(trailingPath.substring(0, firstSlash)); // 0 String partitionPath = trailingPath.substring(firstSlash); // /v15/backup/12345 long actualModulo = hash(partitionVersion) % 1024; if (currentModulo != actualModulo) { return new File(workingDirectory + "/" + actualModulo + partitionPath); } else {"Skipped repair for WAL {}", partition); } } catch (NumberFormatException e) {"Did not repair system WAL {}", partition); } return null; } public static void main(String[] args) { File from = new File("/example/barf/0/v15/backup/12345.kvt"); File dest = convert(new File("/example/barf"), from); System.out.println(from.getAbsolutePath() + " to " + (dest == null ? "null" : dest.getAbsolutePath())); dest = convert(new File("/example/barf/"), from); System.out.println(from.getAbsolutePath() + " to " + (dest == null ? "null" : dest.getAbsolutePath())); from = new File("/example/barf/0/v15/backup/AAAAAAA==.kvt"); dest = convert(new File("/example/barf/"), from); System.out.println(from.getAbsolutePath() + " to " + (dest == null ? "null" : dest.getAbsolutePath())); int[] count = new int[1024]; for (int i = 0; i < 10_000; i += 2) { int h = (int) (hash((long) i) % 1024); count[h]++; } for (int i = 0; i < 1024; i++) { System.out.println(i + ". " + count[i]); } } private String name(VersionedPartitionName versionedPartitionName) throws IOException { return (versionedPartitionName.getPartitionVersion() == VersionedPartitionName.STATIC_VERSION) ? versionedPartitionName.toBase64() : String.valueOf(versionedPartitionName.getPartitionVersion()); } public int rebalanceToStripe(VersionedPartitionName versionedPartitionName, int stripe, PartitionProperties partitionProperties) throws Exception { int numberOfWorkingDirectories = workingDirectories.length; long[] freeSpace = new long[numberOfWorkingDirectories]; long maxFree = Long.MIN_VALUE; int maxFreeIndex = -1; long minFree = Long.MAX_VALUE; int minFreeIndex = -1; for (int i = 0; i < numberOfWorkingDirectories; i++) { freeSpace[i] = workingDirectories[i].getFreeSpace(); if (freeSpace[i] < minFree) { minFree = freeSpace[i]; minFreeIndex = i; } if (freeSpace[i] > maxFree) { maxFree = freeSpace[i]; maxFreeIndex = i; } } long imbalance = freeSpace[maxFreeIndex] - freeSpace[minFreeIndex]; if (imbalance > rebalanceIfImbalanceGreaterThanInBytes) { int maxStripeCount = (numberOfStripes / numberOfWorkingDirectories) + (maxFreeIndex < (numberOfStripes % numberOfWorkingDirectories) ? 1 : 0); int rebalanceToStripe = maxFreeIndex + (numberOfWorkingDirectories * rand.nextInt(maxStripeCount)); if (stripe % numberOfWorkingDirectories == minFreeIndex && rebalanceToStripe != stripe) { String providerName = partitionProperties.indexClassName; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") RowIOProvider rowIOProvider = indexProviderRegistry.getRowIOProvider(providerName); long sizeOfWAL = BinaryWALTx.sizeInBytes(baseKey(versionedPartitionName, stripe), name(versionedPartitionName), rowIOProvider); if (sizeOfWAL * 2 < rebalanceIfImbalanceGreaterThanInBytes) { // the times 2 says our index shouldn't be any bigger than our wal ;) return rebalanceToStripe; } } } return -1; } public File baseKey(VersionedPartitionName versionedPartitionName, int stripe) { return new File(workingDirectories[stripe % workingDirectories.length], String.valueOf(hash(versionedPartitionName) % 1024)); } private final static long randMult = 0x5DEECE66DL; private final static long randAdd = 0xBL; private final static long randMask = (1L << 48) - 1; private static long hash(VersionedPartitionName versionedPartitionName) { if (versionedPartitionName.getPartitionName().isSystemPartition()) { return versionedPartitionName.getPartitionVersion(); } else { return hash(versionedPartitionName.getPartitionVersion()); } } private static long hash(long partitionVersion) { long x = (partitionVersion * randMult + randAdd) & randMask; long h = Math.abs(x >>> (16)); if (h >= 0) { return h; } else { return Long.MAX_VALUE; } } public <I extends WALIndex> WALStorage<I> create( VersionedPartitionName versionedPartitionName, PartitionProperties partitionProperties) throws Exception { String providerName = partitionProperties.indexClassName; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") WALIndexProvider<I> walIndexProvider = (WALIndexProvider<I>) indexProviderRegistry.getWALIndexProvider(providerName); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") RowIOProvider rowIOProvider = indexProviderRegistry.getRowIOProvider(providerName); String name = name(versionedPartitionName); BinaryWALTx binaryWALTx = new BinaryWALTx( name, rowIOProvider, primaryRowMarshaller, partitionProperties.updatesBetweenLeaps, partitionProperties.maxLeaps); boolean hardFsyncBeforeLeapBoundary = versionedPartitionName.getPartitionName().isSystemPartition(); return new WALStorage<>(amzaStats, versionedPartitionName, orderIdProvider, primaryRowMarshaller, highwaterRowMarshaller, binaryWALTx, walIndexProvider, sickPartitions, hardFsyncBeforeLeapBoundary, tombstoneCompactionFactor); } }