package org.jctools.queues.alt; import org.jctools.queues.spec.ConcurrentQueueSpec; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue; /** * The queue factory produces {@link ConcurrentQueue} instances based on a best fit to the {@link ConcurrentQueueSpec}. * This allows minimal dependencies between user code and the queue implementations and gives users a way to express * their requirements on a higher level. * * @author nitsanw * */ public class ConcurrentQueueFactory { public static <E> ConcurrentQueue<E> newQueue(ConcurrentQueueSpec qs) { if (qs.isBounded()) { // SPSC if (qs.consumers == 1 && qs.producers == 1) { return new SpscArrayConcurrentQueue<E>(qs.capacity); } else { return new MpmcArrayConcurrentQueue<E>(qs.capacity); } } return new GenericQueue<E>(); } // generic queue solution to fill gaps for now public final static class GenericQueue<E> extends ConcurrentLinkedQueue<E> implements ConcurrentQueue<E>, ConcurrentQueueConsumer<E>, ConcurrentQueueProducer<E> { private static final long serialVersionUID = -599236378503873292L; @Override public ConcurrentQueueConsumer<E> consumer() { return this; } @Override public ConcurrentQueueProducer<E> producer() { return this; } @Override public int capacity() { return Integer.MAX_VALUE; } @Override public int produce(ProducerFunction<E> producer, int batchSize) { E e; int i=0; for(;i<batchSize;i++) { e = producer.produce(); assert e != null; weakOffer(e); } return i; } @Override public int consume(ConsumerFunction<E> consumer, int batchSize) { E e; int i=0; for(;i<batchSize;i++) { if((e = weakPoll()) == null){ break; } consumer.consume(e); } return i; } @Override public boolean weakOffer(E e) { return offer(e); } @Override public E weakPoll() { return poll(); } @Override public E weakPeek() { return peek(); } } }