package decompsource; import; import; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import bytecode.BaseStreamingZipProcessor; public class FFPatcher extends BaseStreamingZipProcessor { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { if(!FFPatcher.class.getClassLoader().getResource("FFPatcher.class").toString().toLowerCase().contains("c:/users/alex/documents/minecraft/mcp/minecraftforkage/eclipse/buildtools/bin")) { throw new RuntimeException("CHECK LICENSE BEFORE RELEASE"); } System.err.println("This has code from ForgeGradle - CHECK LICENSE BEFORE RELEASE"); new FFPatcher().go(args); } @Override public boolean hasConfig() { return false; } @Override public void loadConfig(File file) throws Exception { } @Override protected boolean shouldProcess(String name) { return name.endsWith(".java"); } @Override protected byte[] process(byte[] in, String name) throws Exception { return processFile(name, new String(in, StandardCharsets.UTF_8)).getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8); } static final String MODIFIERS = "public|protected|private|static|abstract|final|native|synchronized|transient|volatile|strictfp"; private static final Pattern SYNTHETICS = Pattern.compile("(?m)(\\s*// \\$FF: (synthetic|bridge) method(\\r\\n|\\n|\\r)){1,2}\\s*(?<modifiers>(?:(?:" + MODIFIERS + ") )*)(?<return>.+?) (?<method>.+?)\\((?<arguments>.*)\\)\\s*\\{(\\r\\n|\\n|\\r)\\s*return this\\.(?<method2>.+?)\\((?<arguments2>.*)\\);(\\r\\n|\\n|\\r)\\s*\\}"); //private static final Pattern TYPECAST = Pattern.compile("\\([\\w\\.]+\\)"); // Remove TRAILING whitespace private static final String TRAILING = "(?m)[ \\t]+$"; //Remove repeated blank lines private static final String NEWLINES = "(?m)^(\\r\\n|\\r|\\n){2,}"; private static final String EMPTY_SUPER = "(?m)^[ \t]+super\\(\\);(\\r\\n|\\n|\\r)"; // strip TRAILING 0 from doubles and floats to fix decompile differences on OSX // 0.0010D => 0.001D // value, type private static final String TRAILINGZERO = "([0-9]+\\.[0-9]*[1-9])0+([DdFfEe])"; // new regexes private static final String CLASS_REGEX = "(?<modifiers>(?:(?:" + MODIFIERS + ") )*)(?<type>enum|class|interface) (?<name>[\\w$]+)(?: (extends|implements) (?:[\\w$.]+(?:, [\\w$.]+)*))* \\{"; private static final String ENUM_ENTRY_REGEX = "(?<name>[\\w$]+)\\(\"(?:[\\w$]+)\", [0-9]+(?:, (?<body>.*?))?\\)(?<end> *(?:;|,|\\{)$)"; private static final String CONSTRUCTOR_REGEX = "(?<modifiers>(?:(?:" + MODIFIERS + ") )*)%s\\((?<parameters>.*?)\\)(?<end>(?: throws (?<throws>[\\w$.]+(?:, [\\w$.]+)*))? *(?:\\{\\}| \\{))"; private static final String CONSTRUCTOR_CALL_REGEX = "(?<name>this|super)\\((?<body>.*?)\\)(?<end>;)"; private static final String VALUE_FIELD_REGEX = "private static final %s\\[\\] [$\\w\\d]+ = new %s\\[\\]\\{.*?\\};"; public static String processFile(String fileName, String text) throws IOException { StringBuffer out = new StringBuffer(); Matcher m = SYNTHETICS.matcher(text); while(m.find()) { m.appendReplacement(out, synthetic_replacement(m).replace("$", "\\$")); } m.appendTail(out); text = out.toString(); text = text.replaceAll(TRAILING, ""); text = text.replaceAll(TRAILINGZERO, "$1$2"); // Minecraft Forkage added text = text.replaceAll("super.field_([0-9]+)_([a-zA-Z0-9]+)", "this.field_$1_$2"); List<String> lines = new ArrayList<String>(); lines.addAll(Arrays.asList(text.split("\n"))); processClass(lines, "", 0, "", ""); // mutates the list { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for(String line : lines) { if(sb.length() > 0) sb.append('\n'); sb.append(line); } text = sb.toString(); } text = text.replaceAll(NEWLINES, "\n"); text = text.replaceAll(EMPTY_SUPER, ""); return text; } private static int processClass(List<String> lines, String indent, int startIndex, String qualifiedName, String simpleName) { Pattern classPattern = Pattern.compile(indent + CLASS_REGEX); for (int i = startIndex; i < lines.size(); i++) { String line = lines.get(i); // who knows..... if (line.isEmpty()) continue; // ignore packages and imports else if (line.startsWith("package") || line.startsWith("import")) continue; Matcher matcher = classPattern.matcher(line); // found a class! if (matcher.find()) { String newIndent; String classPath; if (qualifiedName == null || qualifiedName.isEmpty()) { classPath ="name"); newIndent = indent; } else { classPath = qualifiedName + "." +"name"); newIndent = indent+ " "; } // fund an enum class, parse it seperately if ("type").equals("enum")) processEnum(lines, newIndent, i+1, classPath,"name")); // nested class searching i = processClass(lines, newIndent, i+1, classPath,"name")); } // class has finished if (line.startsWith(indent + "}")) return i; } return 0; } private static void processEnum(List<String> lines, String indent, int startIndex, String qualifiedName, String simpleName) { String newIndent = indent + " "; Pattern enumEntry = Pattern.compile(newIndent + ENUM_ENTRY_REGEX); Pattern constructor = Pattern.compile(newIndent + String.format(CONSTRUCTOR_REGEX, simpleName)); Pattern constructorCall = Pattern.compile(newIndent + " " + CONSTRUCTOR_CALL_REGEX); String formatted = newIndent + String.format(VALUE_FIELD_REGEX, qualifiedName, qualifiedName); Pattern valueField = Pattern.compile(formatted); String newLine; boolean prevSynthetic = false; for (int i = startIndex; i < lines.size(); i++) { newLine = null; String line = lines.get(i); // find and replace enum entries Matcher matcher = enumEntry.matcher(line); if (matcher.find()) { String body ="body"); newLine = newIndent +"name"); if (body != null && !body.isEmpty()) { String[] args = body.split(", "); if (line.endsWith("{")) { if (args[args.length - 1].equals("null")) { args = Arrays.copyOf(args, args.length - 1); } } body = ""; for(String arg : args) { if(!body.isEmpty()) body += ", "; body += arg; } } if (body == null || body.isEmpty()) newLine +="end"); else newLine += "(" + body + ")" +"end"); } // find and replace constructor matcher = constructor.matcher(line); if (matcher.find()) { StringBuilder tmp = new StringBuilder(); tmp.append(newIndent).append("modifiers")).append(simpleName).append("("); String[] args ="parameters").split(", "); for(int x = 2; x < args.length; x++) tmp.append(args[x]).append(x < args.length - 1 ? ", " : ""); tmp.append(")"); tmp.append("end")); newLine = tmp.toString(); if (args.length <= 2 && newLine.endsWith("}")) newLine = ""; } // find constructor calls... matcher = constructorCall.matcher(line); if (matcher.find()) { String body ="body"); if (body != null && !body.isEmpty()) { String[] args = body.split(", "); args = Arrays.copyOfRange(args, 2, args.length); body = ""; for(String arg : args) { if(!body.isEmpty()) body += ", "; body += arg; } } newLine = newIndent + " " +"name") + "(" + body + ")" +"end"); } if (prevSynthetic) { matcher = valueField.matcher(line); if (matcher.find()) newLine = ""; } if (line.contains("// $FF: synthetic field")) { newLine = ""; prevSynthetic = true; } else prevSynthetic = false; if (newLine != null) lines.set(i, newLine); // class has finished. if (line.startsWith(indent + "}")) break; } } private static String synthetic_replacement(Matcher match) { //This is designed to remove all the synthetic/bridge methods that the compiler will just generate again //First off this only works on methods that bounce to methods that are named exactly alike. if (!"method").equals("method2"))) return; //Next, we normalize the arugment list, if the lists are the same then it's a simple bounce method. //MC's code strips generic information so the compiler doesn't know to regen typecast methods //Uncomment the two lines below if we ever inject generic info String arg1 ="arguments"); String arg2 ="arguments2"); //String arg1 = _REGEXP['typecast'].sub(r'','arguments')) //String arg2 = _REGEXP['typecast'].sub(r'','arguments2')) if (arg1.equals(arg2) && arg1.equals("")) return ""; String[] args ="arguments").split(", "); for (int x = 0; x < args.length; x++) args[x] = args[x].split(" ")[1]; StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); b.append(args[0]); for (int x = 1; x < args.length; x++) b.append(", ").append(args[x]); arg1 = b.toString(); if (arg1.equals(arg2)) return ""; return; } }