package; /** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import java.util.Random; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.WhitespaceAnalyzer; import org.apache.lucene.document.Document; import org.apache.lucene.document.Field; import org.apache.lucene.document.NumericField; import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriter; import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriter.MaxFieldLength; import org.apache.lucene.index.Term; import; import org.apache.lucene.util.LuceneTestCase; import org.apache.lucene.util.NumericUtils; public class TestNumericRangeQuery32 extends LuceneTestCase { // distance of entries private static final int distance = 6666; // shift the starting of the values to the left, to also have negative values: private static final int startOffset = - 1 << 15; // number of docs to generate for testing private static final int noDocs = 10000; private static final RAMDirectory directory; private static final IndexSearcher searcher; static { try { // set the theoretical maximum term count for 8bit (see docs for the number) BooleanQuery.setMaxClauseCount(3*255*2 + 255); directory = new RAMDirectory(); IndexWriter writer = new IndexWriter(directory, new WhitespaceAnalyzer(), true, MaxFieldLength.UNLIMITED); NumericField field8 = new NumericField("field8", 8, Field.Store.YES, true), field4 = new NumericField("field4", 4, Field.Store.YES, true), field2 = new NumericField("field2", 2, Field.Store.YES, true), fieldNoTrie = new NumericField("field"+Integer.MAX_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE, Field.Store.YES, true), ascfield8 = new NumericField("ascfield8", 8, Field.Store.NO, true), ascfield4 = new NumericField("ascfield4", 4, Field.Store.NO, true), ascfield2 = new NumericField("ascfield2", 2, Field.Store.NO, true); Document doc = new Document(); // add fields, that have a distance to test general functionality doc.add(field8); doc.add(field4); doc.add(field2); doc.add(fieldNoTrie); // add ascending fields with a distance of 1, beginning at -noDocs/2 to test the correct splitting of range and inclusive/exclusive doc.add(ascfield8); doc.add(ascfield4); doc.add(ascfield2); // Add a series of noDocs docs with increasing int values for (int l=0; l<noDocs; l++) { int val=distance*l+startOffset; field8.setIntValue(val); field4.setIntValue(val); field2.setIntValue(val); fieldNoTrie.setIntValue(val); val=l-(noDocs/2); ascfield8.setIntValue(val); ascfield4.setIntValue(val); ascfield2.setIntValue(val); writer.addDocument(doc); } writer.optimize(); writer.close(); searcher=new IndexSearcher(directory, true); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Error(e); } } /** test for both constant score and boolean query, the other tests only use the constant score mode */ private void testRange(int precisionStep) throws Exception { String field="field"+precisionStep; int count=3000; int lower=(distance*3/2)+startOffset, upper=lower + count*distance + (distance/3); NumericRangeQuery<Integer> q = NumericRangeQuery.newIntRange(field, precisionStep, lower, upper, true, true); NumericRangeFilter<Integer> f = NumericRangeFilter.newIntRange(field, precisionStep, lower, upper, true, true); int lastTerms = 0; for (byte i=0; i<3; i++) { TopDocs topDocs; int terms; String type; q.clearTotalNumberOfTerms(); f.clearTotalNumberOfTerms(); switch (i) { case 0: type = " (constant score filter rewrite)"; q.setRewriteMethod(MultiTermQuery.CONSTANT_SCORE_FILTER_REWRITE); topDocs =, null, noDocs, Sort.INDEXORDER); terms = q.getTotalNumberOfTerms(); break; case 1: type = " (constant score boolean rewrite)"; q.setRewriteMethod(MultiTermQuery.CONSTANT_SCORE_BOOLEAN_QUERY_REWRITE); topDocs =, null, noDocs, Sort.INDEXORDER); terms = q.getTotalNumberOfTerms(); break; case 2: type = " (filter)"; topDocs = MatchAllDocsQuery(), f, noDocs, Sort.INDEXORDER); terms = f.getTotalNumberOfTerms(); break; default: return; } System.out.println("Found "+terms+" distinct terms in range for field '"+field+"'"+type+"."); ScoreDoc[] sd = topDocs.scoreDocs; assertNotNull(sd); assertEquals("Score doc count"+type, count, sd.length ); Document doc=searcher.doc(sd[0].doc); assertEquals("First doc"+type, 2*distance+startOffset, Integer.parseInt(doc.get(field)) ); doc=searcher.doc(sd[sd.length-1].doc); assertEquals("Last doc"+type, (1+count)*distance+startOffset, Integer.parseInt(doc.get(field)) ); if (i>0) { assertEquals("Distinct term number is equal for all query types", lastTerms, terms); } lastTerms = terms; } } public void testRange_8bit() throws Exception { testRange(8); } public void testRange_4bit() throws Exception { testRange(4); } public void testRange_2bit() throws Exception { testRange(2); } public void testInverseRange() throws Exception { NumericRangeFilter<Integer> f = NumericRangeFilter.newIntRange("field8", 8, 1000, -1000, true, true); assertSame("A inverse range should return the EMPTY_DOCIDSET instance", DocIdSet.EMPTY_DOCIDSET, f.getDocIdSet(searcher.getIndexReader())); f = NumericRangeFilter.newIntRange("field8", 8, Integer.MAX_VALUE, null, false, false); assertSame("A exclusive range starting with Integer.MAX_VALUE should return the EMPTY_DOCIDSET instance", DocIdSet.EMPTY_DOCIDSET, f.getDocIdSet(searcher.getIndexReader())); f = NumericRangeFilter.newIntRange("field8", 8, null, Integer.MIN_VALUE, false, false); assertSame("A exclusive range ending with Integer.MIN_VALUE should return the EMPTY_DOCIDSET instance", DocIdSet.EMPTY_DOCIDSET, f.getDocIdSet(searcher.getIndexReader())); } public void testOneMatchQuery() throws Exception { NumericRangeQuery<Integer> q = NumericRangeQuery.newIntRange("ascfield8", 8, 1000, 1000, true, true); assertSame(MultiTermQuery.CONSTANT_SCORE_BOOLEAN_QUERY_REWRITE, q.getRewriteMethod()); TopDocs topDocs =, noDocs); ScoreDoc[] sd = topDocs.scoreDocs; assertNotNull(sd); assertEquals("Score doc count", 1, sd.length ); } private void testLeftOpenRange(int precisionStep) throws Exception { String field="field"+precisionStep; int count=3000; int upper=(count-1)*distance + (distance/3) + startOffset; NumericRangeQuery<Integer> q=NumericRangeQuery.newIntRange(field, precisionStep, null, upper, true, true); TopDocs topDocs =, null, noDocs, Sort.INDEXORDER); System.out.println("Found "+q.getTotalNumberOfTerms()+" distinct terms in left open range for field '"+field+"'."); ScoreDoc[] sd = topDocs.scoreDocs; assertNotNull(sd); assertEquals("Score doc count", count, sd.length ); Document doc=searcher.doc(sd[0].doc); assertEquals("First doc", startOffset, Integer.parseInt(doc.get(field)) ); doc=searcher.doc(sd[sd.length-1].doc); assertEquals("Last doc", (count-1)*distance+startOffset, Integer.parseInt(doc.get(field)) ); } public void testLeftOpenRange_8bit() throws Exception { testLeftOpenRange(8); } public void testLeftOpenRange_4bit() throws Exception { testLeftOpenRange(4); } public void testLeftOpenRange_2bit() throws Exception { testLeftOpenRange(2); } private void testRightOpenRange(int precisionStep) throws Exception { String field="field"+precisionStep; int count=3000; int lower=(count-1)*distance + (distance/3) +startOffset; NumericRangeQuery<Integer> q=NumericRangeQuery.newIntRange(field, precisionStep, lower, null, true, true); TopDocs topDocs =, null, noDocs, Sort.INDEXORDER); System.out.println("Found "+q.getTotalNumberOfTerms()+" distinct terms in right open range for field '"+field+"'."); ScoreDoc[] sd = topDocs.scoreDocs; assertNotNull(sd); assertEquals("Score doc count", noDocs-count, sd.length ); Document doc=searcher.doc(sd[0].doc); assertEquals("First doc", count*distance+startOffset, Integer.parseInt(doc.get(field)) ); doc=searcher.doc(sd[sd.length-1].doc); assertEquals("Last doc", (noDocs-1)*distance+startOffset, Integer.parseInt(doc.get(field)) ); } public void testRightOpenRange_8bit() throws Exception { testRightOpenRange(8); } public void testRightOpenRange_4bit() throws Exception { testRightOpenRange(4); } public void testRightOpenRange_2bit() throws Exception { testRightOpenRange(2); } private void testRandomTrieAndClassicRangeQuery(int precisionStep) throws Exception { final Random rnd=newRandom(); String field="field"+precisionStep; int termCountT=0,termCountC=0; for (int i=0; i<50; i++) { int lower=(int)(rnd.nextDouble()*noDocs*distance)+startOffset; int upper=(int)(rnd.nextDouble()*noDocs*distance)+startOffset; if (lower>upper) { int a=lower; lower=upper; upper=a; } // test inclusive range NumericRangeQuery<Integer> tq=NumericRangeQuery.newIntRange(field, precisionStep, lower, upper, true, true); TermRangeQuery cq=new TermRangeQuery(field, NumericUtils.intToPrefixCoded(lower), NumericUtils.intToPrefixCoded(upper), true, true); TopDocs tTopDocs =, 1); TopDocs cTopDocs =, 1); assertEquals("Returned count for NumericRangeQuery and TermRangeQuery must be equal", cTopDocs.totalHits, tTopDocs.totalHits ); termCountT += tq.getTotalNumberOfTerms(); termCountC += cq.getTotalNumberOfTerms(); // test exclusive range tq=NumericRangeQuery.newIntRange(field, precisionStep, lower, upper, false, false); cq=new TermRangeQuery(field, NumericUtils.intToPrefixCoded(lower), NumericUtils.intToPrefixCoded(upper), false, false); tTopDocs =, 1); cTopDocs =, 1); assertEquals("Returned count for NumericRangeQuery and TermRangeQuery must be equal", cTopDocs.totalHits, tTopDocs.totalHits ); termCountT += tq.getTotalNumberOfTerms(); termCountC += cq.getTotalNumberOfTerms(); // test left exclusive range tq=NumericRangeQuery.newIntRange(field, precisionStep, lower, upper, false, true); cq=new TermRangeQuery(field, NumericUtils.intToPrefixCoded(lower), NumericUtils.intToPrefixCoded(upper), false, true); tTopDocs =, 1); cTopDocs =, 1); assertEquals("Returned count for NumericRangeQuery and TermRangeQuery must be equal", cTopDocs.totalHits, tTopDocs.totalHits ); termCountT += tq.getTotalNumberOfTerms(); termCountC += cq.getTotalNumberOfTerms(); // test right exclusive range tq=NumericRangeQuery.newIntRange(field, precisionStep, lower, upper, true, false); cq=new TermRangeQuery(field, NumericUtils.intToPrefixCoded(lower), NumericUtils.intToPrefixCoded(upper), true, false); tTopDocs =, 1); cTopDocs =, 1); assertEquals("Returned count for NumericRangeQuery and TermRangeQuery must be equal", cTopDocs.totalHits, tTopDocs.totalHits ); termCountT += tq.getTotalNumberOfTerms(); termCountC += cq.getTotalNumberOfTerms(); } if (precisionStep == Integer.MAX_VALUE) { assertEquals("Total number of terms should be equal for unlimited precStep", termCountT, termCountC); } else { System.out.println("Average number of terms during random search on '" + field + "':"); System.out.println(" Trie query: " + (((double)termCountT)/(50*4))); System.out.println(" Classical query: " + (((double)termCountC)/(50*4))); } } public void testRandomTrieAndClassicRangeQuery_8bit() throws Exception { testRandomTrieAndClassicRangeQuery(8); } public void testRandomTrieAndClassicRangeQuery_4bit() throws Exception { testRandomTrieAndClassicRangeQuery(4); } public void testRandomTrieAndClassicRangeQuery_2bit() throws Exception { testRandomTrieAndClassicRangeQuery(2); } public void testRandomTrieAndClassicRangeQuery_NoTrie() throws Exception { testRandomTrieAndClassicRangeQuery(Integer.MAX_VALUE); } private void testRangeSplit(int precisionStep) throws Exception { final Random rnd=newRandom(); String field="ascfield"+precisionStep; // 50 random tests for (int i=0; i<50; i++) { int lower=(int)(rnd.nextDouble()*noDocs - noDocs/2); int upper=(int)(rnd.nextDouble()*noDocs - noDocs/2); if (lower>upper) { int a=lower; lower=upper; upper=a; } // test inclusive range Query tq=NumericRangeQuery.newIntRange(field, precisionStep, lower, upper, true, true); TopDocs tTopDocs =, 1); assertEquals("Returned count of range query must be equal to inclusive range length", upper-lower+1, tTopDocs.totalHits ); // test exclusive range tq=NumericRangeQuery.newIntRange(field, precisionStep, lower, upper, false, false); tTopDocs =, 1); assertEquals("Returned count of range query must be equal to exclusive range length", Math.max(upper-lower-1, 0), tTopDocs.totalHits ); // test left exclusive range tq=NumericRangeQuery.newIntRange(field, precisionStep, lower, upper, false, true); tTopDocs =, 1); assertEquals("Returned count of range query must be equal to half exclusive range length", upper-lower, tTopDocs.totalHits ); // test right exclusive range tq=NumericRangeQuery.newIntRange(field, precisionStep, lower, upper, true, false); tTopDocs =, 1); assertEquals("Returned count of range query must be equal to half exclusive range length", upper-lower, tTopDocs.totalHits ); } } public void testRangeSplit_8bit() throws Exception { testRangeSplit(8); } public void testRangeSplit_4bit() throws Exception { testRangeSplit(4); } public void testRangeSplit_2bit() throws Exception { testRangeSplit(2); } /** we fake a float test using int2float conversion of NumericUtils */ private void testFloatRange(int precisionStep) throws Exception { final String field="ascfield"+precisionStep; final int lower=-1000, upper=+2000; Query tq=NumericRangeQuery.newFloatRange(field, precisionStep, NumericUtils.sortableIntToFloat(lower), NumericUtils.sortableIntToFloat(upper), true, true); TopDocs tTopDocs =, 1); assertEquals("Returned count of range query must be equal to inclusive range length", upper-lower+1, tTopDocs.totalHits ); Filter tf=NumericRangeFilter.newFloatRange(field, precisionStep, NumericUtils.sortableIntToFloat(lower), NumericUtils.sortableIntToFloat(upper), true, true); tTopDocs = MatchAllDocsQuery(), tf, 1); assertEquals("Returned count of range filter must be equal to inclusive range length", upper-lower+1, tTopDocs.totalHits ); } public void testFloatRange_8bit() throws Exception { testFloatRange(8); } public void testFloatRange_4bit() throws Exception { testFloatRange(4); } public void testFloatRange_2bit() throws Exception { testFloatRange(2); } private void testSorting(int precisionStep) throws Exception { final Random rnd=newRandom(); String field="field"+precisionStep; // 10 random tests, the index order is ascending, // so using a reverse sort field should retun descending documents for (int i=0; i<10; i++) { int lower=(int)(rnd.nextDouble()*noDocs*distance)+startOffset; int upper=(int)(rnd.nextDouble()*noDocs*distance)+startOffset; if (lower>upper) { int a=lower; lower=upper; upper=a; } Query tq=NumericRangeQuery.newIntRange(field, precisionStep, lower, upper, true, true); TopDocs topDocs =, null, noDocs, new Sort(new SortField(field, SortField.INT, true))); if (topDocs.totalHits==0) continue; ScoreDoc[] sd = topDocs.scoreDocs; assertNotNull(sd); int last=Integer.parseInt(searcher.doc(sd[0].doc).get(field)); for (int j=1; j<sd.length; j++) { int act=Integer.parseInt(searcher.doc(sd[j].doc).get(field)); assertTrue("Docs should be sorted backwards", last>act ); last=act; } } } public void testSorting_8bit() throws Exception { testSorting(8); } public void testSorting_4bit() throws Exception { testSorting(4); } public void testSorting_2bit() throws Exception { testSorting(2); } public void testEqualsAndHash() throws Exception { QueryUtils.checkHashEquals(NumericRangeQuery.newIntRange("test1", 4, 10, 20, true, true)); QueryUtils.checkHashEquals(NumericRangeQuery.newIntRange("test2", 4, 10, 20, false, true)); QueryUtils.checkHashEquals(NumericRangeQuery.newIntRange("test3", 4, 10, 20, true, false)); QueryUtils.checkHashEquals(NumericRangeQuery.newIntRange("test4", 4, 10, 20, false, false)); QueryUtils.checkHashEquals(NumericRangeQuery.newIntRange("test5", 4, 10, null, true, true)); QueryUtils.checkHashEquals(NumericRangeQuery.newIntRange("test6", 4, null, 20, true, true)); QueryUtils.checkHashEquals(NumericRangeQuery.newIntRange("test7", 4, null, null, true, true)); QueryUtils.checkEqual( NumericRangeQuery.newIntRange("test8", 4, 10, 20, true, true), NumericRangeQuery.newIntRange("test8", 4, 10, 20, true, true) ); QueryUtils.checkUnequal( NumericRangeQuery.newIntRange("test9", 4, 10, 20, true, true), NumericRangeQuery.newIntRange("test9", 8, 10, 20, true, true) ); QueryUtils.checkUnequal( NumericRangeQuery.newIntRange("test10a", 4, 10, 20, true, true), NumericRangeQuery.newIntRange("test10b", 4, 10, 20, true, true) ); QueryUtils.checkUnequal( NumericRangeQuery.newIntRange("test11", 4, 10, 20, true, true), NumericRangeQuery.newIntRange("test11", 4, 20, 10, true, true) ); QueryUtils.checkUnequal( NumericRangeQuery.newIntRange("test12", 4, 10, 20, true, true), NumericRangeQuery.newIntRange("test12", 4, 10, 20, false, true) ); QueryUtils.checkUnequal( NumericRangeQuery.newIntRange("test13", 4, 10, 20, true, true), NumericRangeQuery.newFloatRange("test13", 4, 10f, 20f, true, true) ); // the following produces a hash collision, because Long and Integer have the same hashcode, so only test equality: Query q1 = NumericRangeQuery.newIntRange("test14", 4, 10, 20, true, true); Query q2 = NumericRangeQuery.newLongRange("test14", 4, 10L, 20L, true, true); assertFalse(q1.equals(q2)); assertFalse(q2.equals(q1)); } private void testEnum(int lower, int upper) throws Exception { NumericRangeQuery<Integer> q = NumericRangeQuery.newIntRange("field4", 4, lower, upper, true, true); FilteredTermEnum termEnum = q.getEnum(searcher.getIndexReader()); try { int count = 0; do { final Term t = termEnum.term(); if (t != null) { final int val = NumericUtils.prefixCodedToInt(t.text()); assertTrue("value not in bounds", val >= lower && val <= upper); count++; } else break; } while (; assertFalse(; System.out.println("TermEnum on 'field4' for range [" + lower + "," + upper + "] contained " + count + " terms."); } finally { termEnum.close(); } } public void testEnum() throws Exception { int count=3000; int lower=(distance*3/2)+startOffset, upper=lower + count*distance + (distance/3); // test enum with values testEnum(lower, upper); // test empty enum testEnum(upper, lower); // test empty enum outside of bounds lower = distance*noDocs+startOffset; upper = 2 * lower; testEnum(lower, upper); } }