package; import; import; import; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Vector; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class MyID3v2Write implements MyID3v2Constants { private final int id3v2_version = 3; private byte[] getHeaderFooter(int body_length, boolean is_footer) throws ID3WriteException { byte result[] = new byte[10]; int index = 0; if (is_footer) { result[index++] = 0x33; // 3 result[index++] = 0x44; // D result[index++] = 0x49; // I } else { result[index++] = 0x49; // I result[index++] = 0x44; // D result[index++] = 0x33; // 3 } if (id3v2_version == 4) result[index++] = 0x04; // version else if (id3v2_version == 3) result[index++] = 0x03; // version else throw new ID3WriteException("id3v2_version: " + id3v2_version); result[index++] = 0x00; int flags = 0; // charles if (id3v2_version == 4) flags |= HEADER_FLAG_ID3v24_FOOTER_PRESENT; else if (id3v2_version == 3) { } else throw new ID3WriteException("id3v2_version: " + id3v2_version); result[index++] = (byte) flags; writeSynchSafeInt(result, index, body_length); return result; } private final void writeSynchSafeInt(byte bytes[], int start, int value) throws ID3WriteException { bytes[start + 3] = (byte) (value & 0x7f); value >>= 7; bytes[start + 2] = (byte) (value & 0x7f); value >>= 7; bytes[start + 1] = (byte) (value & 0x7f); value >>= 7; bytes[start + 0] = (byte) (value & 0x7f); value >>= 7; if (value != 0) throw new ID3WriteException("Value to large for synch safe int: " + value); } private ID3v2OutputFrame toFrame(String longFrameID, Number frameOrder, String value1, String value2) throws UnsupportedEncodingException, IOException { if (longFrameID.startsWith("T")) { return toFrameText(longFrameID, frameOrder, value1, value2); } else if (longFrameID.equals("COMM")) { return toFrameCOMM(longFrameID, frameOrder, value1); } else { // TODO: should we throw an exception here? Debug.debug(); Debug.debug("frame_type.long_id", longFrameID); Debug.debug("not text"); Debug.dumpStack(); return null; } } private static boolean canEncodeStringInISO(String s) throws UnsupportedEncodingException { byte bytes[] = s.getBytes(CHAR_ENCODING_ISO); String check1 = new String(bytes, CHAR_ENCODING_ISO); return check1.equals(s); } private static byte[] encodeString(String s, boolean use_iso) throws UnsupportedEncodingException, IOException { if (use_iso) return s.getBytes(CHAR_ENCODING_ISO); else { byte bytes[] = s.getBytes(CHAR_ENCODING_UTF_16); // Windows Media Player can't handle UTF-16, big-endian. // switch to UTF-16, little-endian. if (((0xff & bytes[0]) == 0xFE) && ((0xff & bytes[1]) == 0xFF)) { // manually switch UTF 16 byte order for (int i = 0; i < bytes.length; i += 2) { byte temp = bytes[i]; bytes[i] = bytes[i + 1]; bytes[i + 1] = temp; } } return bytes; } } // TODO: convert Object params to String params. private static ID3v2OutputFrame toFrameText(String longFrameID, Number frameOrder, String value1, String value2) throws UnsupportedEncodingException, IOException { boolean use_iso = canEncodeStringInISO(value1); if (value2 != null) use_iso &= canEncodeStringInISO(value2); int char_encoding_code = use_iso ? CHAR_ENCODING_CODE_ISO_8859_1 : CHAR_ENCODING_CODE_UTF_16_WITH_BOM; // : CHAR_ENCODING_CODE_UTF_8; byte string_1_bytes[] = encodeString(value1, use_iso); byte string_2_bytes[] = null; if (value2 != null) string_2_bytes = encodeString(value2, use_iso); // Debug.debug("use_iso", use_iso); // Debug.debug("string_1_bytes", string_1_bytes); // Debug.debug("s2", s2); // int frame_length = kFRAME_HEADER_LENGTH + string_bytes.length + 1; int result_length = string_1_bytes.length + 1; if (string_2_bytes != null) result_length += string_2_bytes.length + 1; byte result[] = new byte[result_length]; int index = 0; result[index++] = (byte) char_encoding_code; System.arraycopy(string_1_bytes, 0, result, index, string_1_bytes.length); index += string_1_bytes.length; if (string_2_bytes != null) { result[index++] = (byte) char_encoding_code; System.arraycopy(string_2_bytes, 0, result, index, string_2_bytes.length); } return new ID3v2OutputFrame(longFrameID, frameOrder, result); } private static ID3v2OutputFrame toFrameImage(String longFrameID, Number frameOrder, ImageData imageData) // byte imageData[], String mimeType, String description, // int pictureType) throws UnsupportedEncodingException, IOException { ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); boolean use_iso = canEncodeStringInISO(imageData.description); int char_encoding_code = use_iso ? CHAR_ENCODING_CODE_ISO_8859_1 : CHAR_ENCODING_CODE_UTF_16_WITH_BOM; baos.write(char_encoding_code); byte mimeTypeBytes[] = encodeString(imageData.mimeType, true); // Debug.debug("mimeType", mimeType); // Debug.debug("mimeTypeBytes", mimeTypeBytes); baos.write(mimeTypeBytes); baos.write(0); baos.write(0xff & imageData.pictureType); byte descriptionBytes[] = encodeString(imageData.description, use_iso); baos.write(descriptionBytes); // Debug.debug("description", description); // Debug.debug("descriptionBytes", descriptionBytes); baos.write(0); baos.write(imageData.imageData); byte frameBytes[] = baos.toByteArray(); // Debug.debug("frameBytes", frameBytes); return new ID3v2OutputFrame(longFrameID, frameOrder, frameBytes); } private static class FrameFactory implements IFrameFactory { public ID3v2OutputFrame createUserTextFrame(String value1, String value2) throws UnsupportedEncodingException, IOException { ID3FrameType frameType = ID3FrameType.USERTEXT; String longFrameID = frameType.longID; Number frameOrder = frameType.getFrameOrder(); return toFrameText(longFrameID, frameOrder, value1, value2); } public ID3v2OutputFrame createCommentFrame(String value) throws UnsupportedEncodingException, IOException { ID3FrameType frameType = ID3FrameType.COMMENT; String longFrameID = frameType.longID; Number frameOrder = frameType.getFrameOrder(); return toFrameCOMM(longFrameID, frameOrder, value); } public ID3v2OutputFrame createPictureFrame(ImageData imageData) throws UnsupportedEncodingException, IOException { ID3FrameType frameType = ID3FrameType.PICTURE; String longFrameID = frameType.longID; Number frameOrder = frameType.getFrameOrder(); return toFrameImage(longFrameID, frameOrder, imageData); } public ID3v2OutputFrame createTextFrame(ID3FrameType frameType, String value) throws UnsupportedEncodingException, IOException { return createTextFrame(frameType, value, null); } public ID3v2OutputFrame createTextFrame(ID3FrameType frameType, String value1, String value2) throws UnsupportedEncodingException, IOException { String longFrameID = frameType.longID; Number frameOrder = frameType.getFrameOrder(); return toFrameText(longFrameID, frameOrder, value1, value2); } } // TODO: convert Object params to String params. private static ID3v2OutputFrame toFrameCOMM(String longFrameID, Number frameOrder, String value) throws UnsupportedEncodingException, IOException { String s; if (value instanceof String) s = (String) value; else { Debug .debug("Bad value ", value + " (" + Debug.getType(value) + ")"); Debug.dumpStack(); return null; } boolean use_iso = canEncodeStringInISO(s); int char_encoding_code = use_iso ? CHAR_ENCODING_CODE_ISO_8859_1 : CHAR_ENCODING_CODE_UTF_16_WITH_BOM; // : CHAR_ENCODING_CODE_UTF_8; byte string_bytes[] = encodeString(s, use_iso); // int frame_length = kFRAME_HEADER_LENGTH + string_bytes.length + 1; int result_length = string_bytes.length + 1 + 3 + 1; byte result[] = new byte[result_length]; int index = 0; result[index++] = (byte) char_encoding_code; result[index++] = (byte) 0; // language result[index++] = (byte) 0; // language result[index++] = (byte) 0; // language // summary result[index++] = (byte) 0; // divider System.arraycopy(string_bytes, 0, result, index, string_bytes.length); return new ID3v2OutputFrame(longFrameID, frameOrder, result); } private List toFrames(MyID3Listener listener, boolean strict, IMusicMetadata metadata) throws UnsupportedEncodingException, IOException, ID3WriteException { // make a local copy. metadata = new MusicMetadata(metadata); IFrameFactory frameFactory = new FrameFactory(); return ID3v2FrameTranslation.translateMetadataToFrames(listener, strict, metadata, frameFactory); } private static final Comparator FRAME_SORTER = new Comparator() { public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) { ID3v2OutputFrame f1 = (ID3v2OutputFrame) o1; ID3v2OutputFrame f2 = (ID3v2OutputFrame) o2; int fo1 = f1.frameOrder.intValue(); int fo2 = f2.frameOrder.intValue(); if (fo1 != fo2) return fo1 - fo2; return f1.longFrameID.compareTo(f2.longFrameID); } }; public interface Filter { public boolean filter(String frameid); } private byte[] writeFrames(Filter filter, List frames) throws ID3WriteException, IOException { ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); Collections.sort(frames, FRAME_SORTER); for (int i = 0; i < frames.size(); i++) { ID3v2OutputFrame frame = (ID3v2OutputFrame) frames.get(i); String frame_id = frame.longFrameID; if (frame_id.length() != 4) throw new ID3WriteException("frame_id has bad length: " + frame_id + " (" + frame_id.length() + ")"); if (filter != null && filter.filter(frame_id)) { continue; } // baos.write(frame_id ); baos.write((byte) frame_id.charAt(0)); baos.write((byte) frame_id.charAt(1)); baos.write((byte) frame_id.charAt(2)); baos.write((byte) frame_id.charAt(3)); int length = frame.bytes.length; if (id3v2_version == 4) { baos.write((byte) (0x7f & (length >> 21))); baos.write((byte) (0x7f & (length >> 14))); baos.write((byte) (0x7f & (length >> 7))); baos.write((byte) (0x7f & (length))); } else if (id3v2_version == 3) { baos.write((byte) (0xff & (length >> 24))); baos.write((byte) (0xff & (length >> 16))); baos.write((byte) (0xff & (length >> 8))); baos.write((byte) (0xff & (length))); } else throw new ID3WriteException("id3v2_version: " + id3v2_version); // int flags = frame.flags; int flags = 0; if (id3v2_version == 4) { if (frame.flags.getTagAlterPreservation()) flags |= FRAME_FLAG_ID3v24_TAG_ALTER_PRESERVATION; if (frame.flags.getFileAlterPreservation()) flags |= FRAME_FLAG_ID3v24_FILE_ALTER_PRESERVATION; if (frame.flags.getReadOnly()) flags |= FRAME_FLAG_ID3v24_READ_ONLY; if (frame.flags.getGroupingIdentity()) flags |= FRAME_FLAG_ID3v24_GROUPING_IDENTITY; if (frame.flags.getCompression()) flags |= FRAME_FLAG_ID3v24_COMPRESSION; if (frame.flags.getEncryption()) flags |= FRAME_FLAG_ID3v24_ENCRYPTION; if (frame.flags.getUnsynchronisation()) flags |= FRAME_FLAG_ID3v24_UNSYNCHRONISATION; if (frame.flags.getDataLengthIndicator()) flags |= FRAME_FLAG_ID3v24_DATA_LENGTH_INDICATOR; } else if (id3v2_version == 3) { if (frame.flags.getTagAlterPreservation()) flags |= FRAME_FLAG_ID3v23_TAG_ALTER_PRESERVATION; if (frame.flags.getFileAlterPreservation()) flags |= FRAME_FLAG_ID3v23_FILE_ALTER_PRESERVATION; if (frame.flags.getReadOnly()) flags |= FRAME_FLAG_ID3v23_READ_ONLY; if (frame.flags.getGroupingIdentity()) flags |= FRAME_FLAG_ID3v23_GROUPING_IDENTITY; if (frame.flags.getCompression()) flags |= FRAME_FLAG_ID3v23_COMPRESSION; if (frame.flags.getEncryption()) flags |= FRAME_FLAG_ID3v23_ENCRYPTION; } else throw new ID3WriteException("id3v2_version: " + id3v2_version); baos.write((byte) (0xff & (flags >> 8))); baos.write((byte) (0xff & (flags))); baos.write(frame.bytes); } return baos.toByteArray(); } private void checkTags(MyID3Listener listener, MusicMetadataSet set, List frames, boolean strict) throws UnsupportedEncodingException, IOException, ID3WriteException { if (set == null || set.id3v2Raw == null) return; Vector old_frames = set.id3v2Raw.frames; if (old_frames == null) return; Vector new_frame_ids = new Vector(); for (int i = 0; i < frames.size(); i++) { ID3v2OutputFrame frame = (ID3v2OutputFrame) frames.get(i); new_frame_ids.add(frame.longFrameID); } Vector final_frame_ids = new Vector(new_frame_ids); for (int i = 0; i < old_frames.size(); i++) { MyID3v2Frame oldFrame = (MyID3v2Frame) old_frames.get(i); String longFrameID; Number frameOrder; { ID3FrameType frame_type = ID3FrameType.get(oldFrame.frameID); if (frame_type != null) { longFrameID = frame_type.longID; frameOrder = frame_type.getFrameOrder(); } else if (oldFrame.frameID.length() == 4) { longFrameID = oldFrame.frameID; frameOrder = ID3FrameType.DEFAULT_FRAME_ORDER; } else { if (strict) throw new ID3WriteException("unknown frame type: " + oldFrame.frameID); else if (null != listener) { listener.log("unknown frame type", oldFrame.frameID); listener.log("unknown old_tag", oldFrame); listener.log(Debug.getStackTrace()); } continue; } } if (new_frame_ids.contains(longFrameID)) continue; if (null != listener) listener.log("adding missing frame", longFrameID); if (oldFrame instanceof MyID3v2FrameText) { MyID3v2FrameText text_frame = (MyID3v2FrameText) oldFrame; // ID3FrameType frame_type = // ID3FrameType.get(old_frame.frame_id); if (null != listener) { listener.log("text_frame", text_frame); listener.log("frame_type", longFrameID); } ID3v2OutputFrame frame = toFrame(longFrameID, frameOrder, text_frame.value, text_frame.value2); if (frame != null) { frames.add(frame); final_frame_ids.add(frame.longFrameID); } else { if (strict) throw new ID3WriteException("Couldn't write frame: " + longFrameID); else if (null != listener) { listener.log("Couldn't write frame", longFrameID); listener.log(Debug.getStackTrace()); } } } else if (oldFrame instanceof MyID3v2FrameImage) { MyID3v2FrameImage imageFrame = (MyID3v2FrameImage) oldFrame; if (null != listener) { listener.log("imageFrame", imageFrame); listener.log("frame_type", longFrameID); } ID3v2OutputFrame frame = toFrameImage(longFrameID, frameOrder, imageFrame.getImageData()); frames.add(frame); final_frame_ids.add(frame.longFrameID); } else { MyID3v2FrameData data = (MyID3v2FrameData) oldFrame; if (data.flags.getTagAlterPreservation()) continue; // if(data.flags.getTagAlterPreservation()) // continue; if (data.frameID.length() == 4) { // if(data.flags.getCompression() || // data.flags.getUnsynchronisation() || ) // int flags = data.flags.flags; ID3v2OutputFrame frame = new ID3v2OutputFrame(data.frameID, data.dataBytes, data.flags); frames.add(frame); final_frame_ids.add(frame.longFrameID); continue; } if (strict) throw new ID3WriteException( "Couldn't preserve data frame: " + data.frameID); else if (null != listener) { listener.log("Couldn't preserve data frame", data.frameID); listener.log(Debug.getStackTrace()); } } // if() } // Debug.debug("final_frame_ids", final_frame_ids); } public byte[] toTag(MyID3Listener listener, MusicMetadataSet set, IMusicMetadata values, boolean strict) throws Exception { return toTag(listener, null, set, values, strict); } public byte[] toTag(MyID3Listener listener, Filter filter, MusicMetadataSet set, IMusicMetadata values, boolean strict) throws UnsupportedEncodingException, IOException, ID3WriteException { // Debug.debug("raw values ", values); List frames = toFrames(listener, strict, values); // Debug.debug("raw frames", frames); checkTags(listener, set, frames, strict); if (null != listener) { for (int i = 0; i < frames.size(); i++) { ID3v2OutputFrame frame = (ID3v2OutputFrame) frames.get(i); listener.log("frame", frame.longFrameID); } } // Debug.debug("checked frames", frames); byte frame_bytes[] = writeFrames(filter, frames); // Debug.debug("frame_bytes", frame_bytes); byte extended_header[] = {}; byte padding[] = {}; int body_length = extended_header.length + frame_bytes.length + padding.length; byte header[] = getHeaderFooter(body_length, false); // Debug.debug("body_length", body_length); // Debug.debug("header", header); byte footer[]; if (id3v2_version == 4) footer = getHeaderFooter(body_length, true); else if (id3v2_version == 3) footer = null; else throw new ID3WriteException("id3v2_version: " + id3v2_version); // Debug.debug("footer", footer); int resultLength = header.length + extended_header.length + frame_bytes.length + padding.length; if (footer != null) resultLength += footer.length; byte result[] = new byte[resultLength]; int index = 0; System.arraycopy(header, 0, result, index, header.length); index += header.length; System.arraycopy(frame_bytes, 0, result, index, frame_bytes.length); if (footer != null) { index += frame_bytes.length; System.arraycopy(footer, 0, result, index, footer.length); } // index += footer.length; return result; } }