/** * Abiquo community edition * cloud management application for hybrid clouds * Copyright (C) 2008-2010 - Abiquo Holdings S.L. * * This application is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC * LICENSE as published by the Free Software Foundation under * version 3 of the License * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE v.3 for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ package com.abiquo.nodecollector.domain.collectors; import java.net.MalformedURLException; import java.net.URL; import java.net.UnknownHostException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.UUID; import javax.xml.xpath.XPathExpressionException; import jcifs.smb.SmbException; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.jinterop.dcom.common.JIException; import org.jinterop.dcom.core.JIArray; import org.jinterop.dcom.core.JIString; import org.jinterop.dcom.core.JIVariant; import org.jinterop.dcom.impls.JIObjectFactory; import org.jinterop.dcom.impls.automation.IJIDispatch; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.abiquo.model.enumerator.HypervisorType; import com.abiquo.nodecollector.aim.WsmanCollector; import com.abiquo.nodecollector.aim.impl.WsmanCollectorImpl; import com.abiquo.nodecollector.constants.MessageValues; import com.abiquo.nodecollector.domain.Collector; import com.abiquo.nodecollector.domain.collectors.hyperv.HyperVConstants; import com.abiquo.nodecollector.domain.collectors.hyperv.HyperVState; import com.abiquo.nodecollector.domain.collectors.hyperv.HyperVUtils; import com.abiquo.nodecollector.domain.collectors.hyperv.MsvmImageManagementService; import com.abiquo.nodecollector.domain.collectors.hyperv.Win32Process; import com.abiquo.nodecollector.domain.collectors.hyperv.WindowsRegistry; import com.abiquo.nodecollector.exception.CollectorException; import com.abiquo.nodecollector.exception.ConnectionException; import com.abiquo.nodecollector.exception.LoginException; import com.abiquo.nodecollector.exception.NoManagedException; import com.abiquo.nodecollector.exception.libvirt.WsmanException; import com.abiquo.nodecollector.utils.ResourceComparator; import com.abiquo.nodecollector.utils.XPathUtils; import com.abiquo.server.core.infrastructure.nodecollector.HostDto; import com.abiquo.server.core.infrastructure.nodecollector.HostStatusEnumType; import com.abiquo.server.core.infrastructure.nodecollector.ResourceEnumType; import com.abiquo.server.core.infrastructure.nodecollector.ResourceType; import com.abiquo.server.core.infrastructure.nodecollector.VirtualDiskEnumType; import com.abiquo.server.core.infrastructure.nodecollector.VirtualSystemCollectionDto; import com.abiquo.server.core.infrastructure.nodecollector.VirtualSystemDto; import com.abiquo.server.core.infrastructure.nodecollector.VirtualSystemStatusEnumType; import com.hyper9.jwbem.SWbemLocator; import com.hyper9.jwbem.SWbemServices; import com.hyper9.jwbem.msvm.virtualsystem.MsvmSummaryInformation; import com.hyper9.jwbem.msvm.virtualsystem.MsvmVirtualSystemSettingData; import com.hyper9.jwbem.msvm.virtualsystemmanagement.MsvmVirtualSystemManagementService; /** * Collects information of an Hyper-V node. * * @author ibarrera */ @Collector(type = HypervisorType.HYPERV_301, order = 2) public class HyperVCollector extends AbstractCollector { /** The logger. */ private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(HyperVCollector.class); /** The SWbem service for the virtualization namespace. */ private transient SWbemServices virtService; /** The SWbem service for the CIM namespace. */ private transient SWbemServices cimService; /** The Windows Registry management service. */ private transient WindowsRegistry registry; /** Connection user. */ private String hyperVuser; /** Connection password. */ private String hyperVpassword; // Could this be at AbstractCollector? (XenServerIncompatible) /** Folder mark perfix. */ private static String DATASTORE_UUID_MARK = "abq_datastoreuuid_"; private static String STANDARD_DISKS_KEY = "STANDARD_DISKS"; private static String VOLUME_DISKS_KEY = "VOLUME_DISKS"; @Override public void connect(final String user, final String password) throws ConnectionException, LoginException { hyperVuser = user; hyperVpassword = password; registry = new WindowsRegistry(); try { final URL urlAddress = new URL("http://" + getIpAddress()); final SWbemLocator loc = new SWbemLocator(); cimService = loc.connect(urlAddress.getHost(), "", HyperVConstants.CIM_NS, hyperVuser, hyperVpassword); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { throw new ConnectionException(MessageValues.CONN_EXCP_I, e); } catch (JIException e) { // Error code '5' means the access is not allowed. if (e.getErrorCode() == 5) { throw new LoginException(MessageValues.LOG_EXCP, e); } throw new ConnectionException(MessageValues.CONN_EXCP_I, e); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { throw new ConnectionException(MessageValues.CONN_EXCP_I, e); } } @Override public void disconnect() { LOGGER.info("Disconnecting..."); // The cimService can be null if the previous session was not authenticated. if (cimService != null) { cimService.getLocator().disconnect(); if (virtService != null) { virtService.getLocator().disconnect(); } } } @Override public HostDto getHostInfo() throws CollectorException { LOGGER.info("Getting physical information in HyperV collector..."); final HostDto hostInfo = new HostDto(); try { final List<IJIDispatch> results = HyperVUtils.execQuery("Select * from Win32_ComputerSystem", cimService); final IJIDispatch dispatch = results.get(0); // Must produce only one result final JIVariant name = dispatch.get("DNSHostName"); final JIVariant memory = dispatch.get("TotalPhysicalMemory"); hostInfo.setName(name.getObjectAsString2()); hostInfo.setRam(Long.decode(memory.getObjectAsString2())); hostInfo.setCpu(getNumberOfCores()); hostInfo.setHypervisor(getHypervisorType().getValue()); hostInfo.setVersion(getVersion()); hostInfo.setInitiatorIQN(getInitiatorIQN(name.getObjectAsString2())); // Uncomment if you want to return physical // interfaces // final List<IJIDispatch> resultsIfaces = // HyperVUtils.execQuery("Select * from Win32_NetworkAdapter", cimService); // final List<IJIDispatch> resultsIfaces // =HyperVUtils.execQuery("Select * from Msvm_ExternalEthernetPort", cimService); // hostInfo.getResources().addAll(filterInterfaceList(resultsIfaces)); URL urlAddress = new URL("http://" + getIpAddress()); SWbemLocator loc = new SWbemLocator(); virtService = loc.connect(urlAddress.getHost(), "", HyperVConstants.VIRTUALIZATION_NS, hyperVuser, hyperVpassword); hostInfo.getResources().addAll(getHostResources()); try { checkPhysicalState(); hostInfo.setStatus(HostStatusEnumType.MANAGED); } catch (NoManagedException e) { hostInfo.setStatus(HostStatusEnumType.NOT_MANAGED); hostInfo.setStatusInfo(e.getMessage()); } } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex.getCause() instanceof SmbException) { LOGGER.error(MessageValues.COLL_EXCP_SMB); throw new CollectorException(MessageValues.COLL_EXCP_SMB, ex); } LOGGER.error(MessageValues.COLL_EXCP_PH); throw new CollectorException(MessageValues.COLL_EXCP_PH, ex); } return hostInfo; } @Override public VirtualSystemCollectionDto getVirtualMachines() throws CollectorException { LOGGER.info("Getting virtual machine information in HyperV collector..."); VirtualSystemCollectionDto vms = new VirtualSystemCollectionDto(); try { URL urlAddress = new URL("http://" + getIpAddress()); SWbemLocator loc = new SWbemLocator(); virtService = loc.connect(urlAddress.getHost(), "", HyperVConstants.VIRTUALIZATION_NS, hyperVuser, hyperVpassword); List<IJIDispatch> results = HyperVUtils.execQuery( "Select * from Msvm_ComputerSystem where ElementName <> Name", virtService); for (IJIDispatch dispatch : results) { String uuid = dispatch.get("Name").getObjectAsString2(); String name = dispatch.get("ElementName").getObjectAsString2(); LOGGER.info("Found virtual machine {}. Getting info...", name); int status = dispatch.get("EnabledState").getObjectAsInt(); VirtualSystemStatusEnumType vmStatus = HyperVUtils.translateState(status); if (vmStatus != null) { final VirtualSystemDto vm = new VirtualSystemDto(); vm.setUuid(uuid); vm.setName(name); vm.getResources().addAll(getDisksInfo(dispatch)); vm.setCpu(getVirtualProcessors(dispatch)); vm.setVport(0L); vm.setStatus(vmStatus); long virtualMemory = getVirtualMemory(uuid); if (virtualMemory != -1) { vm.setRam(virtualMemory); } vms.getVirtualSystems().add(vm); } else { LOGGER.info("Ignoring found virtual machine {}. State {} not recognized.", name, status); } } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new CollectorException(MessageValues.COLL_EXCP_VM, ex); } return vms; } /** * Gets the physical state of the node. * * @throws CollectorException When the Node Collector cannot connect to the Hypervisor. * @throws NoManagedException if the HyperV is running but not prepared for manage with abicloud */ public void checkPhysicalState() throws CollectorException, NoManagedException { try { URL urlAddress = new URL("http://" + getIpAddress()); SWbemLocator loc = new SWbemLocator(); final WsmanCollector wsmanColl = new WsmanCollectorImpl(hyperVuser, hyperVpassword, 5985); wsmanColl.pingWsmanService(urlAddress.getHost()); virtService = loc.connect(urlAddress.getHost(), "", HyperVConstants.VIRTUALIZATION_NS, hyperVuser, hyperVpassword); List<IJIDispatch> results = HyperVUtils.execQuery("Select * from Msvm_ComputerSystem where Name = ElementName", virtService); if (results == null || results.isEmpty()) { // State is PROVISIONED throw new CollectorException(MessageValues.HYP_CONN_EXCP); } IJIDispatch dispatch = results.get(0); int rawState = dispatch.get("EnabledState").getObjectAsInt(); HyperVState state = HyperVState.fromValue(rawState); if (state != HyperVState.POWER_ON) { // State is PROVISIONED throw new CollectorException(MessageValues.HYP_CONN_EXCP); } } catch (JIException ex) { throw new CollectorException(MessageValues.COLL_EXCP_DC, ex); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { throw new CollectorException(MessageValues.HYP_CONN_EXCP, e); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { throw new CollectorException(MessageValues.COLL_EXCP_DC, e); } catch (WsmanException e) { throw new NoManagedException(e.getMessage(), e); } } /** * Get the hypervisor version. * * @return The hypervisor version. * @throws JIException If version cannot be retrieved. */ private String getVersion() throws JIException { // Get Operating System object List<IJIDispatch> results = HyperVUtils.execQuery("Select * from Win32_OperatingSystem", cimService); IJIDispatch dispatch = results.get(0); // Find System directory and build Virtual Machine Management executable path String systemDirectory = dispatch.get("SystemDirectory").getObjectAsString2(); String vmmsLoc = systemDirectory.replace("\\", "\\\\") + "\\\\vmms.exe"; // Get Virtual Machine executable file data, to get version property results = HyperVUtils.execQuery("Select * from CIM_DataFile Where Name = '" + vmmsLoc + "'", cimService); dispatch = results.get(0); return dispatch.get("Version").getObjectAsString2(); } /** * Gets the number of cores of the target node. * * @return The number of cores of the target node. * @throws JIException If the number of cores cannot be retrieved. */ private long getNumberOfCores() throws JIException { long numCores = 0; List<IJIDispatch> results = HyperVUtils.execQuery("Select * from Win32_Processor", cimService); for (IJIDispatch dispatch : results) { JIVariant numCoresRaw = dispatch.get("NumberOfCores"); numCores += numCoresRaw.getObjectAsInt(); } return numCores; } /** * Gets the virtual memory for the specified virtual system. * * @param virtualSystemID The ID of the virtual system. * @return The amount of virtual memory available to the virtual system. * @throws JIException If virtual memory cannot be retrieved. */ private long getVirtualMemory(final String virtualSystemID) throws JIException { List<IJIDispatch> results = HyperVUtils.execQuery("Select * from Msvm_MemorySettingData", virtService); for (IJIDispatch dispatch : results) { String instanceId = dispatch.get("InstanceID").getObjectAsString2(); if (instanceId.startsWith("Microsoft:" + virtualSystemID)) { // Virtual quantity is stored in MB see AllocationUnits documentation at // http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc136856%28VS.85%29.aspx#properties String virtualQty = dispatch.get("VirtualQuantity").getObjectAsString2(); return mbTobyte(Long.parseLong(virtualQty)); } } LOGGER.warn("Could not get Virtual Memory for Virtual System: {}", virtualSystemID); return -1; } /** * Gets the number of the virtual processors for the specified virtual system. * * @param virtualSystem The virtual system. * @return The number of virtual processors. * @throws JIException If the number of virtual processors cannot be retrieved. * @throws CollectorException If the number of virtual processors cannot be retrieved. */ private long getVirtualProcessors(final IJIDispatch virtualSystem) throws JIException, CollectorException { // Get virtual machine settings String virtualSystemPath = HyperVUtils.getDispatchPath(virtualSystem); IJIDispatch settings = getVirtualSystemSettings(virtualSystemPath, virtService); try { MsvmVirtualSystemManagementService msManService = MsvmVirtualSystemManagementService.getManagementService(virtService); MsvmVirtualSystemSettingData msSysSetData = new MsvmVirtualSystemSettingData(settings, virtService); MsvmSummaryInformation summ = msManService.getSummaryInformation( new MsvmVirtualSystemSettingData[] {msSysSetData}, new Integer[] {HyperVConstants.NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS_FIELD}); return summ.getProperties().getItem("NumberOfProcessors").getValueAsLong(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new CollectorException("Could not get the number of processors of virtual system: " + virtualSystemPath, ex); } } /** * Gets the virtual disks attached to the virtual machine. TODO: get Bus information (controller * port) for attached Disks TODO: get bootOrder and setLabel(SYSTEM/OTHER) * * @param virtualSystem The virtual machine. * @return The list of virtual disks. * @throws JIException If the list of virtual disks cannot be retrieved. * @throws CollectorException If disk information cannot be retrieved. */ private List<ResourceType> getDisksInfo(final IJIDispatch virtualSystem) throws JIException, CollectorException { List<ResourceType> disks = new ArrayList<ResourceType>(); String virtualSystemPath = HyperVUtils.getDispatchPath(virtualSystem); MsvmImageManagementService imageManagementService = MsvmImageManagementService.getManagementService(virtService); Map<String, List<IJIDispatch>> diskSettings = getDiskSettings(virtualSystemPath, virtService); // Getting info on standard VHD and volume disks as Msvm_ResourceAllocationSettingData // instances List<IJIDispatch> standardDiskSettings = diskSettings.get(STANDARD_DISKS_KEY); List<IJIDispatch> volumeDiskSettings = diskSettings.get(VOLUME_DISKS_KEY); // TODO: get Boot Order and establish which disk is the main one disk.setLabel(SYSTEM); // this could be done with Msvm_BIOSElement.BootOrder class and finding out the relations // with IDE/SCSI Controllers associated and their disks boolean firstDiskFound = true; for (IJIDispatch dispatch : standardDiskSettings) { // Get disk image path JIArray connection = dispatch.get("Connection").getObjectAsArray(); JIVariant[] array = (JIVariant[]) connection.getArrayInstance(); String imagePath = array[0].getObjectAsString2(); imagePath = imagePath.replace("\\\\", "\\"); ResourceType disk = new ResourceType(); disk.setAddress(imagePath); disk.setConnection(getDatastoreFromFile(imagePath)); disk.setResourceType(ResourceEnumType.HARD_DISK); // System Disk (1st bootable) is the 1st we find, until we get a solution for detecting BootOrder in HyperV machines if (firstDiskFound) { disk.setLabel("SYSTEM DISK"); firstDiskFound = false; } else { disk.setLabel("EXTRA DISK"); } // TODO: we should also try to get bus number (IDE or SCSI used port associated) // disk.setAttachment({ControllerPort}); try { // Must be one element disk.setImagePath(imagePath); // Get image size String info = imageManagementService.getVirtualHardDiskInfo(imagePath); LOGGER.info("getStandardDisks: " + info); String imageSize = XPathUtils.getValue("//PROPERTY[@NAME='FileSize']/VALUE", info); String typeString = XPathUtils.getValue("//PROPERTY[@NAME='Type']/VALUE", info); int type = Integer.parseInt(typeString); switch (type) { case 2: disk.setResourceSubType(VirtualDiskEnumType.VHD_FLAT.value()); break; case 3: disk.setResourceSubType(VirtualDiskEnumType.VHD_SPARSE.value()); break; case 4: disk.setResourceSubType(VirtualDiskEnumType.INCOMPATIBLE.value()); break; default: disk.setResourceSubType(VirtualDiskEnumType.UNKNOWN.value()); break; } disk.setUnits(Long.parseLong(imageSize)); } catch (XPathExpressionException ex) { throw new CollectorException("Could not get virtual disk size of virtual system: " + virtualSystemPath); } catch (CollectorException ex) { // Just print LOGGER.error("Could not retrieve virtual disk info from virtual image path " + imagePath + ". Cause:", ex); // This defaults values are set in case we are recovering disks that are shared in a // cluster shared value // TODO Maybe there is a way to get the disk info in a form of Cim_Datafile LOGGER.debug("Setting Default size and type values"); disk.setResourceSubType(VirtualDiskEnumType.VHD_SPARSE.value()); disk.setUnits(new Long(0)); } disks.add(disk); } // INFO FOR VOLUME DISKS: we can get more info from Msvm_DiskDrive // Previously we collect all Win32_DiskDrive available Map<String, IJIDispatch> win32DiskDrives = getAllWin32DiskDrives(); for (IJIDispatch dispatch : volumeDiskSettings) { ResourceType disk = new ResourceType(); disk.setResourceType(ResourceEnumType.VOLUME_DISK); if (firstDiskFound) { disk.setLabel("SYSTEM DISK"); firstDiskFound = false; } else { disk.setLabel("EXTRA DISK"); } JIArray hostResource = dispatch.get("HostResource").getObjectAsArray(); JIVariant[] array = (JIVariant[]) hostResource.getArrayInstance(); String deviceID = array[0].getObjectAsString2(); int diskDriveNumber = getDiskDriveNumberForDisk(deviceID); // Now we may get Win32_DiskDrive and find the Number // Parse \\.\PHYSICALDRIVE{DriveNumber} in Win32_DiskDrive collection IJIDispatch diskDriveDispatch = win32DiskDrives.get("\\\\.\\PHYSICALDRIVE" + diskDriveNumber); if (diskDriveDispatch != null) { long sizeinBytes = 0; try { sizeinBytes = Long.parseLong(diskDriveDispatch.get("Size").getObjectAsString2()); } catch (Exception sizeEx) { LOGGER.error("Could not obtain size for diskDriveNumber " + diskDriveNumber, sizeEx); } disk.setUnits(sizeinBytes); } // TODO: we should also try to get bus number (IDE or SCSI used port associated) // disk.setAttachment({ControllerPort}); disks.add(disk); } return disks; } /** * Looks for DiskDriveNumber in Msvm_DiskDrive class associated to * Msvm_ResourceAllocationSettingData (by DeviceID * * @param deviceID * @return */ private int getDiskDriveNumberForDisk(String deviceID) { int diskDriveNumber = -1; try { int deviceIDIndex = deviceID.indexOf("DeviceID=\"") + 10; String parsedDeviceID = deviceID.substring(deviceIDIndex, deviceID.indexOf("\"", deviceIDIndex)); List<IJIDispatch> results = HyperVUtils.execQuery("Select * from Msvm_DiskDrive where DeviceID LIKE '%" + parsedDeviceID + "%'", virtService); IJIDispatch dispatch = results.get(0); diskDriveNumber = dispatch.get("DriveNumber").getObjectAsInt(); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER .error( "Could not obtain DiskDrive Number (Msvm_DiskDrive) associated with this Virtual Machine", e); } return diskDriveNumber; } /** * Get all Win32_DiskDrives objects mapped by DeviceID * * @return */ private Map<String, IJIDispatch> getAllWin32DiskDrives() { Map<String, IJIDispatch> result = new HashMap<String, IJIDispatch>(); List<IJIDispatch> win32DiskDrives; try { win32DiskDrives = HyperVUtils.execQuery("Select * from Win32_DiskDrive", cimService); for (IJIDispatch resourceDispatch : win32DiskDrives) { result.put(resourceDispatch.get("DeviceID").getObjectAsString2(), resourceDispatch); } } catch (Exception ex) { LOGGER.error("Retrieving information on attached disks (Win32_DiskDrive) failed ", ex); } return result; } /** * Parses the fileName to get the datastore name * * @param fileName the file name to parse * @return the datastore directory */ private String getDatastoreFromFile(final String fileName) { int indexEndDirectory = fileName.lastIndexOf('\\'); // If the images are copied in C:\ avoid to return 'C:' and put // the index in the next position if (indexEndDirectory == 2) { indexEndDirectory = 3; } return fileName.substring(0, indexEndDirectory); } /** * Gets the resource allocation settings for the specified Virtual System. * * @param virtualSystemPath The virtual System. * @param service The service to use to run the queries. * @return The resource allocation settings. * @throws JIException If settings cannot be retrieved. * @throws CollectorException If settings cannot be retrieved. */ private Map<String, List<IJIDispatch>> getDiskSettings(final String virtualSystemPath, final SWbemServices service) throws JIException, CollectorException { // Get virtual machine settings IJIDispatch settings = getVirtualSystemSettings(virtualSystemPath, virtService); String settingPath = HyperVUtils.getDispatchPath(settings); // Get virtual machine settings String settingsQuery = "Associators of {" + settingPath + "} Where " + "AssocClass = Msvm_VirtualSystemSettingDataComponent " + "ResultClass = Msvm_ResourceAllocationSettingData"; List<IJIDispatch> results = HyperVUtils.execQuery(settingsQuery, service); List<IJIDispatch> standardDiskResults = new ArrayList<IJIDispatch>(); List<IJIDispatch> volumeDiskResults = new ArrayList<IJIDispatch>(); Map<String, List<IJIDispatch>> resultMap = new HashMap<String, List<IJIDispatch>>(2); for (IJIDispatch ijiDispatch : results) { if (HyperVUtils.isVolumeDisk(ijiDispatch)) { volumeDiskResults.add(ijiDispatch); } if (HyperVUtils.isVirtualHardDisk(ijiDispatch)) { standardDiskResults.add(ijiDispatch); } } resultMap.put(STANDARD_DISKS_KEY, standardDiskResults); resultMap.put(VOLUME_DISKS_KEY, volumeDiskResults); return resultMap; } /** * Gets the settings for the specified Virtual System. * * @param virtualSystemPath The virtual System. * @param service The service to use to run the queries. * @return The virtual system settings. * @throws JIException If settings cannot be retrieved. * @throws CollectorException If settings cannot be retrieved. */ private IJIDispatch getVirtualSystemSettings(final String virtualSystemPath, final SWbemServices service) throws JIException, CollectorException { // Get virtual machine settings String settingsQuery = "Associators of {" + virtualSystemPath + "} Where " + "AssocClass = Msvm_SettingsDefineState " + "ResultClass = Msvm_VirtualSystemSettingData"; List<IJIDispatch> results = HyperVUtils.execQuery(settingsQuery, service); if (results == null || results.isEmpty()) { throw new CollectorException("Could not get Virtual System settings of virtual system: " + virtualSystemPath); } return results.get(0); } /** * Converts MB to bytes. * * @param mbytes The MB to convert. * @return The converted result. */ private static long mbTobyte(final long mbytes) { final int MB_TO_BYTE = 1048576; return mbytes * MB_TO_BYTE; } /** * Retrieves the list of resources of the host. * * @throws CollectorException for collector exceptions. * @throws JIException thrown by any JI* object. * @return the list of ResourceType objects. */ private List<ResourceType> getHostResources() throws JIException, CollectorException { // Returning vswitch list List<ResourceType> resources = new ArrayList<ResourceType>(); resources.addAll(filterNetworkList()); resources.addAll(getDatastoresAsWin32LogicalDisk()); resources.addAll(getMappedLogicalDisks()); return resources; } /** * Private helper to filter the network list (vSwitch) list. * * @return the resource list * @throws JIException thrown by any JI* Object. */ private List<ResourceType> filterNetworkList() throws JIException { final List<IJIDispatch> resultsVswitchs = HyperVUtils.execQuery("Select * from Msvm_VirtualSwitch", virtService); String macs = getMacs(); List<ResourceType> filteredNetworks = new ArrayList<ResourceType>(); for (IJIDispatch networkDispatch : resultsVswitchs) { String networkName = networkDispatch.get("ElementName").getObjectAsString2(); ResourceType resource = new ResourceType(); resource.setAddress(macs); resource.setElementName(networkName); resource.setResourceType(ResourceEnumType.NETWORK_INTERFACE); filteredNetworks.add(resource); } Collections.sort(filteredNetworks, new ResourceComparator()); return filteredNetworks; } /** * Retrieve the mac and add them as a resources. Ignore interfaces with no address. If no macs * then return an empty String. Don't care about except. Just append mac \ mac \ ... * * @param networks all win32 interfaces. * @return all interfaces as a physical resources. mac1\mac2\... */ private String getMacs() { List<IJIDispatch> networks; StringBuilder macs = new StringBuilder(""); try { networks = HyperVUtils.execQuery("Select * from Win32_NetworkAdapter", cimService); for (IJIDispatch resourceDispatch : networks) { try { String rawMac = resourceDispatch.get("MACAddress").getObjectAsString2(); if (StringUtils.isBlank(rawMac)) { continue; } macs.append(rawMac).append("\\"); } catch (Exception ex) { LOGGER.debug("This interface has no mac"); } } } catch (Exception ex) { LOGGER.debug("There are no interface with mac"); } return macs.length() > 1 ? macs.substring(0, macs.length() - 1) : macs.toString(); } /** * Gets All datastores enabled in Hyper-V machine as mapped network drives * * @return The Win32_LogicalDisk list * @throws JIException If disk size cannot be retrieved. * @throws CollectorException If Physical drive cannot be retrieved. */ private List<ResourceType> getDatastoresAsWin32LogicalDisk() throws JIException, CollectorException { List<IJIDispatch> results = HyperVUtils.execQuery("Select * from Win32_LogicalDisk", cimService); if (results == null || results.isEmpty()) { throw new CollectorException("Could not get physical drive for virtual machine disks"); } List<ResourceType> disksResources = new ArrayList<ResourceType>(); for (IJIDispatch logicalDiskDispatch : results) { int driveType = logicalDiskDispatch.get("DriveType").getObjectAsInt(); // Ignoring removable disks (2), compact disks(5) and mappedlogicaldrives(4) if (driveType == 2 || driveType == 5 || driveType == 4) { continue; } String logicalDiskName = logicalDiskDispatch.get("DeviceID").getObjectAsString2(); String size = logicalDiskDispatch.get("Size").getObjectAsString2(); String availableSize = logicalDiskDispatch.get("FreeSpace").getObjectAsString2(); // String datastoreUuidMark = getDatastoreUuidMark(logicalDiskName); ResourceType resource = new ResourceType(); resource.setAddress(logicalDiskName + "\\"); resource.setElementName(logicalDiskName); resource.setResourceType(ResourceEnumType.HARD_DISK); resource.setUnits(Long.valueOf(size)); resource.setAvailableUnits(Long.valueOf(availableSize)); // resource.setConnection(datastoreUuidMark); disksResources.add(resource); } Collections.sort(disksResources, new ResourceComparator()); return disksResources; } /** * Gets Mapped network drives in Windows machines: these are the only candidates to be * considered as shared datastores by Abiquo Datastores must be created in Win32 host machines * NOT associated with any user session. * * @return * @throws JIException * @throws CollectorException */ private List<ResourceType> getMappedLogicalDisks() throws JIException, CollectorException { List<IJIDispatch> results = HyperVUtils.execQuery("Select * from Win32_MappedLogicalDisk", cimService); // This query can return repeated Win32_MappedLogicalDisk instances, we should remove them // This is caused by Disks being associated to more than one SessionId List<String> deviceIds = new ArrayList<String>(); List<ResourceType> disksResources = new ArrayList<ResourceType>(); for (IJIDispatch logicalDiskDispatch : results) { String logicalDiskName = logicalDiskDispatch.get("DeviceID").getObjectAsString2(); if (!deviceIds.contains(logicalDiskName)) { // Repeated Win32_MappedLogicalDisk instances are not included String size = logicalDiskDispatch.get("Size").getObjectAsString2(); String availableSize = logicalDiskDispatch.get("FreeSpace").getObjectAsString2(); String datastoreUuidMark = getDatastoreUuidMark(logicalDiskName); ResourceType resource = new ResourceType(); resource.setAddress(logicalDiskName + "\\"); resource.setElementName(logicalDiskName); resource.setResourceType(ResourceEnumType.HARD_DISK); resource.setUnits(Long.valueOf(size)); resource.setAvailableUnits(Long.valueOf(availableSize)); resource.setConnection(datastoreUuidMark); disksResources.add(resource); deviceIds.add(logicalDiskName); } } Collections.sort(disksResources, new ResourceComparator()); return disksResources; } /** * Gets the iSCSI Initiator IQN of the host. * * @param hostName The name of the host * @return The iSCSI Initiator IQN of the host. * @throws Exception if an error occurs. */ private String getInitiatorIQN(final String hostName) throws Exception { String iqn = null; // First check if the IQN has been set manually. registry.connect(getIpAddress(), hyperVuser, hyperVpassword); try { iqn = registry .getKeyValue(WindowsRegistry.Keys.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, HyperVConstants.INITIATOR_REGISTRY_PATH, HyperVConstants.INITIATOR_REGISTRY_KEY); } finally { registry.disconnect(); } // If the key was not found, then use the default IQN if (iqn == null) { iqn = HyperVConstants.DEFAULT_INITIATOR_NAME_PREFIX + hostName.toLowerCase(); } return iqn; } /** * Locate or create the datastore folder mark to determine if the datastore is being shared * across hypervisors. * * @return a Datastore UUID * @throws CollectorException */ private String getDatastoreUuidMark(final String mappedDrive) // , HostDatastoreBrowser // dsBrowser, // Datacenter dc) throws CollectorException { String dsUUID = null; // Preparing the query String query = "SELECT * FROM CIM_DataFile WHERE FileName LIKE '" + DATASTORE_UUID_MARK + "%' AND Drive = '" + mappedDrive + "'"; JIVariant[] res; try { res = cimService.getObjectDispatcher().callMethodA("ExecQuery", new Object[] {new JIString(query)}); JIVariant[][] fileSet = HyperVUtils.enumToJIVariantArray(res); if (fileSet.length == 1) { IJIDispatch fileDispatch = (IJIDispatch) JIObjectFactory.narrowObject(fileSet[0][0].getObjectAsComObject() .queryInterface(IJIDispatch.IID)); dsUUID = fileDispatch.get("FileName").getObjectAsString2(); // throw new Exception("Cannot identify the vhd to delete: " + file); } else if (fileSet.length > 1) { throw new CollectorException(MessageValues.DATASTRORE_MULTIPLE_MARKS); } } catch (JIException e) { LOGGER.error("Can not locate the folder mark at [{}]\n{}", e); throw new CollectorException(MessageValues.DATASTRORE_MARK, e); } if (dsUUID == null) { dsUUID = createDatastoreFolderMark(mappedDrive); } return dsUUID; } private String createDatastoreFolderMark(final String mappedDrive) throws CollectorException { String folderUuidMark = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); String directoryOnDatastore = String.format("%s\\%s%s", mappedDrive, DATASTORE_UUID_MARK, folderUuidMark); // Should be something like Z:\\abq.datastoreuuid.343423429 try { IJIDispatch instanceClass = (IJIDispatch) JIObjectFactory.narrowObject(cimService.getObjectDispatcher() .callMethodA("Get", new Object[] {new JIString("Win32_Process")})[0] .getObjectAsComObject().queryInterface(IJIDispatch.IID)); // Win32_Process do not need to be instanced (SpawnInstance_) Win32Process proc = new Win32Process(instanceClass, cimService); // proc.create("cmd.exe /C mkdir " + folder); proc.create("cmd.exe /C echo emptydata > " + directoryOnDatastore); // do not create parent folders (is on the root) // serviceInstance.getFileManager().makeDirectory(directoryOnDatastore, dc, false); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Can not create the folder mark at [{}]\n{}", mappedDrive, e); throw new CollectorException(MessageValues.DATASTRORE_MARK, e); } return folderUuidMark; } }