package; /* * #%L * Intuit Tank data model * %% * Copyright (C) 2011 - 2015 Intuit Inc. * %% * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * * #L% */ import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import org.junit.Test; import; import; import; /** * The class <code>ScriptGroupTest</code> contains tests for the class <code>{@link ScriptGroup}</code>. * * @generatedBy CodePro at 12/15/14 1:34 PM */ public class ScriptGroupTest { /** * Run the ScriptGroup() constructor test. * * @generatedBy CodePro at 12/15/14 1:34 PM */ @Test public void testScriptGroup_1() throws Exception { ScriptGroup result = new ScriptGroup(); assertNotNull(result); } /** * Run the void addScriptGroupStep(ScriptGroupStep) method test. * * @throws Exception * * @generatedBy CodePro at 12/15/14 1:34 PM */ @Test public void testAddScriptGroupStep_1() throws Exception { ScriptGroup fixture = new ScriptGroup(); fixture.setLoop(1); fixture.setScriptGroupSteps(new LinkedList()); fixture.setPosition(new Integer(1)); fixture.setTestPlan(new TestPlan()); fixture.setName(""); ScriptGroupStep step = new ScriptGroupStep(); fixture.addScriptGroupStep(step); } /** * Run the ScriptGroup.Builder builder() method test. * * @throws Exception * * @generatedBy CodePro at 12/15/14 1:34 PM */ @Test public void testBuilder_1() throws Exception { ScriptGroup.Builder result = ScriptGroup.builder(); assertNotNull(result); } /** * Run the ScriptGroup.Builder builderFrom(ScriptGroup) method test. * * @throws Exception * * @generatedBy CodePro at 12/15/14 1:34 PM */ @Test public void testBuilderFrom_1() throws Exception { ScriptGroup group = new ScriptGroup(); ScriptGroup.Builder result = ScriptGroup.builderFrom(group); assertNotNull(result); } /** * Run the int compareTo(ScriptGroup) method test. * * @throws Exception * * @generatedBy CodePro at 12/15/14 1:34 PM */ @Test public void testCompareTo_1() throws Exception { ScriptGroup fixture = new ScriptGroup(); fixture.setLoop(1); fixture.setScriptGroupSteps(new LinkedList()); fixture.setPosition(new Integer(1)); fixture.setTestPlan(new TestPlan()); fixture.setName(""); ScriptGroup o = null; int result = fixture.compareTo(o); assertEquals(1, result); } /** * Run the int compareTo(ScriptGroup) method test. * * @throws Exception * * @generatedBy CodePro at 12/15/14 1:34 PM */ @Test public void testCompareTo_2() throws Exception { ScriptGroup fixture = new ScriptGroup(); fixture.setLoop(1); fixture.setScriptGroupSteps(new LinkedList()); fixture.setPosition(new Integer(1)); fixture.setTestPlan(new TestPlan()); fixture.setName(""); ScriptGroup o = new ScriptGroup(); o.setPosition(new Integer(1)); int result = fixture.compareTo(o); assertEquals(0, result); } /** * Run the boolean equals(Object) method test. * * @throws Exception * * @generatedBy CodePro at 12/15/14 1:34 PM */ @Test public void testEquals_1() throws Exception { ScriptGroup fixture = new ScriptGroup(); fixture.setLoop(1); fixture.setScriptGroupSteps(new LinkedList()); fixture.setPosition(new Integer(1)); fixture.setTestPlan(new TestPlan()); fixture.setName(""); Object obj = new Object(); boolean result = fixture.equals(obj); assertEquals(false, result); } /** * Run the boolean equals(Object) method test. * * @throws Exception * * @generatedBy CodePro at 12/15/14 1:34 PM */ @Test public void testEquals_2() throws Exception { ScriptGroup fixture = new ScriptGroup(); fixture.setLoop(1); fixture.setScriptGroupSteps(new LinkedList()); fixture.setPosition(new Integer(1)); fixture.setTestPlan(new TestPlan()); fixture.setName(""); Object obj = new ScriptGroup(); boolean result = fixture.equals(obj); assertEquals(true, result); } /** * Run the boolean equals(Object) method test. * * @throws Exception * * @generatedBy CodePro at 12/15/14 1:34 PM */ @Test public void testEquals_3() throws Exception { ScriptGroup fixture = new ScriptGroup(); fixture.setLoop(1); fixture.setScriptGroupSteps(new LinkedList()); fixture.setPosition(new Integer(1)); fixture.setTestPlan(new TestPlan()); fixture.setName(""); Object obj = new ScriptGroup(); boolean result = fixture.equals(obj); assertEquals(true, result); } /** * Run the int getLoop() method test. * * @throws Exception * * @generatedBy CodePro at 12/15/14 1:34 PM */ @Test public void testGetLoop_1() throws Exception { ScriptGroup fixture = new ScriptGroup(); fixture.setLoop(1); fixture.setScriptGroupSteps(new LinkedList()); fixture.setPosition(new Integer(1)); fixture.setTestPlan(new TestPlan()); fixture.setName(""); int result = fixture.getLoop(); assertEquals(1, result); } /** * Run the String getName() method test. * * @throws Exception * * @generatedBy CodePro at 12/15/14 1:34 PM */ @Test public void testGetName_1() throws Exception { ScriptGroup fixture = new ScriptGroup(); fixture.setLoop(1); fixture.setScriptGroupSteps(new LinkedList()); fixture.setPosition(new Integer(1)); fixture.setTestPlan(new TestPlan()); fixture.setName(""); String result = fixture.getName(); assertEquals("", result); } /** * Run the Integer getPosition() method test. * * @throws Exception * * @generatedBy CodePro at 12/15/14 1:34 PM */ @Test public void testGetPosition_1() throws Exception { ScriptGroup fixture = new ScriptGroup(); fixture.setLoop(1); fixture.setScriptGroupSteps(new LinkedList()); fixture.setPosition(new Integer(1)); fixture.setTestPlan(new TestPlan()); fixture.setName(""); Integer result = fixture.getPosition(); assertNotNull(result); assertEquals("1", result.toString()); assertEquals((byte) 1, result.byteValue()); assertEquals((short) 1, result.shortValue()); assertEquals(1, result.intValue()); assertEquals(1L, result.longValue()); assertEquals(1.0f, result.floatValue(), 1.0f); assertEquals(1.0, result.doubleValue(), 1.0); } /** * Run the List<ScriptGroupStep> getScriptGroupSteps() method test. * * @throws Exception * * @generatedBy CodePro at 12/15/14 1:34 PM */ @Test public void testGetScriptGroupSteps_1() throws Exception { ScriptGroup fixture = new ScriptGroup(); fixture.setLoop(1); fixture.setScriptGroupSteps(new LinkedList()); fixture.setPosition(new Integer(1)); fixture.setTestPlan(new TestPlan()); fixture.setName(""); List<ScriptGroupStep> result = fixture.getScriptGroupSteps(); assertNotNull(result); assertEquals(0, result.size()); } /** * Run the TestPlan getTestPlan() method test. * * @throws Exception * * @generatedBy CodePro at 12/15/14 1:34 PM */ @Test public void testGetTestPlan_1() throws Exception { ScriptGroup fixture = new ScriptGroup(); fixture.setLoop(1); fixture.setScriptGroupSteps(new LinkedList()); fixture.setPosition(new Integer(1)); fixture.setTestPlan(new TestPlan()); fixture.setName(""); TestPlan result = fixture.getTestPlan(); assertNotNull(result); assertEquals(null, result.getPosition()); assertEquals(null, result.getName()); assertEquals(100, result.getUserPercentage()); assertEquals(null, result.getWorkload()); assertEquals(0, result.getId()); assertEquals(null, result.getModified()); assertEquals(null, result.getCreated()); } /** * Run the int hashCode() method test. * * @throws Exception * * @generatedBy CodePro at 12/15/14 1:34 PM */ @Test public void testHashCode_1() throws Exception { ScriptGroup fixture = new ScriptGroup(); fixture.setLoop(1); fixture.setScriptGroupSteps(new LinkedList()); fixture.setPosition(new Integer(1)); fixture.setTestPlan(new TestPlan()); fixture.setName(""); int result = fixture.hashCode(); assertEquals(1305, result); } /** * Run the void setLoop(int) method test. * * @throws Exception * * @generatedBy CodePro at 12/15/14 1:34 PM */ @Test public void testSetLoop_1() throws Exception { ScriptGroup fixture = new ScriptGroup(); fixture.setLoop(1); fixture.setScriptGroupSteps(new LinkedList()); fixture.setPosition(new Integer(1)); fixture.setTestPlan(new TestPlan()); fixture.setName(""); int loop = 1; fixture.setLoop(loop); } /** * Run the void setName(String) method test. * * @throws Exception * * @generatedBy CodePro at 12/15/14 1:34 PM */ @Test public void testSetName_1() throws Exception { ScriptGroup fixture = new ScriptGroup(); fixture.setLoop(1); fixture.setScriptGroupSteps(new LinkedList()); fixture.setPosition(new Integer(1)); fixture.setTestPlan(new TestPlan()); fixture.setName(""); String name = ""; fixture.setName(name); } /** * Run the void setParent(TestPlan) method test. * * @throws Exception * * @generatedBy CodePro at 12/15/14 1:34 PM */ @Test public void testSetParent_1() throws Exception { ScriptGroup fixture = new ScriptGroup(); fixture.setLoop(1); fixture.setScriptGroupSteps(new LinkedList()); fixture.setPosition(new Integer(1)); fixture.setTestPlan(new TestPlan()); fixture.setName(""); TestPlan w = new TestPlan(); fixture.setParent(w); } /** * Run the void setPosition(Integer) method test. * * @throws Exception * * @generatedBy CodePro at 12/15/14 1:34 PM */ @Test public void testSetPosition_1() throws Exception { ScriptGroup fixture = new ScriptGroup(); fixture.setLoop(1); fixture.setScriptGroupSteps(new LinkedList()); fixture.setPosition(new Integer(1)); fixture.setTestPlan(new TestPlan()); fixture.setName(""); Integer position = new Integer(1); fixture.setPosition(position); } /** * Run the void setScriptGroupSteps(List<ScriptGroupStep>) method test. * * @throws Exception * * @generatedBy CodePro at 12/15/14 1:34 PM */ @Test public void testSetScriptGroupSteps_1() throws Exception { ScriptGroup fixture = new ScriptGroup(); fixture.setLoop(1); fixture.setScriptGroupSteps(new LinkedList()); fixture.setPosition(new Integer(1)); fixture.setTestPlan(new TestPlan()); fixture.setName(""); List<ScriptGroupStep> scripts = new LinkedList(); fixture.setScriptGroupSteps(scripts); } /** * Run the void setTestPlan(TestPlan) method test. * * @throws Exception * * @generatedBy CodePro at 12/15/14 1:34 PM */ @Test public void testSetTestPlan_1() throws Exception { ScriptGroup fixture = new ScriptGroup(); fixture.setLoop(1); fixture.setScriptGroupSteps(new LinkedList()); fixture.setPosition(new Integer(1)); fixture.setTestPlan(new TestPlan()); fixture.setName(""); TestPlan testPlan = new TestPlan(); fixture.setTestPlan(testPlan); } /** * Run the String toString() method test. * * @throws Exception * * @generatedBy CodePro at 12/15/14 1:34 PM */ @Test public void testToString_1() throws Exception { ScriptGroup fixture = new ScriptGroup(); fixture.setLoop(1); fixture.setScriptGroupSteps(new LinkedList()); fixture.setPosition(new Integer(1)); fixture.setTestPlan(new TestPlan()); fixture.setName(""); String result = fixture.toString(); } }