/** * Abiquo community edition * cloud management application for hybrid clouds * Copyright (C) 2008-2010 - Abiquo Holdings S.L. * * This application is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC * LICENSE as published by the Free Software Foundation under * version 3 of the License * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE v.3 for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ package com.abiquo.abiserver.services.flex; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import com.abiquo.abiserver.commands.stub.APIStubFactory; import com.abiquo.abiserver.commands.stub.NetworkResourceStub; import com.abiquo.abiserver.commands.stub.impl.NetworkResourceStubImpl; import com.abiquo.abiserver.networking.IPAddress; import com.abiquo.abiserver.networking.NetworkResolver; import com.abiquo.abiserver.pojo.authentication.UserSession; import com.abiquo.abiserver.pojo.networking.DhcpOption; import com.abiquo.abiserver.pojo.networking.IpPoolManagement; import com.abiquo.abiserver.pojo.networking.NetworkConfiguration; import com.abiquo.abiserver.pojo.networking.VlanNetwork; import com.abiquo.abiserver.pojo.result.BasicResult; import com.abiquo.abiserver.pojo.result.DataResult; import com.abiquo.abiserver.pojo.result.ListRequest; import com.abiquo.abiserver.pojo.virtualappliance.VirtualDataCenter; import com.abiquo.server.core.infrastructure.network.DhcpOptionDto; import com.abiquo.server.core.infrastructure.network.DhcpOptionsDto; import com.abiquo.server.core.infrastructure.network.VLANNetworkDto; /** * This class defines all services related to Networking * * @author Oliver */ public class NetworkingService { /** The stub used to connect to the API. */ private final NetworkResourceStub networkStub; /** * Constructor The implemention of the BasicCommand and the ResourceLocator to be used is * defined here */ public NetworkingService() { networkStub = new NetworkResourceStubImpl(); } /** * Create a new VLAN. * * @param userSession UserSession object with the information of the user that called this * method * @param virtualdatacenterId identifer of the virtualdatacenter where the VLAN will belong to. * @param vlanName name of the Vlan. It should be unique by network. * @param configuration configuration of the network * @param defaultNetwork if the network is default or not. If its set to 'true' it will replace * the previous default network. * @return a Data Result containing the created VLAN. */ public BasicResult createVLAN(final UserSession userSession, final Integer virtualdatacenterId, final String vlanName, final NetworkConfiguration configuration, final Boolean defaultNetwork, final Set<DhcpOption> dhcpOptions) { DataResult<VlanNetwork> dataResult = new DataResult<VlanNetwork>(); VLANNetworkDto vlandto = new VLANNetworkDto(); vlandto.setDefaultNetwork(defaultNetwork); vlandto.setName(vlanName); vlandto.setAddress(configuration.getNetworkAddress()); vlandto.setGateway(configuration.getGateway()); vlandto.setMask(configuration.getMask()); vlandto.setPrimaryDNS(configuration.getPrimaryDNS()); vlandto.setSecondaryDNS(configuration.getSecondaryDNS()); vlandto.setSufixDNS(configuration.getSufixDNS()); DhcpOptionsDto options = new DhcpOptionsDto(); for (DhcpOption opt : dhcpOptions) { DhcpOptionDto dtoOpt = new DhcpOptionDto(); dtoOpt.setGateway(opt.getGateway()); dtoOpt.setNetworkAddress(opt.getNetworkAddress()); dtoOpt.setMask(opt.getMask()); dtoOpt.setNetmask(opt.getNetmask()); options.add(dtoOpt); } vlandto.setDhcpOptions(options); return proxyStub(userSession).createPrivateVlan(userSession, virtualdatacenterId, vlandto); } /** * Delete a VLAN. If there are machines with IPs of the VLAN used, it will be impossible to * delete it before to release them. * * @param userSession user who performs the action. * @param vlanNetworkId identifier of the network. * @return a {@link BasicResult} object. */ public BasicResult deleteVLAN(final UserSession userSession, final Integer vdcId, final Integer vlanNetworkId) { return proxyStub(userSession).deletePrivateVlan(vdcId, vlanNetworkId); } /** * Edit an existing private VLAN. * * @param userSession UserSession object with the information of the user that called this * method * @param vlanNetworkId network to edit. * @param vlanName name of the VLAN. * @param configuration configuration of the network * @param defaultNetwork if the network is default or not. If its set to 'true' it will replace * the previous default network. * @return a Data Result containing the created VLAN. */ public BasicResult editVLAN(final UserSession userSession, final Integer vdcId, final Integer vlanId, final String vlanName, final NetworkConfiguration configuration, final Boolean defaultNetwork, final Integer tag, final Set<DhcpOption> dhcpOptions) { VLANNetworkDto vlandto = new VLANNetworkDto(); vlandto.setId(vlanId); vlandto.setName(vlanName); vlandto.setAddress(configuration.getNetworkAddress()); vlandto.setGateway(configuration.getGateway()); vlandto.setMask(configuration.getMask()); vlandto.setPrimaryDNS(configuration.getPrimaryDNS()); vlandto.setSecondaryDNS(configuration.getSecondaryDNS()); vlandto.setTag(tag.equals(0) ? null : tag); vlandto.setSufixDNS(configuration.getSufixDNS()); DhcpOptionsDto options = new DhcpOptionsDto(); for (DhcpOption opt : dhcpOptions) { DhcpOptionDto dtoOpt = new DhcpOptionDto(); dtoOpt.setGateway(opt.getGateway()); dtoOpt.setNetworkAddress(opt.getNetworkAddress()); dtoOpt.setMask(opt.getMask()); dtoOpt.setNetmask(opt.getNetmask()); options.add(dtoOpt); } vlandto.setDhcpOptions(options); BasicResult res = proxyStub(userSession).editPrivateVlan(vdcId, vlanId, vlandto); if (res.getSuccess() && defaultNetwork) { res = proxyStub(userSession).setInternalVlanAsDefaultInVirtualDatacenter(userSession, vdcId, vlanId); } return res; } /** * Get the available IPs of the given VLAN. * * @param userSession UserSession object with the information of the user that called this * method * @param vlanId identifier of the VLAN. * @param listRequest object that stores the options to filter the search. * @return a DataResult containing the list of available IPs in its Data. */ public BasicResult getAvailableVirtualMachineNICsByVLAN(final UserSession userSession, final Integer vdcId, final Integer vlanId, final ListRequest listRequest) { return proxyStub(userSession).getListNetworkPoolByPrivateVLAN(vdcId, vlanId, listRequest.getOffset(), listRequest.getNumberOfNodes(), listRequest.getFilterLike(), listRequest.getOrderBy(), listRequest.getAsc(), Boolean.TRUE, Boolean.TRUE); } /** * For any DataCenter, lists all the enterprises that are using its networks. * * @param userSession UserSession object with the information of the user that called this * method * @param datacenterId identifier of the DataCenter. * @param listRequest object that stores the options to filter the search. * @return a DataResult containing the list of enterprises in its Data. */ public BasicResult getEnterprisesWithNetworkInDataCenter(final UserSession userSession, final Integer datacenterId, final ListRequest listRequest) { return proxyStub(userSession).getEnterprisesWithNetworksByDatacenter(userSession, datacenterId, listRequest.getOffset(), listRequest.getNumberOfNodes(), listRequest.getFilterLike()); } /** * Return the list of Gateways we can choose from a Virtual Machine. * * @param userSession user who performs the action. * @param vmId identifier of the virtual machine. * @return a DataResult containing a list of Virtual Machines. */ public BasicResult getGatewayListByVirtualMachine(final UserSession userSession, final Integer vdcId, final Integer vappId, final Integer vmId) { return proxyStub(userSession).getGatewayListByVirtualMachine(vdcId, vappId, vmId); } /** * Return the list of Gateways we have chosen for a Virtual Machine. * * @param userSession user who performs the action. * @param vmId identifier of the virtual machine. * @return a DataResult containing a list of Virtual Machines. */ public BasicResult getGatewayUsedByVirtualMachine(final UserSession userSession, final Integer vdcId, final Integer vappId, final Integer vmId) { return proxyStub(userSession).getGatewayByVirtualMachine(vdcId, vappId, vmId); } public BasicResult getInfoDHCPServer(final UserSession userSession, final Integer vdcId) { return proxyStub(userSession).getInfoDHCPServer(userSession, vdcId); } /** * Get the list of {@link NetworkManagement} objects associated by a Enterprise. Through this * method you can control which IPs are used and which not. * * @param userSession UserSession object with the information of the user that called this * method. * @param enterpriseId identifier of the enterprise. * @param listRequest object that stores the options to filter the search. * @return a DataResult containing all the IPs managed by an Enterprise */ public BasicResult getNetworkPoolInfoByEnterprise(final UserSession userSession, final Integer enterpriseId, final ListRequest listRequest) { return proxyStub(userSession).getListNetworkPoolByEnterprise(enterpriseId, listRequest.getOffset(), listRequest.getNumberOfNodes(), listRequest.getFilterLike(), listRequest.getOrderBy(), listRequest.getAsc()); } /** * Get the list of {@link NetworkManagement} objects associated by a Virtual DataCenter. Through * this method you can control which IPs are used and which not. * * @param userSession UserSession object with the information of the user that called this * method * @param virtualDataCenterId identifier of the Virtual DataCenter * @param listRequest object that stores the options to filter the search. * @return a list of all the IPs managed by a Virtual DataCenter. */ public BasicResult getNetworkPoolInfoByVDC(final UserSession userSession, final Integer virtualDataCenterId, final ListRequest listRequest, final String type) { return getNetworkPoolInfoByVDC(userSession, virtualDataCenterId, listRequest, type, false); } // overloaded method not to change client call // with parameter all =false we don't get prohibited IP's public BasicResult getNetworkPoolInfoByVDC(final UserSession userSession, final Integer virtualDataCenterId, final ListRequest listRequest, final String type, final Boolean all) { return proxyStub(userSession).getListNetworkPoolByVirtualDatacenter(virtualDataCenterId, listRequest.getOffset(), listRequest.getNumberOfNodes(), listRequest.getFilterLike(), listRequest.getOrderBy(), listRequest.getAsc(), type, all); } /** * Get the list of {@link NetworkManagement} objects associated by a VLAN. Through this method * you can control which IPs are used and which not. * * @param userSession UserSession object with the information of the user that called this * method * @param vlanId identifier of the Virtual DataCenter * @param listRequest object that stores the options to filter the search. * @return a list of all the IPs managed by a Virtual DataCenter. */ public BasicResult getNetworkPoolInfoByVLAN(final UserSession userSession, final Integer vdcId, final Integer vlanId, final ListRequest listRequest) { return proxyStub(userSession).getListNetworkPoolByPrivateVLAN(vdcId, vlanId, listRequest.getOffset(), listRequest.getNumberOfNodes(), listRequest.getFilterLike(), listRequest.getOrderBy(), listRequest.getAsc(), Boolean.FALSE, Boolean.FALSE); } /** * Lists all the NICs used by a Virtual Machine. * * @param userSession UserSession object with the information of the user that called this * method * @param virtualMachineId identifier of the Virtual Machine * @return a {@link DataResult} object with a list of {@link IpPoolManagement} objects in its * data. */ public BasicResult getNICsByVirtualMachine(final UserSession userSession, final Integer virtualDatacenterId, final Integer vappId, final Integer virtualMachineId) { return proxyStub(userSession).getNICsByVirtualMachine(virtualDatacenterId, vappId, virtualMachineId); } public BasicResult getInfrastructureNICsByVirtualMachine(final UserSession userSession, final Integer datacenterId, final Integer rackId, final Integer machineId, final Integer virtualMachineId) { return proxyStub(userSession).getInfrastructureNICsByVirtualMachine(datacenterId, rackId, machineId, virtualMachineId); } /** * Return the list of virtual networks from a virtual datacenter * * @param userSession user who performs the action * @param vdcId identifier of the virtual datacenter * @return a BasicResult */ public BasicResult getPrivateNetworksByVirtualDatacenter(final UserSession userSession, final Integer vdcId) { return proxyStub(userSession).getPrivateNetworks(vdcId); } /** * Release a NIC resource from a Virtual Machine. * * @param userSession UserSession object with the information of the user that called this * method * @param ipPoolManagementId identifier of the resource. * @return a {@link BasicResult} object just saying if the method has successfully finished. */ public BasicResult releaseNICfromVirtualMachine(final UserSession userSession, final Integer vdcId, final Integer vappId, final Integer vmId, final Integer nicOrder) { return proxyStub(userSession).releaseNICfromVirtualMachine(vdcId, vappId, vmId, nicOrder); } /** * The NICs into a Virtual Machine are ordered. The order value represents the NICs eth0, eth1, * eth2 and so on when the machine is deployed. This method reorders the NICs giving the new * order of a single NIC. * * @param userSession user object to register who performs the action. * @param ipPoolManagementId identifier of the object that stores the info of the NIC */ public BasicResult reorderNICintoVM(final UserSession userSession, final Integer vdcId, final Integer vappId, final Integer vmId, final Integer oldOrder, final Integer newOrder) { return proxyStub(userSession).reorderNICintoVM(vdcId, vappId, vmId, oldOrder, newOrder); } /** * Assign a new gateway for a virtual machine. * * @param userSession user who performs the action. * @param vmId * @param gateway * @return */ public BasicResult requestGatewayForVirtualMachine(final UserSession userSession, final Integer vdcId, final Integer vappId, final Integer vmId, final IPAddress gateway) { return proxyStub(userSession).setGatewayForVirtualMachine(vdcId, vappId, vmId, gateway); } /** * Assign a NIC resource to a Virtual Machine. The Resource is identified as its IPAddress and * the VLAN that stores it. * * @param userSession UserSession object with the information of the user that called this * method * @param vlanId identifier of the VLAN. * @param vmId identifier of the Virtual Machine where the NIC will be stored. * @param requestedIP IP address of the resource. * @return a {@link BasicResult} object just saying if the method has successfully finished. */ public BasicResult requestNICforVirtualMachine(final UserSession userSession, final Integer vdcId, final Integer vappId, final Integer vmId, final IpPoolManagement ipPoolManagement) { return proxyStub(userSession).requestPrivateNICforVirtualMachine(vdcId, vappId, vmId, ipPoolManagement.getVlanNetworkId(), ipPoolManagement.getIdManagement()); } /** * Helper method that return all the available masks for a class Type. * * @param userSession userSession UserSession object with the information of the user that * called this method * @param networkClass a String that identifies the class type. Only "A", "B" and "C" are * accepted. * @return a {@link BasicResult} object just saying if the method has successfully finished. */ public BasicResult resolveMaskForNetworkClass(final UserSession userSession, final String networkClass) { DataResult<List<String>> dataResult = new DataResult<List<String>>(); try { NetworkResolver netResolver = new NetworkResolver(); List<String> mask = netResolver.resolveMask(networkClass); dataResult.setData(mask); dataResult.setSuccess(Boolean.TRUE); } catch (Exception e) { dataResult.setSuccess(Boolean.FALSE); dataResult.setMessage(e.getMessage()); } return dataResult; } /** * Helper method that retrieves all the available lists of possible networks for a given class * type and Network mask. * * @param userSession userSession UserSession object with the information of the user that * called this method * @param networkClass a String that identifies the class type. Only "A", "B" and "C" are * accepted. * @param netmask mask of the network in the String way ("" for instance). * @return a {@link DataResult} with a List of Lists of Strings that contains all the * combinations of possible networks. */ public BasicResult resolvePossibleNetworks(final UserSession userSession, final String networkClass, final IPAddress netmask) { DataResult<List<List<String>>> dataResult = new DataResult<List<List<String>>>(); try { NetworkResolver netResolver = new NetworkResolver(); List<List<String>> networks = netResolver.resolvePossibleNetworks(networkClass, netmask); dataResult.setData(networks); dataResult.setSuccess(Boolean.TRUE); } catch (Exception e) { dataResult.setSuccess(Boolean.FALSE); dataResult.setMessage(e.getMessage()); } return dataResult; } public BasicResult getExternalVlansByDatacenter(final UserSession userSession, final Integer datacenterId, final String type) { return proxyStub(userSession).getPublicVlansByDatacenter(datacenterId, type); } public DataResult<VlanNetwork> getExternalVlansByEnterprise(final UserSession userSession, final Integer enteprirseId) { // TODO return null; } public BasicResult getExternalVlansByDatacenterInEnterprise(final UserSession userSession, final Integer datacenterId, final Integer enterpriseId) { return proxyStub(userSession).getExternalVlansByDatacenterInEnterprise(datacenterId, enterpriseId); } public BasicResult getExternalVlansByVirtualDatacenter(final UserSession userSession, final VirtualDataCenter vdc) { return proxyStub(userSession).getExternalVlansByVirtualDatacenter(vdc); } public BasicResult getNetworkPoolInfoByExternalVlan(final UserSession userSession, final VirtualDataCenter vdc, final Integer vlanId, final Boolean available, final ListRequest listRequest) { return proxyStub(userSession).getNetworkPoolInfoByExternalVlan(vdc, vlanId, listRequest.getOffset(), listRequest.getNumberOfNodes(), listRequest.getFilterLike(), listRequest.getOrderBy(), listRequest.getAsc(), available, Boolean.FALSE); } public BasicResult getFreeIpsByExternalVlan(final UserSession userSession, final VirtualDataCenter vdc, final Integer vlanId, final Boolean available, final ListRequest listRequest) { return proxyStub(userSession).getNetworkPoolInfoByExternalVlan(vdc, vlanId, listRequest.getOffset(), listRequest.getNumberOfNodes(), listRequest.getFilterLike(), listRequest.getOrderBy(), listRequest.getAsc(), available, Boolean.TRUE); } public BasicResult requestExternalNICforVirtualMachine(final UserSession userSession, final Integer enterpriseId, final Integer vdcId, final Integer vappId, final Integer vmId, final IpPoolManagement ipPoolManagement) { return proxyStub(userSession).requestExternalNicforVirtualMachine(enterpriseId, vdcId, vappId, vmId, ipPoolManagement.getVlanNetworkId(), ipPoolManagement.getIdManagement()); } public BasicResult setExternalVlanAsDefaultInVirtualDatacenter(final UserSession userSession, final VirtualDataCenter vdc, final Integer vlanId) { return proxyStub(userSession).setExternalVlanAsDefaultInVirtualDatacenter(vdc, vlanId); } protected NetworkResourceStub proxyStub(final UserSession userSession) { return APIStubFactory.getInstance(userSession, networkStub, NetworkResourceStub.class); } }