package bsh.servlet; /** This file is derived from Pat Niemeyer's free utilities package. Now part of BeanShell. @see @version 1.0 @author Pat Niemeyer ( */ import*; import java.util.*; import; /** This is a simple template engine. An instance of SimpleTemplate wraps a StringBuffer and performs replace operations on one or more parameters embedded as HMTL style comments. The value can then be retrieved as a String or written to a stream. Template values in the text are of the form: <!-- TEMPLATE-NAME --> Substitutions then take the form of: template.replace( "NAME", value ); Two static util methods are provided to help read the text of a template from a stream (perhaps a URL or resource). e.g. @author Pat Niemeyer */ public class SimpleTemplate { StringBuffer buff; static String NO_TEMPLATE = "NO_TEMPLATE"; // Flag for non-existent static Map templateData = new HashMap(); static boolean cacheTemplates = true; /** Get a template by name, with caching. Note: this should be updated to search the resource path first, etc. Create a new instance of a template from the specified file. The file text is cached so lookup is fast. Failure to find the file is also cached so the read will not happen twice. */ public static SimpleTemplate getTemplate( String file ) { String templateText = (String)templateData.get( file ); if ( templateText == null || !cacheTemplates ) { try { FileReader fr = new FileReader( file ); templateText = SimpleTemplate.getStringFromStream( fr ); templateData.put( file, templateText ); } catch ( IOException e ) { // Not found templateData.put( file, NO_TEMPLATE ); } } else // Quick check prevents trying each time if ( templateText.equals( NO_TEMPLATE ) ) return null; if ( templateText == null ) return null; else return new SimpleTemplate( templateText ); } public static String getStringFromStream( InputStream ins ) throws IOException { return getStringFromStream( new InputStreamReader( ins ) ); } public static String getStringFromStream( Reader reader ) throws IOException { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader( reader ); String line; while ( ( line = br.readLine() ) != null ) sb.append( line +"\n"); return sb.toString(); } public SimpleTemplate( String template ) { init(template); } public SimpleTemplate( Reader reader ) throws IOException { String template = getStringFromStream( reader ); init(template); } public SimpleTemplate( URL url ) throws IOException { String template = getStringFromStream( url.openStream() ); init(template); } private void init( String s ) { buff = new StringBuffer( s ); } /** Substitute the specified text for the parameter */ public void replace( String param, String value ) { int [] range; while ( (range = findTemplate( param )) != null ) buff.replace( range[0], range[1], value ); } /** Find the starting (inclusive) and ending (exclusive) index of the named template and return them as a two element int []. Or return null if the param is not found. */ int [] findTemplate( String name ) { String text = buff.toString(); int len = text.length(); int start = 0; while ( start < len ) { // Find begin and end comment int cstart = text.indexOf( "<!--", start ); if ( cstart == -1 ) return null; // no more comments int cend = text.indexOf( "-->", cstart ); if ( cend == -1 ) return null; // no more complete comments cend += "-->".length(); // Find template tag int tstart = text.indexOf( "TEMPLATE-", cstart ); if ( tstart == -1 ) { start = cend; // try the next comment continue; } // Is the tag inside the comment we found? if ( tstart > cend ) { start = cend; // try the next comment continue; } // find begin and end of param name int pstart = tstart + "TEMPLATE-".length(); int pend = len; for ( pend = pstart; pend < len; pend++) { char c = text.charAt( pend ); if ( c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '-' ) break; } if ( pend >= len ) return null; String param = text.substring( pstart, pend ); // If it's the correct one, return the comment extent if ( param.equals( name ) ) return new int [] { cstart, cend }; //System.out.println( "Found param: {"+param+"} in comment: "+ text.substring(cstart, cend) +"}"); // Else try the next one start = cend; } // Not found return null; } public String toString() { return buff.toString(); } public void write( PrintWriter out ) { out.println( toString() ); } public void write( PrintStream out ) { out.println( toString() ); } /** usage: filename param value */ public static void main( String [] args ) throws IOException { String filename = args[0]; String param = args[1]; String value = args[2]; FileReader fr = new FileReader( filename ); String templateText = SimpleTemplate.getStringFromStream( fr ); SimpleTemplate template = new SimpleTemplate( templateText ); template.replace( param, value ); template.write( System.out ); } public static void setCacheTemplates( boolean b ) { cacheTemplates = b; } }