package com.twasyl.slideshowfx.controls; import com.twasyl.slideshowfx.server.beans.quiz.QuizResult; import com.twasyl.slideshowfx.utils.PlatformHelper; import com.twasyl.slideshowfx.utils.ResourceHelper; import; import; import javafx.collections.FXCollections; import javafx.scene.chart.PieChart; import javafx.scene.layout.Region; /** * This class is used in order to display a Pie chart indicating the results for a current quiz. * This panel should be used in a {@link com.twasyl.slideshowfx.controls.slideshow.SlideshowPane}. * * @author Thierry Wasylczenko * @version 1.0 * @since SlideshowFX 1.0 */ public class QuizPanel extends Region { private final ObjectProperty<QuizResult> quizResult = new SimpleObjectProperty<>(); private final ObjectProperty<PieChart> chart = new SimpleObjectProperty<>(); /** * Creates the {@link QuizPanel} and initialize the chart that is displayed into it. */ public QuizPanel() { this.getStylesheets().add(ResourceHelper.getExternalForm("/com/twasyl/slideshowfx/css/quiz-panel.css")); this.chart.set(new PieChart()); this.chart.get().prefWidthProperty().bind(this.prefWidthProperty()); this.chart.get().prefHeightProperty().bind(this.prefHeightProperty()); this.chart.get().setLabelsVisible(false); this.quizResult.addListener((value, oldQuizResult, newQuizResult) -> { this.chart.get().getData().clear(); if(newQuizResult != null) { -> { PieChart.Data correctAnswers = new PieChart.Data("Correct answers", 0); correctAnswers.pieValueProperty().bind(newQuizResult.correctAnswersProperty()); PieChart.Data wrongAnswers = new PieChart.Data("Wrong answers", 0); wrongAnswers.pieValueProperty().bind(newQuizResult.wrongAnswersProperty()); this.chart.get().setData(FXCollections.observableArrayList(correctAnswers, wrongAnswers)); this.chart.get().setTitle(newQuizResult.getQuiz().getQuestion().getText()); }); } }); this.getChildren().add(this.chart.get()); } /** * Creates the {@link QuizPanel} and initialize the chart that is displayed into it with the provided result. * @param result The result that is associated to this panel */ public QuizPanel(QuizResult result) { this(); this.quizResult.set(result); } /** * The result that is attached to this panel. * @return The {@link QuizPanel} associated to this panel. */ public ObjectProperty<QuizResult> quizResultProperty() { return quizResult; } /** * The result that is attached to this panel. * @return The {@link QuizResult} associated to this panel. */ public QuizResult getQuizResult() { return quizResult.get(); } /** * Set the {@link QuizPanel} associated to this panel. * @param quizResult The new result associated to this panel */ public void setQuizResult(QuizResult quizResult) { this.quizResult.set(quizResult); } }