package com.twasyl.slideshowfx.snippet.executor.golo; import com.sun.javafx.PlatformUtil; import; import com.twasyl.slideshowfx.snippet.executor.AbstractSnippetExecutor; import com.twasyl.slideshowfx.snippet.executor.CodeSnippet; import com.twasyl.slideshowfx.utils.beans.converter.FileStringConverter; import; import javafx.collections.FXCollections; import javafx.collections.ObservableList; import javafx.scene.Node; import javafx.scene.Parent; import javafx.scene.control.*; import javafx.scene.layout.HBox; import javafx.scene.layout.VBox; import javafx.stage.DirectoryChooser; import*; import java.util.StringJoiner; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; /** * An implementation of {@link com.twasyl.slideshowfx.snippet.executor.AbstractSnippetExecutor} that allows to execute * Golo code snippets. * This implementation is identified with the code {@code GOLO}. * * @author Thierry Wasyczenko * @version 1.0 * @since SlideshowFX 1.0 */ public class GoloSnippetExecutor extends AbstractSnippetExecutor<GoloSnippetExecutorOptions> { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(GoloSnippetExecutor.class.getName()); protected static final String GOLO_HOME_PROPERTY_SUFFIX = ".home"; protected static final String WRAP_IN_MAIN_PROPERTY = "wrapInMain"; protected static final String IMPORTS_PROPERTY = "imports"; protected static final String MODULE_NAME_PROPERTY = "module"; public GoloSnippetExecutor() { super("GOLO", "Golo", "language-java"); this.setOptions(new GoloSnippetExecutorOptions()); final String goloHome = GlobalConfiguration.getProperty(this.getConfigurationBaseName().concat(GOLO_HOME_PROPERTY_SUFFIX)); if(goloHome != null) { try { this.getOptions().setGoloHome(new File(goloHome)); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Can not set the GOLO_HOME", e); } } } @Override public Parent getUI(final CodeSnippet codeSnippet) { final TextField moduleTextField = new TextField(); moduleTextField.setPromptText("Module name"); moduleTextField.setPrefColumnCount(10); moduleTextField.setTooltip(new Tooltip("The module name of this code snippet")); moduleTextField.textProperty().addListener((textValue, oldText, newText) -> { if(newText == null || newText.isEmpty()) codeSnippet.putProperty(MODULE_NAME_PROPERTY, null); else codeSnippet.putProperty(MODULE_NAME_PROPERTY, newText); }); final CheckBox wrapInMain = new CheckBox("Wrap code snippet in main"); wrapInMain.setTooltip(new Tooltip("Wrap the provided code snippet in a Golo main method")); wrapInMain.selectedProperty().addListener((selectedValue, oldSelected, newSelected) -> { if(newSelected != null) codeSnippet.putProperty(WRAP_IN_MAIN_PROPERTY, newSelected.toString()); }); final TextArea imports = new TextArea(); imports.setPromptText("Imports"); imports.setPrefColumnCount(15); imports.setPrefRowCount(15); imports.setWrapText(true); imports.textProperty().addListener((textValue, oldText, newText) -> { if(newText.isEmpty()) codeSnippet.putProperty(IMPORTS_PROPERTY, null); else codeSnippet.putProperty(IMPORTS_PROPERTY, newText); }); final VBox ui = new VBox(5); ui.getChildren().addAll(moduleTextField, wrapInMain, imports); return ui; } @Override public Node getConfigurationUI() { this.newOptions = new GoloSnippetExecutorOptions(); try { this.newOptions.setGoloHome(this.getOptions().getGoloHome()); } catch (FileNotFoundException | NullPointerException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "Can not duplicate GOLO_HOME", e); } final Label label = new Label(this.getLanguage().concat(":")); final TextField javaHomeField = new TextField(); javaHomeField.textProperty().bindBidirectional(this.newOptions.goloHomeProperty(), new FileStringConverter()); javaHomeField.setPrefColumnCount(20); final Button browse = new Button("..."); browse.setOnAction(event -> { final DirectoryChooser chooser = new DirectoryChooser(); final File sdkHomeDir = chooser.showDialog(null); if(sdkHomeDir != null) { javaHomeField.setText(sdkHomeDir.getAbsolutePath()); } }); final HBox box = new HBox(5); box.getChildren().addAll(label, javaHomeField, browse); return box; } @Override public void saveNewOptions() { if(this.getNewOptions() != null) { this.setOptions(this.getNewOptions()); if(this.getOptions().getGoloHome() != null) { GlobalConfiguration.setProperty(this.getConfigurationBaseName().concat(GOLO_HOME_PROPERTY_SUFFIX), this.getOptions().getGoloHome().getAbsolutePath().replaceAll("\\\\", "/")); } } } @Override public ObservableList<String> execute(final CodeSnippet codeSnippet) { final ObservableList<String> consoleOutput = FXCollections.observableArrayList(); final Thread snippetThread = new Thread(() -> { File codeFile = null; try { codeFile = createSourceCodeFile(codeSnippet); } catch (IOException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Can not write code to snippet file", e); consoleOutput.add("ERROR: ".concat(e.getMessage())); } final File executable = PlatformUtil.isWindows() ? new File(this.getOptions().getGoloHome(), "bin/golo.bat") : new File(this.getOptions().getGoloHome(), "bin/golo"); final String[] command = {executable.getAbsolutePath(), "golo", "--files", codeFile.getAbsolutePath()}; Process process = null; try { process = new ProcessBuilder().redirectErrorStream(true).command(command).start(); try (final BufferedReader inputStream = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(process.getInputStream()))) { inputStream.lines().forEach(line -> consoleOutput.add(line)); } } catch (IOException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Can not execute code snippet", e); consoleOutput.add("ERROR: ".concat(e.getMessage())); } finally { if(process != null) { try { process.waitFor(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Can not wait for process to end", e); } } } codeFile.delete(); }); snippetThread.start(); return consoleOutput; } /** * Create the source code file for the given code snippet. * @param codeSnippet The code snippet. * @return The file created and containing the source code. */ protected File createSourceCodeFile(final CodeSnippet codeSnippet) throws IOException { final File codeFile = new File(this.getTemporaryDirectory(), determineModuleName(codeSnippet).concat(".golo")); try (final FileWriter codeFileWriter = new FileWriter(codeFile)) { codeFileWriter.write(buildSourceCode(codeSnippet)); codeFileWriter.flush(); } return codeFile; } /** * * Build code file content according properties. The source code can then be written properly inside a file in order * to be compiled and then executed. * @param codeSnippet The code snippet to build the source code for. * @return The content of the source code file. */ protected String buildSourceCode(final CodeSnippet codeSnippet) throws IOException { final StringBuilder sourceCode = new StringBuilder(); sourceCode.append(getStartModuleDefinition(codeSnippet)).append("\n\n"); if(hasImports(codeSnippet)) { sourceCode.append(getImports(codeSnippet)).append("\n\n"); } if(mustBeWrappedInMain(codeSnippet)) { sourceCode.append(getStartMainMethod()).append("\n") .append(codeSnippet.getCode()) .append("\n").append(getEndMainMethod()); } else { sourceCode.append(codeSnippet.getCode()); } sourceCode.append("\n").append(getEndModuleDefinition(codeSnippet)); return sourceCode.toString(); } /** * Get the imports to be added to the source code. * @param codeSnippet The code snippet. */ protected boolean hasImports(final CodeSnippet codeSnippet) { final String imports = codeSnippet.getProperties().get(IMPORTS_PROPERTY); return imports != null && !imports.isEmpty(); } /** * Get the imports for the code snippets. If some lines of the imports don't contain the {@code import} keyword, it * will be added properly. * * @param codeSnippet The code snippet. * @return A well formatted string containing all imports. */ protected String getImports(final CodeSnippet codeSnippet) throws IOException { final StringJoiner imports = new StringJoiner("\n"); try (final StringReader stringReader = new StringReader(codeSnippet.getProperties().get(IMPORTS_PROPERTY)); final BufferedReader reader = new DefaultCharsetReader(stringReader)) { reader.lines() .filter(line -> !line.trim().isEmpty()) .forEach(line -> imports.add(formatImportLine(line))); } return imports.toString(); } /** * Format an import line by make sure it starts with the {@code import} keyword. * @param importLine The import line to format. * @return A well formatted import line. */ protected String formatImportLine(final String importLine) { final String importLineBeginning = "import "; String formattedImportLine; if(importLine.startsWith(importLineBeginning)) { formattedImportLine = importLine; } else { formattedImportLine = importLineBeginning.concat(importLine); } return formattedImportLine; } /** * Get the definition of the class. * @param codeSnippet The code snippet. */ protected String getStartModuleDefinition(final CodeSnippet codeSnippet) { return "module ".concat(determineModuleName(codeSnippet)); } /** * Determine the module name of the code snippet. It looks inside the code snippet's properties and check the value * of the {@link #MODULE_NAME_PROPERTY} property. If {@code null} or empty, {@code Snippet} will be returned. * @param codeSnippet The code snippet. * @return The module name of the code snippet. */ protected String determineModuleName(final CodeSnippet codeSnippet) { String moduleName = codeSnippet.getProperties().get(MODULE_NAME_PROPERTY); if(moduleName == null || moduleName.isEmpty()) moduleName = "slideshowfx.Snippet"; return moduleName; } /** * Determine if the code snippet must be wrapped inside a main method. It is determined by the presence and value of * the {@link #WRAP_IN_MAIN_PROPERTY} property. * @param codeSnippet The code snippet. * @return {@code true} if the snippet must be wrapped in main, {@code false} otherwhise. */ protected boolean mustBeWrappedInMain(final CodeSnippet codeSnippet) { final Boolean wrapInMain = codeSnippet.getProperties().containsKey(WRAP_IN_MAIN_PROPERTY) ? Boolean.parseBoolean(codeSnippet.getProperties().get(WRAP_IN_MAIN_PROPERTY)) : false; return wrapInMain; } /** * Get the start of the declaration of the main method. * @return The start of the main method. */ protected String getStartMainMethod() { return "function main = |args| {"; } /** * Get the end of the declaration of the main method. * @return The end of the main method. */ protected String getEndMainMethod() { return "}"; } /** * Get the end of the definition of the class. * @param codeSnippet The code snippet. */ protected String getEndModuleDefinition(final CodeSnippet codeSnippet) { return ""; } }