package; import*; import com.twasyl.slideshowfx.engine.presentation.PresentationEngine; import; import; import; import; import; import; import javafx.geometry.Pos; import javafx.scene.Node; import javafx.scene.Scene; import javafx.scene.control.Label; import javafx.scene.control.TextField; import javafx.scene.layout.HBox; import javafx.scene.layout.VBox; import javafx.scene.web.WebView; import javafx.stage.Stage; import*; import; import; import java.util.*; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import static com.twasyl.slideshowfx.engine.presentation.PresentationEngine.DEFAULT_DOTTED_ARCHIVE_EXTENSION; /** * This connector allows to interact with Box. * * @author Thierry Wasylczenko * @version 1.1 * @since SlideshowFX 1.1 */ public class BoxHostingConnector extends AbstractHostingConnector<BasicHostingConnectorOptions> { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(BoxHostingConnector.class.getName()); protected static final String REFRESH_TOKEN_PROPERTY_SUFFIX = ".refreshtoken"; private BoxAPIConnection boxApi; private String refreshToken; public BoxHostingConnector() { super("box", "Box", new BoxFile()); this.setOptions(new BasicHostingConnectorOptions()); String configuration = GlobalConfiguration.getProperty(getConfigurationBaseName().concat(CONSUMER_KEY_PROPERTY_SUFFIX)); if(configuration != null && !configuration.trim().isEmpty()) { this.getOptions().setConsumerKey(configuration.trim()); } configuration = GlobalConfiguration.getProperty(getConfigurationBaseName().concat(CONSUMER_SECRET_PROPERTY_SUFFIX)); if(configuration != null && !configuration.trim().isEmpty()) { this.getOptions().setConsumerSecret(configuration.trim()); } configuration = GlobalConfiguration.getProperty(getConfigurationBaseName().concat(REDIRECT_URI_PROPERTY_SUFFIX)); if(configuration != null && !configuration.trim().isEmpty()) { this.getOptions().setRedirectUri(configuration.trim()); } configuration = GlobalConfiguration.getProperty(getConfigurationBaseName().concat(ACCESS_TOKEN_PROPERTY_SUFFIX)); if(configuration != null && !configuration.trim().isEmpty()) { this.accessToken = configuration; } configuration = GlobalConfiguration.getProperty(getConfigurationBaseName().concat(REFRESH_TOKEN_PROPERTY_SUFFIX)); if(configuration != null && !configuration.trim().isEmpty()) { this.refreshToken = configuration; } if(this.getOptions().getConsumerKey() != null && this.getOptions().getConsumerSecret() != null) { this.boxApi = new BoxAPIConnection(this.getOptions().getConsumerKey(), this.getOptions().getConsumerSecret()); if(this.accessToken != null && !this.accessToken.isEmpty()) { this.boxApi.setAccessToken(this.accessToken); } if(this.refreshToken != null && !this.refreshToken.isEmpty()) { this.boxApi.setRefreshToken(this.refreshToken); } } } @Override public Node getConfigurationUI() { this.newOptions = new BasicHostingConnectorOptions(); this.newOptions.setConsumerKey(this.getOptions().getConsumerKey()); this.newOptions.setConsumerSecret(this.getOptions().getConsumerSecret()); this.newOptions.setRedirectUri(this.getOptions().getRedirectUri()); final Label consumerKeyLabel = new Label("Consumer key:"); final Label consumerSecretLabel = new Label("Consumer secret:"); final Label redirectUriLabel = new Label("Redirect URI:"); final TextField consumerKeyTextField = new TextField(); consumerKeyTextField.textProperty().bindBidirectional(this.newOptions.consumerKeyProperty()); consumerKeyTextField.setPrefColumnCount(20); final TextField consumerSecretTextField = new TextField(); consumerSecretTextField.textProperty().bindBidirectional(this.newOptions.consumerSecretProperty()); consumerSecretTextField.setPrefColumnCount(20); final TextField redirectUriTextField = new TextField(); redirectUriTextField.textProperty().bindBidirectional(this.newOptions.redirectUriProperty()); redirectUriTextField.setPrefColumnCount(20); final HBox consumerKeyBox = new HBox(5, consumerKeyLabel, consumerKeyTextField); consumerKeyBox.setAlignment(Pos.BASELINE_LEFT); final HBox consumerSecretBox = new HBox(5, consumerSecretLabel, consumerSecretTextField); consumerSecretBox.setAlignment(Pos.BASELINE_LEFT); final HBox redirectUriBox = new HBox(5, redirectUriLabel, redirectUriTextField); redirectUriBox.setAlignment(Pos.BASELINE_LEFT); final VBox container = new VBox(5, consumerKeyBox, consumerSecretBox, redirectUriBox); return container; } @Override public void saveNewOptions() { if(this.getNewOptions() != null) { this.setOptions(this.getNewOptions()); if (this.getOptions().getConsumerKey() != null) { GlobalConfiguration.setProperty(getConfigurationBaseName().concat(CONSUMER_KEY_PROPERTY_SUFFIX), this.getOptions().getConsumerKey()); } if (this.getOptions().getConsumerSecret() != null) { GlobalConfiguration.setProperty(getConfigurationBaseName().concat(CONSUMER_SECRET_PROPERTY_SUFFIX), this.getOptions().getConsumerSecret()); } if (this.getOptions().getRedirectUri() != null) { GlobalConfiguration.setProperty(getConfigurationBaseName().concat(REDIRECT_URI_PROPERTY_SUFFIX), this.getOptions().getRedirectUri()); } if(this.getOptions().getConsumerKey() != null && this.getOptions().getConsumerSecret() != null) { this.boxApi = new BoxAPIConnection(this.getOptions().getConsumerKey(), this.getOptions().getConsumerSecret()); } } } @Override public void authenticate() throws HostingConnectorException { if(this.boxApi == null) throw new HostingConnectorException(HostingConnectorException.MISSING_CONFIGURATION); final WebView browser = new WebView(); final Scene scene = new Scene(browser); final Stage stage = new Stage(); browser.setPrefSize(500, 500); browser.getEngine().locationProperty().addListener((locationProperty, oldLocation, newLocation) -> { if(newLocation != null && newLocation.startsWith(this.getOptions().getRedirectUri())) { try { final Map<String, String> uriParameters = getURIParameters(new URI(newLocation)); if(uriParameters.containsKey("code")) { this.boxApi.authenticate(uriParameters.get("code")); this.accessToken = this.boxApi.getAccessToken(); this.refreshToken = this.boxApi.getRefreshToken(); } } catch (URISyntaxException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error when parsing the redirect URI", e); } finally { if (this.accessToken != null) { GlobalConfiguration.setProperty(getConfigurationBaseName().concat(ACCESS_TOKEN_PROPERTY_SUFFIX), this.accessToken); } if (this.refreshToken != null) { GlobalConfiguration.setProperty(getConfigurationBaseName().concat(REFRESH_TOKEN_PROPERTY_SUFFIX), this.refreshToken); } stage.close(); } } }); browser.getEngine().load(getAuthenticationURL()); stage.setScene(scene); stage.setTitle("Authorize SlideshowFX in Box"); stage.showAndWait(); if(!this.isAuthenticated()) throw new HostingConnectorException(HostingConnectorException.AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE); } /** * Get the URL allowing to ask the user the authorization for SlideshowFX to Box. * @return The authorization URL. */ protected String getAuthenticationURL() { final StringBuilder url = new StringBuilder("") .append("?response_type=code") .append("&client_id=").append(this.getOptions().getConsumerKey()) .append("&redirect_uri=").append(this.getOptions().getRedirectUri()) .append("&state=").append(System.currentTimeMillis()); return url.toString(); } @Override public boolean checkAccessToken() { boolean valid = false; if(this.boxApi != null) { try { BoxUser.getCurrentUser(this.boxApi); valid = true; } catch(Exception e) { LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "Error when trying to check the access token", e); } } return valid; } @Override public void disconnect() { } @Override public void upload(PresentationEngine engine, RemoteFile folder, boolean overwrite) throws HostingConnectorException, FileNotFoundException { if(engine == null) throw new NullPointerException("The engine can not be null"); if(engine.getArchive() == null) throw new NullPointerException("The archive to upload can not be null"); if(!engine.getArchive().exists()) throw new FileNotFoundException("The archive to upload does not exist"); if(!(folder instanceof BoxFile)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("The given folder must be a BoxFile"); if(this.isAuthenticated()) { BoxFolder destination = folder.isRoot() ? BoxFolder.getRootFolder(this.boxApi) : new BoxFolder(this.boxApi, ((BoxFile) folder).getId()); final FileUploadParams parameters = new FileUploadParams(); if(!overwrite && this.fileExists(engine, folder)) { final String nameWithoutExtension = engine.getArchive().getName().substring(0, engine.getArchive().getName().lastIndexOf(".")); final Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); parameters.setName(String.format("%1$s %2$tF %2$tT.%3$s", nameWithoutExtension, calendar, engine.getArchiveExtension())); } else { parameters.setName(engine.getArchive().getName()); } parameters.setSize(engine.getArchive().length()); parameters.setModified(new Date(System.currentTimeMillis())); try(final FileInputStream input = new FileInputStream(engine.getArchive())) { parameters.setContent(input); destination.uploadFile(parameters); } catch (IOException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Can not upload the presentation", e); } } else { throw new HostingConnectorException(HostingConnectorException.NOT_AUTHENTICATED); } } @Override public File download(File destination, RemoteFile file) throws HostingConnectorException { if(destination == null) throw new NullPointerException("The destination can not be null"); if(file == null) throw new NullPointerException("The file to download can not be null"); if(!(file instanceof BoxFile)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("The given file must be a BoxFile"); if(!destination.isDirectory()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("The destination is not a folder"); if(this.isAuthenticated()) { final fileToDownload = new, ((BoxFile) file).getId()); try(final FileOutputStream output = new FileOutputStream(new File(destination, file.getName()))) {; } catch (IOException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Can not download the file", e); } } else { throw new HostingConnectorException(HostingConnectorException.NOT_AUTHENTICATED); } return null; } @Override public List<RemoteFile> list(RemoteFile parent, boolean includeFolders, boolean includePresentations) throws HostingConnectorException { if(parent == null) throw new NullPointerException("The parent can not be null"); if(!(parent instanceof BoxFile)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("The given parent must be a BoxFile"); final List<RemoteFile> folders = new ArrayList<>(); if(this.isAuthenticated()) { final BoxFolder folder = parent.isRoot() ? BoxFolder.getRootFolder(this.boxApi) : new BoxFolder(this.boxApi, ((BoxFile) parent).getId()); folder.forEach(child -> { if(canFileBeLister(child, includeFolders, includePresentations)) { folders.add(this.createRemoteFile(child, (BoxFile) parent)); } }); } else { throw new HostingConnectorException(HostingConnectorException.NOT_AUTHENTICATED); } return folders; } @Override public boolean fileExists(PresentationEngine engine, RemoteFile destination) throws HostingConnectorException { if(engine == null) throw new NullPointerException("The engine can not be null"); if(engine.getArchive() == null) throw new NullPointerException("The archive file can not be null"); if(destination == null) throw new NullPointerException("The destination can not be null"); if(!(destination instanceof BoxFile)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("The given destination must be a BoxFile"); boolean exist = false; if(this.isAuthenticated()) { BoxFolder destinationFolder = destination.isRoot() ? BoxFolder.getRootFolder(this.boxApi) : new BoxFolder(this.boxApi, ((BoxFile) destination).getId()); final Iterator<BoxItem.Info> children = destinationFolder.getChildren().iterator(); while(!exist && children.hasNext()) { final BoxItem.Info child =; exist = isFile(child) && isNameEqual(child, engine.getArchive().getName()); } } else { throw new HostingConnectorException(HostingConnectorException.NOT_AUTHENTICATED); } return exist; } /** * Creates an instance of {@link RemoteFile} from a given {@link BoxItem.Info} and a given parent. * @param info The info to create the remote file for. * @param parent The optional parent of the file. * @return A well created {@link RemoteFile} instance. */ protected RemoteFile createRemoteFile(final BoxItem.Info info, final BoxFile parent) { final BoxFile file = new BoxFile(parent, info.getName(), info.getID()); if(isFile(info)) { file.setFile(true); file.setFolder(false); } else { file.setFile(false); file.setFolder(true); } return file; } /** * Check if a given {@link BoxItem.Info} can be listed in the UI. * @param child The info to check. * @param includeFolders Indicates if the folders are allowed to be listed. * @param includePresentations Indicates if the presentations are allowed to be listed. * @return {@code true} if the child can be listed, {@code false} otherwise. */ protected boolean canFileBeLister(BoxItem.Info child, boolean includeFolders, boolean includePresentations) { boolean canBeListed = false; if(includeFolders && includePresentations) { canBeListed = isFolder(child) || (isFile(child) && isNameEndingWithSuffix(child, DEFAULT_DOTTED_ARCHIVE_EXTENSION)); } else if(includeFolders && !includePresentations) { canBeListed = isFolder(child); } else if(!includeFolders && includePresentations) { canBeListed = isFolder(child) && isNameEndingWithSuffix(child, DEFAULT_DOTTED_ARCHIVE_EXTENSION); } return canBeListed; } /** * Check if a given info is considered as a folder or not. * @param info The info to check. * @return {@code true} if the info is a folder, {@code false} otherwise. */ protected boolean isFolder(final BoxItem.Info info) { return info instanceof BoxFolder.Info; } /** * Check if a given info is considered as a file or not. * @param info The info to check. * @return {@code true} if the info is a file, {@code false} otherwise. */ protected boolean isFile(final BoxItem.Info info) { return info instanceof; } /** * Check if the name of an info is ending with a given suffix. * @param info The info to check the name for. * @param suffix The suffix expected at the end of the info's name. * @return {@code true} if the info is ending with the suffix, {@code false} otherwise. */ protected boolean isNameEndingWithSuffix(final BoxItem.Info info, final String suffix) { return info.getName().endsWith(suffix); } /** * Check if the name of the info is equal to another name. The check is case sensitive. * @param info The info to check the name. * @param name The expected name to be considered equal. * @return {@code true} if the names are equal, {@code false} otherwise. */ protected boolean isNameEqual(final BoxItem.Info info, final String name) { return info.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(name); } }