package; /* * #%L * JSF Support Beans * %% * Copyright (C) 2011 - 2015 Intuit Inc. * %% * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * * #L% */ import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.lang3.time.FastDateFormat; import; import; public class ActJobNodeBean extends JobNodeBean { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private List<VMNodeBean> vmBeans = new ArrayList<VMNodeBean>(); private String jobDetails; public ActJobNodeBean(JobInstance job, boolean hasRights, FastDateFormat fmt) { super(); this.setHasRights(hasRights); this.setName(job.getName()); this.setJobId(String.valueOf(job.getId())); this.setId(String.valueOf(job.getId())); this.setReportMode(job.getReportingMode().toString()); this.setStatus(job.getStatus().toString()); this.setRegion(""); this.setActiveUsers(String.valueOf(job.getBaselineVirtualUsers())); this.setTotalUsers(String.valueOf(job.getTotalVirtualUsers())); this.jobDetails = job.getJobDetails(); if (job.getStartTime() != null) { this.setStartTime(fmt.format(job.getStartTime())); } else { this.setStartTime(""); } if (job.getEndTime() != null) { this.setEndTime(fmt.format(job.getEndTime())); } else { this.setEndTime(""); } } public ActJobNodeBean(String jobId, CloudVmStatusContainer container, FastDateFormat fmt) { super(); this.setName(jobId); this.setJobId(jobId); this.setId(jobId); this.setReportMode(""); this.setStatus(container.getStatus().name()); this.setRegion(""); this.setActiveUsers(""); this.setTotalUsers(""); if (container.getStartTime() != null) { this.setStartTime(fmt.format(container.getStartTime())); } else { this.setStartTime(""); } if (container.getEndTime() != null) { this.setEndTime(fmt.format(container.getEndTime())); } else { this.setEndTime(""); } } @Override public void reCalculate() { this.setTps(calculateTPS()); } private int calculateTPS() { int ret = 0; for (VMNodeBean bean : vmBeans) { ret += bean.getTps(); } return ret; } public String getJobDetails() { return jobDetails; } /** * @{inheritDoc */ @Override public boolean isDeleteable() { return true; } @Override public boolean isJobNode() { return true; } /** * @return the jobBeans */ public List<VMNodeBean> getVmBeans() { return vmBeans; } /** * @param jobBeans * the jobBeans to set */ public void setVmBeans(List<VMNodeBean> vmBeans) { this.vmBeans = vmBeans; } /** * Adds a vmBean to the jobNode * * @param vmNode * Node to be added. */ public void addVMBean(VMNodeBean vmNode) { getVmBeans().add(vmNode); } @Override public List<VMNodeBean> getSubNodes() { return vmBeans; } @Override public boolean hasSubNodes() { if (vmBeans.size() > 0) { return true; } else { return false; } } @Override public boolean isKillable() { return JobStatusHelper.canBeKilled(getStatus()); } @Override public boolean isStopable() { return JobStatusHelper.canBeStopped(getStatus()); } @Override public boolean isRunnable() { return JobStatusHelper.canBeRun(getStatus()); } @Override public boolean isPausable() { return JobStatusHelper.canBePaused(getStatus()); } @Override public boolean isRampPausable() { return JobStatusHelper.canRampBePaused(getStatus()); } /** * @{inheritDoc */ @Override public String getType() { return "job"; } }