package org.act.tstream.client; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import backtype.storm.Config; import backtype.storm.utils.Utils; import org.act.tstream.utils.JStormUtils; public class ConfigExtension { /** * if this configure has been set, the spout or bolt will log all receive * tuples * * topology.debug just for logging all sent tuples */ protected static final String TOPOLOGY_DEBUG_RECV_TUPLE = "topology.debug.recv.tuple"; public static void setTopologyDebugRecvTuple(Map conf, boolean debug) { conf.put(TOPOLOGY_DEBUG_RECV_TUPLE, Boolean.valueOf(debug)); } public static Boolean isTopologyDebugRecvTuple(Map conf) { return JStormUtils.parseBoolean(conf.get(TOPOLOGY_DEBUG_RECV_TUPLE), false); } /** * port number of deamon httpserver server */ private static final Integer DEFAULT_DEAMON_HTTPSERVER_PORT = 7621; protected static final String SUPERVISOR_DEAMON_HTTPSERVER_PORT = "supervisor.deamon.logview.port"; public static Integer getSupervisorDeamonHttpserverPort(Map conf) { return JStormUtils.parseInt( conf.get(SUPERVISOR_DEAMON_HTTPSERVER_PORT), DEFAULT_DEAMON_HTTPSERVER_PORT + 1); } protected static final String NIMBUS_DEAMON_HTTPSERVER_PORT = "nimbus.deamon.logview.port"; public static Integer getNimbusDeamonHttpserverPort(Map conf) { return JStormUtils.parseInt(conf.get(NIMBUS_DEAMON_HTTPSERVER_PORT), DEFAULT_DEAMON_HTTPSERVER_PORT); } /** * Worker gc parameter * * */ protected static final String WORKER_GC_CHILDOPTS = "worker.gc.childopts"; public static void setWorkerGc(Map conf, String gc) { conf.put(WORKER_GC_CHILDOPTS, gc); } public static String getWorkerGc(Map conf) { return (String) conf.get(WORKER_GC_CHILDOPTS); } protected static final String WOREKER_REDIRECT_OUTPUT = "worker.redirect.output"; public static boolean getWorkerRedirectOutput(Map conf) { Object result = conf.get(WOREKER_REDIRECT_OUTPUT); if (result == null) return true; return (Boolean) result; } protected static final String WOREKER_REDIRECT_OUTPUT_FILE = "worker.redirect.output.file"; public static void setWorkerRedirectOutputFile(Map conf, String outputPath) { conf.put(WOREKER_REDIRECT_OUTPUT_FILE, outputPath); } public static String getWorkerRedirectOutputFile(Map conf) { return (String)conf.get(WOREKER_REDIRECT_OUTPUT_FILE); } /** * Usually, spout finish prepare before bolt, so spout need wait several * seconds so that bolt finish preparation * * By default, the setting is 30 seconds */ protected static final String SPOUT_DELAY_RUN = ""; public static void setSpoutDelayRunSeconds(Map conf, int delay) { conf.put(SPOUT_DELAY_RUN, Integer.valueOf(delay)); } public static int getSpoutDelayRunSeconds(Map conf) { return JStormUtils.parseInt(conf.get(SPOUT_DELAY_RUN), 30); } /** * Default ZMQ Pending queue size */ public static final int DEFAULT_ZMQ_MAX_QUEUE_MSG = 1000; /** * One task will alloc how many memory slot, the default setting is 1 */ protected static final String MEM_SLOTS_PER_TASK = "memory.slots.per.task"; @Deprecated public static void setMemSlotPerTask(Map conf, int slotNum) { if (slotNum < 1) { throw new InvalidParameterException(); } conf.put(MEM_SLOTS_PER_TASK, Integer.valueOf(slotNum)); } /** * One task will use cpu slot number, the default setting is 1 */ protected static final String CPU_SLOTS_PER_TASK = "cpu.slots.per.task"; @Deprecated public static void setCpuSlotsPerTask(Map conf, int slotNum) { if (slotNum < 1) { throw new InvalidParameterException(); } conf.put(CPU_SLOTS_PER_TASK, Integer.valueOf(slotNum)); } /** * if the setting has been set, the component's task must run different node * This is conflict with USE_SINGLE_NODE */ protected static final String TASK_ON_DIFFERENT_NODE = "task.on.differ.node"; public static void setTaskOnDifferentNode(Map conf, boolean isIsolate) { conf.put(TASK_ON_DIFFERENT_NODE, Boolean.valueOf(isIsolate)); } public static boolean isTaskOnDifferentNode(Map conf) { return JStormUtils .parseBoolean(conf.get(TASK_ON_DIFFERENT_NODE), false); } protected static final String SUPERVISOR_ENABLE_CGROUP = "supervisor.enable.cgroup"; public static boolean isEnableCgroup(Map conf) { return JStormUtils.parseBoolean(conf.get(SUPERVISOR_ENABLE_CGROUP), false); } /** * If component or topology configuration set "use.old.assignment", will try * use old assignment firstly */ protected static final String USE_OLD_ASSIGNMENT = "use.old.assignment"; public static void setUseOldAssignment(Map conf, boolean useOld) { conf.put(USE_OLD_ASSIGNMENT, Boolean.valueOf(useOld)); } /** * The supervisor's hostname */ protected static final String SUPERVISOR_HOSTNAME = "supervisor.hostname"; public static final Object SUPERVISOR_HOSTNAME_SCHEMA = String.class; public static String getSupervisorHost(Map conf) { return (String) conf.get(SUPERVISOR_HOSTNAME); } protected static final String SUPERVISOR_USE_IP = "supervisor.use.ip"; public static boolean isSupervisorUseIp(Map conf) { return JStormUtils.parseBoolean(conf.get(SUPERVISOR_USE_IP), false); } protected static final String NIMBUS_USE_IP = "nimbus.use.ip"; public static boolean isNimbusUseIp(Map conf) { return JStormUtils.parseBoolean(conf.get(NIMBUS_USE_IP), false); } protected static final String TOPOLOGY_ENABLE_CLASSLOADER = "topology.enable.classloader"; public static boolean isEnableTopologyClassLoader(Map conf) { return JStormUtils.parseBoolean(conf.get(TOPOLOGY_ENABLE_CLASSLOADER), false); } public static void setEnableTopologyClassLoader(Map conf, boolean enable) { conf.put(TOPOLOGY_ENABLE_CLASSLOADER, Boolean.valueOf(enable)); } protected static final String CONTAINER_NIMBUS_HEARTBEAT = "container.nimbus.heartbeat"; /** * Get to know whether nimbus is run under Apsara/Yarn container * * @param conf * @return */ public static boolean isEnableContainerNimbus() { String path = System.getenv(CONTAINER_NIMBUS_HEARTBEAT); if (StringUtils.isBlank(path)) { return false; } else { return true; } } /** * Get Apsara/Yarn nimbus container's hearbeat dir * * @param conf * @return */ public static String getContainerNimbusHearbeat() { return System.getenv(CONTAINER_NIMBUS_HEARTBEAT); } protected static final String CONTAINER_SUPERVISOR_HEARTBEAT = "container.supervisor.heartbeat"; /** * Get to know whether supervisor is run under Apsara/Yarn supervisor * container * * @param conf * @return */ public static boolean isEnableContainerSupervisor() { String path = System.getenv(CONTAINER_SUPERVISOR_HEARTBEAT); if (StringUtils.isBlank(path)) { return false; } else { return true; } } /** * Get Apsara/Yarn supervisor container's hearbeat dir * * @param conf * @return */ public static String getContainerSupervisorHearbeat() { return (String) System.getenv(CONTAINER_SUPERVISOR_HEARTBEAT); } protected static final String CONTAINER_HEARTBEAT_TIMEOUT_SECONDS = "container.heartbeat.timeout.seconds"; public static int getContainerHeartbeatTimeoutSeconds(Map conf) { return JStormUtils.parseInt( conf.get(CONTAINER_HEARTBEAT_TIMEOUT_SECONDS), 240); } protected static final String CONTAINER_HEARTBEAT_FREQUENCE = "container.heartbeat.frequence"; public static int getContainerHeartbeatFrequence(Map conf) { return JStormUtils .parseInt(conf.get(CONTAINER_HEARTBEAT_FREQUENCE), 10); } protected static final String JAVA_SANDBOX_ENABLE = "java.sandbox.enable"; public static boolean isJavaSandBoxEnable(Map conf) { return JStormUtils.parseBoolean(conf.get(JAVA_SANDBOX_ENABLE), false); } protected static String SPOUT_SINGLE_THREAD = "spout.single.thread"; public static boolean isSpoutSingleThread(Map conf) { return JStormUtils.parseBoolean(conf.get(SPOUT_SINGLE_THREAD), false); } public static void setSpoutSingleThread(Map conf, boolean enable) { conf.put(SPOUT_SINGLE_THREAD, enable); } protected static String WORKER_STOP_WITHOUT_SUPERVISOR = "worker.stop.without.supervisor"; public static boolean isWorkerStopWithoutSupervisor(Map conf) { return JStormUtils.parseBoolean( conf.get(WORKER_STOP_WITHOUT_SUPERVISOR), false); } protected static String CGROUP_ROOT_DIR = "supervisor.cgroup.rootdir"; public static String getCgroupRootDir(Map conf) { return (String) conf.get(CGROUP_ROOT_DIR); } protected static String NETTY_TRANSFER_ASYNC_AND_BATCH = "storm.messaging.netty.transfer.async.batch"; public static boolean isNettyTransferAsyncBatch(Map conf) { return JStormUtils.parseBoolean( conf.get(NETTY_TRANSFER_ASYNC_AND_BATCH), true); } protected static final String USE_USERDEFINE_ASSIGNMENT = "use.userdefine.assignment"; public static void setUserDefineAssignment(Map conf, List<WorkerAssignment> userDefines) { List<String> ret = new ArrayList<String>(); for (WorkerAssignment worker : userDefines) { ret.add(Utils.to_json(worker)); } conf.put(USE_USERDEFINE_ASSIGNMENT, ret); } protected static final String MEMSIZE_PER_WORKER = "worker.memory.size"; public static void setMemSizePerWorker(Map conf, long memSize) { conf.put(MEMSIZE_PER_WORKER, memSize); } public static void setMemSizePerWorkerByKB(Map conf, long memSize) { long size = memSize * 1024l; setMemSizePerWorker(conf, size); } public static void setMemSizePerWorkerByMB(Map conf, long memSize) { long size = memSize * 1024l; setMemSizePerWorkerByKB(conf, size); } public static void setMemSizePerWorkerByGB(Map conf, long memSize) { long size = memSize * 1024l; setMemSizePerWorkerByMB(conf, size); } protected static final String CPU_SLOT_PER_WORKER = "worker.cpu.slot.num"; public static void setCpuSlotNumPerWorker(Map conf, int slotNum) { conf.put(CPU_SLOT_PER_WORKER, slotNum); } protected static String TOPOLOGY_PERFORMANCE_METRICS = "topology.performance.metrics"; public static boolean isEnablePerformanceMetrics(Map conf) { return JStormUtils.parseBoolean(conf.get(TOPOLOGY_PERFORMANCE_METRICS), true); } public static void setPerformanceMetrics(Map conf, boolean isEnable) { conf.put(TOPOLOGY_PERFORMANCE_METRICS, isEnable); } protected static String NETTY_BUFFER_THRESHOLD_SIZE = "storm.messaging.netty.buffer.threshold"; public static long getNettyBufferThresholdSize(Map conf) { return JStormUtils.parseLong(conf.get(NETTY_BUFFER_THRESHOLD_SIZE), 8 *JStormUtils.SIZE_1_M); } public static void setNettyBufferThresholdSize(Map conf, long size) { conf.put(NETTY_BUFFER_THRESHOLD_SIZE, size); } protected static String NETTY_MAX_SEND_PENDING = "storm.messaging.netty.max.pending"; public static void setNettyMaxSendPending(Map conf, long pending) { conf.put(NETTY_MAX_SEND_PENDING, pending); } public static long getNettyMaxSendPending(Map conf) { return JStormUtils.parseLong(conf.get(NETTY_MAX_SEND_PENDING), 16); } protected static String DISRUPTOR_USE_SLEEP = "disruptor.use.sleep"; public static boolean isDisruptorUseSleep(Map conf) { return JStormUtils.parseBoolean(conf.get(DISRUPTOR_USE_SLEEP), true); } public static void setDisruptorUseSleep(Map conf, boolean useSleep) { conf.put(DISRUPTOR_USE_SLEEP, useSleep); } public static boolean isTopologyContainAcker(Map conf) { int num = JStormUtils.parseInt(conf.get(Config.TOPOLOGY_ACKER_EXECUTORS), 1); if (num > 0) { return true; }else { return false; } } protected static String NETTY_SYNC_MODE = "storm.messaging.netty.sync.mode"; public static boolean isNettySyncMode(Map conf) { return JStormUtils.parseBoolean(conf.get(NETTY_SYNC_MODE), false); } public static void setNettySyncMode(Map conf, boolean sync) { conf.put(NETTY_SYNC_MODE, sync); } protected static String NETTY_ASYNC_BLOCK = "storm.messaging.netty.async.block"; public static boolean isNettyASyncBlock(Map conf) { return JStormUtils.parseBoolean(conf.get(NETTY_ASYNC_BLOCK), true); } public static void setNettyASyncBlock(Map conf, boolean block) { conf.put(NETTY_ASYNC_BLOCK, block); } protected static String ALIMONITOR_METRICS_POST = ""; public static boolean isAlimonitorMetricsPost(Map conf) { return JStormUtils.parseBoolean(conf.get(ALIMONITOR_METRICS_POST), true); } public static void setAlimonitorMetricsPost(Map conf, boolean post) { conf.put(ALIMONITOR_METRICS_POST, post); } protected static String TASK_CLEANUP_TIMEOUT_SEC = "task.cleanup.timeout.sec"; public static int getTaskCleanupTimeoutSec(Map conf) { return JStormUtils.parseInt(conf.get(TASK_CLEANUP_TIMEOUT_SEC), 10); } public static void setTaskCleanupTimeoutSec(Map conf, int timeout) { conf.put(TASK_CLEANUP_TIMEOUT_SEC, timeout); } protected static String UI_CLUSTERS = "ui.clusters"; protected static String UI_CLUSTER_NAME = "name"; protected static String UI_CLUSTER_ZK_ROOT = "zkRoot"; protected static String UI_CLUSTER_ZK_SERVERS = "zkServers"; protected static String UI_CLUSTER_ZK_PORT = "zkPort"; public static List<Map> getUiClusters(Map conf) { return (List<Map>) conf.get(UI_CLUSTERS); } public static void setUiClusters(Map conf, List<Map> uiClusters) { conf.put(UI_CLUSTERS, uiClusters); } public static Map getUiClusterInfo(List<Map> uiClusters, String name) { Map ret = null; for (Map cluster : uiClusters) { String clusterName = getUiClusterName(cluster); if (clusterName.equals(name)) { ret = cluster; break; } } return ret; } public static String getUiClusterName(Map uiCluster) { return (String) uiCluster.get(UI_CLUSTER_NAME); } public static String getUiClusterZkRoot(Map uiCluster) { return (String) uiCluster.get(UI_CLUSTER_ZK_ROOT); } public static List<String> getUiClusterZkServers(Map uiCluster) { return (List<String>) uiCluster.get(UI_CLUSTER_ZK_SERVERS); } public static Integer getUiClusterZkPort(Map uiCluster) { return JStormUtils.parseInt(uiCluster.get(UI_CLUSTER_ZK_PORT)); } protected static String SPOUT_PEND_FULL_SLEEP = "spout.pending.full.sleep"; public static boolean isSpoutPendFullSleep(Map conf) { return JStormUtils.parseBoolean(conf.get(SPOUT_PEND_FULL_SLEEP), false); } public static void setSpoutPendFullSleep(Map conf, boolean sleep) { conf.put(SPOUT_PEND_FULL_SLEEP, sleep); } protected static String LOGVIEW_ENCODING = "supervisor.deamon.logview.encoding"; protected static String UTF8 = "utf-8"; public static String getLogViewEncoding(Map conf) { String ret = (String) conf.get(LOGVIEW_ENCODING); if (ret == null) ret = UTF8; return ret; } public static void setLogViewEncoding(Map conf, String enc) { conf.put(LOGVIEW_ENCODING, enc); } public static String TASK_STATUS_ACTIVE = "Active"; public static String TASK_STATUS_STARTING = "Starting"; protected static String ALIMONITOR_TOPO_METIRC_NAME = ""; protected static String ALIMONITOR_TASK_METIRC_NAME = ""; protected static String ALIMONITOR_WORKER_METIRC_NAME = ""; protected static String ALIMONITOR_USER_METIRC_NAME = ""; public static String getAlmonTopoMetricName(Map conf) { return (String) conf.get(ALIMONITOR_TOPO_METIRC_NAME); } public static String getAlmonTaskMetricName(Map conf) { return (String) conf.get(ALIMONITOR_TASK_METIRC_NAME); } public static String getAlmonWorkerMetricName(Map conf) { return (String) conf.get(ALIMONITOR_WORKER_METIRC_NAME); } public static String getAlmonUserMetricName(Map conf) { return (String) conf.get(ALIMONITOR_USER_METIRC_NAME); } protected static String SPOUT_PARALLELISM = "topology.spout.parallelism"; protected static String BOLT_PARALLELISM = "topology.bolt.parallelism"; public static Integer getSpoutParallelism(Map conf, String componentName) { Integer ret = null; Map<String, String> map = (Map<String, String>)(conf.get(SPOUT_PARALLELISM)); if(map != null) ret = JStormUtils.parseInt(map.get(componentName)); return ret; } public static Integer getBoltParallelism(Map conf, String componentName) { Integer ret = null; Map<String, String> map = (Map<String, String>)(conf.get(BOLT_PARALLELISM)); if(map != null) ret = JStormUtils.parseInt(map.get(componentName)); return ret; } protected static String TOPOLOGY_BUFFER_SIZE_LIMITED = ""; public static void setTopologyBufferSizeLimited(Map conf, boolean limited) { conf.put(TOPOLOGY_BUFFER_SIZE_LIMITED, limited); } public static boolean getTopologyBufferSizeLimited(Map conf) { boolean isSynchronized = isNettySyncMode(conf); if (isSynchronized == true) { return true; } return JStormUtils.parseBoolean(conf.get(TOPOLOGY_BUFFER_SIZE_LIMITED), false); } }