package; import java.sql.Date; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class NagiosNDOStateHistoryDao extends CrudDaoDefaultImpl { public NagiosNDOStateHistoryDao(String nameJNDI) { super(nameJNDI, null); } public Collection<Field> getFields() { Collection<Field> listFields = new ArrayList<>(); listFields.add(new Field("statehistory_id" ,"statehistory_id", true, true, false, false)); listFields.add(new Field("instance_id" ,"instance_id", false, false, false, false)); listFields.add(new Field("state_time" ,"state_time", false, false, false, false)); listFields.add(new Field("state_time_usec" ,"state_time_usec", false, false, false, false)); listFields.add(new Field("object_id" ,"object_id", false, false, false, false)); listFields.add(new Field("state_change" ,"state_change", false, false, false, false)); listFields.add(new Field("state" ,"state", false, false, false, false)); listFields.add(new Field("state_type" ,"state_type", false, false, false, false)); listFields.add(new Field("current_check_attempt" ,"current_check_attempt", false, false, false, false)); listFields.add(new Field("max_check_attempts" ,"max_check_attempts", false, false, false, false)); listFields.add(new Field("last_state" ,"last_state", false, false, false, false)); listFields.add(new Field("last_hard_state" ,"last_hard_state", false, false, false, false)); listFields.add(new Field("last_hard_state" ,"last_hard_state", false, false, false, false)); listFields.add(new Field("output" ,"output", false, false, false, false)); listFields.add(new Field("long_output" ,"long_output", false, false, false, false)); return listFields; } public String getTableName() { return this.getOwner() + "nagios_statehistory"; } public Collection list() throws PersistenceException { return null; } public Class getBean() { return NagiosNDOStateHistoryDTO.class; } public Collection find(IDto arg0) throws PersistenceException { return null; } public Collection findByObject_id(Integer parm) throws PersistenceException { List condicao = new ArrayList(); List ordenacao = new ArrayList(); condicao.add(new Condition("object_id", "=", parm)); ordenacao.add(new Order("statehistory_id")); return super.findByCondition(condicao, ordenacao); } public void deleteByObject_id(Integer parm) throws PersistenceException { List condicao = new ArrayList(); condicao.add(new Condition("object_id", "=", parm)); super.deleteByCondition(condicao); } public Collection findByHostServiceStatus(String hostName, String serviceName, String status, Date dataInicial, Date dataFinal) throws PersistenceException { List parametros = new ArrayList(); String sql = "select " + this.getNamesFieldsStr() + " from " + this.getTableName() + " "; sql = sql + "where 1 = 1 and (state_type = 1 or state = 0) "; //state_type = 1 --> HARD TYPE if (hostName != null && !hostName.trim().equalsIgnoreCase("")){ if (serviceName != null && !serviceName.trim().equalsIgnoreCase("")){ sql = sql + " and object_id = (select object_id from nagios_objects where name1 = ? and name2 = ?) "; parametros.add(hostName); parametros.add(serviceName); }else{ sql = sql + " and object_id = (select object_id from nagios_objects where name1 = ? and name2 is null) "; parametros.add(hostName); } } if (status != null && !status.trim().equalsIgnoreCase("")){ Integer idStatus = 0; if (status.equalsIgnoreCase("DOWN") || status.equalsIgnoreCase("CRITICAL")){ idStatus = 2; } if (status.equalsIgnoreCase("WARNING") || status.equalsIgnoreCase("WARN")){ idStatus = 1; } sql = sql + " and state = ? "; parametros.add(idStatus); } sql = sql + " and state_time between ? and ?"; parametros.add(dataInicial); parametros.add(dataFinal); sql = sql + " order by state_time"; List lst = this.execSQL(sql, parametros.toArray()); return this.listConvertion(NagiosNDOStateHistoryDTO.class, lst, this.getListNamesFieldClass()); } public Collection findByHostServiceStatusAndServiceNull(String hostName, String status, Date dataInicial, Date dataFinal) throws PersistenceException { List parametros = new ArrayList(); String sql = "select " + this.getNamesFieldsStr() + " from " + this.getTableName() + " "; sql = sql + "where 1 = 1 and (state_type = 1 or state = 0) "; //state_type = 1 --> HARD TYPE if (hostName != null && !hostName.trim().equalsIgnoreCase("")){ sql = sql + " and object_id = (select object_id from nagios_objects where name1 = ? and name2 is null) "; parametros.add(hostName); } if (status != null && !status.trim().equalsIgnoreCase("")){ Integer idStatus = 0; if (status.equalsIgnoreCase("DOWN") || status.equalsIgnoreCase("CRITICAL")){ idStatus = 2; } if (status.equalsIgnoreCase("WARNING") || status.equalsIgnoreCase("WARN")){ idStatus = 1; } sql = sql + " and state = ? "; parametros.add(idStatus); } sql = sql + " and state_time between ? and ?"; parametros.add(dataInicial); parametros.add(dataFinal); sql = sql + " order by state_time"; List lst = this.execSQL(sql, parametros.toArray()); return this.listConvertion(NagiosNDOStateHistoryDTO.class, lst, this.getListNamesFieldClass()); } }