package; /* * #%L * JSF Support Beans * %% * Copyright (C) 2011 - 2015 Intuit Inc. * %% * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * * #L% */ import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import javax.enterprise.context.ConversationScoped; import javax.inject.Inject; import javax.inject.Named; import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager; import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; @Named @ConversationScoped public class ScriptSearchBean implements Serializable { private static final Logger LOG = LogManager.getLogger(ScriptSearchBean.class); private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private SearchCriteria criteria = new SearchCriteria(); private List<ScriptStep> searchMatch = new ArrayList<ScriptStep>(); private String searchQuery; private List<SearchOptionWrapper> requestSections = new ArrayList<SearchOptionWrapper>(); private List<SearchOptionWrapper> thinkTimeSections = new ArrayList<SearchOptionWrapper>(); private List<SearchOptionWrapper> sleepTimeSections = new ArrayList<SearchOptionWrapper>(); private List<SearchOptionWrapper> variableSections = new ArrayList<SearchOptionWrapper>(); private List<ReplaceEntity> replaceEntity = new ArrayList<ReplaceEntity>(); private int index = 0; // next X steps to be replaced private int nextX = 0; private ReplaceMode replaceMode = ReplaceMode.VALUE; private String replaceString = ""; @Inject private Messages messages; @Inject private ScriptEditor editor; private boolean searching = false; public int getIndex() { return index; } public void setIndex(int index) { this.index = index; } public int getSearchMatchSize() { return searchMatch.size(); } /** * @return the replaceString */ public String getReplaceString() { return replaceString; } /** * @param replaceString * the replaceString to set */ public void setReplaceString(String replaceString) { this.replaceString = replaceString; updateReplaceEntity(); } /** * @return the requestSections */ public List<SearchOptionWrapper> getRequestSections() { return requestSections; } /** * @param requestSections * the requestSections to set */ public void setRequestSections(List<SearchOptionWrapper> requestSections) { this.requestSections = requestSections; } /** * @return the thinkTimeSections */ public List<SearchOptionWrapper> getThinkTimeSections() { return thinkTimeSections; } /** * @param thinkTimeSections * the thinkTimeSections to set */ public void setThinkTimeSections(List<SearchOptionWrapper> thinkTimeSections) { this.thinkTimeSections = thinkTimeSections; } /** * @return the sleepTimeSections */ public List<SearchOptionWrapper> getSleepTimeSections() { return sleepTimeSections; } /** * @param sleepTimeSections * the sleepTimeSections to set */ public void setSleepTimeSections(List<SearchOptionWrapper> sleepTimeSections) { this.sleepTimeSections = sleepTimeSections; } /** * @return the variableSections */ public List<SearchOptionWrapper> getVariableSections() { return variableSections; } /** * @param variableSections * the variableSections to set */ public void setVariableSections(List<SearchOptionWrapper> variableSections) { this.variableSections = variableSections; } /** * @return the replaceEntity */ public List<ReplaceEntity> getReplaceEntity() { return replaceEntity; } /** * @param replaceEntity * the replaceEntity to set */ public void setReplaceEntity(List<ReplaceEntity> replaceEntity) { this.replaceEntity = replaceEntity; } /** * @return the searchQuery */ public String getSearchQuery() { return searchQuery; } /** * @param searchQuery * the searchQuery to set */ public void setSearchQuery(String searchQuery) { this.searchQuery = searchQuery; } public boolean getSearching() { return searching; } public void setSearching(boolean searching) { this.searching = searching; } public void toggleSearching() { if (searching) { resetVariables(); searching = false; } else if (!searching) { buildOptions(); searching = true; } editor.deselectAll(); } public ReplaceMode getReplaceMode() { return replaceMode; } public void setReplaceMode(ReplaceMode replaceMode) { this.replaceMode = replaceMode; } public int getNextX() { return nextX; } public void setNextX(int nextX) { this.nextX = nextX; } private void buildOptions() { for (RequestStepSection requestSection : RequestStepSection.values()) { SearchOptionWrapper sow = new SearchOptionWrapper(requestSection); requestSections.add(sow); } for (ThinkTimeSection thinkTimeSection : ThinkTimeSection.values()) { SearchOptionWrapper sow = new SearchOptionWrapper(thinkTimeSection); thinkTimeSections.add(sow); } for (SleepTimeSection sleepTimeSection : SleepTimeSection.values()) { SearchOptionWrapper sow = new SearchOptionWrapper(sleepTimeSection); sleepTimeSections.add(sow); } for (VariableSection variableSection : VariableSection.values()) { SearchOptionWrapper sow = new SearchOptionWrapper(variableSection); variableSections.add(sow); } } private void resetVariables() { requestSections.clear(); thinkTimeSections.clear(); sleepTimeSections.clear(); variableSections.clear(); searchQuery = null; searchMatch.clear(); criteria = new SearchCriteria(); } public String search() { buildOptions(); return "success"; } public String cancel() { resetVariables(); return "success"; } public Script getScript() { return editor.getScript(); } public List<ScriptStep> getSteps() { return editor.getSteps(); } public void runSearch() { searchMatch = new ArrayList<ScriptStep>(); Set<Section> newList = getSelectedSectionList(); criteria.setScript(getScript()); criteria.getCriteria().clear(); criteria.getCriteria().addAll(newList); criteria.setSearchQuery(searchQuery); MethodTimer mt = new MethodTimer(LOG, ScriptSearchBean.class, "runSearch"); ReplacementFactory rb = new ReplacementFactory(); for (ScriptStep step : getSteps()) { for (Section section : criteria.getCriteria()) { List<ReplaceEntity> identifyReplacement = rb.getReplacementForSection(section) .getReplacements(step, searchQuery, "", SearchMode.all); if (!identifyReplacement.isEmpty()) { searchMatch.add(step); } } } mt.endAndLog(); // // ScriptSearchService s3 = new ScriptSearchService(); // Script script = getScript(); // if ( == 0) { // s3.saveScript(script); // } // Set<Section> newList = getSelectedSectionList(); // criteria.setScript(script); // criteria.getCriteria().clear(); // criteria.getCriteria().addAll(newList); // criteria.setSearchQuery(searchQuery); // List<String> search =, searchQuery, // criteria); // filterSteps(search); } private Set<Section> getSelectedSectionList() { Set<Section> newList = new HashSet<Section>(); List<Section> criteriaValues = new ArrayList<Section>(); criteriaValues.addAll(getSelectedRequestStepSection()); criteriaValues.addAll(getSelectedSleepTimeSection()); criteriaValues.addAll(getSelectedThinkTimeSection()); criteriaValues.addAll(getSelectedVariableSection()); if (!criteriaValues.isEmpty()) { for (Section section : criteriaValues) { newList.add(section); if (section.equals(RequestStepSection.searchRequest)) { newList.addAll(Arrays.asList(RequestStepSection.values())); } } } else { newList.add(; } return newList; } private void filterSteps(List<String> search) { List<ScriptStep> steps = getSteps(); for (String string : search) { for (ScriptStep scriptStep : steps) { if (scriptStep.getUuid().equals(string)) { searchMatch.add(scriptStep); } } } } /** * @return the searchMatch */ public List<ScriptStep> getSearchMatch() { return searchMatch; } /** * @return the selectedScriptStepSection */ public List<Section> getSelectedRequestStepSection() { List<Section> selected = new ArrayList<Section>(); for (SearchOptionWrapper option : requestSections) { if (option.isSelected()) { selected.add(option.getValue()); } } return selected; } /** * @return the selectedThinkTimeSection */ public List<Section> getSelectedThinkTimeSection() { List<Section> selected = new ArrayList<Section>(); for (SearchOptionWrapper option : thinkTimeSections) { if (option.isSelected()) { selected.add(option.getValue()); } } return selected; } /** * @return the selectedSleepTimeSection */ public List<Section> getSelectedSleepTimeSection() { List<Section> selected = new ArrayList<Section>(); for (SearchOptionWrapper option : sleepTimeSections) { if (option.isSelected()) { selected.add(option.getValue()); } } return selected; } /** * @return the selectedVariableSection */ public List<Section> getSelectedVariableSection() { List<Section> selected = new ArrayList<Section>(); for (SearchOptionWrapper option : variableSections) { if (option.isSelected()) { selected.add(option.getValue()); } } return selected; } public void initReplacementDialog() { replaceString = ""; index = -1; next(); } public void next() { index++; updateReplaceEntity(); } public void previous() { if (index > 0) { index--; } updateReplaceEntity(); } private void updateReplaceEntity() { if (searchMatch.size() == 0) { index = 0;"Nothing more to search for."); replaceEntity.clear(); return; } else { index = index % searchMatch.size(); } replaceEntity.clear(); for (Section wrapper : criteria.getCriteria()) { replaceEntity.addAll(ReplacementFactory.getReplacementForSection(wrapper).getReplacements( searchMatch.get(index), criteria.getSearchQuery(), replaceString, SearchMode.all)); } } /** * replaces the next x steps in the script */ public void replaceNextX() { int totalCount = index + nextX; if (totalCount >= searchMatch.size()) { totalCount = searchMatch.size(); } for (int i = index; i < totalCount; i++) { replace(); } } public void replaceAll() { for (int i = index; i < searchMatch.size(); i++) { replace(); } } public void replace() { for (ReplaceEntity re : replaceEntity) { ScriptStep step = searchMatch.get(index); replaceInStep(step, re.getSection(), re.getKey()); } next(); } private void replaceInStep(ScriptStep step, Section section, String key) { ReplacementFactory.getReplacementForSection(section).replace(step, replaceString, key, replaceMode); ScriptUtil.updateStepLabel(step); } /** * removes step from the searchMatch list * * @param step * the step to be removed */ public void removeFromSearchMatch(ScriptStep step) { searchMatch.remove(step); } /** * gets the current ScriptStep for the replace dialog * * @return the current ScriptStep */ public ScriptStep getCurrentScriptStep() { if (searchMatch.size() == 0) { return null; } else { return searchMatch.get(index); } } /** * @return the possible replace mode values */ public ReplaceMode[] getReplaceModeList() { return ReplaceMode.values(); } }