/** * Abiquo community edition * cloud management application for hybrid clouds * Copyright (C) 2008-2010 - Abiquo Holdings S.L. * * This application is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC * LICENSE as published by the Free Software Foundation under * version 3 of the License * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE v.3 for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ package com.abiquo.nodecollector.constants; /** * Provide all String messages used for the module. * * @author jdevesa */ public final class MessageValues { /** * Message thrown by the <code>ConnectionException</code> causes. Used in discovery process in * the {@link HypervisorCollectorProxy}. */ public static final String CONN_EXCP_I = "Exception thrown trying to connect with the Hypervisor "; /** * Message thrown by the <code>ConnectionException</code> causes. Used in connect process in the * {@link HypervisorCollectorProxy}.. */ public static final String CONN_EXCP_II = "Can not connect with the defined Hypervisor "; /** * Message thrown by the <code>ConnectionException</code> causes. Internal error disconnecting. */ public static final String CONN_EXCP_III = "Internal error disconnecting with the Hypervisor"; /** * Message thrown by the <code>AIMException</code> causes. Error in connection with AIM. */ public static final String CONN_EXCP_IV = "Can not connect with the AIM"; /** * Message thrown by the <code>ResourceNotFoundException</code> causes. */ public static final String NOHYP_EXCP = "No Hypervisors found in the given IP."; /** * Message throws by the <code>ResourceNotFoundException</code> when we request a single virtual * system. */ public static final String NOVS_EXCP = "No VirtualSystem found with the provisioned UUID"; /** * Message thrown by the <code>CollectorException</code> causes. */ public static final String COLL_EXCP_PH = "Could not get node's Physical Capabilities."; /** * Message thrown by the <code>CollectorException</code> causes. */ public static final String COLL_EXCP_VM = "Could not get Virtual Machine information."; /** * Message thrown by the <code>CollectorException</code> causes. */ public static final String COLL_EXCP_DECODE = "Could not decode string from URL raw enconding"; /** * This message will be retrieved in disconnect exceptions (strange cases). */ public static final String COLL_EXCP_DC = "Unknown connecting problems collecting information."; /** * This message will be show when wiseman throws an exception collecting the datastore size. */ public static final String COLL_EXCP_WS = "Could not get datastore size due AIM exception"; /** * This message will be shown when samba is not activated in the network interface. */ public static final String COLL_EXCP_SMB = "The network interface in the host doesn't support Samba"; /** * The hypervisor version is not supported and nodecollector can not retrieve the information. */ public static final String COLL_VER_NS = "Hypervisor version not supported"; /** * This message is shown for the login exceptions. */ public static final String LOG_EXCP = "Access denied. Check your access parameters"; /** * Message thrown by the <code>UnprovisionedException</code>. */ public static final String UNP_EXCP = "The machine doesn't respond. Maybe your IP is wrong or the machine is stopped."; /** * Message thrown by the <code>CollectorException</code>. */ public static final String HYP_CONN_EXCP = "Could not connect to the Hypervisor."; /** * Message thrown by the <code>InvalidIPAddressException</code>. */ public static final String INV_IP_EXCP = "Invalid IP address"; /** * Message thrown if the query parameters are not correct. */ public static final String INV_QRY_PRM = "Invalid query params"; /** * Message thrown by the <code>NoManagedException</code> in the ESXi code. */ public static final String NOMAN_NFS_I = "The machine doesn't have any NFS in its datastores"; /** * Message thrown by the <code>NoManagedException</code> in the ESXi code. */ public static final String NOMAN_NFS_II = "Repository location (NFS) is defined and matches up with the Datacenter repository, but is not mounted."; /** * Message thrown by the <code>NoManagedException</code> in the ESXi code. */ public static final String NOMAN_NFS_III = "The Repositroy location (NFS) found doesn't match with the Datacenter repository"; /** * Message thrown by the <code>NoManagedException</code> when the IP of the defined nfs is * unreachable. */ public static final String NOMAN_NFS_IV = "The Repository (NFS) informed in Appliance Mangager of current Datacenter is unreachable"; /** * Message thrown by the <code>NoManagedException</code> when the IP of the nfs is unreachable. */ public static final String NOMAN_NFS_V = "The Repository (NFS) mounted is unreachable"; /** * Message thrown by the <code>NoManagedException</code> when the IP of the nfs is unreachable. */ public static final String NOMAN_NFS_VI = "The Repository (NFS) is defined in hypervisor, but it is unplugged or broken and can not be used"; /** * Message thrown by the <code>NoManagedException</code> in the ESXi code. */ public static final String NOMAN_ESXI_LIC = "ESXi host is in maintenance mode"; /** * Message thrown by the <code>NoManagedException</code> in the ESXi code. */ public static final String NOMAN_ESXI_MAINTENACNE = "The ESXi license is not valid to be managed by Abiquo. Please check if the license has expired or you are using an evaluation license"; /** * Message thrown by the <code>NoManagedException</code> in the hyper-v code. */ public static final String NOMAN_HYPERV_I = "The WinRM service is not properly configured. This service is needed to manage external storage"; /** * Message thrown by the <code>NoManagedException</code> in the XenServer code. */ public static final String NOMAN_XEN_SERVER_I = "Linux Guest support package is not installed"; /** * This exception will be thrown if the client tries to access in a non-managed uri. */ public static final String UNCHK_NOT_FOUND = "Address not found. Check your request"; /** * This message exception will be thrown if the client tries to access to a method that the * resource not supports. */ public static final String UNCHK_NOT_ALLOWED = "Correct resource with invalid method"; /** * When using the vSphere client we use the provided IP as Host System name. This usually match. */ public static final String HOST_SYSTEM_NOT_FOUND = "Can't get the Host System of the vSphere or multiple HostSystems are defined."; /** * When using the vSphere client we assume the underling datacenter is named as * ''ha-datacenter''. */ public static final String DATACENTER_NOT_FOUND = "''ha-datacenter'' not found on the vSphere (the datacenter MUST be named ''ha-datacenter'')"; /** * Any problem during the datastore identification. */ public static final String DATASTRORE_MARK = "Can't localize or create the datastore folder mark (check all datastores are accessibles)"; /** * There are more than a single folder mark on the datastore. */ public static final String DATASTRORE_MULTIPLE_MARKS = "There are more than a single mark folder on the current datastore (remove all the ''datastoreuuid.XXX'' folders)"; /** * Not treated errors. */ public static final String UNCHK_UNK = "Unknown error"; /** * Wsman exception. */ public static final String WSMAN_NO_PING = "An error was occurred when pinging the wsman service"; /** * AIM exception. */ public static final String AIM_NO_PING = "An error was occurred when pinging the AIMservice"; public static final String AIM_NO_COMM = "An error was occurred when communicating with the AIM service"; /** * AIM collector exception. */ public static final String AIM_CHECK = "AIM check do not pass for resource [%s] at [%s]"; public static final String AIM_GET_DISK_SIZE = "AIM can not obtain the disk file size of [%s] at [%s]"; public static final String AIM_ANY_DATASTORE = "There aren't any available datastore on [%s]"; public static final String AIM_ANY_NETIFACE = "There aren't any available network interface on [%s]"; /** * Missing Hypervisor paramter. */ public static final String MISSING_HYPERVISOR = "Missing 'hyp' parameter"; /** * When the value of the hypervisor is not valid. */ public static final String UNKNOWN_HYPERVISOR = "Unknown 'hyp' parameter"; /** * Missing 'user' parameter. */ public static final String MISSING_USER = "Missing 'user' parameter"; /** * Missing 'password' parameter. */ public static final String MISSING_PASSWORD = "Missing 'password' parameter"; /** * Missing 'repository' parameter. */ public static final String MISSING_REPO = "Missing 'repository' parameter"; /** * Missing 'uuid' parameter. */ public static final String MISSING_UUID = "Missing 'uuid' parameter"; /** * Missing 'port' parameter. */ public static final String MISSING_AIMPORT = "Missing 'port' parameter for this Hypervisor"; /** * Can not retrieve the iSCSI initiator IQN name. The but the host is MANAGED. */ public static final String WARN_INITIATOR_IQN = "Can not retrieve the iSCSI initiator IQN name"; /** * Can not load the plugin because is not loaded. */ public static final String UNLOADED_PLUGIN = "Plugin for the hypervisor you request is not loaded"; /** * The hypervisor doesn't contains the provided repository datastore. */ public static final String NOT_MANAGED_REPOSITORY = "The NFS repository [%s] is not present on the target hypervisor"; /** * The credentials are not valid to UCS. */ public static final String UCS_LOGIN_ERROR = "Cannot authenticate against UCS"; /** * The blade is not associated to a LS. */ public static final String UCS_LS_ERROR = "Cannot change the state if the blade is not associated with any Logic Server"; /** * Invalid blade DN. */ public static final String UCS_BLADE_DN_ERROR = "Invalid blade dn"; /** * The Logic Server is already associated to a LS. */ public static final String UCS_LS_ASSOC_ERROR = "Cannot associate the Service Profile because it is already associated"; /** * The Logic Server is already unassociated. */ public static final String UCS_LS_UNASSOC_ERROR = "Cannot disassociate the Service Profile because it is already unassociated"; /** * The Logic Server is wan not associated to a LS due to an unknown error. */ public static final String UCS_LS_ASSOC_GEN_ERROR = "Cannot associate the Service Profile due to an unknown error. Please see the log for more info."; /** * The Logic Server was not unassociated due unknown error. */ public static final String UCS_LS_UNASSOC_GEN_ERROR = "Cannot disassociate the Service Profile due to an unknown error. Please see the log for more info."; /** * The Logic Server does not exists. */ public static final String UCS_LS_NO_EXISTS_ERROR = "The Service Profile does not exists"; /** * The Organization does not exists. */ public static final String UCS_ORGANIZATION_NO_EXISTS_ERROR = "The Organization does not exists"; /** The Logic Server already exists. */ public static final String UCS_LS_EXISTS_ERROR = "The Service Profile already exists"; /** * The UCS could not be reached. */ public static final String UCS_COMM_ERROR = "There was a problem with UCS. Review your network configuration and check that UCS Manager is working"; /** * The Logic Server is not a template. */ public static final String UCS_LS_NO_TEMPLATE_ERROR = "The Service Profile is not a template"; /** * No instance. */ public static final String UCS_LS_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION_ERROR = "Cannot instantiate the Service Profile due to an unknown error. Please see the log for more info."; /** * The Logic Server is already unassociated. */ public static final String UCS_BLADE_ASSOC_ERROR = "Cannot associate the Blade because it is already associated"; /** * The UCS XML could not be parsed. */ public static final String UCS_XML_ERROR = "There was a problem with UCS response. Review the logs of the application for more information"; /** * No assoc. */ public static final String UCS_LS_ASSOCIATION_SEE_LOGS_ERROR = "Cannot associate the Service Profile due to an unknown error. Review the logs of the application for more information"; /** * Task ongoing. */ public static final String UCS_ONGOING_SEE_LOGS_ERROR = "Cannot complete the request. The is an ongoing task performed by the object. Try again in a few minutes. Review the logs of the application, or the UCS Manager, for more information"; /** * Task ongoing. */ public static final String UCS_ERROR_SEE_LOGS_ERROR = "Cannot complete the request. The is an unknown error. Try again in a few minutes. Review the logs of the application for more information"; /** * Private constructor due it is an utility class. */ private MessageValues() { }; }