package eu.irreality.age; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Vector; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory; import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException; import javax.xml.transform.Transformer; import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException; import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory; import javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMResult; import; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import eu.irreality.age.filemanagement.Paths; import eu.irreality.age.filemanagement.URLUtils; import eu.irreality.age.filemanagement.WorldLoader; import eu.irreality.age.i18n.UIMessages; public class GameInfo implements Serializable { private String[] theInfo; private String f = null; static Vector allInstances = new Vector(); public boolean equals ( Object obj ) { if ( ! ( obj instanceof GameInfo ) ) return false; else { return ( ( f==null?((GameInfo)obj).f==null:f.equals(((GameInfo)obj).f)) && ( (theInfo==null)?(((GameInfo)obj).theInfo==null):Arrays.equals ( theInfo , ((GameInfo)obj).theInfo ) ) ); } } //info for that file if loaded, else load if exists or return null if doesn't. public static GameInfo getGameInfoFromFile ( String f ) { for ( int i = 0 ; i < allInstances.size() ; i++ ) { if ( ( (GameInfo) allInstances.elementAt(i) ).getFile() != null && ( (GameInfo) allInstances.elementAt(i) ).getFile().equals(f) ) { return ( (GameInfo) allInstances.elementAt(i) ); } } try { return GameInfo.getGameInfo(f); } catch (Exception e) { return null; } } public GameInfo ( String[] info , String f ) { theInfo = info; this.f = f; allInstances.add(this); } public GameInfo() { theInfo = new String[5]; for ( int i = 0 ; i < 5 ; i++ ) theInfo[i] =""; allInstances.add(this); } public String getFile() { return f; } public boolean isValid() { return (f!=null); } public String getName() { return theInfo[0]; } public String getAuthor() { return theInfo[1]; } public String getDate() { return theInfo[3]; } public String getVersion() { return theInfo[2]; } public String getAGEVersion() { return theInfo[4]; } public String toString() { return theInfo[0] + " " + theInfo[2]; } public String toLongString() { return UIMessages.getInstance().getMessage("") + " " + getName() + "\n" + UIMessages.getInstance().getMessage("") + " " + getAuthor() + "\n" + UIMessages.getInstance().getMessage("") + " " + getDate() + "\n" + UIMessages.getInstance().getMessage("gameinfo.version") + " " + getVersion() + "\n" + UIMessages.getInstance().getMessage("gameinfo.required") + " " + getAGEVersion() + "\n" + UIMessages.getInstance().getMessage("gameinfo.file") + " " + getFile(); } private static org.w3c.dom.Document documentFromFile ( String moduleFile ) throws TransformerException { //InputStream str = new FileInputStream ( modulefile ) /*before: iso reader*/; //InputStream str = URLUtils.openFileOrURL( modulefile ); //InputSource is = new InputSource(str); StreamSource ss; ss = new StreamSource ( moduleFile ); Transformer t = TransformerFactory.newInstance().newTransformer(); DOMResult r = new DOMResult(); t.transform(ss,r); //DocumentBuilder db = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder(); //io.escribir(io.getColorCode("information") + "Obteniendo �rbol DOM de los datos XML...\n" + io.getColorCode("reset") ); //d = db.parse(ss , new File(modulefile).toURI().toString() /*systemId*/ ); return (org.w3c.dom.Document) r.getNode(); } public static GameInfo getGameInfo ( String modulefile ) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { System.out.println("getGameInfo called on " + modulefile); //si readLine lee null, se acab� el fichero. String linea=""; String token=""; String[] moduleInfo = { "?","?","?","?","?" }; boolean useAlternativeFile = false; //if the gamefile type is XML, then //search for a .dat equivalent of the XML file, where info summary is contained //if (exists) //just process that one //if ( doesn't) //parse XML using DOM parser //get world info //use it //create .dat equivalent for use the next time if ( ( modulefile.toLowerCase().endsWith ( ".xml" ) || modulefile.toLowerCase().endsWith ( ".agw" ) || modulefile.toLowerCase().endsWith ( ".asf" /*state*/ ) ) ) { //create .dat equivalent of .xml file [only if file is a real file] File resFile = null; if ( new File(modulefile).exists() ) resFile = new File ( new File(modulefile).getAbsolutePath().substring(0,new File(modulefile).getAbsolutePath().length()-4) + ".res" ); if ( resFile!= null && resFile.exists() ) { System.out.println("RES file exists.\n"); //continuamos con la datFile //System.out.println("RES file exists " + resFile.getAbsolutePath()); useAlternativeFile = true; } else { //read the XML (slow!) System.out.println("RES file doesn't exist.\n"); org.w3c.dom.Document d = null; try { d = documentFromFile(modulefile); } catch ( TransformerException te ) { if ( modulefile.endsWith(".xml") ) modulefile = modulefile.substring(0,modulefile.toString().length()-3) + "agw"; try { d = documentFromFile(modulefile); } catch ( TransformerException te2 ) { //we report the first exception System.err.println(te); System.err.println("Trying with .agw extension wasn't successful either"); return null; } } //obtain the DOM tree root org.w3c.dom.Element n = d.getDocumentElement(); //obtain the information if ( n.hasAttribute("moduleName") ) moduleInfo[0] = n.getAttribute("moduleName"); if ( n.hasAttribute("author") ) moduleInfo[1] = n.getAttribute("author"); if ( n.hasAttribute("version") ) moduleInfo[2] = n.getAttribute("version"); if ( n.hasAttribute("date") ) moduleInfo[3] = n.getAttribute("date"); if ( n.hasAttribute("parserVersion") ) moduleInfo[4] = n.getAttribute("parserVersion"); //create the file for easy access to this information on other executions if ( resFile != null ) { PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter ( new OutputStreamWriter ( new FileOutputStream ( resFile ) , "UTF-8" ) ); pw.println("comment Fichero resumen de informaci�n de mundo generado por Aetheria Game Engine el " + java.text.DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance().format ( new Date() ) + " a partir de " + modulefile ); pw.println("modulename " + moduleInfo[0]); pw.println("author " + moduleInfo[1]); pw.println("version " + moduleInfo[2]); pw.println("date " + moduleInfo[3]); pw.println("parserversion " + moduleInfo[4]); pw.flush(); pw.close(); System.out.println("Print Writer closed"); } return new GameInfo(moduleInfo , modulefile); } } FileInputStream fp = null; filein = null; //if the gamefile type is XML but we had a .res file if ( useAlternativeFile ) { File resFile = new File ( new File(modulefile).getAbsolutePath().substring(0,new File(modulefile).getAbsolutePath().length()-4) + ".res" ); fp = new FileInputStream(resFile); filein = new ( new ( fp , "UTF-8" ) ); } //if the gamefile type is not XML else { fp = new FileInputStream(modulefile); filein = new ( new ( fp , "UTF-8" ) ); } while( true ) { linea=filein.readLine(); if ( linea == null ) break; token = StringMethods.getTok( linea,1,' ' ); //if ( token.equalsIgnoreCase("module") ) worldname=StringMethods.getTok( linea,2,' ' ); //else if ( token.equalsIgnoreCase("maxroom") ) maxroom = (Integer.valueOf( StringMethods.getTok( linea,2,' ' )).intValue() ); //else if ( token.equalsIgnoreCase("maxitem") ) maxitem = (Integer.valueOf( StringMethods.getTok( linea,2,' ' )).intValue() ); //else if ( token.equalsIgnoreCase("maxmob") ) maxmob = (Integer.valueOf( StringMethods.getTok( linea,2,' ' )).intValue() ); //else if ( token.equalsIgnoreCase("printthis") ) escribir(StringMethods.getToks(linea,2,StringMethods.numToks(linea,' '),' ')+"\n"); if ( token.equalsIgnoreCase("modulename" ) ) moduleInfo[0]=StringMethods.getToks ( linea , 2 , StringMethods.numToks ( linea , ' ' ) , ' ' ); else if ( token.equalsIgnoreCase("author") ) moduleInfo[1] = StringMethods.getToks(linea,2,StringMethods.numToks(linea,' '),' '); else if ( token.equalsIgnoreCase("version") ) moduleInfo[2] = StringMethods.getToks(linea,2,StringMethods.numToks(linea,' '),' '); else if ( token.equalsIgnoreCase("date") ) moduleInfo[3] = StringMethods.getToks(linea,2,StringMethods.numToks(linea,' '),' '); else if ( token.equalsIgnoreCase("parserversion") ) moduleInfo[4] = StringMethods.getToks(linea,2,StringMethods.numToks(linea,' '),' '); else if ( token.equalsIgnoreCase("begin_eva_code") ) //pasar de todo { boolean terminamos = false; while ( !terminamos ) { linea = filein.readLine(); String id_linea = StringMethods.getTok(linea,1,' '); if ( id_linea.equalsIgnoreCase("end_eva_code") ) terminamos=true; //EVA code termination line else { ; } } } else if ( token.equalsIgnoreCase("begin_bsh_code") ) { boolean terminamos = false; while ( !terminamos ) { linea = filein.readLine(); String id_linea = StringMethods.getTok(linea,1,' '); if ( id_linea.equalsIgnoreCase("end_bsh_code") ) terminamos=true; //EVA code termination line else { ; } } } } //end while true //System.out.println("Moduleinfo of 0 is " + moduleInfo[0]); return new GameInfo(moduleInfo , modulefile); } //end method getGameInfo public static GameInfo[] getListOfGames() { System.out.println("getListOfGames() called\n"); File cwd = new File ( Paths.getWorkingDirectory() ); File worldsDirectory = new File ( cwd.getAbsolutePath() + File.separatorChar + Paths.WORLD_PATH ); if ( !worldsDirectory.exists() ) { if ( worldsDirectory.mkdir() ) { System.out.println( "Worlds directory didn't exist, created at " + Paths.WORLD_PATH ); } else { System.err.println("Could not create worlds directory at " + Paths.WORLD_PATH ); } } File[] worldsSubdirectories = worldsDirectory.listFiles(); Vector result = new Vector(); for ( int i = 0 ; i < worldsSubdirectories.length ; i++ ) { if ( worldsSubdirectories[i].isDirectory() ) { File[] fl2 = worldsSubdirectories[i].listFiles(); for ( int j = 0 ; j < fl2.length ; j++ ) { //System.out.println("File: " + fl2[j].getName()); if ( fl2[j].getName().equalsIgnoreCase("world.dat") || fl2[j].getName().equalsIgnoreCase("world.xml") ) { try { result.addElement ( getGameInfo( fl2[j].getAbsolutePath() ) ); } catch ( IOException ioe ) { System.out.println(ioe);ioe.printStackTrace(); } } else if ( fl2[j].getName().endsWith(".agz") ) { addInfoFromCompressedFile(fl2[j],result); } } } else if ( worldsSubdirectories[i].isFile() ) { if ( worldsSubdirectories[i].getName().endsWith(".agz") ) { addInfoFromCompressedFile(worldsSubdirectories[i],result); } } } Object[] objetos = result.toArray(); GameInfo[] ficheros = new GameInfo[objetos.length]; for ( int i = 0 ; i < objetos.length ; i++ ) ficheros[i] = (GameInfo)objetos[i]; return ( ficheros ); } public static void addInfoFromCompressedFile ( File f , List result ) { try { result.add(getGameInfo(WorldLoader.goIntoFileIfCompressed(f.getAbsolutePath()))); } catch ( IOException ioe ) { System.out.println(ioe);ioe.printStackTrace(); } } }