package com.twasyl.slideshowfx.controllers; import com.twasyl.slideshowfx.content.extension.IContentExtension; import com.twasyl.slideshowfx.controls.PresentationBrowser; import com.twasyl.slideshowfx.controls.PresentationVariablesPanel; import com.twasyl.slideshowfx.controls.SlideContentEditor; import com.twasyl.slideshowfx.engine.presentation.PresentationEngine; import com.twasyl.slideshowfx.engine.presentation.Presentations; import com.twasyl.slideshowfx.engine.presentation.configuration.Slide; import com.twasyl.slideshowfx.engine.presentation.configuration.SlideElement; import; import com.twasyl.slideshowfx.markup.IMarkup; import com.twasyl.slideshowfx.markup.MarkupManager; import com.twasyl.slideshowfx.osgi.OSGiManager; import com.twasyl.slideshowfx.snippet.executor.CodeSnippet; import com.twasyl.slideshowfx.snippet.executor.ISnippetExecutor; import com.twasyl.slideshowfx.utils.DialogHelper; import com.twasyl.slideshowfx.utils.PlatformHelper; import com.twasyl.slideshowfx.utils.beans.Pair; import com.twasyl.slideshowfx.utils.beans.binding.FilenameBinding; import de.jensd.fx.glyphs.GlyphIcon; import de.jensd.fx.glyphs.fontawesome.FontAwesomeIconView; import; import; import; import; import; import; import javafx.collections.ListChangeListener; import javafx.collections.ObservableList; import javafx.event.ActionEvent; import javafx.fxml.FXML; import javafx.fxml.Initializable; import javafx.scene.Node; import javafx.scene.control.*; import javafx.scene.image.WritableImage; import javafx.scene.input.KeyCode; import javafx.scene.input.KeyEvent; import javafx.scene.layout.HBox; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException; import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException; import; import; import; import java.util.Base64; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.ResourceBundle; import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; /** * This class is the controller of the {@code PresentationView.fxml} file. It defines all actions possible inside the view * represented by the FXML. * * @author Thierry Wasyczenko * @version 1.2 * @since SlideshowFX 1.0 */ public class PresentationViewController implements Initializable { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(PresentationViewController.class.getName()); private SlideshowFXController parent; private PresentationEngine presentationEngine; private final ReadOnlyStringProperty presentationName = new SimpleStringProperty(); private final ReadOnlyBooleanProperty presentationModified = new SimpleBooleanProperty(false); @FXML private PresentationBrowser browser; @FXML private TextField slideNumber; @FXML private TextField fieldName; @FXML private HBox markupContentTypeBox; @FXML private ToolBar contentExtensionToolBar; @FXML private ToggleGroup markupContentType = new ToggleGroup(); @FXML private SlideContentEditor contentEditor; @FXML private Button defineContent; /* All methods called by the FXML */ /** * This method is called by the <code>Define</code> button of the FXML. The selected syntax is retrieved as well as the content. * The treatment is then delegated to the {@link #updateSlide(IMarkup, String)} method. * * @param event * @throws TransformerException * @throws IOException * @throws ParserConfigurationException * @throws SAXException */ @FXML private void updateSlideWithText(ActionEvent event) throws TransformerException, IOException, ParserConfigurationException, SAXException { this.updateSlide(); } /** * Define and manages variables that are available for the presentation. Variable allow to insert elements which * values will be replaced inside the presentation. * * @param event The source event calling this method. */ @FXML private void definePresentationVariables(ActionEvent event) { final PresentationVariablesPanel variablesPanel = new PresentationVariablesPanel(this.presentationEngine.getConfiguration()); final ButtonType insert = new ButtonType("Insert", ButtonBar.ButtonData.OTHER); final ButtonType answer = DialogHelper.showDialog("Insert a variable", variablesPanel, ButtonType.CANCEL, insert, ButtonType.OK); // Insert the token inside the editor if (answer != null && answer == insert) { final Pair<String, String> variable = variablesPanel.getSelectedVariable(); if (variable != null) this.contentEditor.appendContentEditorValue(String.format("${%1$s}", variable.getKey())); } // If cancel wasn't clicked, updates all variables in the presentation and updates it the presentation file if (answer != ButtonType.CANCEL) { this.presentationEngine.getConfiguration().setVariables(variablesPanel.getVariables()); this.presentationEngine.getConfiguration() .getSlides() .forEach(slide -> this.presentationEngine.getConfiguration().updateSlideInDocument(slide)); this.presentationEngine.savePresentationFile(); this.reloadPresentationBrowser(); } } /** * This method updates a slide of the presentation. The <code>markup</code> and the <code>originalContent</code> are * deduced from the user interface. If all parameters can be deduced, then {@link #updateSlide(IMarkup, String)} is * called, otherwise nothing is performed. * * @throws TransformerException * @throws IOException * @throws ParserConfigurationException * @throws SAXException */ private void updateSlide() throws TransformerException, IOException, ParserConfigurationException, SAXException { RadioButton selectedMarkup = (RadioButton) this.markupContentType.getSelectedToggle(); if (selectedMarkup != null) { this.updateSlide((IMarkup) selectedMarkup.getUserData(), this.contentEditor.getContentEditorValue()); } } /** * This method updates a slide of the presentation. It takes the <code>markup</code> to convert the <code>originalContent</code> * in HTML and then the slide element is updated. The presentation is then saved temporary. * The content is send to the page by calling the {@link com.twasyl.slideshowfx.engine.template.configuration.TemplateConfiguration#getContentDefinerMethod()} * with the HTML content converted in Base64. * A screenshot of the slide is taken to update the menu of available slides. * * @param markup The markup with which the new content was generated. * @param originalContent The original content, in Base64, with which the slide will be updated. * @throws TransformerException * @throws IOException * @throws ParserConfigurationException * @throws SAXException */ private void updateSlide(final IMarkup markup, final String originalContent) throws TransformerException, IOException, ParserConfigurationException, SAXException { final String elementId = String.format("%1$s-%2$s", this.slideNumber.getText(), this.fieldName.getText()); String htmlContent = markup.convertAsHtml(originalContent); // Update the SlideElement final Slide slideToUpdate = this.presentationEngine.getConfiguration().getSlideByNumber(this.slideNumber.getText()); slideToUpdate.updateElement(elementId, markup.getCode(), originalContent, htmlContent); this.presentationEngine.getConfiguration().updateSlideInDocument(slideToUpdate); this.presentationEngine.savePresentationFile(); // Clear the HTML of any variables htmlContent = slideToUpdate.getElement(elementId).getClearedHtmlContent(this.presentationEngine.getConfiguration().getVariables()); this.browser.defineContent(this.slideNumber.getText(), this.fieldName.getText(), htmlContent); // Take a thumbnail of the slide WritableImage thumbnail = this.browser.snapshot(null, null); this.presentationEngine.getConfiguration().updateSlideThumbnail(this.slideNumber.getText(), thumbnail); if (this.parent != null) this.parent.updateSlideSplitMenu(); this.presentationEngine.setModifiedSinceLatestSave(true); } /** * Update the JavaFX UI with the data from the element that has been clicked in the HTML page. * * @param slideNumber The slide number of the slide that has been clicked in the HTML page * @param field The field of the slide that has been clicked in the HTML page. * @param currentElementContent The current content of the element clicked in the HTML page. */ public void prefillContentDefinition(String slideNumber, String field, String currentElementContent) { this.slideNumber.setText(slideNumber); this.fieldName.setText(field); final Slide slide = this.presentationEngine.getConfiguration().getSlideByNumber(slideNumber); if (slide != null) { final SlideElement element = slide.getElement(slideNumber + "-" + field); /** * Prefill the content either with the element's content if it is not null, either with the given * <code>currentElementContent</code>. */ if (element != null) { /** * Prefill the content with either the original content is it is still supported either * the HTML content. */ if (MarkupManager.isContentSupported(element.getOriginalContentCode())) { this.contentEditor.setContentEditorValue(element.getOriginalContent()); } else { this.contentEditor.setContentEditorValue(element.getHtmlContent()); } this.selectMarkupRadioButton(element.getOriginalContentCode()); } else { final String decodedContent = new String(Base64.getDecoder().decode(currentElementContent), GlobalConfiguration.getDefaultCharset()); this.contentEditor.setContentEditorValue(decodedContent); this.selectMarkupRadioButton(null); this.contentEditor.selectAll(); } this.contentEditor.requestFocus(); } else {"Prefill information for the field %1$s of slide #%2$s is impossible: the slide is not found", field, slideNumber)); } } /** * This method is called by the presentation in order to execute a code snippet. The executor is identified by the * {@code snippetExecutorCode} and retrieved in the OSGi context to get the {@link ISnippetExecutor} * instance that will execute the code. * The code to execute is passed to this method in Base64 using the {@code base64CodeSnippet} parameter. The execution * result will be pushed back to the presentation in the HTML element {@code consoleOutputId}. * * @param snippetExecutorCode The unique identifier of the executor that will execute the code. * @param base64CodeSnippet The code snippet to execute, given in Base64. * @param consoleOutputId The HTML element that will be updated with the execution result. */ public void executeCodeSnippet(final String snippetExecutorCode, final String base64CodeSnippet, final String consoleOutputId) { if (snippetExecutorCode != null) { final Optional<ISnippetExecutor> snippetExecutor = OSGiManager.getInstance().getInstalledServices(ISnippetExecutor.class) .stream() .filter(executor -> snippetExecutorCode.equals(executor.getCode())) .findFirst(); if (snippetExecutor.isPresent()) { final String decodedString = new String(Base64.getDecoder().decode(base64CodeSnippet), GlobalConfiguration.getDefaultCharset()); final CodeSnippet codeSnippetDecoded = CodeSnippet.toObject(decodedString); final ObservableList<String> consoleOutput = snippetExecutor.get().execute(codeSnippetDecoded); consoleOutput.addListener((ListChangeListener<String>) change -> { // Push the execution result to the presentation. -> { while ( { if (change.wasAdded()) { change.getAddedSubList() .stream() .forEach(line -> this.browser.updateCodeSnippetConsole(consoleOutputId, line)); } } change.reset(); }); }); } } } /** * Creates a RadioButton for the given markup so the user will be able to select the new syntax. The RadioButton is * added to the panel of markups as well as in the ToggleGroup for all markups. * Note that the RadioButton will not request focus when it is clicked. This avoid the cursor to leave an eventual * text edition area. * * @param markup The markup to create the RadioButton for * @return The created RadioButton. */ private RadioButton createRadioButtonForMakup(IMarkup markup) { final RadioButton button = new RadioButton(markup.getName()) { @Override public void requestFocus() { // Avoid the button to get the focus. So if the cursor is in the editor it won't loose the focus } }; button.setUserData(markup); markupContentType.getToggles().add(button); markupContentTypeBox.getChildren().add(button); return button; } /** * Creates a Button for the given content extension so the user will be able to insert new type of content in a slide. * The Button is added to the ToolBar of content extensions. * * @param contentExtension The content extension to create the Button for. * @return The created Button. */ private Button createButtonForContentExtension(final IContentExtension contentExtension) { final Button button = new Button(); button.setUserData(contentExtension); button.setTooltip(new Tooltip(contentExtension.getToolTip())); button.getStyleClass().add("image"); final GlyphIcon icon = new FontAwesomeIconView(); icon.setGlyphName(contentExtension.getIcon().name()); icon.setGlyphSize(20); icon.setGlyphStyle("-fx-fill: app-color-orange;"); button.setGraphic(icon); button.setOnAction(event -> { final ButtonType response = DialogHelper.showCancellableDialog(contentExtension.getTitle(), contentExtension.getUI()); if (response != null && response == ButtonType.OK) { final String content = contentExtension.buildContentString(this.markupContentType.getSelectedToggle() != null ? (IMarkup) this.markupContentType.getSelectedToggle().getUserData() : null); if (content != null) { this.contentEditor.appendContentEditorValue(content); contentExtension.extractResources(this.presentationEngine.getTemplateConfiguration().getResourcesDirectory()); contentExtension.getResources() .stream() .forEach(this.presentationEngine::addCustomResource); } } }); this.contentExtensionToolBar.getItems().add(button); return button; } /** * Select the RadioButton corresponding to the given <code>contentCode</code>. If the <code>contentCode</code> is null, * every RadioButton is unselected. * * @param contentCode */ private void selectMarkupRadioButton(final String contentCode) { // Clear the current selection this.markupContentTypeBox.getChildren() .stream() .filter(child -> child instanceof RadioButton) .map(child -> (RadioButton) child) .forEach(button -> button.setSelected(false)); Optional<RadioButton> radioButton = this.markupContentTypeBox.getChildren() .stream() .filter(child -> child instanceof RadioButton) .map(child -> (RadioButton) child) .filter(button -> ((IMarkup) button.getUserData()).getCode().equals(contentCode)) .findFirst(); if (radioButton.isPresent()) radioButton.get().setSelected(true); } /** * Refresh the part of the view that allows to choose a markup syntax to reflect the currently installed plugin. */ public void refreshMarkupSyntax() { // Clear already present markups final Iterator<Node> it = this.markupContentTypeBox.getChildren().iterator(); Node child; while (it.hasNext()) { child =; if (child instanceof RadioButton) it.remove(); } // Creating RadioButtons for each markup bundle installed MarkupManager.getInstalledMarkupSyntax().stream() .sorted((markup1, markup2) -> markup1.getName().compareToIgnoreCase(markup2.getName())) .forEach(markup -> createRadioButtonForMakup(markup)); } /** * Refresh the UI in order to display all content extensions that are installed on the system. */ public void refreshContentExtensions() { final Iterator<Node> iterator = this.contentExtensionToolBar.getItems().iterator(); Node child; while (iterator.hasNext()) { child =; if (child instanceof Button && child.getUserData() instanceof IContentExtension) iterator.remove(); } // Creating Buttons for each extension bundle installed OSGiManager.getInstance().getInstalledServices(IContentExtension.class) .stream() .sorted((extension1, extension2) -> extension1.getCode().compareTo(extension2.getCode())) .forEach(extension -> createButtonForContentExtension(extension)); } /** * Reload the browser displaying the presentation. * * @return A {@link CompletableFuture} which will be completed when the browser is no more loading it's content. */ public CompletableFuture<Boolean> reloadPresentationBrowser() { return this.browser.reload(); } /** * Loads the presentation file in the browser displaying it. If the presentation fil is {@code null} or does not * exists, nothing if done. */ public void loadPresentationInBrowser() { if (this.presentationEngine.getConfiguration().getPresentationFile() != null && this.presentationEngine.getConfiguration().getPresentationFile().exists()) { this.browser.loadPresentation(this.presentationEngine); } } /** * Defines the presentation for the given view and load it in the browser. * * @param presentation The presentation associated to the view. * @throws NullPointerException If {@code presentation} is {@code null}. */ public void definePresentation(final PresentationEngine presentation) { if (presentation == null) throw new NullPointerException("The presentation can not be null"); this.presentationEngine = presentation; this.loadPresentationInBrowser(); try { final JavaBeanObjectProperty<File> archiveFile = new JavaBeanObjectPropertyBuilder<>() .bean(this.presentationEngine) .getter("getArchive") .setter("setArchive") .name("archiveFile") .build(); ((SimpleStringProperty) this.presentationName).bind(new FilenameBinding(archiveFile)); final JavaBeanObjectProperty<Boolean> presentationModifiedSinceLatestSave = new JavaBeanObjectPropertyBuilder<>() .bean(this.presentationEngine) .getter("isModifiedSinceLatestSave") .setter("setModifiedSinceLatestSave") .name("modifiedSinceLatestSave") .build(); ((SimpleBooleanProperty) this.presentationModified).bind(presentationModifiedSinceLatestSave); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Can not create the property for the name of the presentation", e); } } /** * Get the presentation name. This will typically be the name of the {@link PresentationEngine#getArchive()} * object, or "Untitled" if it doesn't exist. * * @return The name of this presentation. */ public ReadOnlyStringProperty getPresentationName() { return this.presentationName; } /** * Indicates if the presentation has been modified since the latest time it has been saved. * * @return The property indicating if the presentation has been modified since the latest save. */ public ReadOnlyBooleanProperty presentationModifiedProperty() { return presentationModified; } /** * Get the slide number of the slide currently displayed. * * @return The slide number of the current displayed slide or {@code null} if no slide is displayed. */ public String getCurrentSlideNumber() { String slideNumber = null; final String slideId = this.getCurrentSlideId(); if (slideId != null && !slideId.isEmpty()) { slideNumber = slideId.substring(this.presentationEngine.getTemplateConfiguration().getSlideIdPrefix().length()); } return slideNumber; } /** * Get the ID of the slide currently displayed. * * @return The ID of the slide currently displayed or {@code null} if no slide is displayed. */ public String getCurrentSlideId() { return this.browser.getCurrentSlideId(); } /** * Go to a specific slide ID. If the given ID is {@code null} or empty, nothing will be performed. * * @param slideId The ID of the slide to go to. */ public void goToSlide(final String slideId) { if (slideId != null && !slideId.isEmpty()) { this.browser.slide(slideId); } } /** * Print the current presentation. */ public void printPresentation() { this.browser.print(); } /** * Set the presentation displayed in this view as the one currently displayed. */ public void setAsCurrentPresentation() { Presentations.setCurrentDisplayedPresentation(this.presentationEngine); } /** * Get the presentation associated to this view. * * @return The presentation associated to this view. */ public PresentationEngine getPresentation() { return this.presentationEngine; } @Override public void initialize(URL url, ResourceBundle resourceBundle) { // Make this controller available to JavaScript this.browser.setPresentation(this.presentationEngine); this.browser.setBackend(this); this.refreshMarkupSyntax(); // Creating buttons for each content extension bundle installed OSGiManager.getInstance().getInstalledServices(IContentExtension.class) .stream() .sorted((contentExtension1, contentExtension2) -> contentExtension1.getCode().compareTo(contentExtension2.getCode())) .forEach(contentExtension -> createButtonForContentExtension(contentExtension)); // Change the mode for the content editor as the selection for markup language changes this.markupContentType.selectedToggleProperty().addListener((value, oldToggle, newToggle) -> { if (newToggle == null) { this.contentEditor.setMode(null); } else { this.contentEditor.setMode(((IMarkup) newToggle.getUserData()).getAceMode()); } }); this.defineContent.disableProperty().bind(this.slideNumber.textProperty().isEmpty() .or(this.fieldName.textProperty().isEmpty()) .or(this.markupContentType.selectedToggleProperty().isNull())); // Add a shortcut to the content editor for defining the content using META + Enter this.contentEditor.registerEvent(KeyEvent.KEY_PRESSED, event -> { if (event.isShortcutDown() && KeyCode.ENTER.equals(event.getCode())) { event.consume(); try { this.updateSlide(); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Can not define content", e); } } }); } }