package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.channels.FileChannel; public final class FileIO { public final byte[] getByteFile(File file) throws IOException { return getBytes(file); } public final byte[] getBytes(File file) throws IOException { FileInputStream fis = null; try { fis = new FileInputStream(file); return getInputStreamBytes(fis); } finally { try { if (fis != null) fis.close(); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.debug(e); } } // return null; } public final byte[] getByteFileSafe(File file) { try { return getByteFile(file); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.debug(e); return null; } } public final String getTextFile(File file) throws IOException { return new String(getByteFile(file)); } public final String getTextFileSafe(File file) { try { return new String(getByteFile(file)); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.debug(e); return null; } } public final byte[] getLocalByteFileNIO(File file) /**/ { FileInputStream fis = null; FileChannel fFileChannel = null; try { byte result[] = new byte[(int) file.length()]; fis = new FileInputStream(file); fFileChannel = fis.getChannel(); int length = (int) file.length(); // int segment_size = 1024 * 4096; // ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(segment_size); ByteBuffer buf = getByteBuffer(nio_segment_size); // byte bytes[] = new byte[segment_size]; buf.rewind(); int numRead = 0; int total = 0; while ((numRead >= 0) && (total < length)) { // Read bytes from the channel numRead =; if (numRead > 0) { buf.flip(); buf.get(result, total, numRead); buf.flip(); } total += numRead; // System.out.println("numRead: " + numRead + " total: " + // total); buf.rewind(); } // return buf.array(); return result; } catch (Exception e) { Debug.debug(e); } finally { try { if (fFileChannel != null) fFileChannel.close(); if (fis != null) fis.close(); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.debug(e); } } return null; } public final File writeBytesToUniqueFile(byte[] src, String prefix, String suffix, File directory) throws IOException { File result = File.createTempFile(prefix, suffix, directory); writeToFile(src, result); return result; } public final File writeToFile(byte[] src, String prefix, String suffix, File directory) throws IOException { File result = new File(directory, prefix + suffix); result.createNewFile(); writeToFile(src, result); return result; } // public final void copyFileToFile(File src, File dst) throws IOException // { // FileInputStream stream = null; // // try // { // stream = new FileInputStream(src); // // putInputStreamToFile(stream, dst); // } // // catch (IOException e) // // { // // Debug.debug(e); // // // // throw e; // // } // finally // { // try // { // if (stream != null) // stream.close(); // } // catch (Exception e) // { // Debug.debug(e); // // } // } // } private boolean copy_to_file_io(File src, File dst) throws IOException { InputStream is = null; OutputStream os = null; try { // Create channel on the source is = new FileInputStream(src); is = new BufferedInputStream(is); // Create channel on the destination os = new FileOutputStream(dst); os = new BufferedOutputStream(os); byte buffer[] = new byte[1024 * 64]; int read; while ((read = > 0) { os.write(buffer, 0, read); } // // Close the channels // is.close(); // os.close(); return true; } // catch (IOException e) // { // Debug.debug(e); // // return false; // } finally { try { if (is != null) is.close(); } catch (IOException e) { Debug.debug(e); } try { if (os != null) os.close(); } catch (IOException e) { Debug.debug(e); } } } public boolean copyToFile(File src, File dst) throws IOException { return copy_to_file_nio(src, dst); } public boolean copyToFileSafe(File src, File dst) { try { return copyToFile(src, dst); } catch (IOException e) { Debug.debug(e); return false; } } private final boolean copy_to_file_nio(File src, File dst) throws IOException { FileChannel srcChannel = null, dstChannel = null; try { // Create channel on the source srcChannel = new FileInputStream(src).getChannel(); // Create channel on the destination dstChannel = new FileOutputStream(dst).getChannel(); // // Copy file contents from source to destination // dstChannel.transferFrom(srcChannel, 0, srcChannel.size()); { // long theoretical_max = (64 * 1024 * 1024) - (32 * 1024); int safe_max = (64 * 1024 * 1024) / 4; long size = srcChannel.size(); long position = 0; while (position < size) { position += srcChannel.transferTo(position, safe_max, dstChannel); } } // Close the channels // srcChannel.close(); // dstChannel.close(); return true; } // catch (IOException e) // { // Debug.debug(e); // // return false; // } finally { try { if (srcChannel != null) srcChannel.close(); } catch (IOException e) { Debug.debug(e); } try { if (dstChannel != null) dstChannel.close(); } catch (IOException e) { Debug.debug(e); } } } public final void writeToFile(byte[] src, File file) throws IOException { ByteArrayInputStream stream = null; try { stream = new ByteArrayInputStream(src); putInputStreamToFile(stream, file); } // catch (IOException e) // { // Debug.debug(e); // // throw e; // } finally { try { if (stream != null) stream.close(); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.debug(e); } } } public void writeToFile(String s, File file) throws IOException { writeToFile(s.getBytes(), file); } public void writeToFileSafe(String s, File file) { try { writeToFile(s.getBytes(), file); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.debug(e); } } public void writeToFileSafe(byte bytes[], File file) { try { writeToFile(bytes, file); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.debug(e); } } // int segment_size = 1024 * 4096; private final int nio_segment_size = 1024 * 512; // private final int nio_segment_size = 1024 * 64; public final void writeBytesToFileNIO(byte[] src, File file) throws IOException { FileOutputStream stream = null; FileChannel fFileChannel = null; try { stream = new FileOutputStream(file); fFileChannel = stream.getChannel(); // int segment_size = 1024 * 64; // int segment_size = 1024 * 1024; // int segment_size = 1024 * 4096; ByteBuffer buf = getByteBuffer(nio_segment_size); int index = 0; while (index < src.length) { buf.rewind(); int remaining = src.length - index; int size = Math.min(nio_segment_size, remaining); if (size != buf.capacity()) { // System.out.println("reallocating segment_size: " + // segment_size + " remaining: " + remaining + // " buf.capacity(): " + buf.capacity()); buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(size); } buf.put(src, index, size); buf.flip(); int written = fFileChannel.write(buf); buf.flip(); index += written; // System.out.println("written: " + written + " index: " + // index); } } // catch (IOException e) // { // Debug.debug(e); // // throw e; // } finally { try { if (fFileChannel != null) fFileChannel.close(); if (stream != null) stream.close(); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.debug(e); } } } /**/ private ByteBuffer getByteBuffer(int size) { // if(true) // return ByteBuffer.allocate(size); try { return ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(size); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.debug("Misc getByteBuffer 1", e); } catch (Error e) { Debug.debug("Misc getByteBuffer 2", e); } return null; // return ByteBuffer.allocate(size); } public final void putInputStreamToFile(InputStream src, File file) throws IOException { FileOutputStream stream = null; try { if (file.getParentFile() != null) file.getParentFile().mkdirs(); stream = new FileOutputStream(file); copyStreamToStream(src, stream); } // catch (IOException e) // { // Debug.debug(e); // // throw e; // } finally { try { if (stream != null) stream.close(); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.debug(e); } } } // public final void putURLToFile(URL src, File file) // throws IOException // { // InputStream is = null; // // try // { // is = src.openStream(); // putInputStreamToFile(is, file); // } // finally // { // try // { // if (is != null) // is.close(); // } // catch (Exception e) // { // Debug.debug(e); // // } // } // } public final byte[] getInputStreamBytes(InputStream src) throws IOException { return getBytes(src); } public final byte[] getBytes(InputStream src) throws IOException { ByteArrayOutputStream stream = null; try { stream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(4096); copyStreamToStream(src, stream); return stream.toByteArray(); } finally { try { if (stream != null) stream.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) { } } } public final static void copyStreamToStream(InputStream src, OutputStream dst) throws IOException { copyStreamToStream(src, dst, true); } public final static void copyStreamToStream(InputStream src, OutputStream dst, boolean close_streams) throws IOException { BufferedInputStream bis = null; BufferedOutputStream bos = null; try { bis = new BufferedInputStream(src); bos = new BufferedOutputStream(dst); int count; byte[] buffer = new byte[4096]; while ((count =, 0, 4096)) > 0) dst.write(buffer, 0, count); // MATTHEW // stream.write(buffer, 0, 4096); bos.flush(); } finally { if (close_streams) { try { if (bis != null) bis.close(); } catch (IOException e) { Debug.debug(e); } try { if (bos != null) bos.close(); } catch (IOException e) { Debug.debug(e); } } } } // public final String URLAppend(String a, String b) // { // return a + '/' + b; // } // // public final String URLClean(String s) // { // // System.out.println ("URLClean: 1: " + s); // s = s.replace('\\', '/'); // int index; // // System.out.println ("URLClean: 3: " + s); // while ((index = s.indexOf("./")) >= 0) // { // s = s.substring(0, index) + s.substring(index + 2); // } // // System.out.println ("URLClean: 2: " + s); // while ((index = s.indexOf("//")) >= 0) // { // s = s.substring(0, index) + '/' + s.substring(index + 2); // } // // System.out.println ("URLClean: 4: " + s); // return s; // } public final String normalizePathRelativeToPath(String a, String b) { try { a = new File(a).getCanonicalPath(); b = new File(b).getCanonicalPath(); return a.substring(b.length()); } catch (Exception e) { } return null; } private long last = -1; public final long debugTime(String s) { long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); long diff = ((now - last)); if (last != -1) System.out.println(s + ": " + diff + " seconds"); last = now; return diff; } public class DebugTimer { private long last = -1; private long total = 0; private final long start; public DebugTimer() { start = System.currentTimeMillis(); } public final long debugTime(String s) { long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); long diff = ((now - last)); if (last != -1) System.out.println(s + ": " + diff + " seconds"); last = now; return diff; } public final long debugTimeStart(String s) { long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); long diff = ((now - start)); return diff; } public final void on() { long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); last = now; } public final void off() { long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); long diff = ((now - last)); total += diff; } public final void getTotal(String s) { System.out.println(s + ": " + total + " ms"); } } public final String getFilenameWOExtension(String src) { return getFilenameWOExtension(new File(src)); } public final String getFilenameWOExtension(File src) { String name = src.getName(); int index = name.lastIndexOf('.'); if (index < 0) return name; return name.substring(0, index); } public final File changeFileExtension(File src, String ext) { File parent = src.getParentFile(); String name = src.getName(); int index = name.lastIndexOf('.'); if (index >= 0) name = name.substring(0, index + 1); else name += '.'; name += ext; File result = new File(parent, name); /* * System.out.println("changeFileExtension src: " + src.getPath()); * System.out.println("changeFileExtension parent: " + * parent.getPath()); System.out.println("changeFileExtension ext: " + * ext); System.out.println("changeFileExtension name: " + name); * System.out.println("changeFileExtension result: " + * result.getPath()); / */ return result; } public final String padString(String s, int length, char c) { StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(); int pad = length - s.length(); for (int i = 0; i < pad; i++) result.append(c); result.append(s); return result.toString(); } }