package; /** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /* See the description in, comparing * BooleanScorer & BooleanScorer2 */ /** An alternative to BooleanScorer that also allows a minimum number * of optional scorers that should match. * <br>Implements skipTo(), and has no limitations on the numbers of added scorers. * <br>Uses ConjunctionScorer, DisjunctionScorer, ReqOptScorer and ReqExclScorer. */ class BooleanScorer2 extends Scorer { private final List<Scorer> requiredScorers; private final List<Scorer> optionalScorers; private final List<Scorer> prohibitedScorers; private class Coordinator { float[] coordFactors = null; int maxCoord = 0; // to be increased for each non prohibited scorer int nrMatchers; // to be increased by score() of match counting scorers. void init() { // use after all scorers have been added. coordFactors = new float[maxCoord + 1]; Similarity sim = getSimilarity(); for (int i = 0; i <= maxCoord; i++) { coordFactors[i] = sim.coord(i, maxCoord); } } } private final Coordinator coordinator; /** The scorer to which all scoring will be delegated, * except for computing and using the coordination factor. */ private final Scorer countingSumScorer; /** The number of optionalScorers that need to match (if there are any) */ private final int minNrShouldMatch; private int doc = -1; /** * Creates a {@link Scorer} with the given similarity and lists of required, * prohibited and optional scorers. In no required scorers are added, at least * one of the optional scorers will have to match during the search. * * @param similarity * The similarity to be used. * @param minNrShouldMatch * The minimum number of optional added scorers that should match * during the search. In case no required scorers are added, at least * one of the optional scorers will have to match during the search. * @param required * the list of required scorers. * @param prohibited * the list of prohibited scorers. * @param optional * the list of optional scorers. */ public BooleanScorer2(Similarity similarity, int minNrShouldMatch, List<Scorer> required, List<Scorer> prohibited, List<Scorer> optional) throws IOException { super(similarity); if (minNrShouldMatch < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Minimum number of optional scorers should not be negative"); } coordinator = new Coordinator(); this.minNrShouldMatch = minNrShouldMatch; optionalScorers = optional; coordinator.maxCoord += optional.size(); requiredScorers = required; coordinator.maxCoord += required.size(); prohibitedScorers = prohibited; coordinator.init(); countingSumScorer = makeCountingSumScorer(); } /** Count a scorer as a single match. */ private class SingleMatchScorer extends Scorer { private Scorer scorer; private int lastScoredDoc = -1; // Save the score of lastScoredDoc, so that we don't compute it more than // once in score(). private float lastDocScore = Float.NaN; SingleMatchScorer(Scorer scorer) { super(scorer.getSimilarity()); this.scorer = scorer; } @Override public float score() throws IOException { int doc = docID(); if (doc >= lastScoredDoc) { if (doc > lastScoredDoc) { lastDocScore = scorer.score(); lastScoredDoc = doc; } coordinator.nrMatchers++; } return lastDocScore; } @Override public int docID() { return scorer.docID(); } @Override public int nextDoc() throws IOException { return scorer.nextDoc(); } @Override public int advance(int target) throws IOException { return scorer.advance(target); } } private Scorer countingDisjunctionSumScorer(final List<Scorer> scorers, int minNrShouldMatch) throws IOException { // each scorer from the list counted as a single matcher return new DisjunctionSumScorer(scorers, minNrShouldMatch) { private int lastScoredDoc = -1; // Save the score of lastScoredDoc, so that we don't compute it more than // once in score(). private float lastDocScore = Float.NaN; @Override public float score() throws IOException { int doc = docID(); if (doc >= lastScoredDoc) { if (doc > lastScoredDoc) { lastDocScore = super.score(); lastScoredDoc = doc; } coordinator.nrMatchers += super.nrMatchers; } return lastDocScore; } }; } private static final Similarity defaultSimilarity = Similarity.getDefault(); private Scorer countingConjunctionSumScorer(List<Scorer> requiredScorers) throws IOException { // each scorer from the list counted as a single matcher final int requiredNrMatchers = requiredScorers.size(); return new ConjunctionScorer(defaultSimilarity, requiredScorers) { private int lastScoredDoc = -1; // Save the score of lastScoredDoc, so that we don't compute it more than // once in score(). private float lastDocScore = Float.NaN; @Override public float score() throws IOException { int doc = docID(); if (doc >= lastScoredDoc) { if (doc > lastScoredDoc) { lastDocScore = super.score(); lastScoredDoc = doc; } coordinator.nrMatchers += requiredNrMatchers; } // All scorers match, so defaultSimilarity super.score() always has 1 as // the coordination factor. // Therefore the sum of the scores of the requiredScorers // is used as score. return lastDocScore; } }; } private Scorer dualConjunctionSumScorer(Scorer req1, Scorer req2) throws IOException { // non counting. return new ConjunctionScorer(defaultSimilarity, new Scorer[]{req1, req2}); // All scorers match, so defaultSimilarity always has 1 as // the coordination factor. // Therefore the sum of the scores of two scorers // is used as score. } /** Returns the scorer to be used for match counting and score summing. * Uses requiredScorers, optionalScorers and prohibitedScorers. */ private Scorer makeCountingSumScorer() throws IOException { // each scorer counted as a single matcher return (requiredScorers.size() == 0) ? makeCountingSumScorerNoReq() : makeCountingSumScorerSomeReq(); } private Scorer makeCountingSumScorerNoReq() throws IOException { // No required scorers // minNrShouldMatch optional scorers are required, but at least 1 int nrOptRequired = (minNrShouldMatch < 1) ? 1 : minNrShouldMatch; Scorer requiredCountingSumScorer; if (optionalScorers.size() > nrOptRequired) requiredCountingSumScorer = countingDisjunctionSumScorer(optionalScorers, nrOptRequired); else if (optionalScorers.size() == 1) requiredCountingSumScorer = new SingleMatchScorer(optionalScorers.get(0)); else requiredCountingSumScorer = countingConjunctionSumScorer(optionalScorers); return addProhibitedScorers(requiredCountingSumScorer); } private Scorer makeCountingSumScorerSomeReq() throws IOException { // At least one required scorer. if (optionalScorers.size() == minNrShouldMatch) { // all optional scorers also required. ArrayList<Scorer> allReq = new ArrayList<Scorer>(requiredScorers); allReq.addAll(optionalScorers); return addProhibitedScorers(countingConjunctionSumScorer(allReq)); } else { // optionalScorers.size() > minNrShouldMatch, and at least one required scorer Scorer requiredCountingSumScorer = requiredScorers.size() == 1 ? new SingleMatchScorer(requiredScorers.get(0)) : countingConjunctionSumScorer(requiredScorers); if (minNrShouldMatch > 0) { // use a required disjunction scorer over the optional scorers return addProhibitedScorers( dualConjunctionSumScorer( // non counting requiredCountingSumScorer, countingDisjunctionSumScorer( optionalScorers, minNrShouldMatch))); } else { // minNrShouldMatch == 0 return new ReqOptSumScorer( addProhibitedScorers(requiredCountingSumScorer), optionalScorers.size() == 1 ? new SingleMatchScorer(optionalScorers.get(0)) // require 1 in combined, optional scorer. : countingDisjunctionSumScorer(optionalScorers, 1)); } } } /** Returns the scorer to be used for match counting and score summing. * Uses the given required scorer and the prohibitedScorers. * @param requiredCountingSumScorer A required scorer already built. */ private Scorer addProhibitedScorers(Scorer requiredCountingSumScorer) throws IOException { return (prohibitedScorers.size() == 0) ? requiredCountingSumScorer // no prohibited : new ReqExclScorer(requiredCountingSumScorer, ((prohibitedScorers.size() == 1) ? prohibitedScorers.get(0) : new DisjunctionSumScorer(prohibitedScorers))); } /** Scores and collects all matching documents. * @param collector The collector to which all matching documents are passed through. */ @Override public void score(Collector collector) throws IOException { collector.setScorer(this); while ((doc = countingSumScorer.nextDoc()) != NO_MORE_DOCS) { collector.collect(doc); } } @Override protected boolean score(Collector collector, int max, int firstDocID) throws IOException { doc = firstDocID; collector.setScorer(this); while (doc < max) { collector.collect(doc); doc = countingSumScorer.nextDoc(); } return doc != NO_MORE_DOCS; } @Override public int docID() { return doc; } @Override public int nextDoc() throws IOException { return doc = countingSumScorer.nextDoc(); } @Override public float score() throws IOException { coordinator.nrMatchers = 0; float sum = countingSumScorer.score(); return sum * coordinator.coordFactors[coordinator.nrMatchers]; } @Override public int advance(int target) throws IOException { return doc = countingSumScorer.advance(target); } }