package org.act.tstream.daemon.worker.metrics; import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.HashMap; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.act.tstream.daemon.nimbus.NimbusData; import org.act.tstream.task.heartbeat.TaskHeartbeat; import org.act.tstream.client.ConfigExtension; import org.act.tstream.cluster.StormBase; import org.act.tstream.cluster.StormClusterState; import org.act.tstream.stats.CommonStatsData; import org.act.tstream.task.TaskInfo; import org.act.tstream.metric.MetricDef; import org.act.tstream.metric.UserDefMetricData; import com.codahale.metrics.Gauge; import com.codahale.metrics.Metric; public class UploadMetricFromZK implements Runnable { private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(UploadMetricFromZK.class); private NimbusData data; private StormClusterState clusterState; private MetricSendClient client; private Map<String, TopoCommStatsInfo> topologyMap; public UploadMetricFromZK(NimbusData data, MetricSendClient client) { = data; this.client = client; clusterState = data.getStormClusterState(); topologyMap = new HashMap<String, TopoCommStatsInfo>(); } @Override public void run() { uploadCommStats(); uploadUseDefMetric(clusterState); } // remove obsolete topology private boolean rmObsoleteTopo() { boolean ret = true; List<String> obsoleteTopos = new ArrayList<String>(); try { List<String> topologys = clusterState.active_storms(); for (Entry<String, TopoCommStatsInfo> entry : topologyMap.entrySet()) { if (topologys.contains(entry.getKey()) == false) { obsoleteTopos.add(entry.getKey()); } } for (String topo : obsoleteTopos) { topologyMap.remove(topo); } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.warn("Faild to update topology list.", e); ret = false; } return ret; } private void uploadCommStats() { // Remove obsolete topology firstly. new topology will be // added when uploading the common statistic data rmObsoleteTopo(); List<Map<String,Object>> listMapMsg=new ArrayList<Map<String,Object>>(); try { TopoCommStatsInfo ret; List<String> topologys = clusterState.heartbeat_storms(); for (String topologyId : topologys) { if (topologyMap.containsKey(topologyId) == false) { StormBase base = clusterState.storm_base(topologyId, null); if (base == null) { topologyMap.remove(topologyId); continue; } else { topologyMap.put(topologyId, new TopoCommStatsInfo(topologyId, base.getStormName())); } } // Get common statistic data from taskbeats in ZK for a topology ret = getCommStatsData(topologyId); if (ret != null) { // Build topology, spout and bolt statis data from the // statis data of all tasks buildCommStatsData(ret); // Build statistic data message of remote monitor server buildComonSendMsg(ret,listMapMsg); } } if(listMapMsg.size() > 0) { // Send statistic data to remote monitor server sendCommStatsData(listMapMsg); } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.warn("Failed to upload comm statistic data to Alimonitor.", e); } } public void uploadUseDefMetric(StormClusterState clusterState) { try { List<String> active_topologys = clusterState.active_storms(); if (active_topologys == null) { return; } Map<String, Object> totalMsg = new HashMap<String, Object>(); for (String topologyId : active_topologys) { Map<String, Map<String, Metric>> compont_metrics = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Metric>>(); List<String> workerIds = clusterState.monitor_user_workers(topologyId); if(workerIds == null) continue; MetricKVMsg topologyMetricMsg = new MetricKVMsg(); for(String workerId : workerIds) { UserDefMetricData useWorkDefMetric = clusterState.get_userDef_metric(topologyId, workerId); //add metric based on worker to useWorkDefMetric topologyMetricMsg.countGangeMetric(useWorkDefMetric.getGaugeDataMap()); topologyMetricMsg.countCounterMetric(useWorkDefMetric.getCounterDataMap()); topologyMetricMsg.countHistogramMetric(useWorkDefMetric.getHistogramDataMap()); topologyMetricMsg.countTimerMetric(useWorkDefMetric.getTimerDataMap()); topologyMetricMsg.countMeterMetric(useWorkDefMetric.getMeterDataMap()); } topologyMetricMsg.calcAvgTimer(); topologyMetricMsg.emptyCountMap(); Map<String, Object> ret = topologyMetricMsg.convertToKVMap(); if(ret.size() >0) totalMsg.putAll(ret); } if(totalMsg.size() > 0) { // For Alimonitor Client only if (client instanceof AlimonitorClient) { ((AlimonitorClient) client).setMonitorName( ConfigExtension.getAlmonUserMetricName(data.getConf())); ((AlimonitorClient) client).setCollectionFlag(0); ((AlimonitorClient) client).setErrorInfo(""); } client.send(totalMsg); } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.warn("Failed to upload user define metric data", e); } } public void clean() { } private TopoCommStatsInfo getCommStatsData(String topologyId) { try { String taskId; String componentId; TaskHeartbeat taskHb; TopoCommStatsInfo commStatsInfo = topologyMap.get(topologyId); if (commStatsInfo == null) {LOG.warn("commStatsInfo is null, topoId=" + topologyId);} Map<String, TaskHeartbeat> heartbeats = clusterState.task_heartbeat(topologyId); if (heartbeats == null || heartbeats.size() == 0) return null; for (Entry<String, TaskHeartbeat> entry : heartbeats.entrySet()) { taskId = entry.getKey(); taskHb = entry.getValue(); TaskInfo taskInfo = clusterState.task_info(topologyId, Integer.parseInt(taskId)); if (taskInfo == null ) { LOG.warn("Task information can not be found in ZK for task-" + taskId); continue; } componentId = taskInfo.getComponentId(); //update taskHb into the corresponding component map if (taskHb.getComponentType().equals("spout")) { commStatsInfo.addToSpoutList(componentId, taskId, taskHb); } else { commStatsInfo.addToBoltList(componentId, taskId, taskHb); } } return commStatsInfo; } catch (Exception e) { LOG.warn("getCommStatsData, failed to read data from ZK.", e); return null; } } private void buildCommStatsData(TopoCommStatsInfo commStatsInfo) { commStatsInfo.buildBoltStatsData(); commStatsInfo.buildSpoutStatsData(); commStatsInfo.buildTopoStatsData(); } private void sendCommStatsData(List<Map<String,Object>> listMapMsg) { try { // For Alimonitor Client only if (client instanceof AlimonitorClient) { ((AlimonitorClient) client).setMonitorName( ConfigExtension.getAlmonTopoMetricName(data.getConf())); ((AlimonitorClient) client).setCollectionFlag(0); ((AlimonitorClient) client).setErrorInfo(""); } client.send(listMapMsg); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.warn("Error when sending common statistic data.", e); } } private void buildComonSendMsg(TopoCommStatsInfo commStatsInfo,List<Map<String,Object>> listMapMsg) { String topoloygName = commStatsInfo.getTopoName(); Map<String, Object> jsonMsg; try { //build topology statistic data TopoCommStatsInfo.CommStatsData topoStatsData = commStatsInfo.getTopoStatsData(); jsonMsg = topoStatsData.convertToKVMap(topoloygName,topoloygName); listMapMsg.add(jsonMsg); //build spout statistic data Map<String, TopoCommStatsInfo.CommStatsData> spoutStatsData = commStatsInfo.getSpoutStatsData(); for (Entry<String, TopoCommStatsInfo.CommStatsData> entry : spoutStatsData.entrySet()) { String componentId = entry.getKey(); jsonMsg = entry.getValue().convertToKVMap(topoloygName,componentId); listMapMsg.add(jsonMsg); } //build bolt statistic data Map<String, TopoCommStatsInfo.CommStatsData> boltStatsData = commStatsInfo.getBoltStatsData(); for (Entry<String, TopoCommStatsInfo.CommStatsData> entry : boltStatsData.entrySet()) { String componentId = entry.getKey(); jsonMsg = entry.getValue().convertToKVMap(topoloygName,componentId); listMapMsg.add(jsonMsg); } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.warn("Error when bulding common statistic data message.", e); } } }