package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import*; import; import; import; import; import*; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; //import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.logging.Logger; /** * The compiled form of an xsl:result-document element in the stylesheet. * <p/> * The xsl:result-document element takes an attribute href="filename". The filename will * often contain parameters, e.g. {position()} to ensure that a different file is produced * for each element instance. * <p/> * There is a further attribute "format" which determines the format of the * output file, it identifies the name of an xsl:output element containing the output * format details. In addition, individual serialization properties may be specified as attributes. * These are attribute value templates, so they may need to be computed at run-time. */ public class ResultDocument extends Instruction { private Expression href; private Expression methodExpression; private Expression content; private NamespaceResolver nsResolver; private Logger logger = Logger.getLogger("Xstl20Processor"); public final static int APPEND_CONTENT = 0; public final static int REPLACE_CONTENT = 1; /** * Create a result-document instruction * @param href href attribute of instruction * @param methodExpression format attribute of instruction * @param baseURI base URI of the instruction * @param nsResolver namespace resolver */ public ResultDocument(Expression href, Expression methodExpression, // AVT defining the output format String baseURI, NamespaceResolver nsResolver) { this.href = href; this.methodExpression = methodExpression; this.nsResolver = nsResolver; adoptChildExpression(href); if (LogConfiguration.loggingIsEnabled() && LogController.traceIsEnabled()) { this.AddTraceProperty("href", href); } } /** * Set the expression that constructs the content * @param content the expression defining the content of the result document */ public void setContentExpression(Expression content) { this.content = content; adoptChildExpression(content); } /** * Simplify an expression. This performs any static optimization (by rewriting the expression * as a different expression). The default implementation does nothing. * @param visitor an expression visitor * @return the simplified expression * @throws * if an error is discovered during expression rewriting */ public Expression simplify(ExpressionVisitor visitor) throws XPathException { content = visitor.simplify(content); href = visitor.simplify(href); return this; } public Expression typeCheck(ExpressionVisitor visitor, ItemType contextItemType) throws XPathException { content = visitor.typeCheck(content, contextItemType); adoptChildExpression(content); if (href != null) { href = visitor.typeCheck(href, contextItemType); adoptChildExpression(href); } if (methodExpression != null) { methodExpression = visitor.typeCheck(methodExpression, contextItemType); adoptChildExpression(methodExpression); } return this; } public Expression optimize(ExpressionVisitor visitor, ItemType contextItemType) throws XPathException { content = visitor.optimize(content, contextItemType); adoptChildExpression(content); if (href != null) { href = visitor.optimize(href, contextItemType); adoptChildExpression(href); } if (methodExpression != null) { methodExpression = visitor.optimize(methodExpression, contextItemType); adoptChildExpression(methodExpression); } return this; } public int getIntrinsicDependencies() { return StaticProperty.HAS_SIDE_EFFECTS; } /** * Handle promotion offers, that is, non-local tree rewrites. * @param offer The type of rewrite being offered * @throws XPathException */ protected void promoteInst(PromotionOffer offer) throws XPathException { content = doPromotion(content, offer); if (href != null) { href = doPromotion(href, offer); } } /** * Get the name of this instruction for diagnostic and tracing purposes * (the string "xsl:result-document") */ public int getInstructionNameCode() { return StandardNames.XSL_RESULT_DOCUMENT; } /** * Get the item type of the items returned by evaluating this instruction * @param th the type hierarchy cache * @return the static item type of the instruction. This is empty: the result-document instruction * returns nothing. */ public ItemType getItemType(TypeHierarchy th) { return EmptySequenceTest.getInstance(); } /** * Get all the XPath expressions associated with this instruction * (in XSLT terms, the expression present on attributes of the instruction, * as distinct from the child instructions in a sequence construction) */ public Iterator<Expression> iterateSubExpressions() { ArrayList list = new ArrayList(6); list.add(content); if (href != null) { list.add(href); } if (methodExpression != null) { list.add(methodExpression); } return list.iterator(); } /** * Replace one subexpression by a replacement subexpression * @param original the original subexpression * @param replacement the replacement subexpression * @return true if the original subexpression is found */ public boolean replaceSubExpression(Expression original, Expression replacement) { boolean found = false; if (content == original) { content = replacement; found = true; } if (href == original) { href = replacement; found = true; } return found; } /** * Return a valid URI - event if base URI is not set */ public static String getValidAbsoluteURI(Controller controller, String href) throws XPathException { String baseURI = (controller.getBaseOutputURI() != null && controller.getBaseOutputURI().length() > 0)? controller.getBaseOutputURI() : Document.get().getURL(); try { return ResolveURI.makeAbsolute(href, baseURI).toString(); } catch (URI.URISyntaxException ue) { throw new XPathException(ue.getMessage()); } } public TailCall processLeavingTail(XPathContext context) throws XPathException { final Controller controller = context.getController(); final APIcommand command = controller.getApiCommand(); XPathContext c2 = context.newMinorContext(); int action = APPEND_CONTENT; if (methodExpression != null) { String method = methodExpression.evaluateAsString(context).toString(); StructuredQName methodQ; if (method.indexOf(':') >= 0) { methodQ = StructuredQName.fromLexicalQName(method, false, nsResolver); } else { methodQ = new StructuredQName("", "", method); } if ("replace-content".equals(methodQ.getLocalName())) { // TODO: check the namespace URI is NamespaceConstant.IXSL action = REPLACE_CONTENT; } } String hrefValue = null; if (href != null) { hrefValue = href.evaluateAsString(context).toString(); } else if (command == APIcommand.UPDATE_HTML) { throw new XPathException("html update - no href value for result-document instruction"); } else { hrefValue = "result" + (controller.getResultDocumentCount() + 1); } NodeInfo target = null; Node targetNode = null; String contextNodeName = ""; String absURI = ""; if (command == APIcommand.TRANSFORM_TO_DOCUMENT) { absURI = getValidAbsoluteURI(controller, hrefValue); targetNode = XMLDOM.createDocument(absURI); } else if (command == APIcommand.TRANSFORM_TO_FRAGMENT || command == APIcommand.TRANSFORM_TO_HTML_FRAGMENT){ absURI = getValidAbsoluteURI(controller, hrefValue); targetNode = HTMLDocumentWrapper.createDocumentFragment((Document)controller.getTargetNode()); } else if (hrefValue.startsWith("#")) { hrefValue = hrefValue.substring(1); targetNode = ((Document)controller.getTargetNode()).getElementById(hrefValue); //; } else if (hrefValue.startsWith("?select=")) { String select = hrefValue.substring(8); AbstractStaticContext env = new AbstractStaticContext() { public String getURIForPrefix(String prefix) throws XPathException { return null; } public Expression bindVariable(StructuredQName qName) throws XPathException { return null; } public NamespaceResolver getNamespaceResolver() { return null; } //override getFunctionLibrary to return that loaded for the prepared stylesheet public FunctionLibrary getFunctionLibrary() { return controller.getPreparedStylesheet().getFunctionLibrary(); } }; ExpressionVisitor visitor = new ExpressionVisitor(); visitor.setConfiguration(context.getConfiguration()); visitor.setExecutable(new Executable(context.getConfiguration())); visitor.setStaticContext(env); env.setConfiguration(context.getConfiguration()); Container container = (StyleElement)getSourceLocator(); Expression expr = null; try { expr = ExpressionTool.make(select, env, container, 0, Token.EOF, getSourceLocator()); } catch (Exception e) { // occurs if expression contains references to variables etc. within the dynamic context throw new XPathException("Error on evaluating (in static context) result-document href: " + hrefValue); } expr = visitor.typeCheck(expr, NodeKindTest.DOCUMENT); XPathContext c3 = context.newCleanContext(); //context for ?select expression is the html page if an external node is the context Document page = (Document)controller.getTargetNode(); //; Item cItem = context.getContextItem(); NodeInfo currentContextItem; if (cItem instanceof JSObjectValue){ currentContextItem = null; } else { currentContextItem = (NodeInfo)cItem; } boolean useCurrentContext; if (currentContextItem == null) { useCurrentContext = false; } else { useCurrentContext = (currentContextItem.getBaseURI().equals(page.getURL())); } NodeInfo contextItem; if (useCurrentContext) { contextItem = currentContextItem; if (LogConfiguration.loggingIsEnabled() && contextItem.getNodeKind() == Type.ELEMENT) { contextNodeName = controller.getNamePool().getLocalName(contextItem.getNameCode()); } } else { contextItem = new HTMLDocumentWrapper(page, page.getURL(), context.getConfiguration(), DocType.UNKNOWN); } if (LogConfiguration.loggingIsEnabled()) { contextNodeName = (contextNodeName.equals("")? "" : " context node: " + contextNodeName); } AxisIterator iterator = SingleNodeIterator.makeIterator(contextItem);; // position on the single item c3.setCurrentIterator(iterator); SequenceIterator iter = expr.iterate(c3); Item resultItem =; if (resultItem == null) {} // do nothing else if (!(resultItem instanceof NodeInfo)) { throw new XPathException("non-node returned by result-document href: " + hrefValue); } else { target = (NodeInfo)resultItem; targetNode = (; } } else if (command == APIcommand.UPDATE_HTML) { throw new XPathException("expected '?select=' or '#' at start of result-document href, found: " + hrefValue); } if (targetNode == null) { logger.warning("result-document target not found for href: " + hrefValue + contextNodeName); return null; } else { logger.fine("processing result-document for href: " + hrefValue + contextNodeName); } //checkAcceptableUri(context, absoluteResultURI.toString()); //IFrameElement container = Document.get().createIFrameElement(); Node container = null; if (command == APIcommand.UPDATE_HTML) { container = HTMLDocumentWrapper.createDocumentFragment((Document)controller.getTargetNode()); } else { addResultDocument(context, new DocumentURI(absURI), (Document)targetNode); container = targetNode; } PipelineConfiguration pipe = controller.makePipelineConfiguration(); Receiver out = controller.openResult(pipe, c2, container, action); try { content.process(c2); out.endDocument(); } catch (XPathException err) { err.setXPathContext(context); err.maybeSetLocation(getSourceLocator()); throw err; } controller.closeResult(out, c2); if (command == APIcommand.UPDATE_HTML){ PendingUpdateList list = controller.getPendingUpdateList(); if (action == REPLACE_CONTENT && command == APIcommand.UPDATE_HTML) { int existingChildren = targetNode.getChildCount(); for (int i=0; i<existingChildren; i++) { Node child = targetNode.getChild(i); list.add(new DeleteAction(child)); } } list.add(new InsertAction(container, targetNode, InsertAction.LAST)); } //controller.setResultTree(absoluteResultURI.toString(), root); return null; } private void addResultDocument(XPathContext context, DocumentURI documentKey, Document doc) throws XPathException { Controller controller = context.getController(); if (controller.getDocumentPool().find(documentKey.toString()) != null) { dynamicError("Cannot write to a URI that has already been read: " + documentKey.toString(), "XTRE1500", context); } if (!controller.checkUniqueOutputDestination(documentKey)) { dynamicError("Cannot write more than one result document to the same URI: " + documentKey.toString(),"XTDE1490" ,context); } else { controller.addToResultDocumentPool(documentKey, doc); //controller.addUnavailableOutputDestination(documentKey); } //controller.setThereHasBeenAnExplicitResultDocument(); } } // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. // If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at // This Source Code Form is “Incompatible With Secondary Licenses”, as defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.