package; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import; /** * {@code THREAD-SAFE} - {@link SequenceBlockCache} gerencia um n�mero arbitr�rio de seque�ncias utilizadas em rela��es em DBs, utilizando o padr�o SEQUENCE BLOCK. * * @author bruno.ribeiro - <a href=""></a> * @date 18/08/2014 */ public final class SequenceBlockCache { private String alias; private Connection connection; private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(SequenceBlockCache.class); private static final int DEFAULT_SEQUENCE_BLOCK_INCREMENT = 50; private static final String LOGGER_BLOCK_INCREMENT_CONST = ", blockIncrement="; private static final String LOGGER_CALLED_CONST = ") called."; private static final String LOGGER_COULD_NOT_CREATE_NEW_SEQUENCE_RECORD = ": Could not create new sequence record ('"; private static final String LOGGER_GET_NEXTID_CONST = ".getNextId('"; private static final String LOGGER_THREAD_CONST = "Thread @"; private static final String SQL_SELECT_CURRENT_ID = "SELECT MAX(%s) FROM %s"; private static final String SQL_SELECT_CONTROLLER = "SELECT last_id FROM sequence_block_controller WHERE UPPER(sequence_name) = UPPER(?)"; private static final String SQL_INSERT_CONTROLLER = "INSERT INTO sequence_block_controller (sequence_name, last_id) VALUES (?, ?)"; private static final String SQL_UPDATE_CONTROLLER = "UPDATE sequence_block_controller SET last_id = ? WHERE UPPER(sequence_name) = UPPER(?) AND last_id = ? AND id > 0"; private final Map<String, SequenceBlock> cachedSequenceBlocksMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private final ConcurrentMap<String, Object> sequenceLockMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); SequenceBlockCache() {} /** * Constr�i um {@link SequenceBlockCache} inicializando {@link SequenceBlockCache#connection} */ public SequenceBlockCache(final String alias) { this.alias = alias; } /** * Recupera objeto para sincronizar apenas a {@link SequenceBlock} que est� sendo executada pela thread, para n�o bloquear todo o cache<br> * * @param sequenceName * nome que reprensenta o {@link SequenceBlock} * @return objeto para sincroniza��o */ private Object getSequenceLockObject(final String sequenceName) { Object lockObject = sequenceLockMap.get(sequenceName); if (lockObject == null) { lockObject = new Object(); final Object prevLockObject = sequenceLockMap.putIfAbsent(sequenceName, lockObject); if (prevLockObject != null) { lockObject = prevLockObject; } } return lockObject; } /** * * @param tableName * nome da tabela a ser recuperado o pr�ximo id * @param fieldName * nome do campo na tabela a ser recuperado o pr�ximo id * @return Long */ private Long getCurrentSequenceNumberFromDb(final String tableName, final String fieldName, final Connection conn) { LOGGER.debug(LOGGER_THREAD_CONST + Integer.toHexString(Thread.currentThread().hashCode()) + ": " + this.getClass().getSimpleName() + ".getCurrentSequenceNumberFromDb('" + tableName + "'" + LOGGER_CALLED_CONST); Long res = null; final String sequenceName = tableName + "_" + fieldName; try (PreparedStatement stmt = conn.prepareStatement(SQL_SELECT_CONTROLLER);) { stmt.setString(1, sequenceName); try (ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery()) { if ( { res = rs.getLong(1); } } } catch (final SQLException ex) { LOGGER.error(ex.getMessage(), ex); throw new RuntimeException(ex); } return res; } /** * Constr�i um novo {@link SequenceBlock} para {@code tableName} e {@code fieldName} * * @param tableName * nome da tabela a ser recuperado o pr�ximo id * @param fieldName * nome do campo na tabela a ser recuperado o pr�ximo id * @param lastUsedValue * �ltimo valor usado do {@link SequenceBlock} * @param blockIncrement * incremente a ser considerado no bloco * @return SequenceBlock */ private SequenceBlock reserveNextSequenceBlock(final String tableName, final String fieldName, final long lastUsedValue, final int blockIncrement, final Connection conn) { LOGGER.debug(LOGGER_THREAD_CONST + Integer.toHexString(Thread.currentThread().hashCode()) + ": " + this.getClass().getSimpleName() + ".reserveNextSequenceBlock('" + tableName + "', lastUsedValue=" + lastUsedValue + LOGGER_BLOCK_INCREMENT_CONST + blockIncrement + LOGGER_CALLED_CONST); long updCount = 0; SequenceBlock res = null; final String sequenceName = tableName + "_" + fieldName; final int localBlockIncrement = blockIncrement < 1 ? DEFAULT_SEQUENCE_BLOCK_INCREMENT : blockIncrement; final long startOfBlock = lastUsedValue + 1; final long endOfBlock = startOfBlock + localBlockIncrement; try { try (PreparedStatement stmt = conn.prepareStatement(SQL_UPDATE_CONTROLLER)) { stmt.setLong(1, endOfBlock - 1); stmt.setString(2, sequenceName); stmt.setLong(3, lastUsedValue); updCount = stmt.executeUpdate(); } } catch (final SQLException ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } if (updCount == 1) { res = new SequenceBlock(startOfBlock, endOfBlock); } return res; } /** * Retorna o {@link SequenceBlock} correspondente a tabela {@code tableName} e {@code fieldName}. Se necess�rio, recupera no DB * * @param tableName * nome da tabela a ser recuperado o pr�ximo id * @param fieldName * nome do campo na tabela a ser recuperado o pr�ximo id * @param blockIncrement * incremente a ser considerado no bloco * @return SequenceBlock */ private SequenceBlock reserveNextSequenceBlock(final String tableName, final String fieldName, final int blockIncrement) { SequenceBlock sequenceBlock = null; final String sequenceName = tableName + "_" + fieldName; try (final Connection conn = this.getConnection()) { while (sequenceBlock == null) { Long currentValue = this.getCurrentSequenceNumberFromDb(tableName, fieldName, conn); if (currentValue == null) { LOGGER.debug(LOGGER_THREAD_CONST + Integer.toHexString(Thread.currentThread().hashCode()) + ": Creating new sequence record for sequenceName='" + sequenceName + "'."); currentValue = this.createAndGetCurrentSequenceValue(tableName, fieldName, conn); if (currentValue == null) { throw new RuntimeException(LOGGER_THREAD_CONST + Integer.toHexString(Thread.currentThread().hashCode()) + ": The sequence '" + sequenceName + "' could neither be created nor updated (unknown server error)."); } } final long lastUsedValue = currentValue; if (lastUsedValue < 0) { throw new IllegalStateException(LOGGER_THREAD_CONST + Integer.toHexString(Thread.currentThread().hashCode()) + ": Found negative value for sequence '" + sequenceName + "' - check database SEQUENCE_BLOCK_CONTROLLER!"); } sequenceBlock = this.reserveNextSequenceBlock(tableName, fieldName, currentValue, blockIncrement, conn); if (sequenceBlock == null) { LOGGER.debug(LOGGER_THREAD_CONST + Integer.toHexString(Thread.currentThread().hashCode()) + ": chosen as victim during concurrent block reservation - going to try again ..."); } } } catch (final SQLException ex) { LOGGER.warn(LOGGER_THREAD_CONST + Integer.toHexString(Thread.currentThread().hashCode()) + LOGGER_COULD_NOT_CREATE_NEW_SEQUENCE_RECORD + sequenceName + "').", ex); } return sequenceBlock; } /** * Creates the new sequence and returns the current value of the sequence afterwards. * * @param tableName * nome da tabela a ser recuperado o pr�ximo id * @param fieldName * nome do campo na tabela a ser recuperado o pr�ximo id * @return */ private Long createAndGetCurrentSequenceValue(final String tableName, final String fieldName, final Connection conn) { final String sequenceName = tableName + "_" + fieldName; LOGGER.debug(LOGGER_THREAD_CONST + Integer.toHexString(Thread.currentThread().hashCode()) + ": " + this.getClass().getSimpleName() + ".createAndGetCurrentSequenceValue(" + sequenceName + LOGGER_CALLED_CONST); long maxValue = 0; final String sql = String.format(SQL_SELECT_CURRENT_ID, fieldName, tableName); try (PreparedStatement stmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery()) { if ( { maxValue = rs.getLong(1); } } catch (final SQLException ex) { LOGGER.warn(LOGGER_THREAD_CONST + Integer.toHexString(Thread.currentThread().hashCode()) + LOGGER_COULD_NOT_CREATE_NEW_SEQUENCE_RECORD + sequenceName + "').", ex); } try { try (PreparedStatement stmt = conn.prepareStatement(SQL_INSERT_CONTROLLER)) { stmt.setString(1, sequenceName); stmt.setLong(2, maxValue); stmt.executeUpdate(); } } catch (final SQLException ex) { LOGGER.warn(LOGGER_THREAD_CONST + Integer.toHexString(Thread.currentThread().hashCode()) + LOGGER_COULD_NOT_CREATE_NEW_SEQUENCE_RECORD + sequenceName + "').", ex); } return this.getCurrentSequenceNumberFromDb(tableName, fieldName, conn); } /** * {@code THREAD-SAFE} - Retorna o {@link SequenceBlock} correspondente a tabela {@code tableName} e {@code fieldName} * * @param tableName * nome da tabela a ser recuperado o pr�ximo id * @param fieldName * nome do campo na tabela a ser recuperado o pr�ximo id * @param blockIncrement * incremente a ser considerado no bloco * @return SequenceBlock */ private SequenceBlock getSequenceBlock(final String tableName, final String fieldName, final int blockIncrement) { LOGGER.debug(LOGGER_THREAD_CONST + Integer.toHexString(Thread.currentThread().hashCode()) + ": " + this.getClass().getSimpleName() + ".getSequenceBlock('" + tableName + "'" + LOGGER_BLOCK_INCREMENT_CONST + blockIncrement + LOGGER_CALLED_CONST); final String sequenceName = tableName + "_" + fieldName; SequenceBlock sequenceBlock = cachedSequenceBlocksMap.get(sequenceName); if (sequenceBlock == null || sequenceBlock.isExhausted()) { // n�o sincroniza globalmente, mas por sequence block! synchronized (this.getSequenceLockObject(sequenceName)) { LOGGER.debug(LOGGER_THREAD_CONST + Integer.toHexString(Thread.currentThread().hashCode()) + ": Performing lookup in sequence block cache"); sequenceBlock = cachedSequenceBlocksMap.get(sequenceName); if (sequenceBlock == null || sequenceBlock.isExhausted()) { LOGGER.debug(LOGGER_THREAD_CONST + Integer.toHexString(Thread.currentThread().hashCode()) + ": New sequence block required!"); sequenceBlock = this.reserveNextSequenceBlock(tableName, fieldName, blockIncrement); cachedSequenceBlocksMap.put(sequenceName, sequenceBlock); } else { LOGGER.debug(LOGGER_THREAD_CONST + Integer.toHexString(Thread.currentThread().hashCode()) + ": Found existing sequence block, no need for db-access."); } } } return sequenceBlock; } /** * Retorna o pr�ximo id para o {@code fieldName} na {@code tableName} * * @param tableName * nome da tabela a ser recuperado o pr�ximo id * @param fieldName * nome do campo na tabela a ser recuperado o pr�ximo id * @param blockIncrement * incremente a ser considerado no bloco * @return long pr�ximo id */ public long getNextId(final String tableName, final String fieldName, int blockIncrement) { LOGGER.debug(LOGGER_THREAD_CONST + Integer.toHexString(Thread.currentThread().hashCode()) + ": " + this.getClass().getSimpleName() + LOGGER_GET_NEXTID_CONST + tableName + "'" + LOGGER_BLOCK_INCREMENT_CONST + blockIncrement + LOGGER_CALLED_CONST); if (blockIncrement < 1) { blockIncrement = DEFAULT_SEQUENCE_BLOCK_INCREMENT; } long res = -1; while (res < 0) { res = this.getSequenceBlock(tableName, fieldName, blockIncrement).getNextId(); } LOGGER.debug(LOGGER_THREAD_CONST + Integer.toHexString(Thread.currentThread().hashCode()) + ": " + this.getClass().getSimpleName() + LOGGER_GET_NEXTID_CONST + tableName + "'" + LOGGER_BLOCK_INCREMENT_CONST + blockIncrement + ") return " + res + " ."); return res; } /** * Retorna o pr�ximo id para o {@code fieldName} na {@code tableName} * * @param tableName * nome da tabela a ser recuperado o pr�ximo id * @param fieldName * nome do campo na tabela a ser recuperado o pr�ximo id * @return long pr�ximo id */ public long getNextId(final String tableName, final String fieldName) { LOGGER.debug(LOGGER_THREAD_CONST + Integer.toHexString(Thread.currentThread().hashCode()) + ": " + this.getClass().getSimpleName() + LOGGER_GET_NEXTID_CONST + tableName + "'" + LOGGER_CALLED_CONST); return this.getNextId(tableName, fieldName, DEFAULT_SEQUENCE_BLOCK_INCREMENT); } /** * Recupera a {@link Connection} usada para recuperar o maior id nas rela��es * * @return {@link Connection} * @throws SQLException */ private Connection getConnection() { try { if (connection == null || connection.isClosed()) { connection = ConnectionProvider.getConnection(alias); } } catch (final Exception e) { LOGGER.warn(e.getMessage(), e); } return connection; } @Override protected void finalize() throws Throwable { if (connection != null && !connection.isClosed()) { connection.close(); } super.finalize(); } }