package; import; import; import java.nio.file.*; import java.nio.file.attribute.BasicFileAttributes; /** * This class is used to copy a directory to another one. This class overrides: * <ul> * <li>{@link java.nio.file.SimpleFileVisitor#preVisitDirectory(Object, java.nio.file.attribute.BasicFileAttributes)}</li> * <li>{@link java.nio.file.SimpleFileVisitor#visitFile(Object, java.nio.file.attribute.BasicFileAttributes)}</li> * </ul> * * @author Thierry Wasylczenko * @version 1.0 * @since SlideshowFX 1.0 */ public class CopyFileVisitor extends SimpleFileVisitor<Path> { private Path target; private Path source; public CopyFileVisitor(Path target, Path source) { = target; this.source = source; } /** * Get the target where data will be copied into. * @return The target where the files will be copied into. */ public Path getTarget() { return target; } /** * Set the target where files will be copied into. * @param target the new target of files. */ public void setTarget(Path target) { = target; } /** * Get the source directory to copy into the target. * @return The source directory to copy into the target. */ public Path getSource() { return source; } /** * Set the new directory to copy into the target. * @param source The new source to copy into the target. */ public void setSource(Path source) { this.source = source; } @Override public FileVisitResult preVisitDirectory(Path dir, BasicFileAttributes attrs) throws IOException { final Path parent = source.getParent(); if(parent != null) { Path copiedDirectory = target.resolve(parent.relativize(dir)); /** * Manages the fact {@code dir} is equal to {@code source} */ if(copiedDirectory.equals(target)) { copiedDirectory = new File(target.toFile(), dir.toFile().getName()).toPath(); } if(!Files.exists(copiedDirectory)) { Files.createDirectories(copiedDirectory); } } return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE; } @Override public FileVisitResult visitFile(Path file, BasicFileAttributes attrs) throws IOException { final Path parent = source.getParent(); if(parent != null) { Path copiedFile = target.resolve(parent.relativize(file)); Files.copy(file, copiedFile, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING); } return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE; } }