/** * Abiquo community edition * cloud management application for hybrid clouds * Copyright (C) 2008-2010 - Abiquo Holdings S.L. * * This application is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC * LICENSE as published by the Free Software Foundation under * version 3 of the License * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE v.3 for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ /** * */ package com.abiquo.api.services.cloud; import static com.abiquo.testng.TestConfig.BASIC_UNIT_TESTS; import static com.abiquo.testng.TestConfig.NETWORK_UNIT_TESTS; import static org.testng.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.testng.Assert.fail; import java.util.Random; import javax.persistence.EntityManager; import org.springframework.security.context.SecurityContextHolder; import org.testng.annotations.AfterMethod; import org.testng.annotations.BeforeMethod; import org.testng.annotations.Test; import com.abiquo.api.common.AbstractUnitTest; import com.abiquo.api.common.BasicUserAuthentication; import com.abiquo.api.exceptions.BadRequestException; import com.abiquo.api.exceptions.ConflictException; import com.abiquo.api.exceptions.NotFoundException; import com.abiquo.api.services.NetworkService; import com.abiquo.model.enumerator.RemoteServiceType; import com.abiquo.server.core.cloud.VirtualDatacenter; import com.abiquo.server.core.enterprise.DatacenterLimits; import com.abiquo.server.core.enterprise.Enterprise; import com.abiquo.server.core.enterprise.Role; import com.abiquo.server.core.enterprise.User; import com.abiquo.server.core.infrastructure.RemoteService; import com.abiquo.server.core.infrastructure.network.NetworkConfiguration; import com.abiquo.server.core.infrastructure.network.VLANNetwork; import com.abiquo.server.core.infrastructure.network.VLANNetworkGenerator; import com.abiquo.server.core.util.network.IPNetworkRang; /** * @author jdevesa */ @Test(groups = {NETWORK_UNIT_TESTS}) public class PrivateNetworkServiceTest extends AbstractUnitTest { protected VirtualDatacenter vdc; protected VLANNetwork vlan; protected RemoteService rs; @BeforeMethod(groups = {BASIC_UNIT_TESTS, NETWORK_UNIT_TESTS}) public void setupBasicUser() { Enterprise e = enterpriseGenerator.createUniqueInstance(); Role r = roleGenerator.createInstance(); User u = userGenerator.createInstance(e, r, "basicUser", "basicUser"); setup(e, r, u); rs = remoteServiceGenerator.createInstance(RemoteServiceType.DHCP_SERVICE); vdc = vdcGenerator.createInstance(rs.getDatacenter(), e); DatacenterLimits dclimit = new DatacenterLimits(vdc.getEnterprise(), vdc.getDatacenter()); vlan = vlanGenerator.createInstance(vdc.getNetwork(), rs, ""); vlan.setEnterprise(vdc.getEnterprise()); vdc.setDefaultVlan(vlan); setup(vdc.getDatacenter(), rs, vdc.getNetwork(), vlan.getConfiguration(), vlan, vdc, dclimit); SecurityContextHolder.getContext().setAuthentication(new BasicUserAuthentication()); } @Override @AfterMethod(groups = {BASIC_UNIT_TESTS, NETWORK_UNIT_TESTS}) public void tearDown() { super.tearDown(); } /** * Throws a not found exception when it does not found the virtual datacenter */ @Test(expectedExceptions = {NotFoundException.class}) public void updateNetworkRandomVDCTest() { EntityManager em = getEntityManagerWithAnActiveTransaction(); NetworkService service = new NetworkService(em); service.updatePrivateNetwork(new Random().nextInt(1000), vlan.getId(), vlan); } /** * Throws a not found exception when it does not found the vLAN */ @Test(expectedExceptions = {NotFoundException.class}) public void updateNetworkRandomVlanTest() { EntityManager em = getEntityManagerWithAnActiveTransaction(); NetworkService service = new NetworkService(em); service.updatePrivateNetwork(vdc.getId(), new Random().nextInt(1000), vlan); } /** * Throws a not found exception when it does not found the vLAN with a known vdc but that does * not belong to it */ @Test(expectedExceptions = {NotFoundException.class}) public void updateNetworkInvalidTupleVDCVlanTest() { VirtualDatacenter vdc2 = vdcGenerator.createInstance(rs.getDatacenter()); setup(vdc2.getEnterprise(), vdc2.getNetwork(), vdc2); EntityManager em = getEntityManagerWithAnActiveTransaction(); NetworkService service = new NetworkService(em); service.updatePrivateNetwork(vdc2.getId(), vlan.getId(), vlan); } /** * Throws a {@link BadRequestException} when the ip of the path is different from the IP of the * VLAN. */ @Test(expectedExceptions = {BadRequestException.class}) public void updateNetworkIncoherentIDs() { EntityManager em = getEntityManagerWithAnActiveTransaction(); VLANNetwork copy = performCopy(vlan); copy.setId(new Random().nextInt(1000)); NetworkService service = new NetworkService(em); service.updatePrivateNetwork(vdc.getId(), vlan.getId(), copy); } /** * Throws a ConflictException when we try to change the address of the VLAN, it should raise a * {@link ConflictException} */ @Test(expectedExceptions = {ConflictException.class}) public void updateNetworkAddressChanged() { EntityManager em = getEntityManagerWithAnActiveTransaction(); VLANNetwork copy = performCopy(vlan); copy.getConfiguration().setAddress(""); NetworkService service = new NetworkService(em); service.updatePrivateNetwork(vdc.getId(), copy.getId(), copy); } /** * Throws a {@link ConflictException} when we try to change the mask of the VLAN, it should * raise a {@link ConflictException} */ @Test(expectedExceptions = {ConflictException.class}) public void updateNetworkMaskChanged() { EntityManager em = getEntityManagerWithAnActiveTransaction(); VLANNetwork copy = performCopy(vlan); copy.getConfiguration().setMask(20); NetworkService service = new NetworkService(em); service.updatePrivateNetwork(vdc.getId(), copy.getId(), copy); } /** * Throws a {@link ConflictException} when we try to change the tag of the VLAN, it should raise * a {@link ConflictException} */ @Test(expectedExceptions = {ConflictException.class}) public void updateNetworkTagsChanged() { EntityManager em = getEntityManagerWithAnActiveTransaction(); VLANNetwork copy = performCopy(vlan); copy.setTag(45); NetworkService service = new NetworkService(em); service.updatePrivateNetwork(vdc.getId(), copy.getId(), copy); } /** * The {@link VLANNetworkGenerator} creates a network inside the range and * And the default gateway is ''. The 'gateway' field is an IP address * that must be inside this range. This test checks that this process works ok. */ @Test public void updateNetworkGatewayOutsideTheRange() { EntityManager em = getEntityManagerWithAnActiveTransaction(); NetworkService service = new NetworkService(em); // Put an invalid gateway (out of range) and check a ConflictException is raised. VLANNetwork copy = performCopy(vlan); copy.getConfiguration().setGateway(""); try { service.updatePrivateNetwork(vdc.getId(), copy.getId(), copy); fail(); } catch (ConflictException ce) { // do nothing. It is the desired behaviour } // Put a valid gateway and check the services updates it ok. copy.getConfiguration().setGateway(""); vlan = service.updatePrivateNetwork(vdc.getId(), copy.getId(), copy); assertEquals(vlan.getConfiguration().getGateway(), copy.getConfiguration().getGateway()); commitActiveTransaction(em); } /** * Two VLANs can not be created with the same name inside the same VDC. But two VLANs with the * same name can be created in VDC differents. This test checks this behaviour. */ @Test public void updateNetworkDuplicatedName() { // Create the second VLANNetwork 'vlan2' in the same VDC than 'vlan' and check // the process doesn't allow us to update it. VLANNetwork vlan2 = vlanGenerator.createInstance(vdc.getNetwork(), rs, ""); vlan2.setEnterprise(vdc.getEnterprise()); setup(vlan2.getConfiguration(), vlan2); // Create the third VLANNetwork 'vlan3' in other VDC than 'vlan'. The VLAN with the same // name // should be allowed now. VirtualDatacenter vdc2 = vdcGenerator.createInstance(rs.getDatacenter(), vdc.getEnterprise()); setup(vdc2.getNetwork(), vdc2); VLANNetwork vlan3 = vlanGenerator.createInstance(vdc2.getNetwork(), rs, ""); setup(vlan3.getConfiguration(), vlan3); // STEP 1 EntityManager em = getEntityManagerWithAnActiveTransaction(); NetworkService service = new NetworkService(em); try { // Set the same name. vlan2.setName(vlan.getName()); service.updatePrivateNetwork(vdc.getId(), vlan2.getId(), vlan2); fail(); } catch (ConflictException ce) { // The conflict exception is the desired behavior, go on } // STEP 2 service = new NetworkService(em); // Set the same name and update vlan3 VLANNetwork copy = performCopy(vlan3); copy.setName(vlan.getName()); vlan3 = service.updatePrivateNetwork(vdc2.getId(), copy.getId(), copy); commitActiveTransaction(em); // assert the values assertEquals(vlan3.getName(), vlan.getName()); } /** * Not all the fields of the VLAN can be changed. That was tested in previous test. This method * test all the fields in the VLANNetwork can be changed are actually changed. */ @Test(groups = {BASIC_UNIT_TESTS}) public void updateNetworkUpdatesAllFields() { VLANNetwork copy = performCopy(vlan); copy.getConfiguration().setGateway(""); copy.getConfiguration().setPrimaryDNS(""); copy.getConfiguration().setSecondaryDNS(""); copy.getConfiguration().setSufixDNS("bcn.test.test.com"); copy.setName("newname"); EntityManager em = getEntityManagerWithAnActiveTransaction(); NetworkService service = new NetworkService(em); vlan = service.updatePrivateNetwork(vdc.getId(), copy.getId(), copy); commitActiveTransaction(em); assertEquals(vlan.getConfiguration().getGateway(), ""); assertEquals(vlan.getConfiguration().getPrimaryDNS(), ""); assertEquals(vlan.getConfiguration().getSecondaryDNS(), ""); assertEquals(vlan.getConfiguration().getSufixDNS(), "bcn.test.test.com"); assertEquals(vlan.getName(), "newname"); } // DELETE-related methods. /** * Every virtual datacenter should have at least a VLAN defined there. So this test will raise a * ConflictException because it don't let to delete it */ @Test(expectedExceptions = {ConflictException.class}) public void deleteNetworkUniqueRaisesExceptionTest() { EntityManager em = getEntityManagerWithAnActiveTransaction(); NetworkService service = new NetworkService(em); service.deletePrivateNetwork(vdc.getId(), vlan.getId()); } /** * Every virtual datacenter should have at least a default VLAN defined there. So this test will * raise a ConflictException because it won't let delete the default network. */ @Test(expectedExceptions = {ConflictException.class}, enabled = false) public void deleteNetworkDefaultRaisesExceptionTest() { EntityManager em = getEntityManagerWithAnActiveTransaction(); NetworkService service = new NetworkService(em); // Create the second one VLANNetwork vlan2 = vlanGenerator.createInstance(vdc.getNetwork(), rs, ""); setup(vlan2.getConfiguration(), vlan2); // Try to delete the first one. service.deletePrivateNetwork(vdc.getId(), vlan.getId()); } /** * Test when we try to delete a VLAN it works. */ @Test(groups = {BASIC_UNIT_TESTS}) public void deleteNetworkTest() { // Create the second one VLANNetwork vlan2 = vlanGenerator.createInstance(vdc.getNetwork(), rs, ""); vlan2.setEnterprise(vdc.getEnterprise()); setup(vlan2.getConfiguration(), vlan2); EntityManager em = getEntityManagerWithAnActiveTransaction(); NetworkService service = new NetworkService(em); // Assert here we have two vlans. assertEquals(service.getPrivateNetworks(vdc.getId()).size(), 2); // Try to delete the second one. service.deletePrivateNetwork(vdc.getId(), vlan2.getId()); // Assert here we have delete one of them. assertEquals(service.getPrivateNetworks(vdc.getId()).size(), 1); commitActiveTransaction(em); } /** * Performs a copy of a VLANNetwork object. * * @param original original object to be copied. * @return a new instance of {@link VLANNetwork} object but with the same values */ private VLANNetwork performCopy(final VLANNetwork original) { VLANNetwork copy = new VLANNetwork(); copy.setId(original.getId()); copy.setName(original.getName()); copy.setTag(original.getTag()); copy.setNetwork(original.getNetwork()); copy.setConfiguration(new NetworkConfiguration(original.getConfiguration().getAddress(), original.getConfiguration().getMask(), IPNetworkRang.transformIntegerMaskToIPMask(original.getConfiguration().getMask()) .toString(), original.getConfiguration().getGateway(), "bridge")); copy.getConfiguration().setPrimaryDNS(original.getConfiguration().getPrimaryDNS()); copy.getConfiguration().setSecondaryDNS(original.getConfiguration().getSecondaryDNS()); copy.getConfiguration().setSufixDNS(original.getConfiguration().getSufixDNS()); return copy; } }