package org.act.tstream.message.netty; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import org.apache.commons.lang.builder.ToStringBuilder; import org.apache.commons.lang.builder.ToStringStyle; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import backtype.storm.Config; import backtype.storm.messaging.TaskMessage; import backtype.storm.utils.Utils; import org.act.tstream.client.ConfigExtension; import org.act.tstream.utils.IntervalCheck; import org.act.tstream.utils.JStormServerUtils; import org.act.tstream.utils.JStormUtils; class NettyClientAsync extends NettyClient { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory .getLogger(NettyClientAsync.class); public static final String PREFIX = "Netty-Client-"; // when batch buffer size is more than BATCH_THREASHOLD_WARN // it will block Drainer thread protected long BATCH_THREASHOLD_WARN; protected final boolean directlySend; protected AtomicBoolean flush_later; protected int flushCheckInterval; protected final boolean blockSend; boolean isDirectSend(Map conf) { if (JStormServerUtils.isOnePending(conf) == true) { return true; } return !ConfigExtension.isNettyTransferAsyncBatch(conf); } boolean isBlockSend(Map storm_conf) { if (ConfigExtension.isTopologyContainAcker(storm_conf) == false) { return false; } return ConfigExtension.isNettyASyncBlock(storm_conf); } @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") NettyClientAsync(Map storm_conf, ChannelFactory factory, ScheduledExecutorService scheduler, String host, int port, ReconnectRunnable reconnector) { super(storm_conf, factory, scheduler, host, port, reconnector); BATCH_THREASHOLD_WARN = ConfigExtension .getNettyBufferThresholdSize(storm_conf); blockSend = isBlockSend(storm_conf); directlySend = isDirectSend(storm_conf); flush_later = new AtomicBoolean(false); flushCheckInterval = Utils.getInt( storm_conf.get(Config.STORM_NETTY_FLUSH_CHECK_INTERVAL_MS), 10); Runnable flusher = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { flush(); } }; long initialDelay = Math.min(1000, max_sleep_ms * max_retries); scheduler.scheduleWithFixedDelay(flusher, initialDelay, flushCheckInterval, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); clientChannelFactory = factory; start();; } /** * Enqueue a task message to be sent to server */ @Override public void send(List<TaskMessage> messages) { // throw exception if the client is being closed if (isClosed()) { LOG.warn("Client is being closed, and does not take requests any more"); return; } sendTimer.start(); try { pushBatch(messages); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } finally { sendTimer.stop(); } } @Override public void send(TaskMessage message) { // throw exception if the client is being closed if (isClosed()) { LOG.warn("Client is being closed, and does not take requests any more"); return; } sendTimer.start(); try { pushBatch(message); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } finally { sendTimer.stop(); } } void waitChannelReady(long cachedSize, long sleepMs) { long begin = System.currentTimeMillis(); boolean changeThreadhold = false; IntervalCheck oneSecond = new IntervalCheck(); IntervalCheck timeoutIntervalCheck = new IntervalCheck(); timeoutIntervalCheck.setInterval(timeoutSecond); while (isChannelReady() == null) { long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); long delt = now - begin; if (oneSecond.check() == true) { LOG.warn( "Target server {} is unavailable, pending {}, bufferSize {}, block sending {}ms", name, pendings.get(), cachedSize, delt); } if (timeoutIntervalCheck.check() == true) { if (messageBatchRef.get() != null) { LOG.warn( "Target server {} is unavailable, wait too much time, throw timeout message", name); messageBatchRef.set(null); } setChannel(null); LOG.warn("Reset channel as null"); } reconnect(); JStormUtils.sleepMs(sleepMs); if (delt > 2 * timeoutSecond * 1000L && changeThreadhold == false) { if (channelRef.get() != null && BATCH_THREASHOLD_WARN >= 2 * messageBatchSize) { // it is just channel isn't writable; BATCH_THREASHOLD_WARN = BATCH_THREASHOLD_WARN / 2;"Reduce BATCH_THREASHOLD_WARN to {}", BATCH_THREASHOLD_WARN); changeThreadhold = true; } } if (isClosed()) {"Channel has been closed " + name()); break; } } } long getDelaySec(long cachedSize) { long count = cachedSize / BATCH_THREASHOLD_WARN; long sleepMs = (long)(Math.pow(2, count) * 10); if (sleepMs > 1000) { sleepMs = 1000; } return sleepMs; } void handleFailedChannel(MessageBatch messageBatch) { messageBatchRef.set(messageBatch); flush_later.set(true); long cachedSize = messageBatch.getEncoded_length(); if (cachedSize > BATCH_THREASHOLD_WARN) { long sleepMs = getDelaySec(cachedSize); if (blockSend == false) { LOG.warn( "Target server {} is unavailable, pending {}, bufferSize {}, block sending {}ms", name, pendings.get(), cachedSize, sleepMs); JStormUtils.sleepMs(sleepMs); reconnect(); } else { waitChannelReady(cachedSize, sleepMs); } } return; } void pushBatch(List<TaskMessage> messages) { if (messages.isEmpty()) { return; } MessageBatch messageBatch = messageBatchRef.getAndSet(null); if (null == messageBatch) { messageBatch = new MessageBatch(messageBatchSize); } for (TaskMessage message : messages) { if (TaskMessage.isEmpty(message)) { continue; } messageBatch.add(message); if (messageBatch.isFull()) { Channel channel = isChannelReady(); if (channel != null) { flushRequest(channel, messageBatch); messageBatch = new MessageBatch(messageBatchSize); } } } Channel channel = isChannelReady(); if (channel == null) { handleFailedChannel(messageBatch); return; } else if (messageBatch.isEmpty() == false) { flushRequest(channel, messageBatch); } return; } void pushBatch(TaskMessage message) { if (TaskMessage.isEmpty(message)) { return; } MessageBatch messageBatch = messageBatchRef.getAndSet(null); if (null == messageBatch) { messageBatch = new MessageBatch(messageBatchSize); } messageBatch.add(message); Channel channel = isChannelReady(); if (channel == null) { handleFailedChannel(messageBatch); return; } if (messageBatch.isFull()) { flushRequest(channel, messageBatch); return; } if (directlySend) { flushRequest(channel, messageBatch); } else { if(messageBatchRef.compareAndSet(null, messageBatch)) flush_later.set(true); else LOG.error("MessageBatch will be lost. This should not happen."); } return; } void flush() { if (isClosed() == true) { return; } if (flush_later.get() == false) { return; } Channel channel = isChannelReady(); if (channel == null) { return; } flush_later.set(false); MessageBatch toBeFlushed = messageBatchRef.getAndSet(null); flushRequest(channel, toBeFlushed); } Channel isChannelReady() { Channel channel = channelRef.get(); if (channel == null) { return null; } // improve performance skill check if (channel.isWritable() == false) { return null; } if (blockSend == true && pendings.get() >= MAX_SEND_PENDING) { return null; } return channel; } @Override public void handleResponse() { // do nothing return; } @Override public String toString() { return ToStringBuilder.reflectionToString(this, ToStringStyle.SHORT_PREFIX_STYLE); } }