package micromod.output; import micromod.output.converters.AudioFormatConverter; import javax.sound.sampled.*; /** An OutputDevice for the Java1.3 audio system. The one Java should have had 3 years ago ... Because of the clunky way JavaSound drains it's buffer, this class implements a workaround that alters the behaviour of framesAvailable() to return more fine-grained values. 30 July 2003 (Jon Zeppieri): added getLine(), so we can control volume on the line */ public class JavaSoundOutputDevice extends HasAvailableOutputDevice { protected int samplingRate, bufferFrames, available; protected long timeMillis, lastMillis; protected SourceDataLine sourceDataLine; /** @param format An instance of micromod.output.AudioFormatConverter @param samplingRate Try 44100 @param bufferTimeMillis The number of milliseconds of audio to buffer. */ public JavaSoundOutputDevice( AudioFormatConverter converter, int samplingRate, int bufferTimeMillis ) throws OutputDeviceException { this.samplingRate = samplingRate; int bitsPerSample = converter.getBytesPerFrame()/converter.getNumberOfChannels()*8; initialise(converter); AudioFormat outFormat = new AudioFormat( samplingRate, bitsPerSample, converter.getNumberOfChannels(), converter.isSigned(), converter.isBigEndian() ); try { DataLine.Info lineInfo = new DataLine.Info( SourceDataLine.class, outFormat ); sourceDataLine = (SourceDataLine)AudioSystem.getLine(lineInfo); outFormat, (bufferTimeMillis*samplingRate/1000)*bytesPerFrame ); } catch( LineUnavailableException e ) { //e.printStackTrace(); throw new OutputDeviceException(" JavaSoundOutputDevice: Can't get a valid audio line!"); } bufferFrames=sourceDataLine.getBufferSize()/bytesPerFrame; System.out.println("\n JavaSound Realtime Output Device 0.8 initialised."); } // Added 30 July 2003 (Jon Zeppieri) public SourceDataLine getLine() { return sourceDataLine; } public int framesAvailable() { // A bit cleaner than the last version, eh? timeMillis=System.currentTimeMillis(); available += (int)(timeMillis-lastMillis)*samplingRate/1000; int realAvailable=super.framesAvailable(); if(available>realAvailable||realAvailable>=bufferFrames) available=realAvailable; lastMillis=timeMillis; return available; } public void write( byte[] buffer, int length ) { sourceDataLine.write( buffer, 0, length ); available-=length/bytesPerFrame; } public int getSamplingRate() { return samplingRate; } public void start() { sourceDataLine.start(); available=super.framesAvailable(); lastMillis=System.currentTimeMillis(); } public void pause() { sourceDataLine.stop(); } public void stop() { sourceDataLine.drain(); // Assume hardware buffer is max. 50% JS buffersize (as it is on my linux system) try{Thread.sleep(bufferFrames*500/samplingRate);}catch(InterruptedException ie){} sourceDataLine.stop(); } public void close() { sourceDataLine.close(); } protected int bytesAvailable() { return sourceDataLine.available(); } }