package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * A StylesheetFunctionLibrary contains functions defined by the user in a stylesheet. This library is used at * compile time only, as it contains references to the actual XSLFunction objects. Binding to a function in this * library registers the function call on a fix-up list to be notified when the actual compiled function becomes * available. */ public class StylesheetFunctionLibrary implements FunctionLibrary { private PrincipalStylesheetModule stylesheet; private boolean overriding; /** * Create a FunctionLibrary that provides access to stylesheet functions * @param sheet The XSLStylesheet element of the principal stylesheet module * @param overriding set to true if this library is to contain functions specifying override="yes", * or to false if it is to contain functions specifying override="no". (XSLT uses two instances * of this class, one for overriding functions and one for non-overriding functions.) */ public StylesheetFunctionLibrary(PrincipalStylesheetModule sheet, boolean overriding) { this.stylesheet = sheet; this.overriding = overriding; } /** * Ask whether the functions in this library are "overriding" functions, that is, defined with * xsl:function override="yes". * @return true if these are overriding functions, false otherwise */ public boolean isOverriding() { return overriding; } /** * Test whether a function with a given name and arity is available; if so, return its signature. * This supports the function-available() function in XSLT; it is also used to support * higher-order functions introduced in XQuery 1.1. * * <p>This method may be called either at compile time * or at run time. If the function library is to be used only in an XQuery or free-standing XPath * environment, this method may throw an UnsupportedOperationException.</p> * @param functionName the qualified name of the function being called * @param arity The number of arguments. This is set to -1 in the case of the single-argument * function-available() function; in this case the method should return true if there is some * function of this name available for calling. * @return if a function of this name and arity is available for calling, then the type signature of the * function, as an array of sequence types in which the zeroth entry represents the return type; or a zero-length * array if the function exists but the signature is not known; or null if the function does not exist */ public boolean hasFunctionSignature(StructuredQName functionName, int arity) { return stylesheet.getFunction(functionName, arity) != null; } /** * Bind a function, given the URI and local parts of the function name, * and the list of expressions supplied as arguments. This method is called at compile * time. * @param functionName * @param staticArgs The expressions supplied statically in the function call. The intention is * that the static type of the arguments (obtainable via getItemType() and getCardinality() may * be used as part of the binding algorithm. * @param env * @param container * @return An object representing the extension function to be called, if one is found; * null if no extension function was found matching the required name and arity. * @throws if a function is found with the required name and arity, but * the implementation of the function cannot be loaded or used; or if an error occurs * while searching for the function; or if this function library "owns" the namespace containing * the function call, but no function was found. */ public Expression bind(StructuredQName functionName, Expression[] staticArgs, StaticContext env, Container container) throws XPathException { XSLFunction fn = stylesheet.getFunction(functionName, staticArgs.length); if (fn==null) { return null; } if (fn.isOverriding() != overriding) { return null; } UserFunctionCall fc = new UserFunctionCall(); fn.registerReference(fc); fc.setFunctionName(functionName); fc.setArguments(staticArgs); fc.setContainer(container); return fc; } } // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. // If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at // This Source Code Form is “Incompatible With Secondary Licenses”, as defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.