package net.minecraft.launchwrapper; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.AbstractMap; import java.util.AbstractSet; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.jar.Manifest; import org.objectweb.asm.ClassReader; import org.objectweb.asm.ClassWriter; /** * This class is specified by Mojang's launchwrapper. * * Note: This ClassLoader <b>must</b> define packages and code sources, or some mods * will crash. * Also note: packages must be defined before transformers are called. * The CodeSource URL is the URL to the actual class file, not the JAR or directory. * The URL for packages is the JAR or directory. */ public class LaunchClassLoader extends URLClassLoader { private ArrayList<URL> sources; private List<URL> sources_unmod; private List<String> classloaderExclusions = new ArrayList<String>(20); private List<String> transformerExclusions = new ArrayList<String>(20); private ArrayList<IClassTransformer> transformers = new ArrayList<IClassTransformer>(0); private ClassLoader parent; private File debugDir = Boolean.getBoolean("mcforkage.classloaderDebug") ? new File("CLASSLOADER_DEBUG") : null; { if(debugDir != null) debugDir.mkdirs(); } // XXX BACKCOMPAT with logisticspipes.asm.LogisticsPipesClassInjector private Map<String, byte[]> resourceCache = new HashMap<String, byte[]>(); // XXX BACKCOMPAT with codechicken.core.asm.DelegatedTransformer @SuppressWarnings("unused") private Map<String, Class<?>> cachedClasses = new AbstractMap<String, Class<?>>() { public Class<?> put(String key, Class<?> value) { return null; } @Override public Set<Map.Entry<String, Class<?>>> entrySet() { return Collections.emptySet(); } }; /** * Constructs a LaunchClassLoader which will initially load from the specified URLs. * (See {@link URLClassLoader}) * * @param urls An array of the URLs to load classes from. */ public LaunchClassLoader(URL[] urls) { super(urls, null); this.parent = LaunchClassLoader.class.getClassLoader(); sources = new ArrayList<URL>(urls.length); for(URL url : urls) sources.add(url); sources.trimToSize(); sources_unmod = Collections.unmodifiableList(sources); addClassLoaderExclusion("net.minecraft.launchwrapper."); addClassLoaderExclusion("java."); addTransformerExclusion("org.objectweb.asm."); } /** * Creates a new instance of the class with the given name, * transformer with the given class name. * This method is specified by Mojang's launchwrapper. */ public void registerTransformer(String className) { addTransformerExclusion(className); IClassTransformer transformer; try { transformer = loadClass(className).asSubclass(IClassTransformer.class).newInstance(); } catch(Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to register transformer "+className, e); } transformers.add(transformer); transformers.trimToSize(); } /** * Adds a URL to load from. (See {@link URLClassLoader}) * * This method is specified by Mojang's launchwrapper. * * @param url The URL to add. */ public void addURL(URL url) { super.addURL(url); sources.add(url); sources.trimToSize(); } /** * Returns an unmodifiable list of the URLs being loaded from. * * This method is specified by Mojang's launchwrapper. * * @return A list of the URLs classes are being loaded from. */ public List<URL> getSources() { return sources_unmod; } /** * This method is specified by Mojang's launchwrapper. */ public List<IClassTransformer> getTransformers() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } /** * Adds the given prefix to the classloader exclusion list. * Any class that begins with a classloader exclusion prefix * will not be loaded through this classloader - they will * always be delegated to the parent. * * This method is specified by Mojang's launchwrapper. */ public void addClassLoaderExclusion(String prefix) { classloaderExclusions.add(prefix); } /** * Adds the given prefix to the transformer exclusion list. * Any class that begins with a transformer exclusion prefix * will not be transformed. * * This method is specified by Mojang's launchwrapper. */ public void addTransformerExclusion(String prefix) { transformerExclusions.add(prefix); } private static String getClassFileName(String className) { return className.replace('.','/').concat(".class"); } /** * This method is specified by Mojang's launchwrapper. * @throws IOException */ public byte[] getClassBytes(String className) throws IOException { String resname = getClassFileName(className); InputStream stream = getResourceAsStream(resname); if(stream == null) throw new IOException("Not found: "+resname); try { ByteArrayOutputStream temp = new ByteArrayOutputStream(stream.available()); byte[] buffer = new byte[4096]; while(true) { int nread =; if(nread <= 0) break; temp.write(buffer, 0, nread); } return temp.toByteArray(); } finally { stream.close(); } } /** * This method is specified by Mojang's launchwrapper. */ public void clearNegativeEntries(Set<String> entries) { //throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } /** * This method is specified by Mojang's launchwrapper. */ @Override public Class<?> findClass(String name) throws ClassNotFoundException { try { if(isClassLoaderExcluded(name)) return parent.loadClass(name); try { byte[] bytes; bytes = getClassBytes(name); String packageName; if(name.contains(".")) packageName = name.substring(0, name.lastIndexOf('.')); else packageName = ""; URL classURL = getResource(getClassFileName(name)); String classURLString = classURL.toString(); URL jarURL; if(classURLString.startsWith("jar:")) jarURL = new URL(classURLString.substring(4, classURLString.lastIndexOf('!'))); else jarURL = classURL; if(getPackage(packageName) == null) { definePackage(packageName, new Manifest(), jarURL); } if(!isTransformerExcluded(name)) bytes = getTransformedBytes(name, bytes); CodeSource codeSource = new CodeSource(jarURL, new CodeSigner[0]); return defineClass(name, bytes, 0, bytes.length, codeSource); } catch(Exception e) { throw new ClassNotFoundException(name, e); } catch(AssertionError e) { throw new ClassNotFoundException(name, e); } } catch(ClassNotFoundException e) { //e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } } private byte[] getTransformedBytes(String name, byte[] bytes) { if(debugDir != null) { int count = 0; debugDumpClass(count++, name, bytes, null); byte[] old = Arrays.copyOf(bytes, bytes.length); for(IClassTransformer ct : transformers) { bytes = ct.transform(name, name, bytes); if(!Arrays.equals(bytes, old)) { debugDumpClass(count, name, bytes, ct); old = Arrays.copyOf(bytes, bytes.length); } count++; } } else { for(IClassTransformer ct : transformers) bytes = ct.transform(name, name, bytes); } // return bytes; // XXX BACKCOMPAT: e.g. CoFH transforms net.minecraft.enchantment.Enchantment.func_92089_a // and exceeds the max stack size but doesn't update it. ClassWriter cw = new ClassWriter(ClassWriter.COMPUTE_MAXS); new ClassReader(bytes).accept(cw, 0); return cw.toByteArray(); } // XXX BACKCOMPAT with codechicken.multipart.asm.ASMMixinCompiler$ @SuppressWarnings("unused") private byte[] runTransformers(String a, String b, byte[] bytes) { for(IClassTransformer ct : transformers) bytes = ct.transform(a, b, bytes); return bytes; } // XXX BACKCOMPAT with codechicken.multipart.asm.ASMMixinCompiler$ @SuppressWarnings("unused") private Set<String> transformerExceptions = new AbstractSet<String>() { @Override public boolean add(String e) { return !contains(e) && transformerExclusions.add(e); } @Override public boolean remove(Object o) { if(!contains(o)) return false; while(transformerExclusions.remove(o)); return true; } @Override public Iterator<String> iterator() { return transformerExclusions.iterator(); } @Override public int size() { return transformerExclusions.size(); } }; private void debugDumpClass(int stageIndex, String className, byte[] bytes, IClassTransformer lastTransformer) { File dumpDir = new File(debugDir, className); if(!dumpDir.exists()) if(!dumpDir.mkdirs()) { new Exception("Failed to create "+dumpDir).printStackTrace(); return; } File dumpFile = new File(dumpDir, stageIndex+"-"+(lastTransformer == null ? "null" : lastTransformer.getClass().getName())); try { FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(dumpFile); try { out.write(bytes); } finally { out.close(); } } catch(IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } private boolean isClassLoaderExcluded(String name) { for(String s : classloaderExclusions) if(name.startsWith(s)) return true; return false; } private boolean isTransformerExcluded(String name) { for(String s : transformerExclusions) if(name.startsWith(s)) return true; return false; } }