package bytecode.patchfile; import installer.ProgressDialog; import; import; import; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; public class PatchFile { // path -> list of alternative lists of hunks public Map<String, List<List<PatchHunk>>> hunks = new HashMap<>(); public static PatchFile load(BufferedReader in) throws IOException { String line; // one object for each patch in the file (from +++ to next +++) class PatchedFileInfo { List<String> patchLines = new LinkedList<String>(); // XXX Why LinkedList? Why are we iterating over this with .remove(0) until empty? int firstLineInPatchFileIndex; } List<PatchedFileInfo> splitLines = new ArrayList<>(); int currentLineInPatchFile = 0; PatchedFileInfo curPatch = null; while(true) { line = in.readLine(); currentLineInPatchFile++; if(line == null) break; if(line.startsWith("diff ")) continue; if(line.startsWith("---")) { curPatch = new PatchedFileInfo(); curPatch.firstLineInPatchFileIndex = currentLineInPatchFile; splitLines.add(curPatch); } if(curPatch == null) continue; curPatch.patchLines.add(line); } PatchFile pf = new PatchFile(); Pattern hunkHeaderPattern = Pattern.compile("@@ -([0-9]+)(,[0-9]+|) \\+([0-9]+)(,[0-9]+|) @@"); for(PatchedFileInfo pfi : splitLines) { List<String> patchLines = pfi.patchLines; String path = patchLines.remove(0).substring(3).trim().replace("\\","/"); if(!patchLines.get(0).startsWith("+++")) throw new IOException("corrupted patch file: --- not followed by +++ but by "+patchLines.get(0)); patchLines.remove(0); if(path.contains("\t")) path = path.substring(0, path.indexOf('\t')); // XXX Minecraft-specific if(path.startsWith("../src-base/")) path = path.substring(12); if(path.startsWith("minecraft/")) path = path.substring(10); currentLineInPatchFile = pfi.firstLineInPatchFileIndex + 1; List<PatchHunk> patchHunks = new ArrayList<>(); while(!patchLines.isEmpty()) { String header = patchLines.remove(0); currentLineInPatchFile++; Matcher headerMatcher = hunkHeaderPattern.matcher(header); PatchHunk h = new PatchHunk(); h.path = path; if(headerMatcher.matches()) { h.oldStart = Integer.parseInt(; if("")) h.oldCount = 1; else h.oldCount = Integer.parseInt(; h.newStart = Integer.parseInt(; if("")) h.newCount = 1; else h.newCount = Integer.parseInt(; } else throw new IOException("corrupted patch file: unparseable hunk header: "+header+" on line " + currentLineInPatchFile); while(h.oldLines.size() != h.oldCount || h.newLines.size() != h.newCount) { if(h.oldLines.size() > h.oldCount || h.newLines.size() > h.newCount) throw new IOException("corrupted patch file; line count mismatch, path is "+path); line = patchLines.remove(0); currentLineInPatchFile++; if(!line.startsWith("+")) h.oldLines.add(line.substring(1)); if(!line.startsWith("-")) h.newLines.add(line.substring(1)); } patchHunks.add(h); } //System.err.println(path); if(!pf.hunks.containsKey(path)) pf.hunks.put(path, new ArrayList<List<PatchHunk>>()); pf.hunks.get(path).add(patchHunks); } return pf; } public byte[] applyPatches(byte[] bytes, String path) { return applyPatches(bytes, path, null); } // TODO: streaming is even faster than this in-memory list shuffling algorithm. // See if we can remove this algorithm. Note that streaming requires an exactly applicable // patch; it can't search for context. public byte[] applyPatches(byte[] bytes, String path, ProgressDialog dlg) { if(!hunks.containsKey(path)) return bytes; // Split into lines, then trim \r (if we have Windows line endings). // This uses one less copy of the input than the previous .replace("\r\n", "\n").split("\n") method. List<String> lines = Arrays.asList(new String(bytes, StandardCharsets.UTF_8).split("\n")); for(int k = 0; k < lines.size(); k++) { String line = lines.get(k); if(line.endsWith("\r")) lines.set(k, line.substring(0, line.length() - 1)); } // Measured time for the installer bytecode patching: // 0.99s using applyPatchesStreaming instead // 3.29s with this and TreeList // 39.1s with this and ArrayList // Over 5 minutes (after which I stopped waiting) with this and LinkedList (since it does not support efficient random access) lines = new TreeList<>(lines); List<List<PatchHunk>> alternatives = hunks.get(path); if(alternatives.size() == 1) { if(dlg != null) dlg.initProgressBar(0, alternatives.get(0).size()); for(PatchHunk hunk : alternatives.get(0)) try { if(dlg != null) dlg.incrementProgress(1); hunk.apply(lines); } catch(RuntimeException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed patching hunk -"+hunk.oldStart+","+hunk.oldCount, e); } } else { boolean anyOK = false; RuntimeException lastException = null; ArrayList<String> origLines = new ArrayList<>(lines); alternatives: for(List<PatchHunk> alternative : alternatives) { lines.clear(); lines.addAll(origLines); for(PatchHunk hunk : alternative) try { hunk.apply(lines); } catch(RuntimeException e) { lastException = new RuntimeException("Failed patching hunk -"+hunk.oldStart+","+hunk.oldCount, e); continue alternatives; } anyOK = true; break; } if(!anyOK) throw lastException; } StringBuilder rv = new StringBuilder(); for(String l : lines) { rv.append(l); rv.append('\n'); } return rv.toString().getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8); } public void applyPatchesStreaming(BufferedReader in, PrintWriter out, String path, ProgressDialog dlg) throws IOException { List<PatchHunk> hunks; { List<List<PatchHunk>> alternatives = this.hunks.get(path); if(alternatives == null || alternatives.size() == 0) throw new RuntimeException("no hunks for "+path); if(alternatives.size() != 1) throw new RuntimeException("can't try alternative patches when streaming (for "+path+")"); hunks = alternatives.get(0); } if(dlg != null) dlg.initProgressBar(0, hunks.size()); StreamingPatchContext ctx = new StreamingPatchContext(in, out); for(PatchHunk hunk : hunks) try { if(dlg != null) dlg.incrementProgress(1); hunk.applyStreaming(ctx); } catch(RuntimeException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed patching hunk -"+hunk.oldStart+","+hunk.oldCount, e); } ctx.skipRestOfFile(); } }