package org.act.tstream.cluster; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TreeMap; import org.act.tstream.callback.RunnableCallback; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import backtype.storm.utils.Utils; import org.act.tstream.daemon.supervisor.SupervisorInfo; import org.act.tstream.task.Assignment; import org.act.tstream.task.TaskInfo; /** * storm operation ZK * * @author yannian/ * */ public class Cluster { //TODO Need Migrate constants to ZkConstant private static Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(Cluster.class); public static final String ZK_SEPERATOR = "/"; public static final String ASSIGNMENTS_ROOT = "assignments"; public static final String ASSIGNMENTS_BAK = "assignments_bak"; public static final String TASKS_ROOT = "tasks"; public static final String CODE_ROOT = "code"; public static final String STORMS_ROOT = "topology"; public static final String SUPERVISORS_ROOT = "supervisors"; public static final String TASKBEATS_ROOT = "taskbeats"; public static final String TASKERRORS_ROOT = "taskerrors"; public static final String MASTER_ROOT = "nimbus_master"; public static final String MONITOR_ROOT = "monitor"; public static final String STATUS_DIR = "status"; public static final String TASK_DIR = "task"; public static final String WORKER_DIR = "worker"; public static final String USER_DIR = "user"; public static final String LAST_ERROR = "last_error"; public static final String ASSIGNMENTS_SUBTREE; public static final String TASKS_SUBTREE; public static final String STORMS_SUBTREE; public static final String SUPERVISORS_SUBTREE; public static final String TASKBEATS_SUBTREE; public static final String TASKERRORS_SUBTREE; public static final String MASTER_SUBTREE; public static final String MONITOR_SUBTREE; static { ASSIGNMENTS_SUBTREE = ZK_SEPERATOR + ASSIGNMENTS_ROOT; TASKS_SUBTREE = ZK_SEPERATOR + TASKS_ROOT; STORMS_SUBTREE = ZK_SEPERATOR + STORMS_ROOT; SUPERVISORS_SUBTREE = ZK_SEPERATOR + SUPERVISORS_ROOT; TASKBEATS_SUBTREE = ZK_SEPERATOR + TASKBEATS_ROOT; TASKERRORS_SUBTREE = ZK_SEPERATOR + TASKERRORS_ROOT; MASTER_SUBTREE = ZK_SEPERATOR + MASTER_ROOT; MONITOR_SUBTREE = ZK_SEPERATOR + MONITOR_ROOT; } public static String supervisor_path(String id) { return SUPERVISORS_SUBTREE + ZK_SEPERATOR + id; } public static String assignment_path(String id) { return ASSIGNMENTS_SUBTREE + ZK_SEPERATOR + id; } public static String storm_path(String id) { return STORMS_SUBTREE + ZK_SEPERATOR + id; } public static String storm_task_root(String topology_id) { return TASKS_SUBTREE + ZK_SEPERATOR + topology_id; } public static String task_path(String topology_id, int task_id) { return storm_task_root(topology_id) + ZK_SEPERATOR + task_id; } public static String taskbeat_storm_root(String topology_id) { return TASKBEATS_SUBTREE + ZK_SEPERATOR + topology_id; } public static String taskbeat_path(String topology_id, int task_id) { return taskbeat_storm_root(topology_id) + ZK_SEPERATOR + task_id; } public static String taskerror_storm_root(String topology_id) { return TASKERRORS_SUBTREE + ZK_SEPERATOR + topology_id; } public static String lasterror_path(String topology_id) { return taskerror_storm_root(topology_id) + ZK_SEPERATOR + LAST_ERROR; } public static String taskerror_path(String topology_id, int task_id) { return taskerror_storm_root(topology_id) + ZK_SEPERATOR + task_id; } public static String monitor_path(String topology_id) { return MONITOR_SUBTREE + ZK_SEPERATOR + topology_id; } public static String monitor_status_path(String topology_id) { return monitor_path(topology_id) + ZK_SEPERATOR + STATUS_DIR; } public static String monitor_taskdir_path(String topology_id) { return monitor_path(topology_id) + ZK_SEPERATOR + TASK_DIR; } public static String monitor_workerdir_path(String topology_id) { return monitor_path(topology_id) + ZK_SEPERATOR + WORKER_DIR; } public static String monitor_userdir_path(String topology_id) { return monitor_path(topology_id) + ZK_SEPERATOR + USER_DIR; } public static String monitor_task_path(String topology_id, String task_id) { return monitor_taskdir_path(topology_id) + ZK_SEPERATOR + task_id; } public static String monitor_worker_path(String topology_id, String worker_id) { return monitor_workerdir_path(topology_id) + ZK_SEPERATOR + worker_id; } public static String monitor_user_path(String topology_id, String worker_id) { return monitor_userdir_path(topology_id) + ZK_SEPERATOR + worker_id; } public static Object maybe_deserialize(byte[] data) { if (data == null) { return null; } return Utils.deserialize(data); } @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public static StormClusterState mk_storm_cluster_state( Map cluster_state_spec) throws Exception { return new StormZkClusterState(cluster_state_spec); } public static StormClusterState mk_storm_cluster_state( ClusterState cluster_state_spec) throws Exception { return new StormZkClusterState(cluster_state_spec); } /** * return Map<taskId, ComponentId> * * @param zkCluster * @param topology_id * @return * @throws Exception */ public static HashMap<Integer, String> topology_task_info( StormClusterState zkCluster, String topology_id) throws Exception { HashMap<Integer, String> rtn = new HashMap<Integer, String>(); List<Integer> taks_ids = zkCluster.task_ids(topology_id); for (Integer task : taks_ids) { TaskInfo info = zkCluster.task_info(topology_id, task); if (info == null) { LOG.error("Failed to get TaskInfo of " + topology_id + ",taskid:" + task); continue; } String componentId = info.getComponentId(); rtn.put(task, componentId); } return rtn; } /** * return Map<taskId, ComponentType> * * @param zkCluster * @param topology_id * @return * @throws Exception */ public static HashMap<Integer, String> topology_task_compType( StormClusterState zkCluster, String topology_id) throws Exception { HashMap<Integer, String> rtn = new HashMap<Integer, String>(); List<Integer> taks_ids = zkCluster.task_ids(topology_id); for (Integer task : taks_ids) { TaskInfo info = zkCluster.task_info(topology_id, task); if (info == null) { LOG.error("Failed to get TaskInfo of " + topology_id + ",taskid:" + task); continue; } String componentType = info.getComponentType(); rtn.put(task, componentType); } return rtn; } /** * if one topology's name equal the input storm_name, then return the * topology id, otherwise return null * * @param zkCluster * @param storm_name * @return * @throws Exception */ public static String get_topology_id(StormClusterState zkCluster, String storm_name) throws Exception { List<String> active_storms = zkCluster.active_storms(); String rtn = null; if (active_storms != null) { for (String topology_id : active_storms) { if (topology_id.indexOf(storm_name) < 0) { continue; } StormBase base = zkCluster.storm_base(topology_id, null); if (base != null && storm_name.equals(base.getStormName())) { rtn = topology_id; break; } } } return rtn; } /** * get all topology's StormBase * * @param zkCluster * @return <topology_id, StormBase> * @throws Exception */ public static HashMap<String, StormBase> topology_bases( StormClusterState zkCluster) throws Exception { return get_topology_id(zkCluster); } public static HashMap<String, StormBase> get_topology_id( StormClusterState zkCluster) throws Exception { HashMap<String, StormBase> rtn = new HashMap<String, StormBase>(); List<String> active_storms = zkCluster.active_storms(); if (active_storms != null) { for (String topology_id : active_storms) { StormBase base = zkCluster.storm_base(topology_id, null); if (base != null) { rtn.put(topology_id, base); } } } return rtn; } /** * get all SupervisorInfo of storm cluster * * @param stormClusterState * @param callback * @return Map<String, SupervisorInfo> String: supervisorId SupervisorInfo: * [time-secs hostname worker-ports uptime-secs] * @throws Exception */ public static Map<String, SupervisorInfo> allSupervisorInfo( StormClusterState stormClusterState, RunnableCallback callback) throws Exception { Map<String, SupervisorInfo> rtn = new TreeMap<String, SupervisorInfo>(); // get /ZK/supervisors List<String> supervisorIds = stormClusterState.supervisors(callback); if (supervisorIds != null) { for (Iterator<String> iter = supervisorIds.iterator(); iter .hasNext();) { String supervisorId =; // get /supervisors/supervisorid SupervisorInfo supervisorInfo = stormClusterState .supervisor_info(supervisorId); if (supervisorInfo == null) { LOG.warn("Failed to get SupervisorInfo of " + supervisorId); } else { rtn.put(supervisorId, supervisorInfo); } } } else {"No alive supervisor"); } return rtn; } public static Map<String, Assignment> get_all_assignment( StormClusterState stormClusterState, RunnableCallback callback) throws Exception { Map<String, Assignment> ret = new HashMap<String, Assignment>(); // get /assignments {topology_id} List<String> assignments = stormClusterState.assignments(callback); if (assignments == null) { LOG.debug("No assignment of ZK"); return ret; } for (String topology_id : assignments) { Assignment assignment = stormClusterState.assignment_info( topology_id, callback); if (assignment == null) { LOG.error("Failed to get Assignment of " + topology_id + " from ZK"); continue; } ret.put(topology_id, assignment); } return ret; } }