package; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; public class OptParser { public final ASFormatter formatter; /** * @param formatter The formatter to which the parsed options will apply. Options are parsed and applied immediately. */ public OptParser(ASFormatter formatter) { this.formatter = formatter; } /** * A method for no other reason than to help throw the exception. * This is used because its helps cut down boilerplate. * it is is used instead of chaining return statements for booleans, and many unnecessary ifs. * Options are parsed and applied immediately. * * @throws MalformedOptionException */ private static void error() throws MalformedOptionException { throw new MalformedOptionException(); } /* * TODO: MAKE THIS THE ACTUAL JAVADOC OF THE FILE. * Read jAstyle options from a file <br> * Read a file form the file system, it skips the lines that start with #<br> * <p/> * <pre> * A default options file may be used to set your favorite source style options. * The command line options have precedence. If there is a conflict between a command line option and an option * in the default options file, the command line option will be used. * Artistic Style looks for this file in the following locations (in order): * the file indicated by the --options= command line option; * the file and directory indicated by the environment variable ARTISTIC_STYLE_OPTIONS (if it exists); * This option file lookup can be disabled by specifying --options=none on the command line. * Options may be set apart by new-lines, tabs, commas, or spaces. * Long options in the options file may be written without the preceding '--'. * Lines within the options file that begin with '#' are considered line-comments. * Example of a default options file: * <em> * # this line is a comment * --brackets=attach # this is a line-end comment * # long options can be written without the preceding '--' * indent-switches # cannot do this on the command line * # short options must have the preceding '-' * -t -p * # short options can be concatenated together * -M65Ucv * </em> * </pre> * @param filename The name of the file that will be readed * @return * @throws IOException */ /** * Parses an Astyle Options file. * Unsupported, illegal, or malformed options will be logged and ignored. * Options are parsed and applied immediately. * * @param file Options file to parse. Extension is irrelevant. * @param log A logger to output stuff to. if this is null, the Global logger will be used. * @return A list of all the errored lines. Empty list if there were no errored lines. NULL if something went wrong reading the file. */ public ArrayList<String> parseOptionFile(File file) { try { ArrayList<String> errors = new ArrayList<String>(); BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file)); String line = reader.readLine(); while (line != null) { // comment or empty. if (!(line.isEmpty() || line.startsWith("#"))) { try { parseOption(line.trim()); } catch (MalformedOptionException ex) { errors.add(line); } } line = reader.readLine(); } reader.close(); return errors; } catch (Exception e) { // error? return null. return null; } } /** * @param opt This string is assumed to be starting with one or two hyphens. */ public void parseOption(final String opt) throws MalformedOptionException { // long option if (opt.startsWith("--")) { parseLongOption(opt.replaceFirst("[-]{2}", "")); } // only 1? short option else if (opt.startsWith("-")) { parseShortOption(opt.replaceFirst("[-]", "")); } // must be a long-option from the file. // if its a file path from the command line, itl be handled outside here, after this returns false. else { parseLongOption(opt); } } private void parseLongOption(String opt) throws MalformedOptionException { if (opt.startsWith("--")) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Trying to parse long option " + opt + " while it still cotnains a -"); } String temp; // Style checking if (opt.startsWith("style=")) { // 6 = length of "style=" temp = opt.substring(6); temp = temp.toUpperCase(); temp = temp.replace("&", ""); temp = temp.replace("/", ""); try { formatter.setFormattingStyle(EnumFormatStyle.valueOf(temp)); } catch (Exception e) { // no possible style. fail. error(); } } // indent checking else if (opt.startsWith("indent=")) { temp = opt.substring(7); // spaces. if (temp.startsWith("spaces")) { formatter.setSpaceIndentation(getLongOptNum(temp, 4)); } // tabs. else if (temp.startsWith("tab")) { formatter.setTabIndentation(getLongOptNum(temp, 4), false); } else if (temp.startsWith("force-tab")) { formatter.setTabIndentation(getLongOptNum(temp, 4), true); } } // indent type checking else if (opt.startsWith("indent-")) { temp = opt.substring(7); if (temp.equals("classes")) { formatter.setClassIndent(true); } else if (temp.equals("switches")) { formatter.setSwitchIndent(true); } else if (temp.equals("cases")) { formatter.setCaseIndent(true); } else if (temp.equals("blocks")) { formatter.setBlockIndent(true); } else if (temp.equals("brackets")) { formatter.setBracketIndent(true); } else if (temp.equals("namespaces")) { formatter.setNamespaceIndent(true); } else if (temp.equals("labels")) { formatter.setLabelIndent(true); } else if (temp.equals("preprocessor")) { formatter.setPreprocessorIndent(true); } } else if (opt.startsWith("max-instatement-indent=")) { formatter.setMaxInStatementIndentLength(getLongOptNum(opt, 40)); } else if (opt.startsWith("min-conditional-indent=")) { formatter.setMinConditionalIndentLength(getLongOptNum(opt, 8)); } // bracket checking else if (opt.startsWith("brackets=")) { temp = opt.substring(9); temp = temp.toUpperCase(); try { formatter.setBracketFormatMode(EnumBracketMode.valueOf(temp)); } catch (Exception e) { // no possible Bracket Format mode. fail. error(); } } // bracket checking else if (opt.startsWith("break-")) { temp = opt.substring(6); if (temp.startsWith("blocks")) { formatter.setBreakBlocksMode(true); if (temp.contains("=all")) { formatter.setBreakClosingHeaderBlocksMode(true); } } else if (temp.equals("closing-brackets")) { formatter.setBreakClosingHeaderBracketsMode(true); } else if (temp.equals("elseifs")) { formatter.setBreakElseIfsMode(true); } } // padding stuff else if (opt.startsWith("pad")) { temp = opt.substring(4); if (temp.equals("oper")) { formatter.setOperatorPaddingMode(true); } else if (temp.startsWith("paren")) { temp = temp.substring(5); if (temp.isEmpty()) { formatter.setParensOutsidePaddingMode(true); formatter.setParensInsidePaddingMode(true); } else if (temp.equals("out")) { formatter.setParensOutsidePaddingMode(true); } else if (temp.equals("in")) { formatter.setParensInsidePaddingMode(true); } else { error(); } } } else if (opt.equals("unpad-paren")) { formatter.setParensUnPaddingMode(true); } // source mode stuff else if (opt.startsWith("mode=")) { // 6 = length of "style=" temp = opt.substring(5); temp = temp.toUpperCase(); try { formatter.setSourceStyle(SourceMode.valueOf(temp)); } catch (Exception e) { // no possible style. fail. error(); } } // misc stuff. else if (opt.equals("delete-empty-lines")) { formatter.setDeleteEmptyLinesMode(true); } else if (opt.startsWith("keep-one-line")) { temp = opt.substring(13); if (temp.equals("statements")) { formatter.setSingleStatementsMode(false); } else if (temp.equals("blocks")) { formatter.setBreakOneLineBlocksMode(false); } else { error(); } } // suffix stuff else if (opt.startsWith("suffix=")) { temp = opt.substring(7); if (temp.equals("none")) { formatter.setSuffix(null); } else if (!temp.isEmpty()) { formatter.setSuffix(temp); } else { error(); } } else { error(); } } /** * This method is used to parse short options. Short options should be no less than 1 and no more than 5 characters long. * * @param opt Should not start with a hyphen. * @return */ private void parseShortOption(String opt) throws MalformedOptionException { if (opt.startsWith("-")) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Trying to parse short option " + opt + " while it still cotnains a -"); } char optStart = opt.charAt(0); String start = "" + optStart; int tempNum; switch (optStart) { // style stuff case 'A': tempNum = getShortOptNum(start, opt, 0); if (tempNum >= EnumFormatStyle.values().length || tempNum < 0) { error(); } formatter.setFormattingStyle(EnumFormatStyle.values()[tempNum]); break; // spaces case 's': formatter.setSpaceIndentation(getShortOptNum(start, opt, 4)); break; // tabs case 't': formatter.setTabIndentation(getShortOptNum(start, opt, 4), false); break; case 'T': formatter.setTabIndentation(getShortOptNum(start, opt, 4), true); break; // brackets case 'b': formatter.setBracketFormatMode(EnumBracketMode.BREAK); break; case 'a': formatter.setBracketFormatMode(EnumBracketMode.ATTACH); break; case 'l': formatter.setBracketFormatMode(EnumBracketMode.LINUX); break; case 'u': formatter.setBracketFormatMode(EnumBracketMode.STROUSTRUP); break; // other indent options case 'C': formatter.setClassIndent(true); break; case 'S': formatter.setSwitchIndent(true); break; case 'K': formatter.setCaseIndent(true); break; case 'G': formatter.setBlockIndent(true); break; case 'B': formatter.setBracketIndent(true); break; case 'N': formatter.setNamespaceIndent(true); break; case 'L': formatter.setLabelIndent(true); break; case 'w': formatter.setPreprocessorIndent(true); break; case 'M': formatter.setMaxInStatementIndentLength(getShortOptNum(start, opt, 40)); break; case 'm': formatter.setMinConditionalIndentLength(getShortOptNum(start, opt, 8)); break; // "break" options case 'f': formatter.setBreakBlocksMode(true); break; case 'F': formatter.setBreakBlocksMode(true); formatter.setBreakClosingHeaderBlocksMode(true); break; case 'y': formatter.setBreakClosingHeaderBracketsMode(true); break; case 'e': formatter.setBreakElseIfsMode(true); break; // X options. case 'x': if (opt.length() == 1) { formatter.setDeleteEmptyLinesMode(true); break; } // TODO: MORE OPTIONS STARTING IN X HERE else { error(); } // Parentheses and padding. case 'p': formatter.setOperatorPaddingMode(true); break; case 'P': formatter.setParensOutsidePaddingMode(true); formatter.setParensInsidePaddingMode(true); break; case 'd': formatter.setParensOutsidePaddingMode(true); break; case 'D': formatter.setParensInsidePaddingMode(true); break; case 'U': formatter.setParensUnPaddingMode(true); break; // misc stuff. case 'o': formatter.setSingleStatementsMode(false); break; case 'O': formatter.setBreakOneLineBlocksMode(false); break; // suffix case 'n': formatter.setSuffix(null); break; } // nothing else we can parse? throw de exception. error(); } /** * Parses a string matching pattern *=* and tries to convert the characters after the equal sign to an integer. * * @param str * @param the default number to return if there is no equal sign. * @return * @throws MalformedOptionException */ private int getLongOptNum(String str, int def) throws MalformedOptionException { if (str.contains("=")) { try { String[] split = str.split("="); return Integer.parseInt(split[1]); } catch (Exception e) { error(); } } return def; } /** * Parses a string matching pattern *# and tries to convert the # chars to a number given the * chars. * * @param start The section of the option occurring before the number. * @param str The entire option. * @param def The number to be returned if there is no number section. * @return * @throws MalformedOptionException */ private int getShortOptNum(String start, String str, int def) throws MalformedOptionException { if (!str.startsWith(start)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Param start must be the portion of param str before the number!"); } if (str.length() > start.length()) { try { return Integer.parseInt(str.substring(start.length())); } catch (Exception e) { error(); } } return def; } }