package; import; import; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; public class McpCleanup { public static final Pattern COMMENTS_TRAILING = Pattern.compile("(?m)[ \\t]+$"); public static final Pattern COMMENTS_NEWLINES = Pattern.compile("(?m)^(?:\\r\\n|\\r|\\n){2,}"); public static String stripComments(String text) { StringReader in = new StringReader(text); StringWriter out = new StringWriter(text.length()); boolean inComment = false; boolean inString = false; char c; int ci; try { while ((ci = != -1) { c = (char) ci; switch (c) { case '\\': { out.write(c); out.write(;//Skip escaped chars break; } case '\"': { if (!inComment) { out.write(c); inString = !inString; } break; } case '\'': { if (!inComment) { out.write(c); out.write(; out.write(; } break; } case '*': { char c2 = (char); if (inComment && c2 == '/') { inComment = false; out.write(' ');//Allows int x = 3; int y = -/**/-x; to work } else { out.write(c); out.write(c2); } break; } case '/': { if (!inString) { char c2 = (char); switch (c2) { case '/': char c3 = 0; while (c3 != '\n' && c3 != '\r') { c3 = (char); } out.write(c3);//write newline break; case '*': inComment = true; break; default: out.write(c); out.write(c2); break; } } else { out.write(c); } break; } default: { if (!inComment) { out.write(c); } break; } } } out.close(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } text = out.toString(); text = COMMENTS_TRAILING.matcher(text).replaceAll(""); text = COMMENTS_NEWLINES.matcher(text).replaceAll("\n"); return text; } //--------------------------------------------- // CLEANUP REGEXES. //---------------------------------------------- public static final Pattern CLEANUP_header = Pattern.compile("^\\s+"); // Remove extra whitespace at start of file public static final Pattern CLEANUP_footer = Pattern.compile("\\s+$"); // Remove extra whitespace at end of file public static final Pattern CLEANUP_trailing = Pattern.compile("(?m)[ \\t]+$"); // Remove TRAILING whitespace public static final Pattern CLEANUP_package = Pattern.compile("(?m)^package ([\\w.]+);$"); // find package --- in quots since its a special word public static final Pattern CLEANUP_import = Pattern.compile("(?m)^import (?:([\\w.]*?)\\.)?(?:[\\w]+);(?:\\r\\n|\\r|\\n)"); // package and class. public static final Pattern CLEANUP_newlines = Pattern.compile("(?m)^\\s*(?:\\r\\n|\\r|\\n){2,}"); // remove repeated blank lines ?? JDT? public static final Pattern CLEANUP_ifstarts = Pattern.compile("(?m)(^(?![\\s{}]*$).+(?:\\r\\n|\\r|\\n))((?:[ \\t]+)if.*)"); // add new line before IF statements // close up blanks in code like: // { // // private public static final Pattern CLEANUP_blockstarts = Pattern.compile("(?m)(?<=\\{)\\s+(?=(?:\\r\\n|\\r|\\n)[ \\t]*\\S)"); // close up blanks in code like: // } // // } public static final Pattern CLEANUP_blockends = Pattern.compile("(?m)(?<=[;}])\\s+(?=(?:\\r\\n|\\r|\\n)\\s*})"); // Remove GL comments and surrounding whitespace public static final Pattern CLEANUP_gl = Pattern.compile("\\s*\\/\\*\\s*GL_[^*]+\\*\\/\\s*"); // convert unicode character constants back to integers public static final Pattern CLEANUP_unicode = Pattern.compile("'\\\\u([0-9a-fA-F]{4})'"); // strip out Character.valueof public static final Pattern CLEANUP_charval = Pattern.compile("Character\\.valueOf\\(('.')\\)"); // 1.7976...E+308D to Double.MAX_VALUE public static final Pattern CLEANUP_maxD = Pattern.compile("1\\.7976[0-9]*[Ee]\\+308[Dd]"); // 3.1415...D to Math.PI public static final Pattern CLEANUP_piD = Pattern.compile("3\\.1415[0-9]*[Dd]"); // 3.1415...F to (float)Math.PI public static final Pattern CLEANUP_piF = Pattern.compile("3\\.1415[0-9]*[Ff]"); // 6.2831...D to (Math.PI * 2D) public static final Pattern CLEANUP_2piD = Pattern.compile("6\\.2831[0-9]*[Dd]"); // 6.2831...F to ((float)Math.PI * 2F) public static final Pattern CLEANUP_2piF = Pattern.compile("6\\.2831[0-9]*[Ff]"); // 1.5707...D to (Math.PI / 2D) public static final Pattern CLEANUP_pi2D = Pattern.compile("1\\.5707[0-9]*[Dd]"); // 1.5707...F to ((float)Math.PI / 2F) public static final Pattern CLEANUP_pi2F = Pattern.compile("1\\.5707[0-9]*[Ff]"); // 4.7123...D to (Math.PI * 3D / 2D) public static final Pattern CLEANUP_3pi2D = Pattern.compile("4\\.7123[0-9]*[Dd]"); // 4.7123...F to ((float)Math.PI * 3F / 2F) public static final Pattern CLEANUP_3pi2F = Pattern.compile("4\\.7123[0-9]*[Ff]"); // 0.7853...D to (Math.PI / 4D) public static final Pattern CLEANUP_pi4D = Pattern.compile("0\\.7853[0-9]*[Dd]"); // 0.7853...F to ((float)Math.PI / 4F) public static final Pattern CLEANUP_pi4F = Pattern.compile("0\\.7853[0-9]*[Ff]"); // 0.6283...D to (Math.PI / 5D) public static final Pattern CLEANUP_pi5D = Pattern.compile("0\\.6283[0-9]*[Dd]"); // 0.6283...F to ((float)Math.PI / 5F) public static final Pattern CLEANUP_pi5F = Pattern.compile("0\\.6283[0-9]*[Ff]"); // 57.295...D to (180D / Math.PI) public static final Pattern CLEANUP_180piD = Pattern.compile("57\\.295[0-9]*[Dd]"); // 57.295...F to (180F / (float)Math.PI) public static final Pattern CLEANUP_180piF = Pattern.compile("57\\.295[0-9]*[Ff]"); // 0.6981...D to (Math.PI * 2D / 9D) public static final Pattern CLEANUP_2pi9D = Pattern.compile("0\\.6981[0-9]*[Dd]"); // 0.6981...F to ((float)Math.PI * 2F / 9F) public static final Pattern CLEANUP_2pi9F = Pattern.compile("0\\.6981[0-9]*[Ff]"); // 0.3141...D to (Math.PI / 10D) public static final Pattern CLEANUP_pi10D = Pattern.compile("0\\.3141[0-9]*[Dd]"); // 0.3141...F to ((float)Math.PI / 10F) public static final Pattern CLEANUP_pi10F = Pattern.compile("0\\.3141[0-9]*[Ff]"); // 1.2566...D to (Math.PI * 2D / 5D) public static final Pattern CLEANUP_2pi5D = Pattern.compile("1\\.2566[0-9]*[Dd]"); // 1.2566...F to ((float)Math.PI 2F / 5F) public static final Pattern CLEANUP_2pi5F = Pattern.compile("1\\.2566[0-9]*[Ff]"); // 0.21991...D to (Math.PI * 7D / 100D) public static final Pattern CLEANUP_7pi100D = Pattern.compile("0\\.21991[0-9]*[Dd]"); // 0.21991...F to ((float)Math.PI * 7F / 100F) public static final Pattern CLEANUP_7pi100F = Pattern.compile("0\\.21991[0-9]*[Ff]"); // 5.8119...D to (Math.PI * 185D / 100D) public static final Pattern CLEANUP_185pi100D = Pattern.compile("5\\.8119[0-9]*[Dd]"); // 5.8119...F to ((float)Math.PI * 185F / 100F) public static final Pattern CLEANUP_185pi100F = Pattern.compile("0\\.8119[0-9]*[Ff]"); public static String cleanup(String text) { // simple replacements text = CLEANUP_header.matcher(text).replaceAll(""); text = CLEANUP_footer.matcher(text).replaceAll(""); text = CLEANUP_trailing.matcher(text).replaceAll(""); text = CLEANUP_newlines.matcher(text).replaceAll("\n"); text = CLEANUP_ifstarts.matcher(text).replaceAll("$1\n$2"); text = CLEANUP_blockstarts.matcher(text).replaceAll(""); text = CLEANUP_blockends.matcher(text).replaceAll(""); text = CLEANUP_gl.matcher(text).replaceAll(""); text = CLEANUP_maxD.matcher(text).replaceAll("Double.MAX_VALUE"); // unicode chars { Matcher matcher = CLEANUP_unicode.matcher(text); int val; StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(text.length()); while (matcher.find()) { val = Integer.parseInt(, 16); // work around the replace('\u00a7', '$') call in MinecraftServer and a couple of '\u0000' if (val > 255) { matcher.appendReplacement(buffer, Matcher.quoteReplacement("" + val)); } } matcher.appendTail(buffer); text = buffer.toString(); } // charval.. its stupid. text = CLEANUP_charval.matcher(text).replaceAll("$1"); // TESTING NEEDED // pi? true text = CLEANUP_piD.matcher(text).replaceAll("Math.PI"); text = CLEANUP_piF.matcher(text).replaceAll("(float)Math.PI"); text = CLEANUP_2piD.matcher(text).replaceAll("(Math.PI * 2D)"); text = CLEANUP_2piF.matcher(text).replaceAll("((float)Math.PI * 2F)"); text = CLEANUP_pi2D.matcher(text).replaceAll("(Math.PI / 2D)"); text = CLEANUP_pi2F.matcher(text).replaceAll("((float)Math.PI / 2F)"); text = CLEANUP_3pi2D.matcher(text).replaceAll("(Math.PI * 3D / 2D)"); text = CLEANUP_3pi2F.matcher(text).replaceAll("((float)Math.PI * 3F / 2F)"); text = CLEANUP_pi4D.matcher(text).replaceAll("(Math.PI / 4D)"); text = CLEANUP_pi4F.matcher(text).replaceAll("((float)Math.PI / 4F)"); text = CLEANUP_pi5D.matcher(text).replaceAll("(Math.PI / 5D)"); text = CLEANUP_pi5F.matcher(text).replaceAll("((float)Math.PI / 5F)"); text = CLEANUP_180piD.matcher(text).replaceAll("(180D / Math.PI)"); text = CLEANUP_180piF.matcher(text).replaceAll("(180F / (float)Math.PI)"); text = CLEANUP_2pi9D.matcher(text).replaceAll("(Math.PI * 2D / 9D)"); text = CLEANUP_2pi9F.matcher(text).replaceAll("((float)Math.PI * 2F / 9F)"); text = CLEANUP_pi10D.matcher(text).replaceAll("(Math.PI / 10D)"); text = CLEANUP_pi10F.matcher(text).replaceAll("((float)Math.PI / 10F)"); text = CLEANUP_2pi5D.matcher(text).replaceAll("(Math.PI * 2D / 5D)"); text = CLEANUP_2pi5F.matcher(text).replaceAll("((float)Math.PI * 2F / 5F)"); text = CLEANUP_7pi100D.matcher(text).replaceAll("(Math.PI * 7D / 100D)"); text = CLEANUP_7pi100F.matcher(text).replaceAll("((float)Math.PI * 7F / 100F)"); text = CLEANUP_185pi100D.matcher(text).replaceAll("(Math.PI * 185D / 100D)"); text = CLEANUP_185pi100F.matcher(text).replaceAll("((float)Math.PI * 185F / 100F)"); return text; } /** * Ensures that no class imports stuff from the package its in. * * @param text * @return */ public static String fixImports(String text) { Matcher match = CLEANUP_package.matcher(text); if (match.find()) { String pack =; Matcher match2 = CLEANUP_import.matcher(text); while (match2.find()) { if ( { text = text.replace(, ""); } } } return text; } }