/***************************************************************************** * Servicesbyhostgroup.java - * * Copyright (c) 2014 Projeto citsmart (Contact: adenir.gomes@centralit.com.br) * * License: *****************************************************************************/ package br.com.centralit.nagios.livestatus.tables; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Map; /** * Class Servicesbyhostgroup is the main class for obtain all columns of table "servicesbyhostgroup" from a Livestatus TCP-socket/file status.dat. * * @author Adenir Ribeiro Gomes */ public class Servicesbyhostgroup extends LiveStatusBase { /** * Constructor of table Servicesbyhostgroup * * @param path = "tcp://host:port" File : where path is the path to the file */ public Servicesbyhostgroup(String path) { super(path); initializeMaps(); tableName = "servicesbyhostgroup"; } /** * create the map for all columns description of table Servicesbyhostgroup. Key=column name, Value=column description * */ public final void initializeMaps() { mapComments.put("accept_passive_checks", "Whether the service accepts passive checks (0/1)"); mapComments.put("acknowledged", "Whether the current service problem has been acknowledged (0/1)"); mapComments.put("acknowledgement_type", "The type of the acknownledgement (0: none, 1: normal, 2: sticky)"); mapComments.put("action_url", "An optional URL for actions or custom information about the service"); mapComments.put("action_url_expanded", "The action_url with (the most important) macros expanded"); mapComments.put("active_checks_enabled", "Whether active checks are enabled for the service (0/1)"); mapComments.put("check_command", "Nagios command used for active checks"); mapComments.put("check_command_expanded", "Nagios command used for active checks with the macros expanded"); mapComments.put("check_freshness", "Whether freshness checks are activated (0/1)"); mapComments.put("check_interval", "Number of basic interval lengths between two scheduled checks of the service"); mapComments.put("check_options", "The current check option, forced, normal, freshness... (0/1)"); mapComments.put("check_period", "The name of the check period of the service. It this is empty, the service is always checked."); mapComments.put("check_type", "The type of the last check (0: active, 1: passive)"); mapComments.put("checks_enabled", "Whether active checks are enabled for the service (0/1)"); mapComments.put("comments", "A list of all comment ids of the service"); mapComments.put("comments_with_extra_info", "A list of all comments of the service with id, author, comment, entry type and entry time"); mapComments.put("comments_with_info", "A list of all comments of the service with id, author and comment"); mapComments.put("contact_groups", "A list of all contact groups this service is in"); mapComments.put("contacts", "A list of all contacts of the service, either direct or via a contact group"); mapComments.put("current_attempt", "The number of the current check attempt"); mapComments.put("current_notification_number", "The number of the current notification"); mapComments.put("custom_variable_names", "A list of the names of all custom variables of the service"); mapComments.put("custom_variable_values", "A list of the values of all custom variable of the service"); mapComments.put("custom_variables", "A dictionary of the custom variables"); mapComments.put("description", "Description of the service (also used as key)"); mapComments.put("display_name", "An optional display name (not used by Nagios standard web pages)"); mapComments.put("downtimes", "A list of all downtime ids of the service"); mapComments.put("downtimes_with_info", "A list of all downtimes of the service with id, author and comment"); mapComments.put("event_handler", "Nagios command used as event handler"); mapComments.put("event_handler_enabled", "Whether and event handler is activated for the service (0/1)"); mapComments.put("execution_time", "Time the service check needed for execution"); mapComments.put("first_notification_delay", "Delay before the first notification"); mapComments.put("flap_detection_enabled", "Whether flap detection is enabled for the service (0/1)"); mapComments.put("groups", "A list of all service groups the service is in"); mapComments.put("has_been_checked", "Whether the service already has been checked (0/1)"); mapComments.put("high_flap_threshold", "High threshold of flap detection"); mapComments.put("host_accept_passive_checks", "Whether passive host checks are accepted (0/1)"); mapComments.put("host_acknowledged", "Whether the current host problem has been acknowledged (0/1)"); mapComments.put("host_acknowledgement_type", "Type of acknowledgement (0: none, 1: normal, 2: stick)"); mapComments.put("host_action_url", "An optional URL to custom actions or information about this host"); mapComments.put("host_action_url_expanded", "The same as action_url, but with the most important macros expanded"); mapComments.put("host_active_checks_enabled", "Whether active checks are enabled for the host (0/1)"); mapComments.put("host_address", "IP address"); mapComments.put("host_alias", "An alias name for the host"); mapComments.put("host_check_command", "Nagios command for active host check of this host"); mapComments.put("host_check_command_expanded", "Nagios command for active host check of this host with the macros expanded"); mapComments.put("host_check_flapping_recovery_notification", "Whether to check to send a recovery notification when flapping stops (0/1)"); mapComments.put("host_check_freshness", "Whether freshness checks are activated (0/1)"); mapComments.put("host_check_interval", "Number of basic interval lengths between two scheduled checks of the host"); mapComments.put("host_check_options", "The current check option, forced, normal, freshness... (0-2)"); mapComments.put("host_check_period", "Time period in which this host will be checked. If empty then the host will always be checked."); mapComments.put("host_check_type", "Type of check (0: active, 1: passive)"); mapComments.put("host_checks_enabled", "Whether checks of the host are enabled (0/1)"); mapComments.put("host_childs", "A list of all direct childs of the host"); mapComments.put("host_comments", "A list of the ids of all comments of this host"); mapComments.put("host_comments_with_extra_info", "A list of all comments of the host with id, author, comment, entry type and entry time"); mapComments.put("host_comments_with_info", "A list of all comments of the host with id, author and comment"); mapComments.put("host_contact_groups", "A list of all contact groups this host is in"); mapComments.put("host_contacts", "A list of all contacts of this host, either direct or via a contact group"); mapComments.put("host_current_attempt", "Number of the current check attempts"); mapComments.put("host_current_notification_number", "Number of the current notification"); mapComments.put("host_custom_variable_names", "A list of the names of all custom variables"); mapComments.put("host_custom_variable_values", "A list of the values of the custom variables"); mapComments.put("host_custom_variables", "A dictionary of the custom variables"); mapComments.put("host_display_name", "Optional display name of the host - not used by Nagios' web interface"); mapComments.put("host_downtimes", "A list of the ids of all scheduled downtimes of this host"); mapComments.put("host_downtimes_with_info", "A list of the all scheduled downtimes of the host with id, author and comment"); mapComments.put("host_event_handler", "Nagios command used as event handler"); mapComments.put("host_event_handler_enabled", "Whether event handling is enabled (0/1)"); mapComments.put("host_execution_time", "Time the host check needed for execution"); mapComments.put("host_filename", "The value of the custom variable FILENAME"); mapComments.put("host_first_notification_delay", "Delay before the first notification"); mapComments.put("host_flap_detection_enabled", "Whether flap detection is enabled (0/1)"); mapComments.put("host_groups", "A list of all host groups this host is in"); mapComments.put("host_hard_state", "The effective hard state of the host (eliminates a problem in hard_state)"); mapComments.put("host_has_been_checked", "Whether the host has already been checked (0/1)"); mapComments.put("host_high_flap_threshold", "High threshold of flap detection"); mapComments.put("host_icon_image", "The name of an image file to be used in the web pages"); mapComments.put("host_icon_image_alt", "Alternative text for the icon_image"); mapComments.put("host_icon_image_expanded", "The same as icon_image, but with the most important macros expanded"); mapComments.put("host_in_check_period", "Whether this host is currently in its check period (0/1)"); mapComments.put("host_in_notification_period", "Whether this host is currently in its notification period (0/1)"); mapComments.put("host_in_service_period", "Whether this host is currently in its service period (0/1)"); mapComments.put("host_initial_state", "Initial host state"); mapComments.put("host_is_executing", "is there a host check currently running... (0/1)"); mapComments.put("host_is_flapping", "Whether the host state is flapping (0/1)"); mapComments.put("host_last_check", "Time of the last check (Unix timestamp)"); mapComments.put("host_last_hard_state", "Last hard state"); mapComments.put("host_last_hard_state_change", "Time of the last hard state change (Unix timestamp)"); mapComments.put("host_last_notification", "Time of the last notification (Unix timestamp)"); mapComments.put("host_last_state", "State before last state change"); mapComments.put("host_last_state_change", "Time of the last state change - soft or hard (Unix timestamp)"); mapComments.put("host_last_time_down", "The last time the host was DOWN (Unix timestamp)"); mapComments.put("host_last_time_unreachable", "The last time the host was UNREACHABLE (Unix timestamp)"); mapComments.put("host_last_time_up", "The last time the host was UP (Unix timestamp)"); mapComments.put("host_latency", "Time difference between scheduled check time and actual check time"); mapComments.put("host_long_plugin_output", "Complete output from check plugin"); mapComments.put("host_low_flap_threshold", "Low threshold of flap detection"); mapComments.put("host_max_check_attempts", "Max check attempts for active host checks"); mapComments.put("host_modified_attributes", "A bitmask specifying which attributes have been modified"); mapComments.put("host_modified_attributes_list", "A list of all modified attributes"); mapComments.put("host_name", "Host name"); mapComments.put("host_next_check", "Scheduled time for the next check (Unix timestamp)"); mapComments.put("host_next_notification", "Time of the next notification (Unix timestamp)"); mapComments.put("host_no_more_notifications", "Whether to stop sending notifications (0/1)"); mapComments.put("host_notes", "Optional notes for this host"); mapComments.put("host_notes_expanded", "The same as notes, but with the most important macros expanded"); mapComments.put("host_notes_url", "An optional URL with further information about the host"); mapComments.put("host_notes_url_expanded", "Same es notes_url, but with the most important macros expanded"); mapComments.put("host_notification_interval", "Interval of periodic notification or 0 if its off"); mapComments.put("host_notification_period", "Time period in which problems of this host will be notified. If empty then notification will be always"); mapComments.put("host_notifications_enabled", "Whether notifications of the host are enabled (0/1)"); mapComments.put("host_num_services", "The total number of services of the host"); mapComments.put("host_num_services_crit", "The number of the host's services with the soft state CRIT"); mapComments.put("host_num_services_hard_crit", "The number of the host's services with the hard state CRIT"); mapComments.put("host_num_services_hard_ok", "The number of the host's services with the hard state OK"); mapComments.put("host_num_services_hard_unknown", "The number of the host's services with the hard state UNKNOWN"); mapComments.put("host_num_services_hard_warn", "The number of the host's services with the hard state WARN"); mapComments.put("host_num_services_ok", "The number of the host's services with the soft state OK"); mapComments.put("host_num_services_pending", "The number of the host's services which have not been checked yet (pending)"); mapComments.put("host_num_services_unknown", "The number of the host's services with the soft state UNKNOWN"); mapComments.put("host_num_services_warn", "The number of the host's services with the soft state WARN"); mapComments.put("host_obsess_over_host", "The current obsess_over_host setting... (0/1)"); mapComments.put("host_parents", "A list of all direct parents of the host"); mapComments.put("host_pending_flex_downtime", "Whether a flex downtime is pending (0/1)"); mapComments.put("host_percent_state_change", "Percent state change"); mapComments.put("host_perf_data", "Optional performance data of the last host check"); mapComments.put("host_plugin_output", "Output of the last host check"); mapComments.put("host_pnpgraph_present", "Whether there is a PNP4Nagios graph present for this host (0/1)"); mapComments.put("host_process_performance_data", "Whether processing of performance data is enabled (0/1)"); mapComments.put("host_retry_interval", "Number of basic interval lengths between checks when retrying after a soft error"); mapComments.put("host_scheduled_downtime_depth", "The number of downtimes this host is currently in"); mapComments.put("host_service_period", "The name of the service period of the host"); mapComments.put("host_services", "A list of all services of the host"); mapComments.put("host_services_with_info", "A list of all services including detailed information about each service"); mapComments.put("host_services_with_state", "A list of all services of the host together with state and has_been_checked"); mapComments.put("host_staleness", "Staleness indicator for this host"); mapComments.put("host_state", "The current state of the host (0: up, 1: down, 2: unreachable)"); mapComments.put("host_state_type", "Type of the current state (0: soft, 1: hard)"); mapComments.put("host_statusmap_image", "The name of in image file for the status map"); mapComments.put("host_total_services", "The total number of services of the host"); mapComments.put("host_worst_service_hard_state", "The worst hard state of all of the host's services (OK <= WARN <= UNKNOWN <= CRIT)"); mapComments.put("host_worst_service_state", "The worst soft state of all of the host's services (OK <= WARN <= UNKNOWN <= CRIT)"); mapComments.put("host_x_3d", "3D-Coordinates: X"); mapComments.put("host_y_3d", "3D-Coordinates: Y"); mapComments.put("host_z_3d", "3D-Coordinates: Z"); mapComments.put("hostgroup_action_url", "An optional URL to custom actions or information about the hostgroup"); mapComments.put("hostgroup_alias", "An alias of the hostgroup"); mapComments.put("hostgroup_members", "A list of all host names that are members of the hostgroup"); mapComments.put("hostgroup_members_with_state", "A list of all host names that are members of the hostgroup together with state and has_been_checked"); mapComments.put("hostgroup_name", "Name of the hostgroup"); mapComments.put("hostgroup_notes", "Optional notes to the hostgroup"); mapComments.put("hostgroup_notes_url", "An optional URL with further information about the hostgroup"); mapComments.put("hostgroup_num_hosts", "The total number of hosts in the group"); mapComments.put("hostgroup_num_hosts_down", "The number of hosts in the group that are down"); mapComments.put("hostgroup_num_hosts_pending", "The number of hosts in the group that are pending"); mapComments.put("hostgroup_num_hosts_unreach", "The number of hosts in the group that are unreachable"); mapComments.put("hostgroup_num_hosts_up", "The number of hosts in the group that are up"); mapComments.put("hostgroup_num_services", "The total number of services of hosts in this group"); mapComments.put("hostgroup_num_services_crit", "The total number of services with the state CRIT of hosts in this group"); mapComments.put("hostgroup_num_services_hard_crit", "The total number of services with the state CRIT of hosts in this group"); mapComments.put("hostgroup_num_services_hard_ok", "The total number of services with the state OK of hosts in this group"); mapComments.put("hostgroup_num_services_hard_unknown", "The total number of services with the state UNKNOWN of hosts in this group"); mapComments.put("hostgroup_num_services_hard_warn", "The total number of services with the state WARN of hosts in this group"); mapComments.put("hostgroup_num_services_ok", "The total number of services with the state OK of hosts in this group"); mapComments.put("hostgroup_num_services_pending", "The total number of services with the state Pending of hosts in this group"); mapComments.put("hostgroup_num_services_unknown", "The total number of services with the state UNKNOWN of hosts in this group"); mapComments.put("hostgroup_num_services_warn", "The total number of services with the state WARN of hosts in this group"); mapComments.put("hostgroup_worst_host_state", "The worst state of all of the groups' hosts (UP <= UNREACHABLE <= DOWN)"); mapComments.put("hostgroup_worst_service_hard_state", "The worst state of all services that belong to a host of this group (OK <= WARN <= UNKNOWN <= CRIT)"); mapComments.put("hostgroup_worst_service_state", "The worst state of all services that belong to a host of this group (OK <= WARN <= UNKNOWN <= CRIT)"); mapComments.put("icon_image", "The name of an image to be used as icon in the web interface"); mapComments.put("icon_image_alt", "An alternative text for the icon_image for browsers not displaying icons"); mapComments.put("icon_image_expanded", "The icon_image with (the most important) macros expanded"); mapComments.put("in_check_period", "Whether the service is currently in its check period (0/1)"); mapComments.put("in_notification_period", "Whether the service is currently in its notification period (0/1)"); mapComments.put("in_service_period", "Whether this service is currently in its service period (0/1)"); mapComments.put("initial_state", "The initial state of the service"); mapComments.put("is_executing", "is there a service check currently running... (0/1)"); mapComments.put("is_flapping", "Whether the service is flapping (0/1)"); mapComments.put("last_check", "The time of the last check (Unix timestamp)"); mapComments.put("last_hard_state", "The last hard state of the service"); mapComments.put("last_hard_state_change", "The time of the last hard state change (Unix timestamp)"); mapComments.put("last_notification", "The time of the last notification (Unix timestamp)"); mapComments.put("last_state", "The last state of the service"); mapComments.put("last_state_change", "The time of the last state change (Unix timestamp)"); mapComments.put("last_time_critical", "The last time the service was CRITICAL (Unix timestamp)"); mapComments.put("last_time_ok", "The last time the service was OK (Unix timestamp)"); mapComments.put("last_time_unknown", "The last time the service was UNKNOWN (Unix timestamp)"); mapComments.put("last_time_warning", "The last time the service was in WARNING state (Unix timestamp)"); mapComments.put("latency", "Time difference between scheduled check time and actual check time"); mapComments.put("long_plugin_output", "Unabbreviated output of the last check plugin"); mapComments.put("low_flap_threshold", "Low threshold of flap detection"); mapComments.put("max_check_attempts", "The maximum number of check attempts"); mapComments.put("modified_attributes", "A bitmask specifying which attributes have been modified"); mapComments.put("modified_attributes_list", "A list of all modified attributes"); mapComments.put("next_check", "The scheduled time of the next check (Unix timestamp)"); mapComments.put("next_notification", "The time of the next notification (Unix timestamp)"); mapComments.put("no_more_notifications", "Whether to stop sending notifications (0/1)"); mapComments.put("notes", "Optional notes about the service"); mapComments.put("notes_expanded", "The notes with (the most important) macros expanded"); mapComments.put("notes_url", "An optional URL for additional notes about the service"); mapComments.put("notes_url_expanded", "The notes_url with (the most important) macros expanded"); mapComments.put("notification_interval", "Interval of periodic notification or 0 if its off"); mapComments.put("notification_period", "The name of the notification period of the service. It this is empty, service problems are always notified."); mapComments.put("notifications_enabled", "Whether notifications are enabled for the service (0/1)"); mapComments.put("obsess_over_service", "Whether 'obsess_over_service' is enabled for the service (0/1)"); mapComments.put("percent_state_change", "Percent state change"); mapComments.put("perf_data", "Performance data of the last check plugin"); mapComments.put("plugin_output", "Output of the last check plugin"); mapComments.put("pnpgraph_present", "Whether there is a PNP4Nagios graph present for this service (0/1)"); mapComments.put("process_performance_data", "Whether processing of performance data is enabled for the service (0/1)"); mapComments.put("retry_interval", "Number of basic interval lengths between checks when retrying after a soft error"); mapComments.put("scheduled_downtime_depth", "The number of scheduled downtimes the service is currently in"); mapComments.put("service_period", "The name of the service period of the service"); mapComments.put("staleness", "The staleness indicator for this service"); mapComments.put("state", "The current state of the service (0: OK, 1: WARN, 2: CRITICAL, 3: UNKNOWN)"); mapComments.put("state_type", "The type of the current state (0: soft, 1: hard)"); } /** * Whether the service accepts passive checks (0/1) * @return returns the value of the "accept_passive_checks" column as int */ public int Accept_passive_checks() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsInt("accept_passive_checks"); } /** * Whether the current service problem has been acknowledged (0/1) * @return returns the value of the "acknowledged" column as int */ public int Acknowledged() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsInt("acknowledged"); } /** * The type of the acknownledgement (0: none, 1: normal, 2: sticky) * @return returns the value of the "acknowledgement_type" column as int */ public int Acknowledgement_type() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsInt("acknowledgement_type"); } /** * An optional URL for actions or custom information about the service * @return returns the value of the "action_url" column as string */ public String Action_url() { return getAsString("action_url"); } /** * The action_url with (the most important) macros expanded * @return returns the value of the "action_url_expanded" column as string */ public String Action_url_expanded() { return getAsString("action_url_expanded"); } /** * Whether active checks are enabled for the service (0/1) * @return returns the value of the "active_checks_enabled" column as int */ public int Active_checks_enabled() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsInt("active_checks_enabled"); } /** * Nagios command used for active checks * @return returns the value of the "check_command" column as string */ public String Check_command() { return getAsString("check_command"); } /** * Nagios command used for active checks with the macros expanded * @return returns the value of the "check_command_expanded" column as string */ public String Check_command_expanded() { return getAsString("check_command_expanded"); } /** * Whether freshness checks are activated (0/1) * @return returns the value of the "check_freshness" column as int */ public int Check_freshness() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsInt("check_freshness"); } /** * Number of basic interval lengths between two scheduled checks of the service * @return returns the value of the "check_interval" column as float */ public float Check_interval() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsFloat("check_interval"); } /** * The current check option, forced, normal, freshness... (0/1) * @return returns the value of the "check_options" column as int */ public int Check_options() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsInt("check_options"); } /** * The name of the check period of the service. It this is empty, the service is always checked. * @return returns the value of the "check_period" column as string */ public String Check_period() { return getAsString("check_period"); } /** * The type of the last check (0: active, 1: passive) * @return returns the value of the "check_type" column as int */ public int Check_type() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsInt("check_type"); } /** * Whether active checks are enabled for the service (0/1) * @return returns the value of the "checks_enabled" column as int */ public int Checks_enabled() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsInt("checks_enabled"); } /** * A list of all comment ids of the service * @return returns the value of the "comments" column as list */ public String Comments() { return getAsList("comments"); } /** * A list of all comments of the service with id, author, comment, entry type and entry time * @return returns the value of the "comments_with_extra_info" column as list */ public String Comments_with_extra_info() { return getAsList("comments_with_extra_info"); } /** * A list of all comments of the service with id, author and comment * @return returns the value of the "comments_with_info" column as list */ public String Comments_with_info() { return getAsList("comments_with_info"); } /** * A list of all contact groups this service is in * @return returns the value of the "contact_groups" column as list */ public String Contact_groups() { return getAsList("contact_groups"); } /** * A list of all contacts of the service, either direct or via a contact group * @return returns the value of the "contacts" column as list */ public String Contacts() { return getAsList("contacts"); } /** * The number of the current check attempt * @return returns the value of the "current_attempt" column as int */ public int Current_attempt() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsInt("current_attempt"); } /** * The number of the current notification * @return returns the value of the "current_notification_number" column as int */ public int Current_notification_number() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsInt("current_notification_number"); } /** * A list of the names of all custom variables of the service * @return returns the value of the "custom_variable_names" column as list */ public String Custom_variable_names() { return getAsList("custom_variable_names"); } /** * A list of the values of all custom variable of the service * @return returns the value of the "custom_variable_values" column as list */ public String Custom_variable_values() { return getAsList("custom_variable_values"); } /** * A dictionary of the custom variables * @return returns the value of the "custom_variables" column as dict */ public String Custom_variables() { return getAsDict("custom_variables"); } /** * Description of the service (also used as key) * @return returns the value of the "description" column as string */ public String Description() { return getAsString("description"); } /** * An optional display name (not used by Nagios standard web pages) * @return returns the value of the "display_name" column as string */ public String Display_name() { return getAsString("display_name"); } /** * A list of all downtime ids of the service * @return returns the value of the "downtimes" column as list */ public String Downtimes() { return getAsList("downtimes"); } /** * A list of all downtimes of the service with id, author and comment * @return returns the value of the "downtimes_with_info" column as list */ public String Downtimes_with_info() { return getAsList("downtimes_with_info"); } /** * Nagios command used as event handler * @return returns the value of the "event_handler" column as string */ public String Event_handler() { return getAsString("event_handler"); } /** * Whether and event handler is activated for the service (0/1) * @return returns the value of the "event_handler_enabled" column as int */ public int Event_handler_enabled() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsInt("event_handler_enabled"); } /** * Time the service check needed for execution * @return returns the value of the "execution_time" column as float */ public float Execution_time() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsFloat("execution_time"); } /** * Delay before the first notification * @return returns the value of the "first_notification_delay" column as float */ public float First_notification_delay() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsFloat("first_notification_delay"); } /** * Whether flap detection is enabled for the service (0/1) * @return returns the value of the "flap_detection_enabled" column as int */ public int Flap_detection_enabled() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsInt("flap_detection_enabled"); } /** * A list of all service groups the service is in * @return returns the value of the "groups" column as list */ public String Groups() { return getAsList("groups"); } /** * Whether the service already has been checked (0/1) * @return returns the value of the "has_been_checked" column as int */ public int Has_been_checked() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsInt("has_been_checked"); } /** * High threshold of flap detection * @return returns the value of the "high_flap_threshold" column as float */ public float High_flap_threshold() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsFloat("high_flap_threshold"); } /** * Whether passive host checks are accepted (0/1) * @return returns the value of the "host_accept_passive_checks" column as int */ public int Host_accept_passive_checks() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsInt("host_accept_passive_checks"); } /** * Whether the current host problem has been acknowledged (0/1) * @return returns the value of the "host_acknowledged" column as int */ public int Host_acknowledged() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsInt("host_acknowledged"); } /** * Type of acknowledgement (0: none, 1: normal, 2: stick) * @return returns the value of the "host_acknowledgement_type" column as int */ public int Host_acknowledgement_type() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsInt("host_acknowledgement_type"); } /** * An optional URL to custom actions or information about this host * @return returns the value of the "host_action_url" column as string */ public String Host_action_url() { return getAsString("host_action_url"); } /** * The same as action_url, but with the most important macros expanded * @return returns the value of the "host_action_url_expanded" column as string */ public String Host_action_url_expanded() { return getAsString("host_action_url_expanded"); } /** * Whether active checks are enabled for the host (0/1) * @return returns the value of the "host_active_checks_enabled" column as int */ public int Host_active_checks_enabled() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsInt("host_active_checks_enabled"); } /** * IP address * @return returns the value of the "host_address" column as string */ public String Host_address() { return getAsString("host_address"); } /** * An alias name for the host * @return returns the value of the "host_alias" column as string */ public String Host_alias() { return getAsString("host_alias"); } /** * Nagios command for active host check of this host * @return returns the value of the "host_check_command" column as string */ public String Host_check_command() { return getAsString("host_check_command"); } /** * Nagios command for active host check of this host with the macros expanded * @return returns the value of the "host_check_command_expanded" column as string */ public String Host_check_command_expanded() { return getAsString("host_check_command_expanded"); } /** * Whether to check to send a recovery notification when flapping stops (0/1) * @return returns the value of the "host_check_flapping_recovery_notification" column as int */ public int Host_check_flapping_recovery_notification() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsInt("host_check_flapping_recovery_notification"); } /** * Whether freshness checks are activated (0/1) * @return returns the value of the "host_check_freshness" column as int */ public int Host_check_freshness() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsInt("host_check_freshness"); } /** * Number of basic interval lengths between two scheduled checks of the host * @return returns the value of the "host_check_interval" column as float */ public float Host_check_interval() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsFloat("host_check_interval"); } /** * The current check option, forced, normal, freshness... (0-2) * @return returns the value of the "host_check_options" column as int */ public int Host_check_options() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsInt("host_check_options"); } /** * Time period in which this host will be checked. If empty then the host will always be checked. * @return returns the value of the "host_check_period" column as string */ public String Host_check_period() { return getAsString("host_check_period"); } /** * Type of check (0: active, 1: passive) * @return returns the value of the "host_check_type" column as int */ public int Host_check_type() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsInt("host_check_type"); } /** * Whether checks of the host are enabled (0/1) * @return returns the value of the "host_checks_enabled" column as int */ public int Host_checks_enabled() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsInt("host_checks_enabled"); } /** * A list of all direct childs of the host * @return returns the value of the "host_childs" column as list */ public String Host_childs() { return getAsList("host_childs"); } /** * A list of the ids of all comments of this host * @return returns the value of the "host_comments" column as list */ public String Host_comments() { return getAsList("host_comments"); } /** * A list of all comments of the host with id, author, comment, entry type and entry time * @return returns the value of the "host_comments_with_extra_info" column as list */ public String Host_comments_with_extra_info() { return getAsList("host_comments_with_extra_info"); } /** * A list of all comments of the host with id, author and comment * @return returns the value of the "host_comments_with_info" column as list */ public String Host_comments_with_info() { return getAsList("host_comments_with_info"); } /** * A list of all contact groups this host is in * @return returns the value of the "host_contact_groups" column as list */ public String Host_contact_groups() { return getAsList("host_contact_groups"); } /** * A list of all contacts of this host, either direct or via a contact group * @return returns the value of the "host_contacts" column as list */ public String Host_contacts() { return getAsList("host_contacts"); } /** * Number of the current check attempts * @return returns the value of the "host_current_attempt" column as int */ public int Host_current_attempt() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsInt("host_current_attempt"); } /** * Number of the current notification * @return returns the value of the "host_current_notification_number" column as int */ public int Host_current_notification_number() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsInt("host_current_notification_number"); } /** * A list of the names of all custom variables * @return returns the value of the "host_custom_variable_names" column as list */ public String Host_custom_variable_names() { return getAsList("host_custom_variable_names"); } /** * A list of the values of the custom variables * @return returns the value of the "host_custom_variable_values" column as list */ public String Host_custom_variable_values() { return getAsList("host_custom_variable_values"); } /** * A dictionary of the custom variables * @return returns the value of the "host_custom_variables" column as dict */ public String Host_custom_variables() { return getAsDict("host_custom_variables"); } /** * Optional display name of the host - not used by Nagios' web interface * @return returns the value of the "host_display_name" column as string */ public String Host_display_name() { return getAsString("host_display_name"); } /** * A list of the ids of all scheduled downtimes of this host * @return returns the value of the "host_downtimes" column as list */ public String Host_downtimes() { return getAsList("host_downtimes"); } /** * A list of the all scheduled downtimes of the host with id, author and comment * @return returns the value of the "host_downtimes_with_info" column as list */ public String Host_downtimes_with_info() { return getAsList("host_downtimes_with_info"); } /** * Nagios command used as event handler * @return returns the value of the "host_event_handler" column as string */ public String Host_event_handler() { return getAsString("host_event_handler"); } /** * Whether event handling is enabled (0/1) * @return returns the value of the "host_event_handler_enabled" column as int */ public int Host_event_handler_enabled() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsInt("host_event_handler_enabled"); } /** * Time the host check needed for execution * @return returns the value of the "host_execution_time" column as float */ public float Host_execution_time() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsFloat("host_execution_time"); } /** * The value of the custom variable FILENAME * @return returns the value of the "host_filename" column as string */ public String Host_filename() { return getAsString("host_filename"); } /** * Delay before the first notification * @return returns the value of the "host_first_notification_delay" column as float */ public float Host_first_notification_delay() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsFloat("host_first_notification_delay"); } /** * Whether flap detection is enabled (0/1) * @return returns the value of the "host_flap_detection_enabled" column as int */ public int Host_flap_detection_enabled() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsInt("host_flap_detection_enabled"); } /** * A list of all host groups this host is in * @return returns the value of the "host_groups" column as list */ public String Host_groups() { return getAsList("host_groups"); } /** * The effective hard state of the host (eliminates a problem in hard_state) * @return returns the value of the "host_hard_state" column as int */ public int Host_hard_state() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsInt("host_hard_state"); } /** * Whether the host has already been checked (0/1) * @return returns the value of the "host_has_been_checked" column as int */ public int Host_has_been_checked() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsInt("host_has_been_checked"); } /** * High threshold of flap detection * @return returns the value of the "host_high_flap_threshold" column as float */ public float Host_high_flap_threshold() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsFloat("host_high_flap_threshold"); } /** * The name of an image file to be used in the web pages * @return returns the value of the "host_icon_image" column as string */ public String Host_icon_image() { return getAsString("host_icon_image"); } /** * Alternative text for the icon_image * @return returns the value of the "host_icon_image_alt" column as string */ public String Host_icon_image_alt() { return getAsString("host_icon_image_alt"); } /** * The same as icon_image, but with the most important macros expanded * @return returns the value of the "host_icon_image_expanded" column as string */ public String Host_icon_image_expanded() { return getAsString("host_icon_image_expanded"); } /** * Whether this host is currently in its check period (0/1) * @return returns the value of the "host_in_check_period" column as int */ public int Host_in_check_period() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsInt("host_in_check_period"); } /** * Whether this host is currently in its notification period (0/1) * @return returns the value of the "host_in_notification_period" column as int */ public int Host_in_notification_period() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsInt("host_in_notification_period"); } /** * Whether this host is currently in its service period (0/1) * @return returns the value of the "host_in_service_period" column as int */ public int Host_in_service_period() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsInt("host_in_service_period"); } /** * Initial host state * @return returns the value of the "host_initial_state" column as int */ public int Host_initial_state() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsInt("host_initial_state"); } /** * is there a host check currently running... (0/1) * @return returns the value of the "host_is_executing" column as int */ public int Host_is_executing() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsInt("host_is_executing"); } /** * Whether the host state is flapping (0/1) * @return returns the value of the "host_is_flapping" column as int */ public int Host_is_flapping() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsInt("host_is_flapping"); } /** * Time of the last check (Unix timestamp) * @return returns the value of the "host_last_check" column as time */ public Date Host_last_check() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsTime("host_last_check"); } /** * Last hard state * @return returns the value of the "host_last_hard_state" column as int */ public int Host_last_hard_state() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsInt("host_last_hard_state"); } /** * Time of the last hard state change (Unix timestamp) * @return returns the value of the "host_last_hard_state_change" column as time */ public Date Host_last_hard_state_change() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsTime("host_last_hard_state_change"); } /** * Time of the last notification (Unix timestamp) * @return returns the value of the "host_last_notification" column as time */ public Date Host_last_notification() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsTime("host_last_notification"); } /** * State before last state change * @return returns the value of the "host_last_state" column as int */ public int Host_last_state() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsInt("host_last_state"); } /** * Time of the last state change - soft or hard (Unix timestamp) * @return returns the value of the "host_last_state_change" column as time */ public Date Host_last_state_change() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsTime("host_last_state_change"); } /** * The last time the host was DOWN (Unix timestamp) * @return returns the value of the "host_last_time_down" column as time */ public Date Host_last_time_down() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsTime("host_last_time_down"); } /** * The last time the host was UNREACHABLE (Unix timestamp) * @return returns the value of the "host_last_time_unreachable" column as time */ public Date Host_last_time_unreachable() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsTime("host_last_time_unreachable"); } /** * The last time the host was UP (Unix timestamp) * @return returns the value of the "host_last_time_up" column as time */ public Date Host_last_time_up() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsTime("host_last_time_up"); } /** * Time difference between scheduled check time and actual check time * @return returns the value of the "host_latency" column as float */ public float Host_latency() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsFloat("host_latency"); } /** * Complete output from check plugin * @return returns the value of the "host_long_plugin_output" column as string */ public String Host_long_plugin_output() { return getAsString("host_long_plugin_output"); } /** * Low threshold of flap detection * @return returns the value of the "host_low_flap_threshold" column as float */ public float Host_low_flap_threshold() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsFloat("host_low_flap_threshold"); } /** * Max check attempts for active host checks * @return returns the value of the "host_max_check_attempts" column as int */ public int Host_max_check_attempts() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsInt("host_max_check_attempts"); } /** * A bitmask specifying which attributes have been modified * @return returns the value of the "host_modified_attributes" column as int */ public int Host_modified_attributes() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsInt("host_modified_attributes"); } /** * A list of all modified attributes * @return returns the value of the "host_modified_attributes_list" column as list */ public String Host_modified_attributes_list() { return getAsList("host_modified_attributes_list"); } /** * Host name * @return returns the value of the "host_name" column as string */ public String Host_name() { return getAsString("host_name"); } /** * Scheduled time for the next check (Unix timestamp) * @return returns the value of the "host_next_check" column as time */ public Date Host_next_check() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsTime("host_next_check"); } /** * Time of the next notification (Unix timestamp) * @return returns the value of the "host_next_notification" column as time */ public Date Host_next_notification() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsTime("host_next_notification"); } /** * Whether to stop sending notifications (0/1) * @return returns the value of the "host_no_more_notifications" column as int */ public int Host_no_more_notifications() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsInt("host_no_more_notifications"); } /** * Optional notes for this host * @return returns the value of the "host_notes" column as string */ public String Host_notes() { return getAsString("host_notes"); } /** * The same as notes, but with the most important macros expanded * @return returns the value of the "host_notes_expanded" column as string */ public String Host_notes_expanded() { return getAsString("host_notes_expanded"); } /** * An optional URL with further information about the host * @return returns the value of the "host_notes_url" column as string */ public String Host_notes_url() { return getAsString("host_notes_url"); } /** * Same es notes_url, but with the most important macros expanded * @return returns the value of the "host_notes_url_expanded" column as string */ public String Host_notes_url_expanded() { return getAsString("host_notes_url_expanded"); } /** * Interval of periodic notification or 0 if its off * @return returns the value of the "host_notification_interval" column as float */ public float Host_notification_interval() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsFloat("host_notification_interval"); } /** * Time period in which problems of this host will be notified. If empty then notification will be always * @return returns the value of the "host_notification_period" column as string */ public String Host_notification_period() { return getAsString("host_notification_period"); } /** * Whether notifications of the host are enabled (0/1) * @return returns the value of the "host_notifications_enabled" column as int */ public int Host_notifications_enabled() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsInt("host_notifications_enabled"); } /** * The total number of services of the host * @return returns the value of the "host_num_services" column as int */ public int Host_num_services() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsInt("host_num_services"); } /** * The number of the host's services with the soft state CRIT * @return returns the value of the "host_num_services_crit" column as int */ public int Host_num_services_crit() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsInt("host_num_services_crit"); } /** * The number of the host's services with the hard state CRIT * @return returns the value of the "host_num_services_hard_crit" column as int */ public int Host_num_services_hard_crit() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsInt("host_num_services_hard_crit"); } /** * The number of the host's services with the hard state OK * @return returns the value of the "host_num_services_hard_ok" column as int */ public int Host_num_services_hard_ok() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsInt("host_num_services_hard_ok"); } /** * The number of the host's services with the hard state UNKNOWN * @return returns the value of the "host_num_services_hard_unknown" column as int */ public int Host_num_services_hard_unknown() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsInt("host_num_services_hard_unknown"); } /** * The number of the host's services with the hard state WARN * @return returns the value of the "host_num_services_hard_warn" column as int */ public int Host_num_services_hard_warn() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsInt("host_num_services_hard_warn"); } /** * The number of the host's services with the soft state OK * @return returns the value of the "host_num_services_ok" column as int */ public int Host_num_services_ok() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsInt("host_num_services_ok"); } /** * The number of the host's services which have not been checked yet (pending) * @return returns the value of the "host_num_services_pending" column as int */ public int Host_num_services_pending() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsInt("host_num_services_pending"); } /** * The number of the host's services with the soft state UNKNOWN * @return returns the value of the "host_num_services_unknown" column as int */ public int Host_num_services_unknown() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsInt("host_num_services_unknown"); } /** * The number of the host's services with the soft state WARN * @return returns the value of the "host_num_services_warn" column as int */ public int Host_num_services_warn() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsInt("host_num_services_warn"); } /** * The current obsess_over_host setting... (0/1) * @return returns the value of the "host_obsess_over_host" column as int */ public int Host_obsess_over_host() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsInt("host_obsess_over_host"); } /** * A list of all direct parents of the host * @return returns the value of the "host_parents" column as list */ public String Host_parents() { return getAsList("host_parents"); } /** * Whether a flex downtime is pending (0/1) * @return returns the value of the "host_pending_flex_downtime" column as int */ public int Host_pending_flex_downtime() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsInt("host_pending_flex_downtime"); } /** * Percent state change * @return returns the value of the "host_percent_state_change" column as float */ public float Host_percent_state_change() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsFloat("host_percent_state_change"); } /** * Optional performance data of the last host check * @return returns the value of the "host_perf_data" column as string */ public String Host_perf_data() { return getAsString("host_perf_data"); } /** * Output of the last host check * @return returns the value of the "host_plugin_output" column as string */ public String Host_plugin_output() { return getAsString("host_plugin_output"); } /** * Whether there is a PNP4Nagios graph present for this host (0/1) * @return returns the value of the "host_pnpgraph_present" column as int */ public int Host_pnpgraph_present() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsInt("host_pnpgraph_present"); } /** * Whether processing of performance data is enabled (0/1) * @return returns the value of the "host_process_performance_data" column as int */ public int Host_process_performance_data() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsInt("host_process_performance_data"); } /** * Number of basic interval lengths between checks when retrying after a soft error * @return returns the value of the "host_retry_interval" column as float */ public float Host_retry_interval() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsFloat("host_retry_interval"); } /** * The number of downtimes this host is currently in * @return returns the value of the "host_scheduled_downtime_depth" column as int */ public int Host_scheduled_downtime_depth() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsInt("host_scheduled_downtime_depth"); } /** * The name of the service period of the host * @return returns the value of the "host_service_period" column as string */ public String Host_service_period() { return getAsString("host_service_period"); } /** * A list of all services of the host * @return returns the value of the "host_services" column as list */ public String Host_services() { return getAsList("host_services"); } /** * A list of all services including detailed information about each service * @return returns the value of the "host_services_with_info" column as list */ public String Host_services_with_info() { return getAsList("host_services_with_info"); } /** * A list of all services of the host together with state and has_been_checked * @return returns the value of the "host_services_with_state" column as list */ public String Host_services_with_state() { return getAsList("host_services_with_state"); } /** * Staleness indicator for this host * @return returns the value of the "host_staleness" column as float */ public float Host_staleness() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsFloat("host_staleness"); } /** * The current state of the host (0: up, 1: down, 2: unreachable) * @return returns the value of the "host_state" column as int */ public int Host_state() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsInt("host_state"); } /** * Type of the current state (0: soft, 1: hard) * @return returns the value of the "host_state_type" column as int */ public int Host_state_type() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsInt("host_state_type"); } /** * The name of in image file for the status map * @return returns the value of the "host_statusmap_image" column as string */ public String Host_statusmap_image() { return getAsString("host_statusmap_image"); } /** * The total number of services of the host * @return returns the value of the "host_total_services" column as int */ public int Host_total_services() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsInt("host_total_services"); } /** * The worst hard state of all of the host's services (OK <= WARN <= UNKNOWN <= CRIT) * @return returns the value of the "host_worst_service_hard_state" column as int */ public int Host_worst_service_hard_state() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsInt("host_worst_service_hard_state"); } /** * The worst soft state of all of the host's services (OK <= WARN <= UNKNOWN <= CRIT) * @return returns the value of the "host_worst_service_state" column as int */ public int Host_worst_service_state() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsInt("host_worst_service_state"); } /** * 3D-Coordinates: X * @return returns the value of the "host_x_3d" column as float */ public float Host_x_3d() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsFloat("host_x_3d"); } /** * 3D-Coordinates: Y * @return returns the value of the "host_y_3d" column as float */ public float Host_y_3d() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsFloat("host_y_3d"); } /** * 3D-Coordinates: Z * @return returns the value of the "host_z_3d" column as float */ public float Host_z_3d() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsFloat("host_z_3d"); } /** * An optional URL to custom actions or information about the hostgroup * @return returns the value of the "hostgroup_action_url" column as string */ public String Hostgroup_action_url() { return getAsString("hostgroup_action_url"); } /** * An alias of the hostgroup * @return returns the value of the "hostgroup_alias" column as string */ public String Hostgroup_alias() { return getAsString("hostgroup_alias"); } /** * A list of all host names that are members of the hostgroup * @return returns the value of the "hostgroup_members" column as list */ public String Hostgroup_members() { return getAsList("hostgroup_members"); } /** * A list of all host names that are members of the hostgroup together with state and has_been_checked * @return returns the value of the "hostgroup_members_with_state" column as list */ public String Hostgroup_members_with_state() { return getAsList("hostgroup_members_with_state"); } /** * Name of the hostgroup * @return returns the value of the "hostgroup_name" column as string */ public String Hostgroup_name() { return getAsString("hostgroup_name"); } /** * Optional notes to the hostgroup * @return returns the value of the "hostgroup_notes" column as string */ public String Hostgroup_notes() { return getAsString("hostgroup_notes"); } /** * An optional URL with further information about the hostgroup * @return returns the value of the "hostgroup_notes_url" column as string */ public String Hostgroup_notes_url() { return getAsString("hostgroup_notes_url"); } /** * The total number of hosts in the group * @return returns the value of the "hostgroup_num_hosts" column as int */ public int Hostgroup_num_hosts() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsInt("hostgroup_num_hosts"); } /** * The number of hosts in the group that are down * @return returns the value of the "hostgroup_num_hosts_down" column as int */ public int Hostgroup_num_hosts_down() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsInt("hostgroup_num_hosts_down"); } /** * The number of hosts in the group that are pending * @return returns the value of the "hostgroup_num_hosts_pending" column as int */ public int Hostgroup_num_hosts_pending() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsInt("hostgroup_num_hosts_pending"); } /** * The number of hosts in the group that are unreachable * @return returns the value of the "hostgroup_num_hosts_unreach" column as int */ public int Hostgroup_num_hosts_unreach() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsInt("hostgroup_num_hosts_unreach"); } /** * The number of hosts in the group that are up * @return returns the value of the "hostgroup_num_hosts_up" column as int */ public int Hostgroup_num_hosts_up() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsInt("hostgroup_num_hosts_up"); } /** * The total number of services of hosts in this group * @return returns the value of the "hostgroup_num_services" column as int */ public int Hostgroup_num_services() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsInt("hostgroup_num_services"); } /** * The total number of services with the state CRIT of hosts in this group * @return returns the value of the "hostgroup_num_services_crit" column as int */ public int Hostgroup_num_services_crit() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsInt("hostgroup_num_services_crit"); } /** * The total number of services with the state CRIT of hosts in this group * @return returns the value of the "hostgroup_num_services_hard_crit" column as int */ public int Hostgroup_num_services_hard_crit() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsInt("hostgroup_num_services_hard_crit"); } /** * The total number of services with the state OK of hosts in this group * @return returns the value of the "hostgroup_num_services_hard_ok" column as int */ public int Hostgroup_num_services_hard_ok() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsInt("hostgroup_num_services_hard_ok"); } /** * The total number of services with the state UNKNOWN of hosts in this group * @return returns the value of the "hostgroup_num_services_hard_unknown" column as int */ public int Hostgroup_num_services_hard_unknown() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsInt("hostgroup_num_services_hard_unknown"); } /** * The total number of services with the state WARN of hosts in this group * @return returns the value of the "hostgroup_num_services_hard_warn" column as int */ public int Hostgroup_num_services_hard_warn() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsInt("hostgroup_num_services_hard_warn"); } /** * The total number of services with the state OK of hosts in this group * @return returns the value of the "hostgroup_num_services_ok" column as int */ public int Hostgroup_num_services_ok() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsInt("hostgroup_num_services_ok"); } /** * The total number of services with the state Pending of hosts in this group * @return returns the value of the "hostgroup_num_services_pending" column as int */ public int Hostgroup_num_services_pending() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsInt("hostgroup_num_services_pending"); } /** * The total number of services with the state UNKNOWN of hosts in this group * @return returns the value of the "hostgroup_num_services_unknown" column as int */ public int Hostgroup_num_services_unknown() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsInt("hostgroup_num_services_unknown"); } /** * The total number of services with the state WARN of hosts in this group * @return returns the value of the "hostgroup_num_services_warn" column as int */ public int Hostgroup_num_services_warn() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsInt("hostgroup_num_services_warn"); } /** * The worst state of all of the groups' hosts (UP <= UNREACHABLE <= DOWN) * @return returns the value of the "hostgroup_worst_host_state" column as int */ public int Hostgroup_worst_host_state() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsInt("hostgroup_worst_host_state"); } /** * The worst state of all services that belong to a host of this group (OK <= WARN <= UNKNOWN <= CRIT) * @return returns the value of the "hostgroup_worst_service_hard_state" column as int */ public int Hostgroup_worst_service_hard_state() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsInt("hostgroup_worst_service_hard_state"); } /** * The worst state of all services that belong to a host of this group (OK <= WARN <= UNKNOWN <= CRIT) * @return returns the value of the "hostgroup_worst_service_state" column as int */ public int Hostgroup_worst_service_state() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsInt("hostgroup_worst_service_state"); } /** * The name of an image to be used as icon in the web interface * @return returns the value of the "icon_image" column as string */ public String Icon_image() { return getAsString("icon_image"); } /** * An alternative text for the icon_image for browsers not displaying icons * @return returns the value of the "icon_image_alt" column as string */ public String Icon_image_alt() { return getAsString("icon_image_alt"); } /** * The icon_image with (the most important) macros expanded * @return returns the value of the "icon_image_expanded" column as string */ public String Icon_image_expanded() { return getAsString("icon_image_expanded"); } /** * Whether the service is currently in its check period (0/1) * @return returns the value of the "in_check_period" column as int */ public int In_check_period() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsInt("in_check_period"); } /** * Whether the service is currently in its notification period (0/1) * @return returns the value of the "in_notification_period" column as int */ public int In_notification_period() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsInt("in_notification_period"); } /** * Whether this service is currently in its service period (0/1) * @return returns the value of the "in_service_period" column as int */ public int In_service_period() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsInt("in_service_period"); } /** * The initial state of the service * @return returns the value of the "initial_state" column as int */ public int Initial_state() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsInt("initial_state"); } /** * is there a service check currently running... (0/1) * @return returns the value of the "is_executing" column as int */ public int Is_executing() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsInt("is_executing"); } /** * Whether the service is flapping (0/1) * @return returns the value of the "is_flapping" column as int */ public int Is_flapping() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsInt("is_flapping"); } /** * The time of the last check (Unix timestamp) * @return returns the value of the "last_check" column as time */ public Date Last_check() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsTime("last_check"); } /** * The last hard state of the service * @return returns the value of the "last_hard_state" column as int */ public int Last_hard_state() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsInt("last_hard_state"); } /** * The time of the last hard state change (Unix timestamp) * @return returns the value of the "last_hard_state_change" column as time */ public Date Last_hard_state_change() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsTime("last_hard_state_change"); } /** * The time of the last notification (Unix timestamp) * @return returns the value of the "last_notification" column as time */ public Date Last_notification() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsTime("last_notification"); } /** * The last state of the service * @return returns the value of the "last_state" column as int */ public int Last_state() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsInt("last_state"); } /** * The time of the last state change (Unix timestamp) * @return returns the value of the "last_state_change" column as time */ public Date Last_state_change() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsTime("last_state_change"); } /** * The last time the service was CRITICAL (Unix timestamp) * @return returns the value of the "last_time_critical" column as time */ public Date Last_time_critical() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsTime("last_time_critical"); } /** * The last time the service was OK (Unix timestamp) * @return returns the value of the "last_time_ok" column as time */ public Date Last_time_ok() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsTime("last_time_ok"); } /** * The last time the service was UNKNOWN (Unix timestamp) * @return returns the value of the "last_time_unknown" column as time */ public Date Last_time_unknown() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsTime("last_time_unknown"); } /** * The last time the service was in WARNING state (Unix timestamp) * @return returns the value of the "last_time_warning" column as time */ public Date Last_time_warning() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsTime("last_time_warning"); } /** * Time difference between scheduled check time and actual check time * @return returns the value of the "latency" column as float */ public float Latency() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsFloat("latency"); } /** * Unabbreviated output of the last check plugin * @return returns the value of the "long_plugin_output" column as string */ public String Long_plugin_output() { return getAsString("long_plugin_output"); } /** * Low threshold of flap detection * @return returns the value of the "low_flap_threshold" column as float */ public float Low_flap_threshold() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsFloat("low_flap_threshold"); } /** * The maximum number of check attempts * @return returns the value of the "max_check_attempts" column as int */ public int Max_check_attempts() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsInt("max_check_attempts"); } /** * A bitmask specifying which attributes have been modified * @return returns the value of the "modified_attributes" column as int */ public int Modified_attributes() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsInt("modified_attributes"); } /** * A list of all modified attributes * @return returns the value of the "modified_attributes_list" column as list */ public String Modified_attributes_list() { return getAsList("modified_attributes_list"); } /** * The scheduled time of the next check (Unix timestamp) * @return returns the value of the "next_check" column as time */ public Date Next_check() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsTime("next_check"); } /** * The time of the next notification (Unix timestamp) * @return returns the value of the "next_notification" column as time */ public Date Next_notification() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsTime("next_notification"); } /** * Whether to stop sending notifications (0/1) * @return returns the value of the "no_more_notifications" column as int */ public int No_more_notifications() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsInt("no_more_notifications"); } /** * Optional notes about the service * @return returns the value of the "notes" column as string */ public String Notes() { return getAsString("notes"); } /** * The notes with (the most important) macros expanded * @return returns the value of the "notes_expanded" column as string */ public String Notes_expanded() { return getAsString("notes_expanded"); } /** * An optional URL for additional notes about the service * @return returns the value of the "notes_url" column as string */ public String Notes_url() { return getAsString("notes_url"); } /** * The notes_url with (the most important) macros expanded * @return returns the value of the "notes_url_expanded" column as string */ public String Notes_url_expanded() { return getAsString("notes_url_expanded"); } /** * Interval of periodic notification or 0 if its off * @return returns the value of the "notification_interval" column as float */ public float Notification_interval() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsFloat("notification_interval"); } /** * The name of the notification period of the service. It this is empty, service problems are always notified. * @return returns the value of the "notification_period" column as string */ public String Notification_period() { return getAsString("notification_period"); } /** * Whether notifications are enabled for the service (0/1) * @return returns the value of the "notifications_enabled" column as int */ public int Notifications_enabled() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsInt("notifications_enabled"); } /** * Whether 'obsess_over_service' is enabled for the service (0/1) * @return returns the value of the "obsess_over_service" column as int */ public int Obsess_over_service() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsInt("obsess_over_service"); } /** * Percent state change * @return returns the value of the "percent_state_change" column as float */ public float Percent_state_change() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsFloat("percent_state_change"); } /** * Performance data of the last check plugin * @return returns the value of the "perf_data" column as string */ public String Perf_data() { return getAsString("perf_data"); } /** * Output of the last check plugin * @return returns the value of the "plugin_output" column as string */ public String Plugin_output() { return getAsString("plugin_output"); } /** * Whether there is a PNP4Nagios graph present for this service (0/1) * @return returns the value of the "pnpgraph_present" column as int */ public int Pnpgraph_present() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsInt("pnpgraph_present"); } /** * Whether processing of performance data is enabled for the service (0/1) * @return returns the value of the "process_performance_data" column as int */ public int Process_performance_data() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsInt("process_performance_data"); } /** * Number of basic interval lengths between checks when retrying after a soft error * @return returns the value of the "retry_interval" column as float */ public float Retry_interval() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsFloat("retry_interval"); } /** * The number of scheduled downtimes the service is currently in * @return returns the value of the "scheduled_downtime_depth" column as int */ public int Scheduled_downtime_depth() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsInt("scheduled_downtime_depth"); } /** * The name of the service period of the service * @return returns the value of the "service_period" column as string */ public String Service_period() { return getAsString("service_period"); } /** * The staleness indicator for this service * @return returns the value of the "staleness" column as float */ public float Staleness() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsFloat("staleness"); } /** * The current state of the service (0: OK, 1: WARN, 2: CRITICAL, 3: UNKNOWN) * @return returns the value of the "state" column as int */ public int State() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsInt("state"); } /** * The type of the current state (0: soft, 1: hard) * @return returns the value of the "state_type" column as int */ public int State_type() throws NumberFormatException { return getAsInt("state_type"); } /** * create the map for all columns of table Servicesbyhostgroup. Key=column name, Value=column value * * @param table LiveStatus table * @param filter filter to applay for this table * @return Map<String, String> */ @Override public Map<String, String> asArrayString(String table, String filter) throws NumberFormatException { mapKeyValue.clear(); setMapObjects(table, filter); addToHashtable("accept_passive_checks", getAsString(Accept_passive_checks())); addToHashtable("acknowledged", getAsString(Acknowledged())); addToHashtable("acknowledgement_type", getAsString(Acknowledgement_type())); addToHashtable("action_url", (Action_url())); addToHashtable("action_url_expanded", (Action_url_expanded())); addToHashtable("active_checks_enabled", getAsString(Active_checks_enabled())); addToHashtable("check_command", (Check_command())); addToHashtable("check_command_expanded", (Check_command_expanded())); addToHashtable("check_freshness", getAsString(Check_freshness())); addToHashtable("check_interval", getAsString(Check_interval())); addToHashtable("check_options", getAsString(Check_options())); addToHashtable("check_period", (Check_period())); addToHashtable("check_type", getAsString(Check_type())); addToHashtable("checks_enabled", getAsString(Checks_enabled())); addToHashtable("comments", (Comments())); addToHashtable("comments_with_extra_info", (Comments_with_extra_info())); addToHashtable("comments_with_info", (Comments_with_info())); addToHashtable("contact_groups", (Contact_groups())); addToHashtable("contacts", (Contacts())); addToHashtable("current_attempt", getAsString(Current_attempt())); addToHashtable("current_notification_number", getAsString(Current_notification_number())); addToHashtable("custom_variable_names", (Custom_variable_names())); addToHashtable("custom_variable_values", (Custom_variable_values())); addToHashtable("custom_variables", (Custom_variables())); addToHashtable("description", (Description())); addToHashtable("display_name", (Display_name())); addToHashtable("downtimes", (Downtimes())); addToHashtable("downtimes_with_info", (Downtimes_with_info())); addToHashtable("event_handler", (Event_handler())); addToHashtable("event_handler_enabled", getAsString(Event_handler_enabled())); addToHashtable("execution_time", getAsString(Execution_time())); addToHashtable("first_notification_delay", getAsString(First_notification_delay())); addToHashtable("flap_detection_enabled", getAsString(Flap_detection_enabled())); addToHashtable("groups", (Groups())); addToHashtable("has_been_checked", getAsString(Has_been_checked())); addToHashtable("high_flap_threshold", getAsString(High_flap_threshold())); addToHashtable("host_accept_passive_checks", getAsString(Host_accept_passive_checks())); addToHashtable("host_acknowledged", getAsString(Host_acknowledged())); addToHashtable("host_acknowledgement_type", getAsString(Host_acknowledgement_type())); addToHashtable("host_action_url", (Host_action_url())); addToHashtable("host_action_url_expanded", (Host_action_url_expanded())); addToHashtable("host_active_checks_enabled", getAsString(Host_active_checks_enabled())); addToHashtable("host_address", (Host_address())); addToHashtable("host_alias", (Host_alias())); addToHashtable("host_check_command", (Host_check_command())); addToHashtable("host_check_command_expanded", (Host_check_command_expanded())); addToHashtable("host_check_flapping_recovery_notification", getAsString(Host_check_flapping_recovery_notification())); addToHashtable("host_check_freshness", getAsString(Host_check_freshness())); addToHashtable("host_check_interval", getAsString(Host_check_interval())); addToHashtable("host_check_options", getAsString(Host_check_options())); addToHashtable("host_check_period", (Host_check_period())); addToHashtable("host_check_type", getAsString(Host_check_type())); addToHashtable("host_checks_enabled", getAsString(Host_checks_enabled())); addToHashtable("host_childs", (Host_childs())); addToHashtable("host_comments", (Host_comments())); addToHashtable("host_comments_with_extra_info", (Host_comments_with_extra_info())); addToHashtable("host_comments_with_info", (Host_comments_with_info())); addToHashtable("host_contact_groups", (Host_contact_groups())); addToHashtable("host_contacts", (Host_contacts())); addToHashtable("host_current_attempt", getAsString(Host_current_attempt())); addToHashtable("host_current_notification_number", getAsString(Host_current_notification_number())); addToHashtable("host_custom_variable_names", (Host_custom_variable_names())); addToHashtable("host_custom_variable_values", (Host_custom_variable_values())); addToHashtable("host_custom_variables", (Host_custom_variables())); addToHashtable("host_display_name", (Host_display_name())); addToHashtable("host_downtimes", (Host_downtimes())); addToHashtable("host_downtimes_with_info", (Host_downtimes_with_info())); addToHashtable("host_event_handler", (Host_event_handler())); addToHashtable("host_event_handler_enabled", getAsString(Host_event_handler_enabled())); addToHashtable("host_execution_time", getAsString(Host_execution_time())); addToHashtable("host_filename", (Host_filename())); addToHashtable("host_first_notification_delay", getAsString(Host_first_notification_delay())); addToHashtable("host_flap_detection_enabled", getAsString(Host_flap_detection_enabled())); addToHashtable("host_groups", (Host_groups())); addToHashtable("host_hard_state", getAsString(Host_hard_state())); addToHashtable("host_has_been_checked", getAsString(Host_has_been_checked())); addToHashtable("host_high_flap_threshold", getAsString(Host_high_flap_threshold())); addToHashtable("host_icon_image", (Host_icon_image())); addToHashtable("host_icon_image_alt", (Host_icon_image_alt())); addToHashtable("host_icon_image_expanded", (Host_icon_image_expanded())); addToHashtable("host_in_check_period", getAsString(Host_in_check_period())); addToHashtable("host_in_notification_period", getAsString(Host_in_notification_period())); addToHashtable("host_in_service_period", getAsString(Host_in_service_period())); addToHashtable("host_initial_state", getAsString(Host_initial_state())); addToHashtable("host_is_executing", getAsString(Host_is_executing())); addToHashtable("host_is_flapping", getAsString(Host_is_flapping())); addToHashtable("host_last_check", getAsString(Host_last_check())); addToHashtable("host_last_hard_state", getAsString(Host_last_hard_state())); addToHashtable("host_last_hard_state_change", getAsString(Host_last_hard_state_change())); addToHashtable("host_last_notification", getAsString(Host_last_notification())); addToHashtable("host_last_state", getAsString(Host_last_state())); addToHashtable("host_last_state_change", getAsString(Host_last_state_change())); addToHashtable("host_last_time_down", getAsString(Host_last_time_down())); addToHashtable("host_last_time_unreachable", getAsString(Host_last_time_unreachable())); addToHashtable("host_last_time_up", getAsString(Host_last_time_up())); addToHashtable("host_latency", getAsString(Host_latency())); addToHashtable("host_long_plugin_output", (Host_long_plugin_output())); addToHashtable("host_low_flap_threshold", getAsString(Host_low_flap_threshold())); addToHashtable("host_max_check_attempts", getAsString(Host_max_check_attempts())); addToHashtable("host_modified_attributes", getAsString(Host_modified_attributes())); addToHashtable("host_modified_attributes_list", (Host_modified_attributes_list())); addToHashtable("host_name", (Host_name())); addToHashtable("host_next_check", getAsString(Host_next_check())); addToHashtable("host_next_notification", getAsString(Host_next_notification())); addToHashtable("host_no_more_notifications", getAsString(Host_no_more_notifications())); addToHashtable("host_notes", (Host_notes())); addToHashtable("host_notes_expanded", (Host_notes_expanded())); addToHashtable("host_notes_url", (Host_notes_url())); addToHashtable("host_notes_url_expanded", (Host_notes_url_expanded())); addToHashtable("host_notification_interval", getAsString(Host_notification_interval())); addToHashtable("host_notification_period", (Host_notification_period())); addToHashtable("host_notifications_enabled", getAsString(Host_notifications_enabled())); addToHashtable("host_num_services", getAsString(Host_num_services())); addToHashtable("host_num_services_crit", getAsString(Host_num_services_crit())); addToHashtable("host_num_services_hard_crit", getAsString(Host_num_services_hard_crit())); addToHashtable("host_num_services_hard_ok", getAsString(Host_num_services_hard_ok())); addToHashtable("host_num_services_hard_unknown", getAsString(Host_num_services_hard_unknown())); addToHashtable("host_num_services_hard_warn", getAsString(Host_num_services_hard_warn())); addToHashtable("host_num_services_ok", getAsString(Host_num_services_ok())); addToHashtable("host_num_services_pending", getAsString(Host_num_services_pending())); addToHashtable("host_num_services_unknown", getAsString(Host_num_services_unknown())); addToHashtable("host_num_services_warn", getAsString(Host_num_services_warn())); addToHashtable("host_obsess_over_host", getAsString(Host_obsess_over_host())); addToHashtable("host_parents", (Host_parents())); addToHashtable("host_pending_flex_downtime", getAsString(Host_pending_flex_downtime())); addToHashtable("host_percent_state_change", getAsString(Host_percent_state_change())); addToHashtable("host_perf_data", (Host_perf_data())); addToHashtable("host_plugin_output", (Host_plugin_output())); addToHashtable("host_pnpgraph_present", getAsString(Host_pnpgraph_present())); addToHashtable("host_process_performance_data", getAsString(Host_process_performance_data())); addToHashtable("host_retry_interval", getAsString(Host_retry_interval())); addToHashtable("host_scheduled_downtime_depth", getAsString(Host_scheduled_downtime_depth())); addToHashtable("host_service_period", (Host_service_period())); addToHashtable("host_services", (Host_services())); addToHashtable("host_services_with_info", (Host_services_with_info())); addToHashtable("host_services_with_state", (Host_services_with_state())); addToHashtable("host_staleness", getAsString(Host_staleness())); addToHashtable("host_state", getAsString(Host_state())); addToHashtable("host_state_type", getAsString(Host_state_type())); addToHashtable("host_statusmap_image", (Host_statusmap_image())); addToHashtable("host_total_services", getAsString(Host_total_services())); addToHashtable("host_worst_service_hard_state", getAsString(Host_worst_service_hard_state())); addToHashtable("host_worst_service_state", getAsString(Host_worst_service_state())); addToHashtable("host_x_3d", getAsString(Host_x_3d())); addToHashtable("host_y_3d", getAsString(Host_y_3d())); addToHashtable("host_z_3d", getAsString(Host_z_3d())); addToHashtable("hostgroup_action_url", (Hostgroup_action_url())); addToHashtable("hostgroup_alias", (Hostgroup_alias())); addToHashtable("hostgroup_members", (Hostgroup_members())); addToHashtable("hostgroup_members_with_state", (Hostgroup_members_with_state())); addToHashtable("hostgroup_name", (Hostgroup_name())); addToHashtable("hostgroup_notes", (Hostgroup_notes())); addToHashtable("hostgroup_notes_url", (Hostgroup_notes_url())); addToHashtable("hostgroup_num_hosts", getAsString(Hostgroup_num_hosts())); addToHashtable("hostgroup_num_hosts_down", getAsString(Hostgroup_num_hosts_down())); addToHashtable("hostgroup_num_hosts_pending", getAsString(Hostgroup_num_hosts_pending())); addToHashtable("hostgroup_num_hosts_unreach", getAsString(Hostgroup_num_hosts_unreach())); addToHashtable("hostgroup_num_hosts_up", getAsString(Hostgroup_num_hosts_up())); addToHashtable("hostgroup_num_services", getAsString(Hostgroup_num_services())); addToHashtable("hostgroup_num_services_crit", getAsString(Hostgroup_num_services_crit())); addToHashtable("hostgroup_num_services_hard_crit", getAsString(Hostgroup_num_services_hard_crit())); addToHashtable("hostgroup_num_services_hard_ok", getAsString(Hostgroup_num_services_hard_ok())); addToHashtable("hostgroup_num_services_hard_unknown", getAsString(Hostgroup_num_services_hard_unknown())); addToHashtable("hostgroup_num_services_hard_warn", getAsString(Hostgroup_num_services_hard_warn())); addToHashtable("hostgroup_num_services_ok", getAsString(Hostgroup_num_services_ok())); addToHashtable("hostgroup_num_services_pending", getAsString(Hostgroup_num_services_pending())); addToHashtable("hostgroup_num_services_unknown", getAsString(Hostgroup_num_services_unknown())); addToHashtable("hostgroup_num_services_warn", getAsString(Hostgroup_num_services_warn())); addToHashtable("hostgroup_worst_host_state", getAsString(Hostgroup_worst_host_state())); addToHashtable("hostgroup_worst_service_hard_state", getAsString(Hostgroup_worst_service_hard_state())); addToHashtable("hostgroup_worst_service_state", getAsString(Hostgroup_worst_service_state())); addToHashtable("icon_image", (Icon_image())); addToHashtable("icon_image_alt", (Icon_image_alt())); addToHashtable("icon_image_expanded", (Icon_image_expanded())); addToHashtable("in_check_period", getAsString(In_check_period())); addToHashtable("in_notification_period", getAsString(In_notification_period())); addToHashtable("in_service_period", getAsString(In_service_period())); addToHashtable("initial_state", getAsString(Initial_state())); addToHashtable("is_executing", getAsString(Is_executing())); addToHashtable("is_flapping", getAsString(Is_flapping())); addToHashtable("last_check", getAsString(Last_check())); addToHashtable("last_hard_state", getAsString(Last_hard_state())); addToHashtable("last_hard_state_change", getAsString(Last_hard_state_change())); addToHashtable("last_notification", getAsString(Last_notification())); addToHashtable("last_state", getAsString(Last_state())); addToHashtable("last_state_change", getAsString(Last_state_change())); addToHashtable("last_time_critical", getAsString(Last_time_critical())); addToHashtable("last_time_ok", getAsString(Last_time_ok())); addToHashtable("last_time_unknown", getAsString(Last_time_unknown())); addToHashtable("last_time_warning", getAsString(Last_time_warning())); addToHashtable("latency", getAsString(Latency())); addToHashtable("long_plugin_output", (Long_plugin_output())); addToHashtable("low_flap_threshold", getAsString(Low_flap_threshold())); addToHashtable("max_check_attempts", getAsString(Max_check_attempts())); addToHashtable("modified_attributes", getAsString(Modified_attributes())); addToHashtable("modified_attributes_list", (Modified_attributes_list())); addToHashtable("next_check", getAsString(Next_check())); addToHashtable("next_notification", getAsString(Next_notification())); addToHashtable("no_more_notifications", getAsString(No_more_notifications())); addToHashtable("notes", (Notes())); addToHashtable("notes_expanded", (Notes_expanded())); addToHashtable("notes_url", (Notes_url())); addToHashtable("notes_url_expanded", (Notes_url_expanded())); addToHashtable("notification_interval", getAsString(Notification_interval())); addToHashtable("notification_period", (Notification_period())); addToHashtable("notifications_enabled", getAsString(Notifications_enabled())); addToHashtable("obsess_over_service", getAsString(Obsess_over_service())); addToHashtable("percent_state_change", getAsString(Percent_state_change())); addToHashtable("perf_data", (Perf_data())); addToHashtable("plugin_output", (Plugin_output())); addToHashtable("pnpgraph_present", getAsString(Pnpgraph_present())); addToHashtable("process_performance_data", getAsString(Process_performance_data())); addToHashtable("retry_interval", getAsString(Retry_interval())); addToHashtable("scheduled_downtime_depth", getAsString(Scheduled_downtime_depth())); addToHashtable("service_period", (Service_period())); addToHashtable("staleness", getAsString(Staleness())); addToHashtable("state", getAsString(State())); addToHashtable("state_type", getAsString(State_type())); return mapKeyValue; } }