/** * Abiquo community edition * cloud management application for hybrid clouds * Copyright (C) 2008-2010 - Abiquo Holdings S.L. * * This application is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC * LICENSE as published by the Free Software Foundation under * version 3 of the License * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE v.3 for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ package com.abiquo.abiserver.model; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.GregorianCalendar; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.UUID; import org.hibernate.HibernateException; import org.hibernate.Session; import org.hibernate.Transaction; import org.hibernate.criterion.Disjunction; import org.hibernate.criterion.Restrictions; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.abiquo.abiserver.business.hibernate.pojohb.infrastructure.DatacenterHB; import com.abiquo.abiserver.business.hibernate.pojohb.infrastructure.HypervisorHB; import com.abiquo.abiserver.business.hibernate.pojohb.infrastructure.PhysicalmachineHB; import com.abiquo.abiserver.business.hibernate.pojohb.infrastructure.RackHB; import com.abiquo.abiserver.business.hibernate.pojohb.infrastructure.StateEnum; import com.abiquo.abiserver.business.hibernate.pojohb.networking.NetworkConfigurationHB; import com.abiquo.abiserver.business.hibernate.pojohb.networking.NetworkHB; import com.abiquo.abiserver.business.hibernate.pojohb.networking.VlanNetworkHB; import com.abiquo.abiserver.business.hibernate.pojohb.user.EnterpriseHB; import com.abiquo.abiserver.business.hibernate.pojohb.user.UserHB; import com.abiquo.abiserver.business.hibernate.pojohb.virtualappliance.NodeHB; import com.abiquo.abiserver.business.hibernate.pojohb.virtualappliance.NodeTypeEnum; import com.abiquo.abiserver.business.hibernate.pojohb.virtualappliance.NodeVirtualImageHB; import com.abiquo.abiserver.business.hibernate.pojohb.virtualappliance.VirtualDataCenterHB; import com.abiquo.abiserver.business.hibernate.pojohb.virtualappliance.VirtualappHB; import com.abiquo.abiserver.business.hibernate.pojohb.virtualappliance.VirtualmachineHB; import com.abiquo.abiserver.business.hibernate.pojohb.virtualhardware.ResourceAllocationSettingData; import com.abiquo.abiserver.business.hibernate.pojohb.virtualhardware.ResourceManagementHB; import com.abiquo.abiserver.business.hibernate.pojohb.virtualimage.CategoryHB; import com.abiquo.abiserver.business.hibernate.pojohb.virtualimage.RepositoryHB; import com.abiquo.abiserver.business.hibernate.pojohb.virtualimage.VirtualimageHB; import com.abiquo.abiserver.exception.PersistenceException; import com.abiquo.abiserver.persistence.DAOFactory; import com.abiquo.abiserver.persistence.dao.infrastructure.DataCenterDAO; import com.abiquo.abiserver.persistence.dao.infrastructure.HyperVisorDAO; import com.abiquo.abiserver.persistence.dao.infrastructure.PhysicalMachineDAO; import com.abiquo.abiserver.persistence.dao.infrastructure.RackDAO; import com.abiquo.abiserver.persistence.dao.networking.IpPoolManagementDAO; import com.abiquo.abiserver.persistence.dao.networking.NetworkConfigurationDAO; import com.abiquo.abiserver.persistence.dao.networking.NetworkDAO; import com.abiquo.abiserver.persistence.dao.networking.VlanNetworkDAO; import com.abiquo.abiserver.persistence.dao.user.EnterpriseDAO; import com.abiquo.abiserver.persistence.dao.user.UserDAO; import com.abiquo.abiserver.persistence.dao.virtualappliance.NodeVirtualImageDAO; import com.abiquo.abiserver.persistence.dao.virtualappliance.VirtualApplianceDAO; import com.abiquo.abiserver.persistence.dao.virtualappliance.VirtualDataCenterDAO; import com.abiquo.abiserver.persistence.dao.virtualappliance.VirtualMachineDAO; import com.abiquo.abiserver.persistence.dao.virtualhardware.ResourceAllocationSettingDataDAO; import com.abiquo.abiserver.persistence.dao.virtualhardware.ResourceManagementDAO; import com.abiquo.abiserver.persistence.dao.virtualimage.CategoryDAO; import com.abiquo.abiserver.persistence.dao.virtualimage.RepositoryDAO; import com.abiquo.abiserver.persistence.dao.virtualimage.VirtualImageDAO; import com.abiquo.abiserver.persistence.hibernate.HibernateDAOFactory; import com.abiquo.abiserver.persistence.hibernate.HibernateUtil; import com.abiquo.abiserver.pojo.infrastructure.State; import com.abiquo.abiserver.pojo.infrastructure.VirtualMachine; import com.abiquo.model.enumerator.DiskFormatType; import com.abiquo.model.enumerator.HypervisorType; /** * XXX TBD + Creates a DataCenter a Rack and a VirtualDatacenter named ''test''.<br> * + Create a VirtualAppliance (all the target images associated at this) <br> * + Use the default user ''user'' (id=1) and enterprise ''abiquo'' (id=1) <br> **/ public class PopulateModelTest { /** The logger object */ private static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PopulateModelTest.class); /** Test Datacenter name for all PhysicalMachines instances (to be clean at tearDown) */ private final static String DATACENTER_TEST = "test"; /** All added domain object's creation date. */ protected Date date; /** All added domain object's creation user. */ protected UserHB user; /** All added VirtualAppliances's state */ private final StateEnum state; /** All added VirtualImages's category */ private final CategoryHB category; /** All added PhysicalMachien's hypervisor type */ private final HypervisorType htype; /** All added PhysicalMachine's Enterprise */ private final EnterpriseHB enterprise; /** All added PhysicalMachine's DataCenter */ protected DatacenterHB dc; /** All added PhysicalMachine's Rack */ private final RackHB rack; /** All added VirtualAppliance's virtual datacenter. */ private final VirtualDataCenterHB vdc; /** Virtual appliance requiring the virtual images. */ private final VirtualappHB vApp; /** All added VirtualImage's image type */ private final DiskFormatType imageType; /** All added VirtualImage's repository */ private final RepositoryHB repository; private final HypervisorHB hypervisor; /** All added PhysicalPachines. */ private final List<PhysicalmachineHB> phyMachines; /** Holds all the @link ResourceAllocationSettingData */ private final List<ResourceAllocationSettingData> rasdHBs; /** * Holds a list of ResourceManagementHB objects which can be later accessed in order to deleted * the entries related to each on in the database */ private final List<ResourceManagementHB> resourceManagementHBs; /** Singleton instance. */ private static PopulateModelTest instance; /** DAO's factory */ private DAOFactory factorytest; /** * Only created throw singleton access. * * @throws PersistenceException */ private PopulateModelTest() throws PersistenceException { date = new Date(); htype = getDefaultHypervisorType(); state = StateEnum.NOT_ALLOCATED; category = getDefaultCategory(); user = getDefaultUser(); enterprise = getDefaultEnterprise(); hypervisor = getDefaultHypervisor(); imageType = getDefaultImageType(); repository = getDefaultRepository(); dc = createDataCenter(); rack = createRack(dc); vdc = createVirtualDataCenter(dc, enterprise, htype); vApp = createVirtualApp(vdc, enterprise, state); phyMachines = new LinkedList<PhysicalmachineHB>(); rasdHBs = new ArrayList<ResourceAllocationSettingData>(); resourceManagementHBs = new ArrayList<ResourceManagementHB>(); } /** * Singleton access, return the unique instance. * * @throws PersistenceException */ public static PopulateModelTest getInstance() throws PersistenceException { if (instance == null) { instance = new PopulateModelTest(); } return instance; } /** * @return the dataCenter for all PhysicalMachines on the test set (used to call * IScheduler.select(xxx,datacenter)) */ public DatacenterHB getDataCenter() { return dc; } /** * @return the virtual application all the virtual images are referenced. */ public VirtualappHB getVirtualApp() { return vApp; } /** * Adds on DB the PhysicalMachines from the ISchedulerTestCase * * @param a list of configured machines. * @throws PersistenceException */ public void initDBPhysicalMachines(final List<PhysicalmachineHB> machines) throws PersistenceException { for (PhysicalmachineHB pm : machines) { log.debug("Adding to DB PhysicalMachines " + pm.getName()); phyMachines.add(createPhysicalMachine(pm, rack, htype)); } } /** * Persist on database the input PhysicalMachine (also its DataCenter, Rack and So). * * @throws PersistenceException */ protected PhysicalmachineHB createPhysicalMachine(final PhysicalmachineHB machine, final RackHB rack, final HypervisorType htype) throws PersistenceException { factorytest = HibernateDAOFactory.instance(); PhysicalMachineDAO pmDAO = factorytest.getPhysicalMachineDAO(); HyperVisorDAO hyperDAO = factorytest.getHyperVisorDAO(); factorytest.beginConnection(); HypervisorHB hyper = createHypervisor(htype); machine.setRack(rack); machine.setDataCenter(rack.getDatacenter()); machine.setHypervisor(hyper); pmDAO.makePersistent(machine); log.debug("Added machine [{}]", machine.getName()); hyper.setPhysicalMachine(machine); hyperDAO.makePersistent(hyper); factorytest.endConnection(); return machine; } /** PhysicalMachine Factory construction XXX is not stored on DB. */ public PhysicalmachineHB definePhysical(final String name, final int cpu, final int ram, final long hd) { PhysicalmachineHB mach = new PhysicalmachineHB(); mach.setName(name); mach.setDescription("test"); mach.setCpu(cpu); mach.setRam(ram); mach.setCpuUsed(0); mach.setRamUsed(0); return mach; } /** * VirtualImage Factory construction XXX is not stored on DB. (not an HB because it's not useful * the ''category''/''repository''...) * * @throws PersistenceException * @param name * @param cpu * @param ram * @param hd * @return a reference to the newly created VirtualimageHB persistent object * @throws PersistenceException */ public VirtualimageHB createVirtualImage(final String name, final int cpu, final int ram, final long hd) throws PersistenceException { factorytest = HibernateDAOFactory.instance(); VirtualImageDAO daoVI = factorytest.getVirtualImageDAO(); factorytest.beginConnection(); VirtualimageHB vImage = new VirtualimageHB(); vImage.setName(name); vImage.setDescription("test"); vImage.setCpuRequired(cpu); vImage.setHdRequired(hd); vImage.setRamRequired(ram); vImage.setPathName("test"); vImage.setCategory(category); vImage.setType(imageType); vImage.setRepository(repository); daoVI.makePersistent(vImage); vImagesCreated.add(vImage); factorytest.endConnection(); return vImage; } /** * All the created virtual images throw ''createVirtualImage'', stored in order to clean the DB. */ private final List<VirtualimageHB> vImagesCreated = new LinkedList<VirtualimageHB>(); /** * Creates nodes that correspond to the Virtualapp for the this object * * @throws PersistenceException */ public void createNodes() throws PersistenceException { VirtualMachine virtualMachine = new VirtualMachine(); factorytest = HibernateDAOFactory.instance(); HyperVisorDAO dao = factorytest.getHyperVisorDAO(); factorytest.beginConnection(); virtualMachine.setAssignedTo(dao.findById(hypervisor.getIdHyper()).toPojo()); virtualMachine.setHd(1); virtualMachine.setHighDisponibility(true); virtualMachine.setDescription("test-virtual machine"); virtualMachine.setCpu(2); virtualMachine.setRam(256); virtualMachine.setUUID("apophis"); State state = new State(StateEnum.ALLOCATED); virtualMachine.setState(state); virtualMachine.setVdrpIP("vdrpIP"); virtualMachine.setVdrpPort(5050); VirtualimageHB virtualImageHB = createVirtualImage("image", 4, 256, 2); virtualMachine.setVirtualImage(virtualImageHB.toPojo()); createVirtualImageNode(virtualImageHB, virtualMachine); factorytest.endConnection(); } private DatacenterHB createDataCenter() throws PersistenceException { factorytest = HibernateDAOFactory.instance(); DataCenterDAO daoDC = factorytest.getDataCenterDAO(); factorytest.beginConnection(); DatacenterHB data = new DatacenterHB(); data.setName(DATACENTER_TEST); // XXX data.setSituation("test"); // XXX data.setRacks(racks); daoDC.makePersistent(data); factorytest.endConnection(); return data; } /** * Rack Factory construction * * @throws PersistenceException */ private RackHB createRack(final DatacenterHB dc) throws PersistenceException { factorytest = HibernateDAOFactory.instance(); RackDAO daoRack = factorytest.getRackDAO(); factorytest.beginConnection(); RackHB rack = new RackHB(); rack.setDatacenter(dc); rack.setName("test"); rack.setShortDescription("test"); rack.setLargeDescription("test"); daoRack.makePersistent(rack); factorytest.endConnection(); return rack; } /** * HyperVisor Factory construction * * @throws PersistenceException */ private HypervisorHB createHypervisor(final HypervisorType hType) throws PersistenceException { // Crudable<HypervisorHB, Integer> daoHyper = // new GenericHibernateDAO<HypervisorHB, Integer>(HypervisorHB.class); HypervisorHB hyp = new HypervisorHB(); hyp.setType(hType); hyp.setIp("test"); hyp.setIpService("test"); hyp.setPort(0); // XXX hyp.setPhysicalMachine(physicalMachine); // daoHyper.makePersistent(hyp); return hyp; } /** * VirtualDataCenter Factory construction * * @throws PersistenceException */ private VirtualDataCenterHB createVirtualDataCenter(final DatacenterHB dc, final EnterpriseHB enterprise, final HypervisorType htype) throws PersistenceException { factorytest = HibernateDAOFactory.instance(); VirtualDataCenterDAO daoVdc = factorytest.getVirtualDataCenterDAO(); factorytest.beginConnection(); VirtualDataCenterHB vdc = new VirtualDataCenterHB(); vdc.setEnterpriseHB(enterprise); vdc.setIdDataCenter(dc.getIdDataCenter()); vdc.setName("test"); vdc.setHypervisorType(htype); vdc.setNetwork(createNetwork()); daoVdc.makePersistent(vdc); factorytest.endConnection(); return vdc; } /** * Creates a {@link AbicloudNetworkHB} object * * @return AbicloudNetworkHB object created * @throws PersistenceException */ private NetworkHB createNetwork() throws PersistenceException { factorytest = HibernateDAOFactory.instance(); NetworkDAO networkDAO = factorytest.getNetworkDAO(); VlanNetworkDAO vlanNetworkDAO = factorytest.getVlanNetworkDAO(); NetworkConfigurationDAO netConfDAO = factorytest.getNetworkConfigurationDAO(); IpPoolManagementDAO hostDAO = factorytest.getIpPoolManagementDAO(); factorytest.beginConnection(); NetworkConfigurationHB netConf = new NetworkConfigurationHB(); netConf.setMask(24); netConf.setNetmask(""); netConf.setNetworkAddress(""); netConfDAO.makePersistent(netConf); VlanNetworkHB vlanHB = new VlanNetworkHB(); vlanHB.setNetworkName("Test VLAN"); vlanHB.setConfiguration(netConf); vlanNetworkDAO.makePersistent(vlanHB); List<VlanNetworkHB> listOfVlans = new ArrayList<VlanNetworkHB>(); listOfVlans.add(vlanHB); NetworkHB network = new NetworkHB(); network.setUuid(UUID.randomUUID().toString()); network.setNetworks(listOfVlans); networkDAO.makePersistent(network); return network; } /** * VirtualAppliance Factory construction * * @throws PersistenceException */ private VirtualappHB createVirtualApp(final VirtualDataCenterHB vdc, final EnterpriseHB enterprise, final StateEnum state) throws PersistenceException { factorytest = HibernateDAOFactory.instance(); VirtualApplianceDAO daoApp = factorytest.getVirtualApplianceDAO(); factorytest.beginConnection(); VirtualappHB vApp = new VirtualappHB(); vApp.setEnterpriseHB(enterprise); vApp.setState(state); vApp.setVirtualDataCenterHB(vdc); vApp.setError(0); vApp.setHighDisponibility(1); vApp.setName("test"); daoApp.makePersistent(vApp); factorytest.endConnection(); return vApp; } /** * Gets the default hypervisor type (vBox id = 1) * * @throws PersistenceException */ private HypervisorType getDefaultHypervisorType() throws PersistenceException { return HypervisorType.VBOX; } /** * Retrieves the default hypervisor and returns pojo encapsulating this information * * @return a {@link HypervisorHB} object representing the default Hypervisor stored in the DB * @throws PersistenceException */ public HypervisorHB getDefaultHypervisor() throws PersistenceException { factorytest = HibernateDAOFactory.instance(); HyperVisorDAO dao = factorytest.getHyperVisorDAO(); factorytest.beginConnection(); HypervisorHB hb = dao.findById(1); factorytest.endConnection(); return hb; } /** * Gets the default enterprise (abiquo with id 1) */ private EnterpriseHB getDefaultEnterprise() throws PersistenceException { factorytest = HibernateDAOFactory.instance(); EnterpriseDAO daoEnt = factorytest.getEnterpriseDAO(); factorytest.beginConnection(); EnterpriseHB entHB = daoEnt.findById(1); factorytest.endConnection(); return entHB; } /** * Gets the default user (named user ) */ protected UserHB getDefaultUser() throws PersistenceException { factorytest = HibernateDAOFactory.instance(); UserDAO daoUser = factorytest.getUserDAO(); factorytest.beginConnection(); UserHB userHB = daoUser.findById(2); factorytest.endConnection(); return userHB; } /** * Gets the default virtual image category (Others with id=1) * * @throws PersistenceException */ protected CategoryHB getDefaultCategory() throws PersistenceException { factorytest = HibernateDAOFactory.instance(); CategoryDAO daoCategory = factorytest.getCategoryDAO(); factorytest.beginConnection(); CategoryHB catHB = daoCategory.findById(1); factorytest.endConnection(); return catHB; } /** Log all PhysicalMachines on the DataBase */ public void listPhysicalMachines() throws PersistenceException { factorytest = HibernateDAOFactory.instance(); PhysicalMachineDAO daoPM = factorytest.getPhysicalMachineDAO(); factorytest.beginConnection(); List<PhysicalmachineHB> machines; machines = daoPM.findAll(); log.debug("########## All PhysicalMachiene ##########"); for (PhysicalmachineHB pm : machines) { log.debug("PhysicalMachine name:" + pm.getName() + " dc:" + pm.getRack().getDatacenter().getName() + "\t cpu:" + pm.getCpu() + "(" + pm.getCpuUsed() + ")" + "\t ram:" + pm.getRam() + "(" + pm.getRamUsed() + ")"); } factorytest.endConnection(); } /** * Remove from DB the PhyisicalMachines from initPhysical implementation (actually remove * DataCenter @see dataCenter, for cascading delete physical machines disapear) Clean from DB * the scheduler test virtual datacenter, virtual application, icon and virtual images. * * @throws PersistenceException */ public void clearCreatedDomainObjects() throws PersistenceException { if (dc == null) { return; } factorytest = HibernateDAOFactory.instance(); DataCenterDAO daoDc = factorytest.getDataCenterDAO(); VirtualDataCenterDAO daoVdc = factorytest.getVirtualDataCenterDAO(); VirtualImageDAO daoVi = factorytest.getVirtualImageDAO(); factorytest.beginConnection(); log.debug("Cleaning all the created objects "); daoDc.makeTransient(dc); daoVdc.makeTransient(vdc); // TODO: create the speciphic method by description?? // Criterion descriptionTest = Restrictions.eq("description", "test"); // for (VirtualimageHB vi : daoVi.findByCriteria(descriptionTest)) // { // HibernateUtil.getSession().delete(vi); // XXX use DAO // } factorytest.endConnection(); } /** * Gets the default image type (vBox id =1) * * @throws PersistenceException */ private DiskFormatType getDefaultImageType() throws PersistenceException { return DiskFormatType.RAW; } /** * Gets the default repository (main id =1) * * @throws PersistenceException */ private RepositoryHB getDefaultRepository() throws PersistenceException { factorytest = HibernateDAOFactory.instance(); RepositoryDAO daoRep = factorytest.getRepositoryDAO(); factorytest.beginConnection(); RepositoryHB repHB = daoRep.findById(1); factorytest.endConnection(); return repHB; } /** * Save the virtual machine, create and save a node virtual image with the virtual image / * machine relation. */ public void createVirtualImageNode(final VirtualimageHB vImage, final VirtualMachine vMachine) throws PersistenceException { VirtualmachineHB vMachineHb = vMachine.toPojoHB(); createVirtualMachine(vMachineHb); createNodeVirtualImage(vImage, vMachineHb); } /** * Save the virtual machine. XXX it do not use Crudable because the ''session.saveOrUpdate'' * fails caused by ''Batch update returned unexpected row count from update [0]; actual row * count: 0; expected: 1'' TODO fix */ private VirtualmachineHB createVirtualMachine(final VirtualmachineHB vMachine) throws PersistenceException { factorytest = HibernateDAOFactory.instance(); VirtualMachineDAO vmDAO = factorytest.getVirtualMachineDAO(); factorytest.beginConnection(); try { vmDAO.makePersistent(vMachine); factorytest.endConnection(); } catch (HibernateException e) { factorytest.rollbackConnection(); throw new PersistenceException("Hibernate exception", e); } return vMachine; } /** * TODO VirtualmachineHB vMachine (can be null) */ private NodeVirtualImageHB createNodeVirtualImage(final VirtualimageHB vImage, final VirtualmachineHB vMachine) throws PersistenceException { factorytest = HibernateDAOFactory.instance(); NodeVirtualImageDAO daoNVI = factorytest.getNodeVirtualImageDAO(); factorytest.beginConnection(); NodeVirtualImageHB nVi = new NodeVirtualImageHB(); // XXX nVi.setIdNode(idNode); nVi.setIdVirtualApp(vApp.getIdVirtualApp()); nVi.setVirtualImageHB(vImage); nVi.setVirtualMachineHB(vMachine); nVi.setType(NodeTypeEnum.VIRTUAL_IMAGE); nVi.setName("test"); nVi.setPosX(10); nVi.setPosY(10); daoNVI.makePersistent(nVi); factorytest.endConnection(); return nVi; } // ResourceAllocationSettingData related methods /** * Creates the ResourceAllocationSettingData for all the types (as shown in the table below) by * calling each method dedicated to the creation of a specific RASD. * <p> * Each of thes method should have the format: <br> * <code> createRASD[idResource] </code> <br> * E.g The method for idResource 10 will be createRASD10 * <p> * Implement methods as needed and follow examples * * <pre> * +------------+-------------------------+ * | idResource | name | * +------------+-------------------------+ * | 1 | Other | * | 2 | Computer_System | * | 3 | Processor | * | 4 | Memory | * | 5 | IDE_Controller | * | 6 | Parallel_SCSI_HBA | * | 7 | FC_HBA | * | 8 | iSCSI_HBA | * | 9 | IB_HCA | * | 10 | Ethernet_Adapter | * | 11 | Other_Network_Adapter | * | 12 | IO_Slot | * | 13 | IO_Device | * | 14 | Floppy_Drive | * | 15 | CD_Drive | * | 16 | DVD_drive | * | 17 | Disk_Drive | * | 18 | Tape_Drive | * | 19 | Storage_Extent | * | 20 | Other_storage_device | * | 21 | Serial_port | * | 22 | Parallel_port | * | 23 | USB_Controller | * | 24 | Graphics_controller | * | 25 | IEEE_1394_Controller | * | 26 | Partitionable_Unit | * | 27 | Base_Partitionable_Unit | * | 28 | Power | * | 29 | Cooling_Capacity | * | 30 | Ethernet_Switch_Port | * | 31 | DMTF_reserved | * | 32 | Vendor_Reserved | * +------------+-------------------------+ * </pre> */ public void createResourceAllocationSettingData() { Session session = null; Transaction transaction = null; try { session = HibernateUtil.getSession(); session.beginTransaction(); // Create the Rasds createRASD10(session); // This array of integers contains a list of resource types in which a rasd_management // entry will be made for each one and all related to the current virtualappliance int[] resourceTypes = {10}; transaction = session.getTransaction(); transaction.commit(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); transaction = session.getTransaction(); if (transaction != null && transaction.isActive()) { transaction.rollback(); } } } /** * Create a ResourceAllocatingSettingData of type 10 * * @param session * @throws PersistenceException */ private void createRASD10(final Session session) throws PersistenceException { session.beginTransaction(); ResourceAllocationSettingData rasd = new ResourceAllocationSettingData(); rasd.setInstanceID("3"); rasd.setAddress("00:1d:09:2c:50:d6"); rasd.setResourceSubType("PCNet32"); rasd.setConnection("VM Network"); rasd.setElementName("Ethernet adapter on 'VM Network'"); rasd.setResourceType(10); session.saveOrUpdate(rasd); // add this to the list "rasdHBs" rasdHBs.add(rasd); } private <T extends ResourceManagementHB> void createRasdManagement(final Session session, final int[] resourceTypes, final Class<T> cl) throws PersistenceException { VirtualappHB virtualAppHB = (VirtualappHB) session.get("VirtualappExtendedHB", vApp.getIdVirtualApp()); VirtualDataCenterHB virtualDataCenterHB = virtualAppHB.getVirtualDataCenterHB(); Disjunction virtualAppDisjuction = Restrictions.disjunction(); virtualAppDisjuction.add(Restrictions.eq("idVirtualApp", virtualAppHB.getIdVirtualApp())); ArrayList<NodeHB> nodes = (ArrayList<NodeHB>) session.createCriteria(NodeHB.class).add(virtualAppDisjuction) .list(); VirtualmachineHB virtualMachineHB; ArrayList<ResourceAllocationSettingData> rasds; ResourceManagementHB resourceManagement = null; Timestamp timestamp = new Timestamp(new GregorianCalendar().getTimeInMillis()); for (NodeHB node : nodes) { if (node.getType() == NodeTypeEnum.VIRTUAL_IMAGE) { NodeVirtualImageHB nodeVirtualImage = (NodeVirtualImageHB) node; virtualMachineHB = nodeVirtualImage.getVirtualMachineHB(); if (virtualMachineHB != null) { for (int resourceType : resourceTypes) { rasds = getRasds(session, resourceType); for (ResourceAllocationSettingData rasd : rasds) { try { resourceManagement = cl.newInstance(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new PersistenceException("Unable to create a new instance of " + cl.getName()); } resourceManagement.setIdResourceType(rasd.getResourceType() + ""); resourceManagement.setRasd(rasd); resourceManagement.setVirtualApp(virtualAppHB); resourceManagement.setVirtualMachine(virtualMachineHB); resourceManagement.setVirtualDataCenter(virtualDataCenterHB); session.saveOrUpdate(resourceManagement); resourceManagementHBs.add(resourceManagement); } } } } } } /** * Gets a lists of ResourceAllocationSettingData that correspond to a particular resource type * * @param session * @param resourceType * @return */ private static ArrayList<ResourceAllocationSettingData> getRasds(final Session session, final int resourceType) { Disjunction disjunction = Restrictions.disjunction(); disjunction.add(Restrictions.eq("resourceType", resourceType)); ArrayList<ResourceAllocationSettingData> rasds = (ArrayList<ResourceAllocationSettingData>) session.createCriteria( ResourceAllocationSettingData.class).add(disjunction).list(); if (rasds == null) { rasds = new ArrayList<ResourceAllocationSettingData>(); } return rasds; } /** * Deletes entries in the rasd and rasd-management tables * * @throws PersistenceException */ private void cleanRasd() throws PersistenceException { factorytest = HibernateDAOFactory.instance(); ResourceManagementDAO resourceManagementHBDao = factorytest.getResourceManagementDAO(); ResourceAllocationSettingDataDAO rasdDao = factorytest.getResourceAllocationSettingDataDAO(); factorytest.beginConnection(); for (ResourceManagementHB rasdManagementHB : resourceManagementHBs) { resourceManagementHBDao.makeTransient(rasdManagementHB); } for (ResourceAllocationSettingData rasd : rasdHBs) { rasdDao.makeTransient(rasd); } factorytest.endConnection(); log.info("Deleted rasd and rasd-management entries"); } }