package org.f2o.absurdum.puck.gui.panels.code; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ItemEvent; import java.awt.event.ItemListener; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import javax.swing.AbstractAction; import javax.swing.ButtonModel; import javax.swing.JCheckBoxMenuItem; import org.f2o.absurdum.puck.gui.config.PuckConfiguration; import org.fife.ui.rsyntaxtextarea.RSyntaxTextArea; /** * Action to toggle a configuration option in the RSyntaxTextAreas. * @author carlos * */ public class RSyntaxOptionToggleAction extends AbstractAction { /**Property in PuckConfiguration where the option will be stored.*/ private String configProperty; /**Object that defines how to actually toggle the option*/ private RSyntaxOption toggler; /**Button model for check boxes*/ private ButtonModel bModel; /**Map for instances from config properties*/ private static Map instances = Collections.synchronizedMap ( new HashMap() ); /**Group. If not null, when one is enabled, the others will be disabled*/ private RSyntaxOptionToggleAction[] group; private RSyntaxOptionToggleAction ( String actionName , String configProperty , RSyntaxOption toggler , RSyntaxOptionToggleAction[] group ) { this.toggler = toggler; this.configProperty = configProperty; = group; putValue(NAME, actionName); loadConfig(); } private RSyntaxOptionToggleAction ( String actionName , String configProperty , RSyntaxOption toggler ) { this(actionName,configProperty,toggler,null); } public static RSyntaxOptionToggleAction getInstanceFor ( String actionName , String configProperty ) { RSyntaxOptionToggleAction instance; instance = (RSyntaxOptionToggleAction) instances.get(configProperty); if ( instance != null ) return instance; //no instance yet for this config property: create and register it instance = new RSyntaxOptionToggleAction ( actionName , configProperty , RSyntaxOption.getInstanceFor(configProperty) ); instances.put(configProperty, instance); return instance; } public void setGroup ( RSyntaxOptionToggleAction[] group ) { = group; } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if ( group != null ) { if ( toggler.isOptionEnabled() ) return; //if option is part of a group, it can only be disabled by enabling another one else //disable other options in group { for ( int i = 0 ; i < group.length ; i++ ) { if ( group[i] != this ) group[i].disable(); } } } toggler.setOptionEnabled(!toggler.isOptionEnabled()); //save the configuration so it will be kept for future sessions PuckConfiguration.getInstance().setProperty(configProperty, String.valueOf(toggler.isOptionEnabled())); } /** * This is used for groups, where enabling one option can disable the others. */ public void disable() { toggler.setOptionEnabled(false); getCheckBox().getModel().setSelected(false); //save the configuration so it will be kept for future sessions PuckConfiguration.getInstance().setProperty(configProperty, String.valueOf(toggler.isOptionEnabled())); } /** * Loads the value of the option from PUCK configuration and sets it. */ public void loadConfig() { toggler.setOptionEnabled(PuckConfiguration.getInstance().getBooleanProperty(configProperty)); } public JCheckBoxMenuItem getCheckBox ( ) { if ( bModel == null ) { JCheckBoxMenuItem prototypeCheckBox = new JCheckBoxMenuItem(this); prototypeCheckBox.setSelected(toggler.isOptionEnabled()); bModel = prototypeCheckBox.getModel(); } JCheckBoxMenuItem requested = new JCheckBoxMenuItem(this); requested.setModel(bModel); return requested; } }