package; import; import; import; import; import; import*; import; import; import*; import; import; import; import; /** * An xsl:element element in the stylesheet. <br> */ public class XSLElement extends StyleElement { private Expression elementName; private Expression namespace = null; private String use; private AttributeSet[] attributeSets = null; private boolean inheritNamespaces = true; /** * Determine whether this node is an instruction. * * @return true - it is an instruction */ public boolean isInstruction() { return true; } /** * Determine whether this type of element is allowed to contain a template-body * * @return true: yes, it may contain a template-body */ public boolean mayContainSequenceConstructor() { return true; } public void prepareAttributes() throws XPathException { AttributeCollection atts = getAttributeList(); String nameAtt = null; String namespaceAtt = null; String validationAtt = null; String typeAtt = null; String inheritAtt = null; for (int a = 0; a < atts.getLength(); a++) { int nc = atts.getNameCode(a); String f = getNamePool().getClarkName(nc); if (f.equals(StandardNames.NAME)) { nameAtt = Whitespace.trim(atts.getValue(a)); } else if (f.equals(StandardNames.NAMESPACE)) { namespaceAtt = atts.getValue(a); } else if (f.equals(StandardNames.VALIDATION)) { validationAtt = Whitespace.trim(atts.getValue(a)); } else if (f.equals(StandardNames.TYPE)) { typeAtt = Whitespace.trim(atts.getValue(a)); } else if (f.equals(StandardNames.INHERIT_NAMESPACES)) { inheritAtt = Whitespace.trim(atts.getValue(a)); } else if (f.equals(StandardNames.USE_ATTRIBUTE_SETS)) { use = atts.getValue(a); } else { checkUnknownAttribute(nc); } } if (nameAtt == null) { reportAbsence("name"); } else { elementName = makeAttributeValueTemplate(nameAtt); if (elementName instanceof StringLiteral) { if (!NameChecker.isQName(((StringLiteral)elementName).getStringValue())) { compileError("Element name " + Err.wrap(((StringLiteral)elementName).getStringValue(), Err.ELEMENT) + " is not a valid QName", "XTDE0820"); // to prevent duplicate error messages: elementName = new StringLiteral("saxon-error-element"); } } } if (namespaceAtt != null) { namespace = makeAttributeValueTemplate(namespaceAtt); if (namespace instanceof StringLiteral) { if (!StandardURIChecker.getInstance().isValidURI(((StringLiteral)namespace).getStringValue())) { compileError("The value of the namespace attribute must be a valid URI", "XTDE0835"); } } } if (validationAtt != null && Validation.getCode(validationAtt) != Validation.STRIP) { compileError("To perform validation, a schema-aware XSLT processor is needed", "XTSE1660"); } if (typeAtt!=null) { compileError("The @type attribute is available only with a schema-aware XSLT processor", "XTSE1660"); } if (inheritAtt != null) { if (inheritAtt.equals("yes")) { inheritNamespaces = true; } else if (inheritAtt.equals("no")) { inheritNamespaces = false; } else { compileError("The @inherit-namespaces attribute has permitted values (yes, no)", "XTSE0020"); } } } public void validate(Declaration decl) throws XPathException { if (use != null) { // find any referenced attribute sets attributeSets = getAttributeSets(use, null); } elementName = typeCheck(elementName); namespace = typeCheck(namespace); } public Expression compile(Executable exec, Declaration decl) throws XPathException { NamespaceResolver nsContext = null; // deal specially with the case where the element name is known statically if (elementName instanceof StringLiteral) { CharSequence qName = ((StringLiteral)elementName).getStringValue(); String[] parts; try { parts = NameChecker.getQNameParts(qName); } catch (QNameException e) { compileError("Invalid element name: " + qName, "XTDE0820"); return null; } String nsuri = null; if (namespace instanceof StringLiteral) { nsuri = ((StringLiteral)namespace).getStringValue(); if (nsuri.length() == 0) { parts[0] = ""; } } else if (namespace == null) { nsuri = getURIForPrefix(parts[0], true); if (nsuri == null) { undeclaredNamespaceError(parts[0], "XTDE0830"); } } if (nsuri != null) { // Local name and namespace are both known statically: generate a FixedElement instruction int nameCode = getNamePool().allocate(parts[0], nsuri, parts[1]); FixedElement inst = new FixedElement(nameCode, null, inheritNamespaces); inst.setBaseURI(getBaseURI()); if (LogConfiguration.loggingIsEnabled() && LogController.traceIsEnabled()) { inst.AddTraceProperty("name", elementName); } return compileContentExpression(exec, decl, inst); } } else { // if the namespace URI must be deduced at run-time from the element name // prefix, we need to save the namespace context of the instruction if (namespace == null) { nsContext = this; } } ComputedElement inst = new ComputedElement(elementName, namespace, nsContext, inheritNamespaces); return compileContentExpression(exec, decl, inst); } private Expression compileContentExpression(Executable exec, Declaration decl, ElementCreator inst) throws XPathException { Expression content = compileSequenceConstructor(exec, decl, iterateAxis(Axis.CHILD)); if (attributeSets != null) { UseAttributeSets use = new UseAttributeSets(attributeSets); if (content == null) { content = use; } else { content = Block.makeBlock(use, content); content.setSourceLocator(this); } } if (content == null) { content = new Literal(EmptySequence.getInstance()); } inst.setContentExpression(content); return inst; } } // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. // If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at // This Source Code Form is “Incompatible With Secondary Licenses”, as defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.