package; import squeek.applecore.api.AppleCoreAPI; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer; import net.minecraft.item.ItemFood; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraft.util.FoodStats; import net.minecraftforge.common.MinecraftForge; import cpw.mods.fml.common.eventhandler.Cancelable; import cpw.mods.fml.common.eventhandler.Event; import static cpw.mods.fml.common.eventhandler.Event.HasResult; /** * Base class for all FoodEvent events.<br> * <br> * All children of this event are fired on the {@link MinecraftForge#EVENT_BUS}. */ public abstract class FoodEvent extends Event { /** * Fired every time food values are retrieved to allow player-independent control over their values. * * This event is fired in {@link FoodStats#func_151686_a(ItemFood, ItemStack)} and in {@link AppleCoreAPI}.<br> * <br> * {@link #foodValues} contains the values of the {@link #food}.<br> * {@link #unmodifiedFoodValues} contains the food values of the {@link #food} before the GetFoodValues event was fired.<br> * {@link #food} contains the food in question.<br> * <br> * This event is not {@link Cancelable}.<br> * <br> * This event does not have a result. {@link HasResult}<br> */ public static class GetFoodValues extends FoodEvent { public FoodValues foodValues; public final FoodValues unmodifiedFoodValues; public final ItemStack food; public GetFoodValues(ItemStack itemStack, FoodValues foodValues) { = itemStack; this.foodValues = foodValues; this.unmodifiedFoodValues = foodValues; } } /** * Fired every time food values are retrieved to allow player-dependent control over their values. * This event will always be preceded by {@link GetFoodValues} being fired. * * This event is fired in {@link FoodStats#func_151686_a(ItemFood, ItemStack)} and in {@link AppleCoreAPI}.<br> * <br> * {@link #player} contains the player.<br> * {@link #foodValues} contains the values of the {@link #food}.<br> * {@link #unmodifiedFoodValues} contains the food values of the {@link #food} before the GetFoodValues event was fired.<br> * {@link #food} contains the food in question.<br> * <br> * This event is not {@link Cancelable}.<br> * <br> * This event does not have a result. {@link HasResult}<br> */ public static class GetPlayerFoodValues extends FoodEvent { public FoodValues foodValues; public final FoodValues unmodifiedFoodValues; public final ItemStack food; public final EntityPlayer player; public GetPlayerFoodValues(EntityPlayer player, ItemStack itemStack, FoodValues foodValues) { this.player = player; = itemStack; this.foodValues = foodValues; this.unmodifiedFoodValues = foodValues; } } /** * Fired after {@link FoodStats#addStats}, containing the effects and context for the food that was eaten. * * This event is fired in {@link FoodStats#func_151686_a(ItemFood, ItemStack)}.<br> * <br> * This event is not {@link Cancelable}.<br> * <br> * This event does not have a result. {@link HasResult}<br> */ public static class FoodEaten extends FoodEvent { public final FoodValues foodValues; public final int hungerAdded; public final float saturationAdded; public final ItemStack food; public final EntityPlayer player; public FoodEaten(EntityPlayer player, ItemStack itemStack, FoodValues foodValues, int hungerAdded, float saturationAdded) { this.player = player; = itemStack; this.foodValues = foodValues; this.hungerAdded = hungerAdded; this.saturationAdded = saturationAdded; } } /** * Fired when hunger/saturation is added to a player's FoodStats. * * This event is fired in {@link FoodStats#addStats(int, float)}.<br> * <br> * This event is {@link Cancelable}.<br> * If this event is canceled, the hunger and saturation of the FoodStats will not change.<br> * <br> * This event does not have a result. {@link HasResult}<br> */ @Cancelable public static class FoodStatsAddition extends FoodEvent { public final FoodValues foodValuesToBeAdded; public final EntityPlayer player; public FoodStatsAddition(EntityPlayer player, FoodValues foodValuesToBeAdded) { this.player = player; this.foodValuesToBeAdded = foodValuesToBeAdded; } } }