package; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull; /* * #%L * Intuit Tank Agent (apiharness) * %% * Copyright (C) 2011 - 2015 Intuit Inc. * %% * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * * #L% */ import java.util.List; import org.junit.Test; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * The class <code>TestStepContextTest</code> contains tests for the class <code>{@link TestStepContext}</code>. * * @generatedBy CodePro at 12/16/14 5:53 PM */ public class TestStepContextTest { /** * Run the TestStepContext(TestStep,Variables,String,String,TimerMap,TestPlanRunner) constructor test. * * @throws Exception * * @generatedBy CodePro at 12/16/14 5:53 PM */ @Test public void testTestStepContext_1() throws Exception { TestStep testStep = new ClearCookiesStep(); Variables variables = new Variables(); String testPlanName = ""; String uniqueName = ""; TimerMap timerMap = new TimerMap(); TestPlanRunner parent = new TestPlanRunner(new HDTestPlan(), 1, new TestHttpClient()); parent.setHttpClient(null); TestStepContext result = new TestStepContext(testStep, variables, testPlanName, uniqueName, timerMap, parent); // An unexpected exception was thrown in user code while executing this test: // java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError // at org.apache.log4j.LogManager.getLogger( // at<clinit>( assertNotNull(result); } /** * Run the void addError(ErrorContainer) method test. * * @throws Exception * * @generatedBy CodePro at 12/16/14 5:53 PM */ @Test public void testAddError_1() throws Exception { TestPlanRunner testPlanRunner = new TestPlanRunner(new HDTestPlan(), 1, new TestHttpClient()); testPlanRunner.setHttpClient(null); TestStepContext fixture = new TestStepContext(new ClearCookiesStep(), new Variables(), "", "", new TimerMap(), testPlanRunner); fixture.setRequest(new BinaryRequest(null, null)); fixture.setHttpClient(null); fixture.setResult(""); fixture.setResponse(new BinaryResponse()); fixture.addError(new ErrorContainer("", new ValidationData(), new ValidationData(), "")); ErrorContainer error = new ErrorContainer("", new ValidationData(), new ValidationData(), ""); fixture.addError(error); // An unexpected exception was thrown in user code while executing this test: // java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class } /** * Run the List<ErrorContainer> getErrors() method test. * * @throws Exception * * @generatedBy CodePro at 12/16/14 5:53 PM */ @Test public void testGetErrors_1() throws Exception { TestPlanRunner testPlanRunner = new TestPlanRunner(new HDTestPlan(), 1, new TestHttpClient()); testPlanRunner.setHttpClient(null); TestStepContext fixture = new TestStepContext(new ClearCookiesStep(), new Variables(), "", "", new TimerMap(), testPlanRunner); fixture.setRequest(new BinaryRequest(null, null)); fixture.setHttpClient(null); fixture.setResult(""); fixture.setResponse(new BinaryResponse()); fixture.addError(new ErrorContainer("", new ValidationData(), new ValidationData(), "")); List<ErrorContainer> result = fixture.getErrors(); // An unexpected exception was thrown in user code while executing this test: // java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class assertNotNull(result); } /** * Run the TestPlanRunner getParent() method test. * * @throws Exception * * @generatedBy CodePro at 12/16/14 5:53 PM */ @Test public void testGetParent_1() throws Exception { TestPlanRunner testPlanRunner = new TestPlanRunner(new HDTestPlan(), 1, new TestHttpClient()); testPlanRunner.setHttpClient(null); TestStepContext fixture = new TestStepContext(new ClearCookiesStep(), new Variables(), "", "", new TimerMap(), testPlanRunner); fixture.setRequest(new BinaryRequest(null, null)); fixture.setHttpClient(null); fixture.setResult(""); fixture.setResponse(new BinaryResponse()); fixture.addError(new ErrorContainer("", new ValidationData(), new ValidationData(), "")); TestPlanRunner result = fixture.getParent(); // An unexpected exception was thrown in user code while executing this test: // java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class assertNotNull(result); } /** * Run the BaseRequest getRequest() method test. * * @throws Exception * * @generatedBy CodePro at 12/16/14 5:53 PM */ @Test public void testGetRequest_1() throws Exception { TestPlanRunner testPlanRunner = new TestPlanRunner(new HDTestPlan(), 1, new TestHttpClient()); testPlanRunner.setHttpClient(null); TestStepContext fixture = new TestStepContext(new ClearCookiesStep(), new Variables(), "", "", new TimerMap(), testPlanRunner); fixture.setRequest(new BinaryRequest(null, null)); fixture.setHttpClient(null); fixture.setResult(""); fixture.setResponse(new BinaryResponse()); fixture.addError(new ErrorContainer("", new ValidationData(), new ValidationData(), "")); BaseRequest result = fixture.getRequest(); // An unexpected exception was thrown in user code while executing this test: // java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class assertNotNull(result); } /** * Run the BaseResponse getResponse() method test. * * @throws Exception * * @generatedBy CodePro at 12/16/14 5:53 PM */ @Test public void testGetResponse_1() throws Exception { TestPlanRunner testPlanRunner = new TestPlanRunner(new HDTestPlan(), 1, new TestHttpClient()); testPlanRunner.setHttpClient(null); TestStepContext fixture = new TestStepContext(new ClearCookiesStep(), new Variables(), "", "", new TimerMap(), testPlanRunner); fixture.setRequest(new BinaryRequest(null, null)); fixture.setHttpClient(null); fixture.setResult(""); fixture.setResponse(new BinaryResponse()); fixture.addError(new ErrorContainer("", new ValidationData(), new ValidationData(), "")); BaseResponse result = fixture.getResponse(); // An unexpected exception was thrown in user code while executing this test: // java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class assertNotNull(result); } /** * Run the String getResult() method test. * * @throws Exception * * @generatedBy CodePro at 12/16/14 5:53 PM */ @Test public void testGetResult_1() throws Exception { TestPlanRunner testPlanRunner = new TestPlanRunner(new HDTestPlan(), 1, new TestHttpClient()); testPlanRunner.setHttpClient(null); TestStepContext fixture = new TestStepContext(new ClearCookiesStep(), new Variables(), "", "", new TimerMap(), testPlanRunner); fixture.setRequest(new BinaryRequest(null, null)); fixture.setHttpClient(null); fixture.setResult(""); fixture.setResponse(new BinaryResponse()); fixture.addError(new ErrorContainer("", new ValidationData(), new ValidationData(), "")); String result = fixture.getResult(); // An unexpected exception was thrown in user code while executing this test: // java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class assertNotNull(result); } /** * Run the String getTestPlanName() method test. * * @throws Exception * * @generatedBy CodePro at 12/16/14 5:53 PM */ @Test public void testGetTestPlanName_1() throws Exception { TestPlanRunner testPlanRunner = new TestPlanRunner(new HDTestPlan(), 1, new TestHttpClient()); testPlanRunner.setHttpClient(null); TestStepContext fixture = new TestStepContext(new ClearCookiesStep(), new Variables(), "", "", new TimerMap(), testPlanRunner); fixture.setRequest(new BinaryRequest(null, null)); fixture.setHttpClient(null); fixture.setResult(""); fixture.setResponse(new BinaryResponse()); fixture.addError(new ErrorContainer("", new ValidationData(), new ValidationData(), "")); String result = fixture.getTestPlanName(); // An unexpected exception was thrown in user code while executing this test: // java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class assertNotNull(result); } /** * Run the TestStep getTestStep() method test. * * @throws Exception * * @generatedBy CodePro at 12/16/14 5:53 PM */ @Test public void testGetTestStep_1() throws Exception { TestPlanRunner testPlanRunner = new TestPlanRunner(new HDTestPlan(), 1, new TestHttpClient()); testPlanRunner.setHttpClient(null); TestStepContext fixture = new TestStepContext(new ClearCookiesStep(), new Variables(), "", "", new TimerMap(), testPlanRunner); fixture.setRequest(new BinaryRequest(null, null)); fixture.setHttpClient(null); fixture.setResult(""); fixture.setResponse(new BinaryResponse()); fixture.addError(new ErrorContainer("", new ValidationData(), new ValidationData(), "")); TestStep result = fixture.getTestStep(); // An unexpected exception was thrown in user code while executing this test: // java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class assertNotNull(result); } /** * Run the TimerMap getTimerMap() method test. * * @throws Exception * * @generatedBy CodePro at 12/16/14 5:53 PM */ @Test public void testGetTimerMap_1() throws Exception { TestPlanRunner testPlanRunner = new TestPlanRunner(new HDTestPlan(), 1, new TestHttpClient()); testPlanRunner.setHttpClient(null); TestStepContext fixture = new TestStepContext(new ClearCookiesStep(), new Variables(), "", "", new TimerMap(), testPlanRunner); fixture.setRequest(new BinaryRequest(null, null)); fixture.setHttpClient(null); fixture.setResult(""); fixture.setResponse(new BinaryResponse()); fixture.addError(new ErrorContainer("", new ValidationData(), new ValidationData(), "")); TimerMap result = fixture.getTimerMap(); // An unexpected exception was thrown in user code while executing this test: // java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class assertNotNull(result); } /** * Run the String getUniqueName() method test. * * @throws Exception * * @generatedBy CodePro at 12/16/14 5:53 PM */ @Test public void testGetUniqueName_1() throws Exception { TestPlanRunner testPlanRunner = new TestPlanRunner(new HDTestPlan(), 1, new TestHttpClient()); testPlanRunner.setHttpClient(null); TestStepContext fixture = new TestStepContext(new ClearCookiesStep(), new Variables(), "", "", new TimerMap(), testPlanRunner); fixture.setRequest(new BinaryRequest(null, null)); fixture.setHttpClient(null); fixture.setResult(""); fixture.setResponse(new BinaryResponse()); fixture.addError(new ErrorContainer("", new ValidationData(), new ValidationData(), "")); String result = fixture.getUniqueName(); // An unexpected exception was thrown in user code while executing this test: // java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class assertNotNull(result); } /** * Run the Variables getVariables() method test. * * @throws Exception * * @generatedBy CodePro at 12/16/14 5:53 PM */ @Test public void testGetVariables_1() throws Exception { TestPlanRunner testPlanRunner = new TestPlanRunner(new HDTestPlan(), 1, new TestHttpClient()); testPlanRunner.setHttpClient(null); TestStepContext fixture = new TestStepContext(new ClearCookiesStep(), new Variables(), "", "", new TimerMap(), testPlanRunner); fixture.setRequest(new BinaryRequest(null, null)); fixture.setHttpClient(null); fixture.setResult(""); fixture.setResponse(new BinaryResponse()); fixture.addError(new ErrorContainer("", new ValidationData(), new ValidationData(), "")); Variables result = fixture.getVariables(); // An unexpected exception was thrown in user code while executing this test: // java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class assertNotNull(result); } /** * Run the void setRequest(BaseRequest) method test. * * @throws Exception * * @generatedBy CodePro at 12/16/14 5:53 PM */ @Test public void testSetRequest_1() throws Exception { TestPlanRunner testPlanRunner = new TestPlanRunner(new HDTestPlan(), 1, new TestHttpClient()); testPlanRunner.setHttpClient(null); TestStepContext fixture = new TestStepContext(new ClearCookiesStep(), new Variables(), "", "", new TimerMap(), testPlanRunner); fixture.setRequest(new BinaryRequest(null, null)); fixture.setHttpClient(null); fixture.setResult(""); fixture.setResponse(new BinaryResponse()); fixture.addError(new ErrorContainer("", new ValidationData(), new ValidationData(), "")); BaseRequest request = new BinaryRequest(null, null); fixture.setRequest(request); // An unexpected exception was thrown in user code while executing this test: // java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class } /** * Run the void setResponse(BaseResponse) method test. * * @throws Exception * * @generatedBy CodePro at 12/16/14 5:53 PM */ @Test public void testSetResponse_1() throws Exception { TestPlanRunner testPlanRunner = new TestPlanRunner(new HDTestPlan(), 1, new TestHttpClient()); testPlanRunner.setHttpClient(null); TestStepContext fixture = new TestStepContext(new ClearCookiesStep(), new Variables(), "", "", new TimerMap(), testPlanRunner); fixture.setRequest(new BinaryRequest(null, null)); fixture.setHttpClient(null); fixture.setResult(""); fixture.setResponse(new BinaryResponse()); fixture.addError(new ErrorContainer("", new ValidationData(), new ValidationData(), "")); BaseResponse response = new BinaryResponse(); fixture.setResponse(response); // An unexpected exception was thrown in user code while executing this test: // java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class } /** * Run the void setResult(String) method test. * * @throws Exception * * @generatedBy CodePro at 12/16/14 5:53 PM */ @Test public void testSetResult_1() throws Exception { TestPlanRunner testPlanRunner = new TestPlanRunner(new HDTestPlan(), 1, new TestHttpClient()); testPlanRunner.setHttpClient(null); TestStepContext fixture = new TestStepContext(new ClearCookiesStep(), new Variables(), "", "", new TimerMap(), testPlanRunner); fixture.setRequest(new BinaryRequest(null, null)); fixture.setHttpClient(null); fixture.setResult(""); fixture.setResponse(new BinaryResponse()); fixture.addError(new ErrorContainer("", new ValidationData(), new ValidationData(), "")); String result = ""; fixture.setResult(result); // An unexpected exception was thrown in user code while executing this test: // java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class } /** * Run the void setTestPlanName(String) method test. * * @throws Exception * * @generatedBy CodePro at 12/16/14 5:53 PM */ @Test public void testSetTestPlanName_1() throws Exception { TestPlanRunner testPlanRunner = new TestPlanRunner(new HDTestPlan(), 1, new TestHttpClient()); testPlanRunner.setHttpClient(null); TestStepContext fixture = new TestStepContext(new ClearCookiesStep(), new Variables(), "", "", new TimerMap(), testPlanRunner); fixture.setRequest(new BinaryRequest(null, null)); fixture.setHttpClient(null); fixture.setResult(""); fixture.setResponse(new BinaryResponse()); fixture.addError(new ErrorContainer("", new ValidationData(), new ValidationData(), "")); String testPlanName = ""; fixture.setTestPlanName(testPlanName); // An unexpected exception was thrown in user code while executing this test: // java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class } /** * Run the void setTestStep(TestStep) method test. * * @throws Exception * * @generatedBy CodePro at 12/16/14 5:53 PM */ @Test public void testSetTestStep_1() throws Exception { TestPlanRunner testPlanRunner = new TestPlanRunner(new HDTestPlan(), 1, new TestHttpClient()); testPlanRunner.setHttpClient(null); TestStepContext fixture = new TestStepContext(new ClearCookiesStep(), new Variables(), "", "", new TimerMap(), testPlanRunner); fixture.setRequest(new BinaryRequest(null, null)); fixture.setHttpClient(null); fixture.setResult(""); fixture.setResponse(new BinaryResponse()); fixture.addError(new ErrorContainer("", new ValidationData(), new ValidationData(), "")); TestStep testStep = new ClearCookiesStep(); fixture.setTestStep(testStep); // An unexpected exception was thrown in user code while executing this test: // java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class } /** * Run the void setVariables(Variables) method test. * * @throws Exception * * @generatedBy CodePro at 12/16/14 5:53 PM */ @Test public void testSetVariables_1() throws Exception { TestPlanRunner testPlanRunner = new TestPlanRunner(new HDTestPlan(), 1, new TestHttpClient()); testPlanRunner.setHttpClient(null); TestStepContext fixture = new TestStepContext(new ClearCookiesStep(), new Variables(), "", "", new TimerMap(), testPlanRunner); fixture.setRequest(new BinaryRequest(null, null)); fixture.setHttpClient(null); fixture.setResult(""); fixture.setResponse(new BinaryResponse()); fixture.addError(new ErrorContainer("", new ValidationData(), new ValidationData(), "")); Variables variables = new Variables(); fixture.setVariables(variables); // An unexpected exception was thrown in user code while executing this test: // java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class } }