package; import; import; import; import; import; import*; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import*; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.logging.Logger; /** * This class implements Saxon-CE extension functions designed to allow interoperability between XSLT * and JavaScript. */ public class IXSLFunction extends FunctionCall { private String localName; private Logger logger = Logger.getLogger("IXSLFunction"); private static int injectCount = 0; public IXSLFunction(String localName, Expression[] arguments) { this.localName = localName; setArguments(arguments); } @Override public StructuredQName getFunctionName() { return new StructuredQName(NamespaceConstant.IXSL, "", localName); } @Override protected void checkArguments(ExpressionVisitor visitor) throws XPathException { } @Override public Expression preEvaluate(ExpressionVisitor visitor) throws XPathException { return this; } @Override public ItemType getItemType(TypeHierarchy th) { return AnyItemType.getInstance(); } @Override protected int computeCardinality() { return StaticProperty.ALLOWS_ZERO_OR_MORE; } @Override protected int computeSpecialProperties() { return StaticProperty.HAS_SIDE_EFFECTS; } private static native JavaScriptObject jsWindow() /*-{ return $wnd; }-*/; /** * Call a JavaScript function (a method on a JavaScript object) * @param target the JavaScript object owning the method * @param member the name of the function to be called as a string * @param arguments the arguments to the method call * @return the result of evaluating the expression. To ensure that this is always * an Object, it is returned as a type/value pair */ private static native JavaScriptObject jsCall(JavaScriptObject target, String member, JavaScriptObject arguments) /*-{ var v = target[member].apply(target, arguments); return { type: typeof v, value: v} }-*/; private static native Object jsProperty(JavaScriptObject target, String member) /*-{ return target[member]; }-*/; /** * Set a JavaScript property value (a property of a JavaScript object) * @param target the JavaScript object owning the method * @param member the name of the property to be fetched as a string - may be * a chained set of properties e.g. loction.href */ public static native void setProperty(JavaScriptObject target, String member, Object value) /*-{ var props = member.split('.'); var newTarget = target; for (var count = 0; count < props.length - 1; count++){ newTarget = newTarget[props[count]]; } newTarget[props[props.length -1]] = value; }-*/; /** * Get a JavaScript property (a property of a JavaScript object) * @param target the JavaScript object owning the method * @param member the name of the property to be fetched as a string - may be * a chained set of properties e.g. loction.href * @return the result of evaluating the expression. To ensure that this is always * an Object, it is returned as a type/value pair */ private static native JavaScriptObject jsSplitPropertyTypeAndValue(JavaScriptObject target, String member) /*-{ var props = member.split('.'); var v = target; for (var count = 0; count < props.length; count++){ v = v[props[count]]; } return { type: typeof v, value: v} }-*/; private static native double jsNumberProperty(JavaScriptObject target, String member) /*-{ return target[member]; }-*/; private static native boolean jsBooleanProperty(JavaScriptObject target, String member) /*-{ return target[member]; }-*/; public static native JavaScriptObject jsArray(int length) /*-{ return new Array(length); }-*/; public static native void jsSetArrayItem(JavaScriptObject array, int index, Object value) /*-{ array[index] = value; }-*/; private static native Object jsGetArrayItem(JavaScriptObject array, int index) /*-{ return array[index]; }-*/; private static native int jsGetArrayLength(JavaScriptObject array) /*-{ return array.length; }-*/; /** * Special issues with determining if an array - because other object * types such as Window are represented as arrays of length 1 */ private static native boolean isJsArray(JavaScriptObject obj) /*-{ return (obj.length != undefined); }-*/; @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public static SequenceIterator convertFromJavaScript(Object jsValue, Configuration config) { if (jsValue == null) { return EmptyIterator.getInstance(); } else if (jsValue instanceof String) { return SingletonIterator.makeIterator(new StringValue((String)jsValue)); } else if (jsValue instanceof Double) { return SingletonIterator.makeIterator(new DoubleValue((Double)jsValue)); } else if (jsValue instanceof Boolean) { return SingletonIterator.makeIterator(BooleanValue.get((Boolean)jsValue)); } else if (!(jsValue instanceof JavaScriptObject)) { return EmptyIterator.getInstance(); } JavaScriptObject jsObj = (JavaScriptObject)jsValue; short nodeType = getNodeType(jsObj); if (nodeType == -1) { if (isJsArray(jsObj) && jsGetArrayLength(jsObj) > 1) { return new JsArrayIterator((JsArray)jsObj, config); } else { return SingletonIterator.makeIterator(new JSObjectValue(jsObj)); } } page = ((Node)jsValue).getOwnerDocument(); if (page == null ) { doc = (Document)jsValue; DocType jsDocType = (doc == Document.get())? DocType.UNKNOWN : DocType.NONHTML; HTMLDocumentWrapper docWrapper = new HTMLDocumentWrapper(doc, doc.getURL(), config, jsDocType); return SingletonIterator.makeIterator(docWrapper); } else { DocType jsDocType = (page == Document.get())? DocType.UNKNOWN : DocType.NONHTML; HTMLDocumentWrapper htmlDoc = new HTMLDocumentWrapper(page, page.getURL(), config, jsDocType); HTMLNodeWrapper htmlNode = htmlDoc.wrap((Node) jsValue); return SingletonIterator.makeIterator(htmlNode); } } private static native short getNodeType(JavaScriptObject obj) /*-{ var out = obj.nodeType; return (out == null) ? -1 : out; }-*/; public static Object convertToJavaScript(ValueRepresentation val) throws XPathException { if (val == null || val instanceof EmptySequence) { return null; } if (val instanceof Item) { if (val instanceof StringValue) { return ((StringValue)val).getStringValue(); } else if (val instanceof BooleanValue) { return ((BooleanValue)val).getBooleanValue(); } else if (val instanceof NumericValue) { return ((NumericValue)val).getDoubleValue(); } else if (val instanceof HTMLNodeWrapper) { return ((HTMLNodeWrapper)val).getUnderlyingNode(); } else if (val instanceof JSObjectValue) { return ((JSObjectValue)val).getJavaScriptObject(); } else { throw new XPathException("Cannot convert " + val.getClass() + " to Javascript object"); } } else { int seqLength = ((Value)val).getLength(); if (seqLength == 0) { return null; } else if (seqLength == 1) { return convertToJavaScript(((Value)val).asItem()); } else { return convertSequenceToArray(val, seqLength); } } } private static JavaScriptObject convertSequenceToArray(ValueRepresentation val, int seqLength) throws XPathException { JavaScriptObject jsItems = jsArray(seqLength); SequenceIterator iterator = Value.getIterator(val); int i = 0; while (true) { Item item =; if (item == null) { break; } Object jsObject = convertToJavaScript(item); jsSetArrayItem(jsItems, i, jsObject); i++; } return jsItems; } private Object getValueFromTypeValuePair(JavaScriptObject pair) { String type = (String)jsProperty(pair, "type"); if ("number".equals(type)) { return new Double(jsNumberProperty(pair, "value")); } else if ("boolean".equals(type)) { return Boolean.valueOf(jsBooleanProperty(pair, "value")); } else { return jsProperty(pair, "value"); } } private SequenceIterator evaluateJsFunction(String script, XPathContext context) throws XPathException { injectCount++; String fnName = "fnName" + injectCount; script = script.trim(); String fnScript = "function " + fnName + "() { return " + script + "; }"; JSObjectValue item = new JSObjectValue(jsWindow()); JavaScriptObject target = (JavaScriptObject)convertToJavaScript(item); ScriptInjector.FromString fs = new ScriptInjector.FromString(fnScript); fs.setWindow(target); fs.inject(); JavaScriptObject jsArgs = jsArray(0); try { Object result = getValueFromTypeValuePair(jsCall(target, fnName, jsArgs)); return convertFromJavaScript(result, context.getConfiguration()); } catch(JavaScriptException jexc) { throw(new XPathException("JavaScriptException: " + jexc.getDescription() + "\noccurred on evaluating:\n" + script)); } } public SequenceIterator iterate(XPathContext context) throws XPathException { try { if (localName.equals("window")) { Item item = new JSObjectValue(jsWindow()); return SingletonIterator.makeIterator(item); } else if (localName.equals("eval")) { String script = argument[0].evaluateAsString(context).toString(); return evaluateJsFunction(script, context); } else if (localName.equals("call")) { ValueRepresentation itemVal = (ValueRepresentation)argument[0].evaluateItem(context); JavaScriptObject target = (JavaScriptObject)convertToJavaScript(itemVal); if (target != null) { String method = argument[1].evaluateAsString(context).toString(); JavaScriptObject jsArgs = jsArray(argument.length - 2); for (int i=2; i<argument.length; i++) { ValueRepresentation val = SequenceExtent.makeSequenceExtent(argument[i].iterate(context)); jsSetArrayItem(jsArgs, i-2, convertToJavaScript(val)); } // Issue: if following throws an exception - GWT doesn't always allow it to be caught - it's rethrown // as a GWT unhandled exception try { JavaScriptObject jsObj = jsCall(target, method, jsArgs); Object result = getValueFromTypeValuePair(jsObj); return convertFromJavaScript(result, context.getConfiguration()); } catch(Exception e) { boolean doRetry = false; // try again setting any null values to zero-length arrays for (int i = 0; i < argument.length - 2; i++) { if (jsGetArrayItem(jsArgs, i) == null) { jsSetArrayItem(jsArgs, i, jsArray(0)); doRetry = true; } } if (doRetry) { try { Object result = getValueFromTypeValuePair(jsCall(target, method, jsArgs)); return convertFromJavaScript(result, context.getConfiguration()); } catch(Exception e2) {} } // if we get this far then throw exception - recovery failed throw(new XPathException("JavaScriptException in ixsl:call(): Object does not support property or method '" + method + "' with " + (argument.length - 2) + " argument(s).")); } } else { throw(new XPathException("JavaScriptException in ixsl:call(): Call target object is null or undefined")); } } else if (localName.equals("get")) { ValueRepresentation itemVal = (ValueRepresentation)argument[0].evaluateItem(context); JavaScriptObject target = (JavaScriptObject)convertToJavaScript(itemVal); if (target != null) { String property = argument[1].evaluateAsString(context).toString(); Object result; try { result = getValueFromTypeValuePair(jsSplitPropertyTypeAndValue(target, property)); } catch(Exception e) { throw(new XPathException("JavaScriptException in ixsl:get() for property: " + property)); } return convertFromJavaScript(result, context.getConfiguration()); } else { throw(new XPathException("JavaScriptException in ixsl:get(): Get target object is null or undefined")); } } else if (localName.equals("page")) { return SingletonIterator.makeIterator(context.getConfiguration().getHostPage()); } else if (localName.equals("source")) { return SingletonIterator.makeIterator(context.getController().getSourceNode()); } else if (localName.equals("event")) { Event event = (Event)context.getController().getUserData("Saxon-CE", "current-event"); return SingletonIterator.makeIterator(new JSObjectValue(event)); } else if (localName.equals("parse-xml")) { String data = argument[0].evaluateAsString(context).toString(); return convertFromJavaScript(XMLDOM.parseXML(data), context.getConfiguration()); }else { // previously there was no warning - strictly - this should be caught at compile time logger.warning("No such IXSL function: '" + localName + "' - empty sequence returned"); return EmptyIterator.getInstance(); } // end of else } // end of try block catch(XPathException e) { e.maybeSetLocation(this.getSourceLocator()); e.maybeSetContext(context); throw e; } catch(Exception e) { XPathException xe = new XPathException("Exception in ixsl:" + localName + "() " + e.getMessage()); xe.maybeSetLocation(this.getSourceLocator()); xe.maybeSetContext(context); throw xe; } } } // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. // If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at // This Source Code Form is “Incompatible With Secondary Licenses”, as defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.