package org.act.tstream.daemon.supervisor; import; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import backtype.storm.Config; import backtype.storm.GenericOptionsParser; import backtype.storm.messaging.IContext; import backtype.storm.utils.LocalState; import backtype.storm.utils.Time; import org.act.tstream.client.ConfigExtension; import org.act.tstream.cluster.Common; import org.act.tstream.cluster.StormConfig; import org.act.tstream.daemon.worker.ProcessSimulator; import org.act.tstream.daemon.worker.State; import org.act.tstream.daemon.worker.Worker; import org.act.tstream.daemon.worker.WorkerHeartbeat; import org.act.tstream.daemon.worker.WorkerShutdown; import org.act.tstream.message.zeroMq.MQContext; import org.act.tstream.task.LocalAssignment; import org.act.tstream.utils.JStormUtils; import org.act.tstream.utils.PathUtils; import org.act.tstream.utils.TimeFormat; import org.act.tstream.utils.TimeUtils; /** * SyncProcesses (1) kill bad worker (2) start new worker */ class SyncProcessEvent extends ShutdownWork { private static Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(SyncProcessEvent.class); private LocalState localState; private Map conf; private ConcurrentHashMap<String, String> workerThreadPids; private String supervisorId; private IContext sharedContext; private CgroupManager cgroupManager; private SandBoxMaker sandBoxMaker; // private Supervisor supervisor; /** * @param conf * @param localState * @param workerThreadPids * @param supervisorId * @param sharedContext * @param workerThreadPidsReadLock * @param workerThreadPidsWriteLock */ public SyncProcessEvent(String supervisorId, Map conf, LocalState localState, ConcurrentHashMap<String, String> workerThreadPids, IContext sharedContext) { this.supervisorId = supervisorId; this.conf = conf; this.localState = localState; this.workerThreadPids = workerThreadPids; // right now, sharedContext is null this.sharedContext = sharedContext; this.sandBoxMaker = new SandBoxMaker(conf); if (ConfigExtension.isEnableCgroup(conf)) { cgroupManager = new CgroupManager(conf); } } /** * @@@ Change the old logic In the old logic, it will store * LS_LOCAL_ASSIGNMENTS Map<String, Integer> into LocalState * * But I don't think LS_LOCAL_ASSIGNMENTS is useful, so remove this * logic */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public void run() { LOG.debug("Syncing processes"); try { /** * Step 1: get assigned tasks from localstat Map<port(type Integer), * LocalAssignment> */ Map<Integer, LocalAssignment> localAssignments = null; try { localAssignments = (Map<Integer, LocalAssignment>) localState .get(Common.LS_LOCAL_ASSIGNMENTS); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("Failed to get LOCAL_ASSIGNMENTS from LocalState", e); throw e; } if (localAssignments == null) { localAssignments = new HashMap<Integer, LocalAssignment>(); } LOG.debug("Assigned tasks: " + localAssignments); /** * Step 2: get local WorkerStats from local_dir/worker/ids/heartbeat * Map<workerid [WorkerHeartbeat, state]> */ Map<String, StateHeartbeat> localWorkerStats = null; try { localWorkerStats = getLocalWorkerStats(conf, localState, localAssignments); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Failed to get Local worker stats"); throw e; } LOG.debug("Allocated: " + localWorkerStats); /** * Step 3: kill Invalid Workers and remove killed worker from * localWorkerStats */ Set<Integer> keepPorts = killUselessWorkers(localWorkerStats); // start new workers startNewWorkers(keepPorts, localAssignments); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Failed Sync Process", e); // throw e } } /** * wait for all workers of the supervisor launch * * @param conf * @param workerIds * @throws InterruptedException * @throws IOException * @pdOid 52b11418-7474-446d-bff5-0ecd68f4954f */ public void waitForWorkersLaunch(Map conf, Collection<String> workerIds) throws IOException, InterruptedException { int startTime = TimeUtils.current_time_secs(); for (String workerId : workerIds) { waitForWorkerLaunch(conf, workerId, startTime); } } /** * wait for worker launch if the time is not > * * SUPERVISOR_WORKER_START_TIMEOUT_SECS, otherwise info failed * * @param conf * @param workerId * @param startTime * @throws IOException * @throws InterruptedException * @pdOid f0a6ab43-8cd3-44e1-8fd3-015a2ec51c6a */ public void waitForWorkerLaunch(Map conf, String workerId, int startTime) throws IOException, InterruptedException { LocalState ls = StormConfig.worker_state(conf, workerId); while (true) { WorkerHeartbeat whb = (WorkerHeartbeat) ls .get(Common.LS_WORKER_HEARTBEAT); if (whb == null && ((TimeUtils.current_time_secs() - startTime) < JStormUtils .parseInt(conf .get(Config.SUPERVISOR_WORKER_START_TIMEOUT_SECS)))) { + " still hasn't started"); Time.sleep(500); } else { // whb is valid or timeout break; } } WorkerHeartbeat whb = (WorkerHeartbeat) ls .get(Common.LS_WORKER_HEARTBEAT); if (whb == null) { LOG.error("Failed to start Worker " + workerId); } else {"Successfully start worker " + workerId); } } /** * get localstat approved workerId's map * * @return Map<workerid [workerheart, state]> [workerheart, state] is also a * map, key is "workheartbeat" and "state" * @param conf * @param localState * @param assignedTasks * @throws IOException * @pdOid 11c9bebb-d082-4c51-b323-dd3d5522a649 */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Map<String, StateHeartbeat> getLocalWorkerStats(Map conf, LocalState localState, Map<Integer, LocalAssignment> assignedTasks) throws Exception { Map<String, StateHeartbeat> workeridHbstate = new HashMap<String, StateHeartbeat>(); int now = TimeUtils.current_time_secs(); /** * Get Map<workerId, WorkerHeartbeat> from * local_dir/worker/ids/heartbeat */ Map<String, WorkerHeartbeat> idToHeartbeat = readWorkerHeartbeats(conf); for (Map.Entry<String, WorkerHeartbeat> entry : idToHeartbeat .entrySet()) { String workerid = entry.getKey().toString(); WorkerHeartbeat whb = entry.getValue(); State state = null; if (whb == null) { state = State.notStarted; } else if (matchesAssignment(whb, assignedTasks) == false) { // workerId isn't approved or // isn't assigned task state = State.disallowed; } else if ((now - whb.getTimeSecs()) > JStormUtils.parseInt(conf .get(Config.SUPERVISOR_WORKER_TIMEOUT_SECS))) {// state = State.timedOut; } else { state = State.valid; } if (state != State.valid) {"Worker:" + workerid + " state:" + state + " WorkerHeartbeat: " + whb + " at supervisor time-secs " + now); } else { LOG.debug("Worker:" + workerid + " state:" + state + " WorkerHeartbeat: " + whb + " at supervisor time-secs " + now); } workeridHbstate.put(workerid, new StateHeartbeat(state, whb)); } return workeridHbstate; } /** * check whether the workerheartbeat is allowed in the assignedTasks * * @param whb * : WorkerHeartbeat * @param assignedTasks * @return boolean if true, the assignments(LS-LOCAL-ASSIGNMENTS) is match * with workerheart if fasle, is not matched */ public boolean matchesAssignment(WorkerHeartbeat whb, Map<Integer, LocalAssignment> assignedTasks) { boolean isMatch = true; LocalAssignment localAssignment = assignedTasks.get(whb.getPort()); if (localAssignment == null) { isMatch = false; } else if (!whb.getTopologyId().equals(localAssignment.getTopologyId())) { // topology id not equal"topology id not equal whb=" + whb.getTopologyId() + ",localAssignment=" + localAssignment.getTopologyId()); isMatch = false; } else if (!(whb.getTaskIds().equals(localAssignment.getTaskIds()))) { // task-id isn't equal"task-id isn't equal whb=" + whb.getTaskIds() + ",localAssignment=" + localAssignment.getTaskIds()); isMatch = false; } return isMatch; } /** * get all workers heartbeats of the supervisor * * @param conf * @return Map<workerId, WorkerHeartbeat> * @throws IOException * @throws IOException */ public Map<String, WorkerHeartbeat> readWorkerHeartbeats(Map conf) throws Exception { Map<String, WorkerHeartbeat> workerHeartbeats = new HashMap<String, WorkerHeartbeat>(); // get the path: STORM-LOCAL-DIR/workers String path = StormConfig.worker_root(conf); List<String> workerIds = PathUtils.read_dir_contents(path); if (workerIds == null) {"No worker dir under " + path); return workerHeartbeats; } for (String workerId : workerIds) { WorkerHeartbeat whb = readWorkerHeartbeat(conf, workerId); // ATTENTION: whb can be null workerHeartbeats.put(workerId, whb); } return workerHeartbeats; } /** * get worker heartbeat by workerid * * @param conf * @param workerId * @returns WorkerHeartbeat * @throws IOException */ public WorkerHeartbeat readWorkerHeartbeat(Map conf, String workerId) throws Exception { try { LocalState ls = StormConfig.worker_state(conf, workerId); return (WorkerHeartbeat) ls.get(Common.LS_WORKER_HEARTBEAT); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("Failed to get worker Heartbeat", e); return null; } } /** * launch a worker in local mode * * @param conf * @param sharedcontext * @param topologyId * @param supervisorId * @param port * @param workerId * @param workerThreadPidsAtom * @param workerThreadPidsAtomWriteLock * @pdOid 405f44c7-bc1b-4e16-85cc-b59352b6ff5d */ public void launchWorker(Map conf, IContext sharedcontext, String topologyId, String supervisorId, Integer port, String workerId, ConcurrentHashMap<String, String> workerThreadPidsAtom) throws Exception { String pid = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); WorkerShutdown worker = Worker.mk_worker(conf, sharedcontext, topologyId, supervisorId, port, workerId, null); ProcessSimulator.registerProcess(pid, worker); workerThreadPidsAtom.put(workerId, pid); } private String getClassPath(String stormjar, String stormHome, Map totalConf) { // String classpath = JStormUtils.current_classpath() + ":" + stormjar; // return classpath; String classpath = JStormUtils.current_classpath(); String[] classpathes = classpath.split(":"); Set<String> classSet = new HashSet<String>(); for (String classJar : classpathes) { classSet.add(classJar); } if (stormHome != null) { List<String> stormHomeFiles = PathUtils .read_dir_contents(stormHome); for (String file : stormHomeFiles) { if (file.endsWith(".jar")) { classSet.add(stormHome + File.separator + file); } } List<String> stormLibFiles = PathUtils.read_dir_contents(stormHome + File.separator + "lib"); for (String file : stormLibFiles) { if (file.endsWith(".jar")) { classSet.add(stormHome + File.separator + "lib" + File.separator + file); } } } // filter jeromq.jar/jzmq.jar to avoid ZMQ.class conflict String filterJarKeyword = null; String transport_plugin_klassName = (String) totalConf .get(Config.STORM_MESSAGING_TRANSPORT); if (transport_plugin_klassName.equals(MQContext.class .getCanonicalName())) { filterJarKeyword = "jeromq"; } else if (transport_plugin_klassName .equals("org.act.tstream.message.jeroMq.JMQContext")) { filterJarKeyword = "jzmq"; } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (filterJarKeyword != null) { for (String jar : classSet) { if (jar.contains(filterJarKeyword)) { continue; } sb.append(jar + ":"); } } else { for (String jar : classSet) { sb.append(jar + ":"); } } if (ConfigExtension.isEnableTopologyClassLoader(totalConf)) { return sb.toString().substring(0, sb.length() - 1); } else { sb.append(stormjar); return sb.toString(); } } public String getChildOpts(Map stormConf) { String childopts = " "; if (stormConf.get(Config.TOPOLOGY_WORKER_CHILDOPTS) != null) { childopts += (String) stormConf .get(Config.TOPOLOGY_WORKER_CHILDOPTS); } else if (ConfigExtension.getWorkerGc(stormConf) != null) { childopts += ConfigExtension.getWorkerGc(stormConf); } return childopts; } private String getGcDumpParam(Map totalConf) { // String gcPath = ConfigExtension.getWorkerGcPath(totalConf); String gcPath = JStormUtils.getLogDir(); Date now = new Date(); String nowStr = TimeFormat.getSecond(now); StringBuilder gc = new StringBuilder(); gc.append(" -Xloggc:"); gc.append(gcPath); gc.append(File.separator); gc.append("%TOPOLOGYID%-worker-%ID%-"); gc.append(nowStr); gc.append("-gc.log -verbose:gc -XX:HeapDumpPath="); gc.append(gcPath); gc.append(" "); return gc.toString(); } /** * launch a worker in distributed mode * * @param conf * @param sharedcontext * @param topologyId * @param supervisorId * @param port * @param workerId * @throws IOException * @pdOid 6ea369dd-5ce2-4212-864b-1f8b2ed94abb */ public void launchWorker(Map conf, IContext sharedcontext, String topologyId, String supervisorId, Integer port, String workerId, LocalAssignment assignment) throws IOException { // STORM-LOCAL-DIR/supervisor/stormdist/topologyId String stormroot = StormConfig.supervisor_stormdist_root(conf, topologyId); // STORM-LOCAL-DIR/supervisor/stormdist/topologyId/stormjar.jar String stormjar = StormConfig.stormjar_path(stormroot); // get supervisor conf Map stormConf = StormConfig.read_supervisor_topology_conf(conf, topologyId); Map totalConf = new HashMap(); totalConf.putAll(conf); totalConf.putAll(stormConf); // get classpath // String[] param = new String[1]; // param[0] = stormjar; // String classpath = JStormUtils.add_to_classpath( // JStormUtils.current_classpath(), param); // get child process parameter String stormhome = System.getProperty("jstorm.home"); long memSize = assignment.getMem(); int cpuNum = assignment.getCpu(); String childopts = getChildOpts(totalConf); childopts += getGcDumpParam(totalConf); childopts = childopts.replace("%ID%", port.toString()); childopts = childopts.replace("%TOPOLOGYID%", topologyId); if (stormhome != null) { childopts = childopts.replace("%JSTORM_HOME%", stormhome); } else { childopts = childopts.replace("%JSTORM_HOME%", "./"); } Map<String, String> environment = new HashMap<String, String>(); if (ConfigExtension.getWorkerRedirectOutput(totalConf)) { environment.put("REDIRECT", "true"); } else { environment.put("REDIRECT", "false"); } String logFileName = JStormUtils.genLogName(assignment.getTopologyName(), port); //String logFileName = topologyId + "-worker-" + port + ".log"; environment.put("LD_LIBRARY_PATH", (String) totalConf.get(Config.JAVA_LIBRARY_PATH)); StringBuilder commandSB = new StringBuilder(); try { if (this.cgroupManager != null) { commandSB .append(cgroupManager.startNewWorker(cpuNum, workerId)); } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("fail to prepare cgroup to workerId: " + workerId, e); return; } // commandSB.append("java -server -Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=8000,server=y,suspend=n "); commandSB.append("java -server "); commandSB.append(" -Xms" + memSize); commandSB.append(" -Xmx" + memSize + " "); commandSB.append(" -Xmn" + memSize / 3 + " "); commandSB.append(" -XX:PermSize=" + memSize / 16); commandSB.append(" -XX:MaxPermSize=" + memSize / 8); commandSB.append(" " + childopts); commandSB.append(" " + (assignment.getJvm() == null ? "" : assignment.getJvm())); commandSB.append(" -Djava.library.path="); commandSB.append((String) totalConf.get(Config.JAVA_LIBRARY_PATH)); commandSB.append(""); commandSB.append(logFileName); // commandSB.append(" -Dlog4j.ignoreTCL=true"); if (stormhome != null) { // commandSB.append(" -Dlogback.configurationFile=" + stormhome + // "/conf/cluster.xml"); commandSB.append(" -Dlog4j.configuration=File:" + stormhome + "/conf/"); commandSB.append(" -Djstorm.home="); commandSB.append(stormhome); } else { // commandSB.append(" -Dlogback.configurationFile=cluster.xml"); commandSB .append(""); } String classpath = getClassPath(stormjar, stormhome, totalConf); String workerClassPath = (String) totalConf .get(Config.WORKER_CLASSPATH); List<String> otherLibs = (List<String>) stormConf .get(GenericOptionsParser.TOPOLOGY_LIB_NAME); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (otherLibs != null) { for (String libName : otherLibs) { sb.append(StormConfig.stormlib_path(stormroot, libName)) .append(":"); } } workerClassPath = workerClassPath + ":" + sb.toString(); Map<String, String> policyReplaceMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); String realClassPath = classpath + ":" + workerClassPath; policyReplaceMap.put(SandBoxMaker.CLASS_PATH_KEY, realClassPath); commandSB .append(sandBoxMaker.sandboxPolicy(workerId, policyReplaceMap)); // commandSB.append(""); commandSB.append(" -cp "); // commandSB.append(workerClassPath + ":"); commandSB.append(classpath); if (!ConfigExtension.isEnableTopologyClassLoader(totalConf)) commandSB.append(":").append(workerClassPath); commandSB.append(" org.act.tstream.daemon.worker.Worker "); commandSB.append(topologyId); commandSB.append(" "); commandSB.append(supervisorId); commandSB.append(" "); commandSB.append(port); commandSB.append(" "); commandSB.append(workerId); commandSB.append(" "); commandSB.append(workerClassPath + ":" + stormjar);"Launching worker with command: " + commandSB);"Environment:" + environment.toString()); JStormUtils.launch_process(commandSB.toString(), environment, true); } private Set<Integer> killUselessWorkers( Map<String, StateHeartbeat> localWorkerStats) { Map<String, String> removed = new HashMap<String, String>(); Set<Integer> keepPorts = new HashSet<Integer>(); for (Entry<String, StateHeartbeat> entry : localWorkerStats.entrySet()) { String workerid = entry.getKey(); StateHeartbeat hbstate = entry.getValue(); if (hbstate.getState().equals(State.valid)) { // hbstate.getHeartbeat() won't be null keepPorts.add(hbstate.getHeartbeat().getPort()); } else { if (hbstate.getHeartbeat() != null) { removed.put(workerid, hbstate.getHeartbeat().getTopologyId()); }else { removed.put(workerid, null); } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("Shutting down and clearing state for id "); sb.append(workerid); sb.append(";State:"); sb.append(hbstate);; } } shutWorker(conf, supervisorId, removed, workerThreadPids, cgroupManager); for (String removedWorkerId : removed.keySet()) { localWorkerStats.remove(removedWorkerId); } return keepPorts; } private void startNewWorkers(Set<Integer> keepPorts, Map<Integer, LocalAssignment> localAssignments) throws Exception { /** * Step 4: get reassigned tasks, which is in assignedTasks, but not in * keeperPorts Map<port(type Integer), LocalAssignment> */ Map<Integer, LocalAssignment> newWorkers = JStormUtils .select_keys_pred(keepPorts, localAssignments); /** * Step 5: generate new work ids */ Map<Integer, String> newWorkerIds = new HashMap<Integer, String>(); for (Entry<Integer, LocalAssignment> entry : newWorkers.entrySet()) { Integer port = entry.getKey(); LocalAssignment assignment = entry.getValue(); String workerId = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); newWorkerIds.put(port, workerId); // create new worker Id directory // LOCALDIR/workers/newworkid/pids try { StormConfig.worker_pids_root(conf, workerId); } catch (IOException e1) { LOG.error("Failed to create " + workerId + " localdir", e1); throw e1; } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("Launching worker with assiangment "); sb.append(assignment.toString()); sb.append(" for the supervisor "); sb.append(supervisorId); sb.append(" on port "); sb.append(port); sb.append(" with id "); sb.append(workerId);; try { String clusterMode = StormConfig.cluster_mode(conf); if (clusterMode.equals("distributed")) { launchWorker(conf, sharedContext, assignment.getTopologyId(), supervisorId, port, workerId, assignment); } else if (clusterMode.equals("local")) { launchWorker(conf, sharedContext, assignment.getTopologyId(), supervisorId, port, workerId, workerThreadPids); } } catch (Exception e) { String errorMsg = "Failed to launchWorker workerId:" + workerId + ":" + port; LOG.error(errorMsg, e); throw e; } } /** * FIXME, workerIds should be Set, not Collection, but here simplify the * logic */ Collection<String> workerIds = newWorkerIds.values(); try { waitForWorkersLaunch(conf, workerIds); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error(e + " waitForWorkersLaunch failed"); } catch (InterruptedException e) { LOG.error(e + " waitForWorkersLaunch failed"); } } }