package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import*; import; import; import; import; import; /** * xsl:attribute element in stylesheet. <br> */ public class XSLAttribute extends XSLLeafNodeConstructor { private Expression attributeName; private Expression separator; private Expression namespace = null; public void prepareAttributes() throws XPathException { AttributeCollection atts = getAttributeList(); String nameAtt = null; String namespaceAtt = null; String selectAtt = null; String separatorAtt = null; String validationAtt = null; String typeAtt = null; for (int a=0; a<atts.getLength(); a++) { int nc = atts.getNameCode(a); String f = getNamePool().getClarkName(nc); if (f.equals(StandardNames.NAME)) { nameAtt = Whitespace.trim(atts.getValue(a)); } else if (f.equals(StandardNames.NAMESPACE)) { namespaceAtt = Whitespace.trim(atts.getValue(a)); } else if (f.equals(StandardNames.SELECT)) { selectAtt = atts.getValue(a); } else if (f.equals(StandardNames.SEPARATOR)) { separatorAtt = atts.getValue(a); } else if (f.equals(StandardNames.VALIDATION)) { validationAtt = Whitespace.trim(atts.getValue(a)); } else if (f.equals(StandardNames.TYPE)) { typeAtt = Whitespace.trim(atts.getValue(a)); } else { checkUnknownAttribute(nc); } } if (nameAtt==null) { reportAbsence("name"); return; } attributeName = makeAttributeValueTemplate(nameAtt); if (attributeName instanceof StringLiteral) { if (!NameChecker.isQName(((StringLiteral)attributeName).getStringValue())) { invalidAttributeName("Attribute name " + Err.wrap(nameAtt) + " is not a valid QName"); } if (nameAtt.equals("xmlns")) { if (namespace==null) { invalidAttributeName("Invalid attribute name: xmlns"); } } if (nameAtt.startsWith("xmlns:")) { if (namespaceAtt == null) { invalidAttributeName("Invalid attribute name: " + Err.wrap(nameAtt)); } else { // ignore the prefix "xmlns" nameAtt = nameAtt.substring(6); attributeName = new StringLiteral(nameAtt); } } } if (namespaceAtt!=null) { namespace = makeAttributeValueTemplate(namespaceAtt); if (namespace instanceof StringLiteral) { if (!StandardURIChecker.getInstance().isValidURI(((StringLiteral)namespace).getStringValue())) { compileError("The value of the namespace attribute must be a valid URI", "XTDE0865"); } } } if (selectAtt!=null) { select = makeExpression(selectAtt); } if (separatorAtt == null) { if (selectAtt == null) { separator = new StringLiteral(StringValue.EMPTY_STRING); } else { separator = new StringLiteral(StringValue.SINGLE_SPACE); } } else { separator = makeAttributeValueTemplate(separatorAtt); } if (validationAtt!=null && Validation.getCode(validationAtt) != Validation.STRIP) { compileError("To perform validation, a schema-aware XSLT processor is needed", "XTSE1660"); } if (typeAtt!=null) { compileError("The @type attribute is available only with a schema-aware XSLT processor", "XTSE1660"); } } private void invalidAttributeName(String message) throws XPathException { compileError(message, "XTDE0850"); // prevent a duplicate error message... attributeName = new StringLiteral("saxon-error-attribute"); // } } public void validate(Declaration decl) throws XPathException { attributeName = typeCheck(attributeName); namespace = typeCheck(namespace); select = typeCheck(select); separator = typeCheck(separator); super.validate(decl); } /** * Get the error code to be returned when the element has a select attribute but is not empty. * * @return the error code defined for this condition, for this particular instruction */ protected String getErrorCodeForSelectPlusContent() { return "XTSE0840"; } public Expression compile(Executable exec, Declaration decl) throws XPathException { NamespaceResolver nsContext = null; // deal specially with the case where the attribute name is known statically if (attributeName instanceof StringLiteral) { String qName = Whitespace.trim(((StringLiteral)attributeName).getStringValue()); String[] parts; try { parts = NameChecker.getQNameParts(qName); } catch (QNameException e) { // This can't happen, because of previous checks return null; } if (namespace==null) { String nsuri = ""; if (!parts[0].equals("")) { nsuri = getURIForPrefix(parts[0], false); if (nsuri == null) { undeclaredNamespaceError(parts[0], "XTSE0280"); return null; } } int nameCode = getNamePool().allocate(parts[0], nsuri, parts[1]); FixedAttribute inst = new FixedAttribute(nameCode); inst.setContainer(this); // temporarily compileContent(exec, decl, inst, separator); if (LogConfiguration.loggingIsEnabled() && LogController.traceIsEnabled()) { inst.AddTraceProperty("name", attributeName); } return inst; } else if (namespace instanceof StringLiteral) { String nsuri = ((StringLiteral)namespace).getStringValue(); if (nsuri.equals("")) { parts[0] = ""; } else if (parts[0].equals("")) { // Need to choose an arbitrary prefix // First see if the requested namespace is declared in the stylesheet AxisIterator iter = iterateAxis(Axis.NAMESPACE); while (true) { NodeInfo ns = (NodeInfo); if (ns == null) { break; } if (ns.getStringValue().equals(nsuri)) { parts[0] = ns.getLocalPart(); break; } } // Otherwise see the URI is known to the namepool if (parts[0].equals("")) { String p = getNamePool().suggestPrefixForURI( ((StringLiteral)namespace).getStringValue()); if (p != null) { parts[0] = p; } } // Otherwise choose something arbitrary. This will get changed // if it clashes with another attribute if (parts[0].equals("")) { parts[0] = "ns0"; } } int nameCode = getNamePool().allocate(parts[0], nsuri, parts[1]); FixedAttribute inst = new FixedAttribute(nameCode); compileContent(exec, decl, inst, separator); if (LogConfiguration.loggingIsEnabled() && LogController.traceIsEnabled()) { inst.AddTraceProperty("name", attributeName); } return inst; } } else { // if the namespace URI must be deduced at run-time from the attribute name // prefix, we need to save the namespace context of the instruction if (namespace==null) { nsContext = this; } } ComputedAttribute inst = new ComputedAttribute( attributeName, namespace, nsContext); compileContent(exec, decl, inst, separator); if (LogConfiguration.loggingIsEnabled() && LogController.traceIsEnabled()) { inst.AddTraceProperty("name", attributeName); } return inst; } } // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. // If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at // This Source Code Form is “Incompatible With Secondary Licenses”, as defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.