package org.act.tstream.task.execute; import java.util.Map; import org.act.tstream.callback.AsyncLoopThread; import org.act.tstream.callback.RunnableCallback; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import backtype.storm.Config; import backtype.storm.serialization.KryoTupleDeserializer; import backtype.storm.task.TopologyContext; import backtype.storm.tuple.Tuple; import backtype.storm.utils.DisruptorQueue; import backtype.storm.utils.Utils; import backtype.storm.utils.WorkerClassLoader; import org.act.tstream.client.ConfigExtension; import org.act.tstream.metric.JStormTimer; import org.act.tstream.metric.MetricDef; import org.act.tstream.metric.Metrics; //import org.act.tstream.message.zeroMq.IRecvConnection; import org.act.tstream.stats.CommonStatsRolling; import org.act.tstream.task.TaskStatus; import org.act.tstream.task.TaskTransfer; import org.act.tstream.task.error.ITaskReportErr; import org.act.tstream.utils.JStormServerUtils; import org.act.tstream.utils.JStormUtils; import com.lmax.disruptor.EventHandler; import com.lmax.disruptor.WaitStrategy; import com.lmax.disruptor.dsl.ProducerType; /** * Base executor share between spout and bolt * * * @author Longda * */ public class BaseExecutors extends RunnableCallback { private static Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(BaseExecutors.class); protected final String component_id; protected final int taskId; protected final boolean isDebugRecv; protected final boolean isDebug; protected final String idStr; protected Map storm_conf; // ZMQConnection puller protected DisruptorQueue deserializeQueue; protected KryoTupleDeserializer deserializer; protected AsyncLoopThread deserializeThread; protected JStormTimer deserializeTimer; protected TopologyContext userTopologyCtx; protected CommonStatsRolling task_stats; protected volatile TaskStatus taskStatus; protected int message_timeout_secs = 30; protected Throwable error = null; protected ITaskReportErr report_error; protected DisruptorQueue exeQueue; protected Map<Integer, DisruptorQueue> innerTaskTransfer; // protected IntervalCheck intervalCheck = new IntervalCheck(); public BaseExecutors(TaskTransfer _transfer_fn, Map _storm_conf, DisruptorQueue deserializeQueue, Map<Integer, DisruptorQueue> innerTaskTransfer, TopologyContext topology_context, TopologyContext _user_context, CommonStatsRolling _task_stats, TaskStatus taskStatus, ITaskReportErr _report_error) { this.storm_conf = _storm_conf; this.deserializeQueue = deserializeQueue; this.userTopologyCtx = _user_context; this.task_stats = _task_stats; this.taskId = topology_context.getThisTaskId(); this.innerTaskTransfer = innerTaskTransfer; this.component_id = topology_context.getThisComponentId(); this.idStr = JStormServerUtils.getName(component_id, taskId); this.taskStatus = taskStatus; this.report_error = _report_error; this.deserializer = new KryoTupleDeserializer(storm_conf, topology_context);// (KryoTupleDeserializer. this.isDebugRecv = ConfigExtension.isTopologyDebugRecvTuple(storm_conf); this.isDebug = JStormUtils.parseBoolean( storm_conf.get(Config.TOPOLOGY_DEBUG), false); message_timeout_secs = JStormUtils.parseInt( storm_conf.get(Config.TOPOLOGY_MESSAGE_TIMEOUT_SECS), 30); int queue_size = Utils.getInt( storm_conf.get(Config.TOPOLOGY_EXECUTOR_RECEIVE_BUFFER_SIZE), 256); WaitStrategy waitStrategy = (WaitStrategy) Utils .newInstance((String) storm_conf .get(Config.TOPOLOGY_DISRUPTOR_WAIT_STRATEGY)); this.exeQueue = DisruptorQueue.mkInstance(idStr, ProducerType.MULTI, queue_size, waitStrategy); this.exeQueue.consumerStarted(); this.registerInnerTransfer(exeQueue); deserializeThread = new AsyncLoopThread(new DeserializeRunnable( deserializeQueue, exeQueue)); deserializeTimer = Metrics.registerTimer(idStr, MetricDef.DESERIALIZE_TIME, String.valueOf(taskId), Metrics.MetricType.TASK); Metrics.registerQueue(idStr, MetricDef.DESERIALIZE_QUEUE, deserializeQueue, String.valueOf(taskId), Metrics.MetricType.TASK); Metrics.registerQueue(idStr, MetricDef.EXECUTE_QUEUE, exeQueue, String.valueOf(taskId), Metrics.MetricType.TASK); } @Override public void run() { // this function will be override by SpoutExecutor or BoltExecutor throw new RuntimeException("Should implement this function"); } @Override public Object getResult() { if (taskStatus.isRun()) { return 0; } else if (taskStatus.isPause()) { return 0; } else if (taskStatus.isShutdown()) { this.shutdown(); return -1; } else {"Unknow TaskStatus, shutdown executing thread of " + idStr); this.shutdown(); return -1; } } @Override public Exception error() { if (error == null) { return null; } return new Exception(error); } @Override public void shutdown() {"Shutdown executing thread of " + idStr); if (taskStatus.isShutdown() == false) {"Taskstatus isn't shutdown, but enter shutdown method, Occur exception"); } this.unregistorInnerTransfer(); } protected void registerInnerTransfer(DisruptorQueue disruptorQueue) {"Registor inner transfer for executor thread of " + idStr); DisruptorQueue existInnerTransfer = innerTaskTransfer.get(taskId); if (existInnerTransfer != null) {"Exist inner task transfer for executing thread of " + idStr); if (existInnerTransfer != disruptorQueue) { throw new RuntimeException( "Inner task transfer must be only one in executing thread of " + idStr); } } innerTaskTransfer.put(taskId, disruptorQueue); } protected void unregistorInnerTransfer() {"Unregistor inner transfer for executor thread of " + idStr); innerTaskTransfer.remove(taskId); } public AsyncLoopThread getDeserlizeThread() { return deserializeThread; } class DeserializeRunnable extends RunnableCallback implements EventHandler { DisruptorQueue deserializeQueue; DisruptorQueue exeQueue; DeserializeRunnable(DisruptorQueue deserializeQueue, DisruptorQueue exeQueue) { this.deserializeQueue = deserializeQueue; this.exeQueue = exeQueue; } @Override public String getThreadName() { return idStr + "-deserializer"; } protected Tuple deserialize(byte[] ser_msg) { deserializeTimer.start(); try { if (ser_msg == null) { return null; } if (ser_msg.length == 0) { return null; } else if (ser_msg.length == 1) { byte newStatus = ser_msg[0];"Change task status as " + newStatus); taskStatus.setStatus(newStatus); return null; } // ser_msg.length > 1 Tuple tuple = deserializer.deserialize(ser_msg); if (isDebugRecv) { + " receive " + tuple.toString()); } // recv_tuple_queue.offer(tuple); return tuple; } catch (Throwable e) { if (taskStatus.isShutdown() == false) { LOG.error( idStr + " recv thread error " + JStormUtils.toPrintableString(ser_msg) + "\n", e); } }finally { deserializeTimer.stop(); } return null; } @Override public void onEvent(Object event, long sequence, boolean endOfBatch) throws Exception { Tuple tuple = deserialize((byte[]) event); if (tuple != null) { exeQueue.publish(tuple); } } @Override public void run() { WorkerClassLoader.switchThreadContext();"Successfully start recvThread of " + idStr); while (taskStatus.isShutdown() == false) { try { deserializeQueue.consumeBatchWhenAvailable(this); } catch (Throwable e) { if (taskStatus.isShutdown() == false) { LOG.error("Unknow exception ", e);; } } } WorkerClassLoader.restoreThreadContext();"Successfully shutdown recvThread of " + idStr); } public Object getResult() {"Begin to shutdown recvThread of " + idStr); return -1; } } }