package; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * @author thiago.borges * */ public class ExternalConnectionDao extends CrudDaoDefaultImpl { public ExternalConnectionDao() { super(Constantes.getValue("DATABASE_ALIAS"), null); } public Collection<Field> getFields() { Collection<Field> listFields = new ArrayList<>(); listFields.add(new Field("idexternalconnection" ,"idExternalConnection", true, true, false, false)); listFields.add(new Field("nome" ,"nome", false, false, false, false)); listFields.add(new Field("tipo" ,"tipo", false, false, false, false)); listFields.add(new Field("urljdbc" ,"urlJdbc", false, false, false, false)); listFields.add(new Field("jdbcdbname" ,"jdbcDbName", false, false, false, false)); listFields.add(new Field("jdbcdriver" ,"jdbcDriver", false, false, false, false)); listFields.add(new Field("jdbcuser" ,"jdbcUser", false, false, false, false)); listFields.add(new Field("jdbcpassword" ,"jdbcPassword", false, false, false, false)); listFields.add(new Field("filename" ,"fileName", false, false, false, false)); listFields.add(new Field("schemadb" ,"schemaDb", false, false, false, false)); listFields.add(new Field("deleted", "deleted", false, false, false, false)); return listFields; } public String getTableName() { return this.getOwner() + "ExternalConnection"; } @Override public Collection list() throws PersistenceException { List list = new ArrayList(); list.add(new Order("nome")); return super.list(list); } public Class getBean() { return ExternalConnectionDTO.class; } public Collection find(IDto arg0) throws PersistenceException { return null; } public Object getLastValueFromDestino(ImportManagerDTO importManagerDTO, String idDestino) throws PersistenceException{ String sql = "SELECT MAX(" + idDestino + ") FROM " + importManagerDTO.getTabelaDestino(); List lstData = this.execSQL(sql, null); if (lstData != null && lstData.size() > 0){ Object o = ((Object[])lstData.get(0))[0]; if (o == null){ return 1; } if (o instanceof Integer){ Integer intAux = (Integer)o; return intAux.intValue() + 1; } if (o instanceof Long){ Long aux = (Long)o; return aux.longValue() + 1; } if (o instanceof Double){ Double aux = (Double)o; return aux.doubleValue() + 1; } if (o instanceof BigDecimal){ BigDecimal aux = (BigDecimal)o; return aux.doubleValue() + 1; } if (o instanceof BigInteger){ BigInteger aux = (BigInteger)o; return aux.doubleValue() + 1; } //Se chegou aqui, eh que nao passou por lugar algum acima. Integer intAux = (Integer)o; return intAux.intValue() + 1; } return 1; } public void executeSQLUpdate(String sql, Object[] objs) throws PersistenceException{ this.execUpdate(sql, objs); } public boolean consultarConexoesAtivas(ExternalConnectionDTO obj) throws PersistenceException { List parametro = new ArrayList(); List list = new ArrayList(); String sql = "select idexternalconnection From " + getTableName() + " where nome = ? and deleted is null "; if(obj.getIdExternalConnection() != null){ sql+=" and idexternalconnection <> "+ obj.getIdExternalConnection(); } parametro.add(obj.getNome()); list = this.execSQL(sql, parametro.toArray()); if (list != null && !list.isEmpty()) { return true; } else { return false; } } public boolean validaInsert(ExternalConnectionDTO obj){ return false; } public Collection findByNome(ExternalConnectionDTO conexoesDTO) throws PersistenceException { List condicao = new ArrayList(); List ordenacao = new ArrayList(); condicao.add(new Condition("nome", "=", conexoesDTO.getNome())); ordenacao.add(new Order("nome")); condicao.add(new Condition(Condition.AND, "deleted", "is", null)); return super.findByCondition(condicao, ordenacao); } public Collection<ExternalConnectionDTO> seConexaoJaCadastrada(ExternalConnectionDTO conexoesDTO) throws PersistenceException { List parametro = new ArrayList(); List list = new ArrayList(); String sql = ""; sql = " select lower(nome) from externalconnection where nome = lower(?) "; parametro.add(conexoesDTO.getNome().trim().toLowerCase()); list = this.execSQL(sql, parametro.toArray()); return list; } public Collection<ExternalConnectionDTO> listarAtivas() throws PersistenceException { List condicao = new ArrayList(); List ordenacao = new ArrayList(); ordenacao.add(new Order("nome")); condicao.add(new Condition("deleted", "is", null)); return super.findByCondition(condicao, ordenacao); } }