/** * Copyright (c) 2012, Andy Janata * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted * provided that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions * and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of * conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided * with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY * WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ package net.socialgamer.cah; import java.lang.annotation.Retention; import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; import net.socialgamer.cah.data.Game; /** * Constants needed on both the CAH server and client. This file is examined with reflection to * produce a Javascript version for the client to use. * * All of the enums in here take a string in their constructor to define the over-the-wire value to * be used to represent that enum value. This allows for verbose names while debugging, and short * names to reduce traffic and latency, by only having to change it in one place for both the server * and client. * * @author Andy Janata (ajanata@socialgamer.net) */ public class Constants { public static final int CHAT_FLOOD_MESSAGE_COUNT = 4; public static final int CHAT_FLOOD_TIME = 30 * 1000; public static final int CHAT_MAX_LENGTH = 200; @SuppressWarnings("serial") public static final Set<String> ADMIN_IP_ADDRESSES = new HashSet<String>() { { add("0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1"); add(""); // ajanata add(""); } }; /** * Enums that implement this interface are valid keys for data returned to clients. */ public interface ReturnableData { } /** * Enums that implement this interface have a user-visible string associated with them. * * There presently is not support for localization, but the name fits. */ public interface Localizable { /** * @return The user-visible string that is associated with this enum value. */ public String getString(); } /** * Enums that implement this interface have two user-visible strings associated with them. * * There presently is not support for localization, but the name fits. */ public interface DoubleLocalizable { /** * @return The first user-visible string that is associated with this enum value. */ public String getString(); /** * @return The second user-visible string that is associated with this enum value. */ public String getString2(); } /** * Reason why a client disconnected. */ public enum DisconnectReason { /** * The client was banned by the server administrator. */ BANNED("B&"), /** * The client made no user-caused requests within the timeout window. */ IDLE_TIMEOUT("it"), /** * The client was kicked by the server administrator. */ KICKED("k"), /** * The user clicked the "log out" button. */ MANUAL("man"), /** * The client failed to make any queries within the timeout window. */ PING_TIMEOUT("pt"); private final String reason; DisconnectReason(final String reason) { this.reason = reason; } @Override public String toString() { return reason; } } /** * The next thing the client should do during reconnect phase. * * Leaving these as longer strings as they are only used once per client. */ public enum ReconnectNextAction { /** * The client should load a game as part of the reconnect process. */ GAME("game"), /** * There is nothing for the client to reload, perhaps because they were not in any special * state, or they are a new client. */ NONE("none"); private final String action; ReconnectNextAction(final String action) { this.action = action; } @Override public String toString() { return action; } } /** * Valid client request operations. */ public enum AjaxOperation { ADMIN_SET_VERBOSE_LOG("svl"), BAN("b"), CARDCAST_ADD_CARDSET("cac"), CARDCAST_LIST_CARDSETS("clc"), CARDCAST_REMOVE_CARDSET("crc"), CHANGE_GAME_OPTIONS("cgo"), CHAT("c"), CREATE_GAME("cg"), FIRST_LOAD("fl"), GAME_CHAT("GC"), GAME_LIST("ggl"), /** * Get all cards for a particular game: black, hand, and round white cards. */ GET_CARDS("gc"), GET_GAME_INFO("ggi"), JOIN_GAME("jg"), SPECTATE_GAME("vg"), JUDGE_SELECT("js"), KICK("K"), LEAVE_GAME("lg"), LOG_OUT("lo"), /** * Get the names of all clients connected to the server. */ NAMES("gn"), PLAY_CARD("pc"), REGISTER("r"), SCORE("SC"), START_GAME("sg"), STOP_GAME("Sg"); private final String op; AjaxOperation(final String op) { this.op = op; } @Override public String toString() { return op; } } /** * Parameters for client requests. */ public enum AjaxRequest { CARD_ID("cid"), CARDCAST_ID("cci"), EMOTE("me"), GAME_ID("gid"), GAME_OPTIONS("go"), MESSAGE("m"), NICKNAME("n"), OP("o"), PASSWORD("pw"), SERIAL("s"), WALL("wall"); private final String field; AjaxRequest(final String field) { this.field = field; } @Override public String toString() { return field; } } /** * Keys for client request responses. */ public enum AjaxResponse implements ReturnableData { BLACK_CARD("bc"), @DuplicationAllowed CARD_ID(AjaxRequest.CARD_ID), CARD_SETS("css"), ERROR("e"), ERROR_CODE("ec"), @DuplicationAllowed GAME_ID(AjaxRequest.GAME_ID), GAME_INFO("gi"), @DuplicationAllowed GAME_OPTIONS(AjaxRequest.GAME_OPTIONS), GAMES("gl"), HAND("h"), /** * Whether this client is reconnecting or not. */ IN_PROGRESS("ip"), MAX_GAMES("mg"), NAMES("nl"), /** * Next thing that should be done in reconnect process. Used once, long string OK. */ NEXT("next"), @DuplicationAllowed NICKNAME(AjaxRequest.NICKNAME), PLAYER_INFO("pi"), @DuplicationAllowed SERIAL(AjaxRequest.SERIAL), WHITE_CARDS("wc"); private final String field; AjaxResponse(final String field) { this.field = field; } AjaxResponse(final Enum<?> field) { this.field = field.toString(); } @Override public String toString() { return field; } } public enum ErrorInformation implements ReturnableData { BLACK_CARDS_PRESENT("bcp"), BLACK_CARDS_REQUIRED("bcr"), WHITE_CARDS_PRESENT("wcp"), WHITE_CARDS_REQUIRED("wcr"); private final String code; ErrorInformation(final String code) { this.code = code; } @Override public String toString() { return code; } } /** * Client request and long poll response errors. */ public enum ErrorCode implements Localizable { ACCESS_DENIED("ad", "Access denied."), ALREADY_STARTED("as", "The game has already started."), ALREADY_STOPPED("aS", "The game has already stopped."), BAD_OP("bo", "Invalid operation."), BAD_REQUEST("br", "Bad request."), @DuplicationAllowed BANNED(DisconnectReason.BANNED, "Banned."), CANNOT_JOIN_ANOTHER_GAME("cjag", "You cannot join another game."), CARDCAST_CANNOT_FIND("ccf", "Cannot find Cardcast deck with given ID. If you just added this" + " deck to Cardcast, wait a few minutes and try again."), CARDCAST_INVALID_ID("cii", "Invalid Cardcast ID. Must be exactly 5 characters."), DO_NOT_HAVE_CARD("dnhc", "You don't have that card."), GAME_FULL("gf", "That game is full. Join another."), INVALID_CARD("ic", "Invalid card specified."), INVALID_GAME("ig", "Invalid game specified."), /** * TODO this probably should be pulled in from a static inside the RegisterHandler. */ INVALID_NICK("in", "Nickname must contain only upper and lower case letters, " + "numbers, or underscores, must be 3 to 30 characters long, and must not start with a " + "number."), /** * TODO this probably should be pulled in from a static inside the ChatHandler. */ MESSAGE_TOO_LONG("mtl", "Messages cannot be longer than " + CHAT_MAX_LENGTH + " characters."), NICK_IN_USE("niu", "Nickname is already in use."), NO_CARD_SPECIFIED("ncs", "No card specified."), NO_GAME_SPECIFIED("ngs", "No game specified."), NO_MSG_SPECIFIED("nms", "No message specified."), NO_NICK_SPECIFIED("nns", "No nickname specified."), NO_SESSION("ns", "Session not detected. Make sure you have cookies enabled."), NO_SUCH_USER("nsu", "No such user."), NOT_ADMIN("na", "You are not an administrator."), NOT_ENOUGH_CARDS("nec", "You must add card sets containing at least " + Game.MINIMUM_BLACK_CARDS + " black cards and " + Game.MINIMUM_WHITE_CARDS_PER_PLAYER + " times the player limit white cards."), NOT_ENOUGH_PLAYERS("nep", "There are not enough players to start the game."), NOT_GAME_HOST("ngh", "Only the game host can do that."), NOT_IN_THAT_GAME("nitg", "You are not in that game."), NOT_JUDGE("nj", "You are not the judge."), NOT_REGISTERED("nr", "Not registered. Refresh the page."), NOT_YOUR_TURN("nyt", "It is not your turn to play a card."), OP_NOT_SPECIFIED("ons", "Operation not specified."), RESERVED_NICK("rn", "That nick is reserved."), SERVER_ERROR("serr", "An error occured on the server."), SESSION_EXPIRED("se", "Your session has expired. Refresh the page."), TOO_FAST("tf", "You are chatting too fast. Wait a few seconds and try again."), TOO_MANY_GAMES("tmg", "There are too many games already in progress. Either join " + "an existing game, or wait for one to become available."), TOO_MANY_USERS("tmu", "There are too many users connected. Either join another server, or " + "wait for a user to disconnect."), WRONG_PASSWORD("wp", "That password is incorrect."); private final String code; private final String message; /** * @param code * Error code to send over the wire to the client. * @param message * Message the client should display for the error code. */ ErrorCode(final String code, final String message) { this.code = code; this.message = message; } ErrorCode(final Enum<?> code, final String message) { this.code = code.toString(); this.message = message; } @Override public String toString() { return code; } @Override public String getString() { return message; } } /** * Events that can be returned in a long poll response. */ public enum LongPollEvent { @DuplicationAllowed BANNED(DisconnectReason.BANNED), @DuplicationAllowed CARDCAST_ADD_CARDSET(AjaxOperation.CARDCAST_ADD_CARDSET), @DuplicationAllowed CARDCAST_REMOVE_CARDSET(AjaxOperation.CARDCAST_REMOVE_CARDSET), @DuplicationAllowed CHAT(AjaxOperation.CHAT), GAME_BLACK_RESHUFFLE("gbr"), GAME_JUDGE_LEFT("gjl"), GAME_JUDGE_SKIPPED("gjs"), GAME_LIST_REFRESH("glr"), GAME_OPTIONS_CHANGED("goc"), GAME_PLAYER_INFO_CHANGE("gpic"), GAME_PLAYER_JOIN("gpj"), GAME_PLAYER_KICKED_IDLE("gpki"), GAME_PLAYER_LEAVE("gpl"), GAME_PLAYER_SKIPPED("gps"), GAME_SPECTATOR_JOIN("gvj"), GAME_SPECTATOR_LEAVE("gvl"), GAME_ROUND_COMPLETE("grc"), GAME_STATE_CHANGE("gsc"), GAME_WHITE_RESHUFFLE("gwr"), HAND_DEAL("hd"), HURRY_UP("hu"), @DuplicationAllowed KICKED(DisconnectReason.KICKED), KICKED_FROM_GAME_IDLE("kfgi"), NEW_PLAYER("np"), /** * There has been no other action to inform the client about in a certain timeframe, so inform * the client that we have nothing to inform them so the client doesn't think we went away. */ NOOP("_"), PLAYER_LEAVE("pl"); private final String event; LongPollEvent(final String event) { this.event = event; } LongPollEvent(final Enum<?> event) { this.event = event.toString(); } @Override public String toString() { return event; } } /** * Data keys that can be in a long poll response. */ public enum LongPollResponse implements ReturnableData { @DuplicationAllowed BLACK_CARD(AjaxResponse.BLACK_CARD), CARDCAST_DECK_INFO("cdi"), @DuplicationAllowed EMOTE(AjaxRequest.EMOTE), @DuplicationAllowed ERROR(AjaxResponse.ERROR), @DuplicationAllowed ERROR_CODE(AjaxResponse.ERROR_CODE), EVENT("E"), /** * Player a chat message is from. */ FROM("f"), /** * A chat message is from an admin. This is going to be done with IP addresses for now. */ FROM_ADMIN("fa"), @DuplicationAllowed GAME_ID(AjaxResponse.GAME_ID), @DuplicationAllowed GAME_INFO(AjaxResponse.GAME_INFO), GAME_STATE("gs"), @DuplicationAllowed HAND(AjaxResponse.HAND), /** * The delay until the next game round begins. */ INTERMISSION("i"), @DuplicationAllowed MESSAGE(AjaxRequest.MESSAGE), @DuplicationAllowed NICKNAME(AjaxRequest.NICKNAME), PLAY_TIMER("Pt"), @DuplicationAllowed PLAYER_INFO(AjaxResponse.PLAYER_INFO), /** * Reason why a player disconnected. */ REASON("qr"), ROUND_WINNER("rw"), TIMESTAMP("ts"), @DuplicationAllowed WALL(AjaxRequest.WALL), @DuplicationAllowed WHITE_CARDS(AjaxResponse.WHITE_CARDS), WINNING_CARD("WC"); private final String field; LongPollResponse(final String field) { this.field = field; } LongPollResponse(final Enum<?> field) { this.field = field.toString(); } @Override public String toString() { return field; } } /** * Data fields for white cards. */ public enum WhiteCardData { @DuplicationAllowed ID(AjaxRequest.CARD_ID), TEXT("T"), WATERMARK("W"), WRITE_IN("wi"); private final String key; WhiteCardData(final String key) { this.key = key; } WhiteCardData(final Enum<?> key) { this.key = key.toString(); } @Override public String toString() { return key; } } /** * Data fields for black cards. */ public enum BlackCardData { DRAW("D"), @DuplicationAllowed ID(WhiteCardData.ID), PICK("PK"), @DuplicationAllowed TEXT(WhiteCardData.TEXT), @DuplicationAllowed WATERMARK(WhiteCardData.WATERMARK); private final String key; BlackCardData(final String key) { this.key = key; } BlackCardData(final Enum<?> key) { this.key = key.toString(); } @Override public String toString() { return key; } } /** * Data fields for card sets. */ public enum CardSetData { BASE_DECK("bd"), BLACK_CARDS_IN_DECK("bcid"), CARD_SET_DESCRIPTION("csd"), CARD_SET_NAME("csn"), @DuplicationAllowed ID(WhiteCardData.ID), WEIGHT("w"), WHITE_CARDS_IN_DECK("wcid"); private final String key; CardSetData(final String key) { this.key = key; } CardSetData(final Enum<?> key) { this.key = key.toString(); } @Override public String toString() { return key; } } /** * A game's current state. */ public enum GameState implements Localizable { DEALING("d", "In Progress"), JUDGING("j", "In Progress"), LOBBY("l", "Not Started"), PLAYING("p", "In Progress"), ROUND_OVER("ro", "In Progress"); private final String state; private final String message; GameState(final String state, final String message) { this.state = state; this.message = message; } @Override public String toString() { return state; } @Override public String getString() { return message; } } /** * Fields for information about a game. */ public enum GameInfo { HOST("H"), @DuplicationAllowed ID(AjaxRequest.GAME_ID), @DuplicationAllowed GAME_OPTIONS(AjaxRequest.GAME_OPTIONS), HAS_PASSWORD("hp"), PLAYERS("P"), SPECTATORS("V"), STATE("S"); private final String key; GameInfo(final String key) { this.key = key; } GameInfo(final Enum<?> key) { this.key = key.toString(); } @Override public String toString() { return key; } } /** * Fields for options about a game. */ public enum GameOptionData { BLANKS_LIMIT("bl"), @DuplicationAllowed CARD_SETS(AjaxResponse.CARD_SETS), @DuplicationAllowed PASSWORD(AjaxRequest.PASSWORD), PLAYER_LIMIT("pL"), SPECTATOR_LIMIT("vL"), SCORE_LIMIT("sl"), TIMER_MULTIPLIER("tm"); private final String key; GameOptionData(final String key) { this.key = key; } GameOptionData(final Enum<?> key) { this.key = key.toString(); } @Override public String toString() { return key; } } /** * Keys for the information about players in a game. */ public enum GamePlayerInfo { NAME("N"), SCORE("sc"), STATUS("st"); private final String key; GamePlayerInfo(final String key) { this.key = key; } @Override public String toString() { return key; } } /** * States that a player in a game can be in. The first client string is displayed in the * scoreboard, and the second one is displayed in a banner at the top, telling the user what to * do. */ public enum GamePlayerStatus implements DoubleLocalizable { HOST("sh", "Host", "Wait for players then click Start Game."), IDLE("si", "", "Waiting for players..."), JUDGE("sj", "Card Czar", "You are the Card Czar."), JUDGING("sjj", "Selecting", "Select a winning card."), PLAYING("sp", "Playing", "Select a card to play."), WINNER("sw", "Winner!", "You have won!"), SPECTATOR("sv", "Spectator", "You are just spectating."); private final String status; private final String message; private final String message2; GamePlayerStatus(final String status, final String message, final String message2) { this.status = status; this.message = message; this.message2 = message2; } @Override public String toString() { return status; } @Override public String getString() { return message; } @Override public String getString2() { return message2; } } /** * Attributes stored in a client session. */ public class SessionAttribute { public static final String USER = "user"; } /** * Mark an enum value as being allowed to be the same as another enum value. Should only be used * when another enum's value is directly used as the value. This will prevent the test from * flagging it as an invalid reuse. */ @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) public @interface DuplicationAllowed { } }